After breakfast, Claris takes her sister, Lingzi, and happily sits on the sofa.

"Did you sleep well last night, did you have a good breakfast, and were you full?"

"Good, good, sister, everything is good here, or warm, I am so happy."

"That's good. My sister is so happy."

"Sister, sister ~, I dreamt of my father and mother last night. They were still in the small room, getting up and down the bed, or a small table with four chairs. Everyone sat around to celebrate your first place in the exam. I was happy to wake up. It was so warm and it was the warmest dream in my life. I really want to stay awake, sister."

"Yes, dad and mom, we were very happy though we were poor then, weren't we?"

"Yes, sister, but now I am happy, because I have you and my sister. Our sisters will live together forever and never separate, sister?"

"Yes. That's right. Sister is so happy ~ happy ~ "

looking at the bright tears in each other's eyes, the sister flowers hold each other happily again.

"Sister ~ I ask you, don't be angry

"Sister, how can I be angry with you, fool, ask me ~"

"sister ~, yesterday you said Say I have a grudge against Zhuang nianfan and I want to kill him. It's What do you mean? Is there any misunderstanding about him? "

" I didn't misunderstand xiaolingzi. Because he killed your brother-in-law. I could have lived a more glorious life, but in a blink of an eye, I lost everything, and even became the tool of killing others. I can't swallow this breath! "

As he went to the window and looked far away, he shot out the fire. The tragic scene of her husband's death in the sea of fire reappeared.

Xiao Hui followed her and glared at her eyes and asked, "is it true, sister, why do you say that?"

"There is a reason, but I don't want to say more about it. Xiaolingzi, you just need to remember the hatred in your sister's heart. Besides, I must avenge my husband's murder. It's not so easy to let them go!"

Seeing that the ferocious Cloris is so aggressive, Xiao Hui is so scared that she almost falls to the ground. Claris held her up and laughed as if nothing had happened.

"OK, xiaolingzi, it has nothing to do with you. Don't worry about it or ask. If you hear any noise at night, don't come out to see it. When I finish this, I will take you away and live the happy life we want. "

"But elder sister, how can I ignore the Zhuangzi's kindness to me again?"

"Xiaolingzi, don't be so naive. For us, we are just giving alms. Do you believe everything in front of you is true? We are not surnamed Zhuang. Dalangwan has nothing to do with us. Only our sisters are close relatives and share the same blood. You are grateful that elder sister doesn't object, you never forget about them, and sister doesn't object, but xiaolingzi, as long as you keep silent, don't care about anything and don't ask. Did you write it down? "

"Sister, I still can't understand. It's not an ordinary family. Why do you get angry with your brother-in-law and kill them so seriously? "

Claris was asked a little guilty, did not know what to say for a moment, his mouth like a hot eggplant, faltering to open his mouth.

How do you say it? To be frank, your brother-in-law, who sells arms and drugs, kills countless people, and repeatedly conflicts with Zhuang nianfan in order to earn territory? So he deserved to be killed by Zhuang nianfan

Do you want to say that? Oh, My God! Can xiaolingzi accept it?

More seriously, can she accept herself? Will you still recognize yourself? Will you despise yourself and hate your ruthlessness? So easy to fall from the sky sister, do you want to lose it? She is her only relative in the world and the only warmth in her heart. My God, no, no, no, no, I can't be abandoned, and I don't want to lose it.

…… It seems that It can only be done in this way

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