Zhuang nianfan turned up the stairs in a hurry. Before he entered the bedroom, he heard a series of heartrending wails, as if the whole person had been torn apart. He was also as desperate as falling off a high cliff because he could not grasp a thread of something that could be used to save his life.

Hearing this, they all rushed to step up their pace and even ran to come over.

When she stepped into the door, she saw sister Hao's big hands holding her cousin Yifan's head in her arms, shaking and shaking. She sat beside the bed crying, and tears filled her face.

"Xiaoyi, Xiaoyi ~ ~ ~, how can you change like this, baby. The whole body is as hot as charcoal to burn people to death. Xiaoyi, please open your eyes and look at me. I'm sister Hao. I've come to see you. Xiaoyi ~ my child ~ ~ ouch ~ it's killing me. Yo ~, ouch ~ my baby ~, ouch, my flesh ~, what's the matter with you ~ you can't do anything, or you're called sister Hao. How can I survive ~ Xiaoyi ~ ~ ~ "

over there, Xinjie's left hand pulls Chen Zhengliang to the right "What's the matter, xiaoliangzi? How can your hands be so cold? Your face is cold, your hands are cold, and your teeth are clenched tightly, and you don't care. I'm here. I see you're here. I'm sister Shen, child. Wake up, wake up, little Liangzi Adele, what do you have to say? Get up and tell it to sister Xin. Xiaoliangzi. Aduh. Are you trying to kill me? Get up, get up, my child, all my hopes, all my love Is that how it went? Child, my child. "

Wuwuwu ~, Wuwuwuwu ~, the room is full of crying, endless sadness with endless despair, people can not feel a bit of light and hope, the whole person also seems to fall into the abyss, just waiting for broken bones.

Chuang nianfan began to cry outside the door.

We couldn't bear to help them and comfort them.

"Sister Hao, don't be so sad. Take care of your health. You've just recovered. You're so sad. If the disease recurred, how could it be better? Isn't it more urgent? Sister Hao ~"

"ah Xin, ah Xin, the third brother said that Xiaoyi, xiaoliangzi and Adu are all anxious and have no life danger. Besides, you see, they are taking medicine now, and they will be in a few days Well, don't cry, too sad is not good for your health, ah Shen Ah Ying ~ "

" yes, yes, it happened suddenly, no one expected it. Don't cry. "

Hao Jie, who had just helped her up, rushed to Yi Fan's bedside again. She burst into tears and took him by the hand and yelled:

"no use, no use. This stinky boy has let me worry for half my life. All my efforts and efforts have been wasted, wasted, wasted, ah Yi ah Yi (Yi Fan's cousin's mother's name) I'm sorry for you, me I've failed your last trust, ah Yi ~, in the future, what face will I have to meet you and my old man? I'm really... "

Before she finished speaking, she fell back on the ground and lost consciousness. Sister Shen collapsed to the edge of Chen Zhengliang's bed. No matter how many people called, she could not answer a word.

Quick, quick, local settlement.

As a result, two more beds and two more patients were added to the ward.

Third uncle, they are more busy, like a high-speed spinning top. They turn here and then there. One moment they look at the test report, the other is a meeting. At the same time, they consult Zhuang nianfan to discuss matters and report the situation.

In the middle of the night, sister Hao and sister Shen gradually woke up and ate some porridge and vegetables to ease their breath.

Without waiting for the breath to be even, they came to Zhuang nianfan to ask about the situation.

In the spacious living room, the light is dim and the air is compressed to the extreme. All the people bowed their heads and said nothing.

Zhuang nianfan said in a low tone: "look at the little girl now. I can't help but think of the little Liangzi two years ago."

"Yes." Shoushu nodded and said, "at that time, the little girl was robbed by the kidnappers, and xiaoliangzi was so frustrated that he even wanted to die for her. Life is hanging by the thread. "

" are all sentimental people. The children are loyal. " Uncle Tang sighed as he spoke.

"But what to do now, Alfan, do you want me to lose these children? I can't, really can't Hao said in a hurry.

"Ah Ying, don't think so, let alone be so pessimistic. I'm not going to let the tragedy of two years ago happen again. Don't worry. "

Having said that, Zhuang nianfan is not sure.

All of us can see this, but without exception, they still place their hope on him. They believe that his wisdom can save children from danger, and even turn the world around, so that everyone can turn from bad to worse. There are bridges to cross rivers and roads to mountains.

Uncle Guo looked at everyone helplessly and said, "tracing back to the source, they are worried. And the cure for heart disease is Kiki. I don't think they'll get better if they don't recover. "

"As the saying goes," well, heart disease also needs heart medicine. Just, the medicine that treats Qiqi's heart disease, I'm afraid there's no medicine all over the world. How can a little girl recover? " The third uncle shook his head helplessly.Zhuang nianfan said thoughtfully, "you are right. Kiki is the key to saving the three. But how to save Kiki is really difficult for me

"I don't understand a little bit." The third uncle suddenly raised his head and looked at everyone: "Qiqi doesn't seem to have a boyfriend for a long time. So, what makes her so emotional? Because of the last explosion, David saved her. Is she grateful? "

"The greatest favor to a man is to save his life. Third brother. " Zhuang nianfan looked at him and everyone: "but it's more than that. Oh, come with me. Let's go to the cinema and I'll show you something. You can understand why the little girl is so affectionate. "

"Look at things? What? " It's a bit confusing to see each other.

Zhuang nianfan quickly explained, "Oh, that's the video data of the girl and David together. Tommy wrote it down. Yesterday, when she was about to leave, Amy gave it, saying, maybe it can be used. I didn't expect to use it now. It seems that Amy is still on top of things ~ "

" well. Oh, but, I heard, Tommy cut the power and fixed himself. That's strange enough. "

"Tommy! That's David's robot. "

"Yes, yes, it is. I have seen it once in Hong Kong."

"Oh, I remember, that big guy is stationed all day."

"My God, the world is crazy. I think I'm too old to keep up with the times. Robot self abandonment, oh my God ~ "

" Oh, let's see what happened. Let the girl be so infatuated and even go with her life ~ "

OK, go ~

Zhuang nianfan greets everyone, and everyone around him, Hula walks to the cinema on the ground floor.


In the dark living room, the top to Kun Du with a slow pace, listening to the phone call from Hun san'er.

"Sir, you have done what you have done. The site is located five kilometers away from Hong Kong Island at an angle of 45 degrees to the northeast. "

"Shark Reef!"

"Yes, yes, there it is. There are swarms of sharks and unfathomable reefs, coupled with the changeable weather and complex terrain, there are no ships passing through. Moreover, due to the small area of the beach, it is easier to defend and harder to attack. If there's enough food, there won't be any problems for a month. What's more, if there is no mark on the map, even if there is an isolated island, ghosts can't find it. "

"But Zhuang nianfan is a ghost. Don't underestimate the enemy. Saner ~"

"yes, Dingye."

"When are you going to do it?"

"The day after tomorrow. At 2 p.m. the day after tomorrow, the old man named Zu will negotiate with the employees. There are our people in the negotiation. They will deliberately expand the situation and shed blood. But you can rest assured that no one will die. As long as we hold down the spirit of ancestor, we can start. During the day, dalangwan won't turn on and off. Guan Jingxian is just a weak woman. She is not afraid to refuse. "

"Yes. Good. San'er ~, Guan Jingxian can't be frightened or lose a hair, you know

"Yes. The goddess in your heart, I will offer it up like my grandmother. Oh, and one more thing. Ning Xuan and may are back in Hong Kong today. It is said that Ning Xuan took over Zhuang Yifan's position in Zhuang's liquor industry. She thought that she had participated in the handling of the incident as the chairman of the board. You see Er Do you want to And bring it with you Or on the spot? "

"Oh, so Well, bring it to the door. And my three great nieces will also bring them for fun. Let's open your eyes and taste the taste of swan meat. It's just that you can't eat hidden precepts. "

" Hey, hey, hey, hey, Xie Ding. Thank you for thinking about us toads. At that time, we are not welcome to enjoy the beauty of the world Ding ye, are we Hey ~ "

Hun san'er squints his eyes and bows and bows to his master sincerely. He is extremely devout. It's disgusting. It's more disgusting than swallowing a cockroach.

Hum ~, across the phone, the top to Kun as if to see him sucking away, a pair of color squinting appearance, so he disdainfully hung up the corners of his mouth.

"All right, all right. Whatever you want. As long as people get on the island, it's yours. But saner, don't play to death, or I'll have no face to see my old friend, and I'll wait to see him cry without tears. "

"I understand, hehe hehe ~, hehe ~ ~ ~ little understand Ding Ye."

"Well, saner, go with the plan. Remember, my old friend won't give us a second chance. Be careful. You'll die miserably. "

"Yes, Mr. Ding."

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