Zhuang nianfan and his wife Guan Jingxian return to Hong Kong for the New Year!

Everyone dressed up to meet shenhuan. The village house was full of joy, and the voices were full of people. They were happy and warm.

After a busy introduction to each other, the old people murmured and chatted, the women chatted happily, and the children ran around freely, clamoring for candy and toys.

Young people in the temporary dance floor in the living room, with the music rhythm or slow shake or shock, swing posture to enjoy carnival, releasing the vitality and dynamic of youth.

Chuang nianfan, holding a pipe in his hand, looked at Chen Zhengliang affectionately and solemnly: "xiaoliangzi, don't always sit by my side. Go and meet new friends among the young people. Tell you, you must bring me a daughter-in-law today. Do you hear me? "Oh, no, I'll just sit here with you." Chen Zhengliang is very embarrassed at this time, as if he could not get the duck off the shelf by force.

"Ah fan is right. We are talking about the past, Chen sesame rotten millet, what do you have to listen to? "The third uncle drummed at the side:" little good son, filial piety is the first, no later is more important. Don't let ah fan worry about your life, ah ~ "

" go and go, you little girl, how can you live in the world? How to convince the public? "

"Well, I said, you are not physically disabled. Third brother, please show him. Why don't you love beautiful women when you are so angry? No, let Joshua give him a few injections, and then give him some small medicine to make his heart burn. "

uncle's words are reasonable or not, which makes Chen Zhengliang's face so red that he can't sit down.

Guan Jingxian took the opportunity to tighten his arm and advised, "look, there are many beautiful girls coming today. Come on, I'll introduce them to you."

“…… Come on, come on Come on, come on. "Seeing where he moved, Guan Jingxian was in a hurry.

"I also introduced it. I don't think so. Don't introduce me. Oh, by the way, if you look at adelain and ah Zhong, they are not small. Think about them, mummy. "Chen Zhengliang is weak and poor, but he doesn't want to move.

But without waiting for the voice to land, my brothers have been gone for a long time.

"Faster than a rabbit, blind date is not a tiger, stinky boy, really."

Guan Jingxian chuckled, and then locked in her powerful baby's eldest son, and advised, "Oh, little Liangzi, I don't know how to know whether it's suitable, right? You're almost thirty years old. You're not in a hurry. Besides, brothers, you're the oldest. If you don't set a good example, how can they obey each other? Do you want me to take care of all of you? It's not urgent to get sick. Come on, just take a look for Mommy, OK

"Yes ~" but he couldn't help it. The big guy had to stand up and be pulled away by Guan Jingxian.

And he always has a person who accompanies him like a shadow. This man is one of the men's model team members, mechanical warfare police - Liao Xiangzhong.

We all affectionately call him a Zhong. The mechanical police is my nickname for him, hee.

A Zhong always looks cold and cool, which makes girls fall in love with him.

Suddenly, there was a suppressed cry of surprise from the living room. It turned out that the girls were surprised and pleased to see the God walking towards them.

"Xiaoyi, come on, let me introduce Chen Zhengliang to you."

Zhuang nianfan suddenly remembered this important thing, looked at Chen Zhengliang's back, and led Yi Fan's cousin to come here slowly.

As he walked, he said with a smile: "Xiaoyi, you are not young. Do you have a girl you like? If you don't let aunt introduce you, you should be a family."

"Yes, you are right. I do have a goddess in my heart. It's just I haven't known each other for a long time, and I haven't confessed yet.

"Oh, yeah, that's great. Xiaoyi, you should seize the opportunity, don't let it go easily if you have a good view. You should master the initiative to fight hard, you know. Now there are not many good girls. It's like a meteor in the sky. It's a pity to miss it. "

"Also, remember to come home to have a meal and introduce it to us, so that aunt and I can rest assured. Do you know?" Zhuang nianfan kept teaching the method of chasing girls. He really didn't want him to be as worried as Chen Zhengliang. He didn't want to have two "monks" in his family.

"Yes, yes, if it's not possible, you should get on the boat first and then make up the ticket! Don't be embarrassed. It's all the same. I just did the following steps ahead of time. Love you is the hard truth, you know? " Uncle followed closely to add the main points, but also cunning smile.

"Yes, uncle uncle, I've all written it down." cousin Yifan nodded, and my twinkle and smile popped out of my mind.

Am I the goddess in his heart?

Will fate really arrange me to marry him?

I was a little dizzy and dazzled. Unexpectedly, sister Ning Xuan and may pulled me out of the wine tasting area and leaned against the wall and shook violently:

"Hey, hey, qiqiqi, look at that boy. He has been looking at us.""Ah, who is it?" I'm still shaking.

"Well, that's the boy standing under the pillar Wow, he's so handsome and charming. "Sister Ning Xuan was so anxious that she could point it out to me.

I glanced at the boy under the pillar from a distance: "that boy looks like a prince of England, handsome and charming, it's not bad. Oh, no, sister Ning Xuan, don't you like Jin Xiuxian? Why do you like such a boy in a different style? "

"Jin Xiuxian is not as realistic as he is. Wow, it's so perfect. What a handsome boy. "Sister Ning Xuan was so impressed. She held her little red face in her hands and looked happy, as if she was going to marry him tomorrow.

"Hello, Hello, I like that cool boy. What do you think?"

"Which one?" Sister Ning Xuan and I craned our necks and looked along the direction of May's fingers. As expected, we found a cool boy.

"Muscle man!"!!! Like Schwarzenegger! Isn't he cool! How do you like such a boy We were full of question marks and exaggerated expressions, which made her laugh.

"Is muscle man bad? There's a sense of security. When you meet a bad guy, you can punch him and make him look for his teeth Meilian said with a stroke, which made us giggle.

"Aren't you afraid he'll make you look for your teeth? You should think twice about what to do in the future. "Sister Ning Xuan pulled her hand and gave her intimate advice.

"Yes, yes," I echoed.

"We are husband and wife. He loves me. How can he do something to me.. I'll take him. " May shook her head and was elated. She was confident.

"Oh, I said you two are really. Do you want me to be a matchmaker for you. In the daytime, I'm crazy.

"Qiqi, do you have any favorite? Tell me."

"I like my cousin. I want to marry my cousin."

"Cut ~" I said the truth, but they shook their hands.

Sister Ning Xuan shook me again: "he is still watching us. Kiki, take a closer look

"OK! OK!" I had to raise my blurred eyes and look at it carefully. "Strange, why is that man's eyes so similar to those of Christopher and Joshua looking at me

"Is there something wrong with me? Make up? Or? Ah! Have you opened the thread? " Thinking of this, my heart pounded for a moment, so I grabbed my bag and ran to the bathroom.

Of course, their vision is the same, because one of them is melancholy Adele, the other is impatient ah Zhong.

They found me in the crowd unintentionally, but they were not sure. After all, I am happy and happy now, and I am different from the one who used to be frightened and sad. Therefore, they dare not recognize each other rashly for fear of causing unnecessary trouble.

Seeing me slip away, sister Ning Xuan asked in a loud voice, "where are you going?"

"Restroom!" I want to quickly check whether there is something wrong with myself, and at this time, Guan Jingxian has introduced Chen Zhengliang to this side.

"Little Liangzi, this beauty is Ning Xuan."

"Hello, nice to meet you."

"Me too. Nice to meet you."

Seeing that Chen Zhengliang and Ning Xuan don't call, Guan Jingxian is afraid to introduce the next one in a hurry.

"This is May. She is the apple of your uncle's eye. "

"Ah, may, hello. Nice to meet you."

"Yes, so do I

Well, they don't call either.

"Ning Xuan, where is Qiqi?" Guan Jingxian has no idea.

"Oh, she went to the bathroom, Mommy."

"Oh, well, come with me. I'll introduce you to the girls over there." Guan Jingxian takes Chen Zhengliang and walks to a group of girls nearby.

As soon as they turned to leave, I came out of the bathroom and went to sister Ning Xuan.

Sister Ning Xuan tightened my hand and whispered mysteriously in my ear: "Qiqi, you're back. Mommy just brought the big guy to know her and asked where you were going."

"Oh" I didn't take it to heart. May pulled me into the dance floor to dance rabbit dance.

I went to pull sister Ning Xuan again, and sister Ning Xuan pulled Ah Wei and ah Hao into the dance floor.

With the music, we jumped and jumped out of sweat.

When the music stopped, my uncle came to me: "Qiqi, please go to your mother."

"Oh, well, I'll be there now, thank you, uncle."

the dance music just made me feel more than enough, so I took his arm and swayed around him.

He was turned dizzy by me, ha ha, a strong smile: "go quickly, go quickly, your mother will be in a hurry."

"Yes ~ ~" I made a face, turned around and flew away.

"Little good son can finally start his life again." looking at my delicate back, he showed a happy smile.

"Mommy! Zushu says you're looking for me." I jumped to Guan Jingxian to scare her."I'm looking for you. Oh, look at your sweat. Are you tired? Sit by my mother and have a rest. "Guan Jingxian took out her handkerchief to wipe my sweat.

"I'm not tired, Mommy. Shall we go dancing together?"

"OK, but wait a moment. Mummy will introduce you to a friend. You will wait here." Guan Jingxian patted my hand and turned away.

"Oh" took the juice from Xiaohui. I took a big SIP and swallowed it in my mouth.

A few minutes later, Guan Jingxian from afar brought a muscle man.

I quickly put down the water cup, raised my hand and put my long hair straight behind me. Then I flattened my small dress and stood up politely to wait.

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