The bitter night passed, the sun rose, and the sea was bright red.

Ding Xiang Kun hesitates outside the villa.

His eyes were unsteady, and his arms were like ten thousand leaping rabbits, which made him dizzy and dizzy. His blood pressure rose to 200. His thin and thin figure, like the shadow figure, kept turning. His heart was boiling like a pot of water.

It seemed to be the most disturbing time in his life.

Every step was like stepping on the tip of a knife. He was so trembling. The handle on the door was like a piece of red iron, which was too hot for him to touch.

He tried these two simple actions hundreds of times, but in the end, for his self-esteem, he chose to give up.

Go in, don't go in, don't go in, go in.

Ah Han, are you in there?

Do you recognize me after meeting?

Can you accept that I am not a ghost but a ghost?

Does my appearance scare you?

Can you forgive me for what I've done and what I'm doing now?

Ah Han, nearly half a century later, I still love you deeply.

Do you believe it?

You are still the only goddess in my mind, the proud White Swan, the fairy who does not eat the fireworks among people.

Ah Han, will you forgive me? My heart can only be redeemed if you forgive.

Ah Han, ah Han, I

Head to Kun worried.

Inside the door was a woman who thought of day and night, but he did not have the courage to go in and show his face and say a few touching words. Tell me about many years of parting, at least chat, talk about some relaxed and happy topics.

Is it because of the self pity that she abandoned her in those days, or the self reproach of incarcerated her for losing her freedom now, or the self shame that her face has changed greatly and cannot be recognized?

Maybe all of them.

In such a struggle, struggle, a hesitating heart wandering between desire and despair, jumping between satisfaction and loss, he could not make up his mind in any case.

Finally, he decided to stand by the window and see what was going on.

There are necessities of life in the small room. The bed, the table and the chair are all in order.

At the moment, Guan Jingxian is sitting with a ping and a Xiu, as well as a ping's three little sisters, huddled in the corner of the wall, not speaking.

It's a thorn in the eye.

He seemed to see how miserable and helpless he was when he was kidnapped with Guan Jingxian and Zhuang nianfan. His eyes were full of longing to be rescued.

Oh, my God! How can I scare ah Xian and the woman who has loved her all her life?

He left the window and called Qian Haolong.

"Let them go to the villa room, let them have a good rest, eat and drink."

"It's Dingye."

Qian Haolong turned to leave, but secretly gritted his teeth: for a woman, do you want to end the "honey fruit plan", but if you want to succeed, you give up the decisive victory because of this woman, no! no I'll kill whoever gets in my way. So do you. Hum!

After noon, after lunch, Ding Xiangkun is still in front of the villa.

Well, I'll see you in the evening. The lights are dim, or we don't meet at all and just chat.

Finally, the sky darkened in the uneasy expectation.

When Guan Jingxian and her little sister have dinner, Ding Xiang Kun decides to meet.

Qian Haolong is ordered to take Guan Jingxian into the tea room, grinning and turning out.

Guan Jingxian left alone in the center of the house. She thought to herself: it's like a teahouse. Curious, why did you bring me here? Tea? The kidnapper asked the hostage for tea? It's just a big story in the world.

Do you want to make a deal with me?

If I had been able to save myself and my children, would I have to wait until now?

Do you want to make a plan to lead me to the way, and then to coerce Afan or xiaoliangzi and force them to submit?

No, no, no, no, no, Guan Jingxian, Guan Jingxian, you should keep sober all the time, and never fall into their trap, otherwise, a slip will become eternal hatred.

Ah fan, they must be too worried about this matter to eat and sleep. They can't make trouble any more.

Be careful. Be careful.

"Tea, madam." Muscle man put a pot of tea on the table without any expression, glancing at her and turning away.

Guan Jingxian didn't say a word and didn't look up. She just sat quietly at the table, staring at the teapot in a daze.

"Ah Xian, how are you?"

From nowhere came a low greeting, breaking the silence and Guan Jingxian's meditation. She was trembling and frightened.

"Who! who are you! What do you want to do? "

As she spoke, she stood up and looked around in panic.

"Don't be afraid. No one's hurting you here. Sit down. Let's have a chat. Ah Han, you You Are you ok? "The sound rang again.

"Chat! Sorry, we don't have much to talk about. Please allow me to be with my children. " Shut Jingxian refused, right hand firmly grasp the corner of the table.

"Am I sorry, but, you, can't hear my voice?" ah Xian, are you angry Yes, maybe, so many years have passed, and it is also necessary to remember. After all, you married the most powerful and dignified man in the world, and you became the most enviable mandarin duck with him. How can you remember me and think of me? "

Guan Jingxian was confused. Lengke had to stand like a sculpture, but his heart was in a mess.

Yes, it seems that the sound has been heard for a long time.

Where is it? Where is it? Where is it?

Although the sound through the vicissitudes of the years, but has a familiar taste.

Why, why do you feel familiar?

Who is it?

What is the relationship between this person and kidnapping?

Yes, with the soft feeling in the bottom of my heart, I met Guan Jingxian.

He is already in a state of restlessness at the moment. Because since Guan Jingxian entered the tea room, he has not left his sight.

The beautiful Guan Jingxian ah ~

the delicate cheeks are twinkling with the eyes of the nimble, the rich lips are not red, and the graceful and graceful posture. The fairy is as enchanting as the air, and the purity of the jade bone is more like the snow lotus in the mountains, which makes people look beyond the dust.

Who would believe that this is a 60 year old woman?

It is necessary that Zhuang nianfan is her immortal medicine. ~

when the toad squatting in the stinky ditch sees the White Swan flying in the sky, it is a kind of mood. This mood is his feeling at the moment.

Inferiority, self exclamation, self injury, then the difference is self hanging.

But maybe the Swan beside the white swan is the toad who envy and envy it.

As he hoped that Zhuang nianvan would fall from the sky, he tried to break his wings. But he forgot that even if Zhuang nianfan came down, he was also a noble swan, and the White Swan would be inseparable from him.

Stare at Guan Jingxian, he is very excited.

Fantasy oneself conquer prey like a lion;

fantasy Guan Jingxian bird like a human to give arms, kiss is sultry;

fantasy sitting in arms of beauty, feeling soft and tender; fantasy each other frankly meet with each other in the sound of the collision; and

fantasy her face shy desire to welcome, gently moan the manner

Just like this, he was fantasizing and fantasizing. He got up and ran away from the tea room door and rushed to the beach. He shouted and shouted madly:

it was you!!! It is you who ruined my everything ~~~~~br >

give me happiness back!!!


In two hours, he was leaving for Shark Island, and Zhuang received a call at that time.

Hang up the phone, he was happy to clap and jump like a child, and even the cane didn't use to go straight into Chen's bedroom.

Ha ha ha ~ ~~~~br >

he laughs when he enters the house, turns around and laughs around Chen Zhengliang, pulls Adu's hand and laughs with a big black head of a Zhong.

Chen Zhengliang laughed inexplicably, and ADEE and a Zhong were afraid to laugh.

The two legs of the brothers are as stiff as iron bars, so they can easily come to Chen Zhengliang and lie in his ear and mutter: "bad brother, the old man is mad. You see how strange he laughs and his face is hard."

"He walked in a strange way, and his legs didn't bend."

"Don't bend!!!"


"Ah! Frighten the dead! "

"You two, don't talk about it. Be careful that the old man hears the pipe. "

"I think the old people have been under great pressure recently, or they miss aunt Xian too much. The old man sleeps around. ~"

"good brother, please come and see it quickly." "

" no, we should call joshua~ "

" call anyone to do it. We should go or go. We must go. We must start in this regard. "

"Well, you're talking about it." Chen Zhengliang nodded: "so, ADEE goes to ask Uncle Zu, and a Zhong goes to call Joshua. The old man's family looks abnormal and worrying. Joshua, it's good to see. "

"Ah! What do you say! "

Zhuang nianfan roared at the lion, and scared to stop the steps Adu and Azhong were leaving.

He said in a very unhappy way: "can't I have a happy thing to have? Do you want me to live a life with my face every day? Ah! Oh, right. Who just said I was having a epilepsy, and I'll stand up for me. I'll give him a pipe and try it. "

"No, no one said, how, is it? Hee"

the three people shake their hands together and laugh together."Stinky boy, I won't investigate this happy thing, otherwise! Hum! ~"

as he spoke, Zhuang nianfan waved his pipe symbolically.

The three brothers came around with a smile and asked him to sit on the sofa.

"What's so happy about? Daddy, share it." Chen Zhengliang squatted down and thumped his right leg.

"Yes, I want to hear it too." ADEM thumped his left leg.

"Listen to it, listen to it. Hehe, your happiness must be the best thing in the world, and I will listen to it." Ah Zhong goes around and pinches his shoulder for him.

Zhuang nianfan looked at the elder brothers with a look of comfort and enjoyment. The God said mysteriously, "if you want to know, you can beat it again."

"Yes ~ ~"

"well, good performance, I'm satisfied, good ~, I'll tell you, just now mom Dai called to talk about Qiqi and said that she's all right."

All of a sudden, Zhuang nianfan stopped talking. He laughed and looked at the brothers in front of him, as if they would look silly in the second half of his speech.

The elder brother three is in the dark, two eyes just stare at him, in the heart guess his second half sentence

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