Facing Kun step by step, Zhuang nianfan is tolerant.

When he mentioned once again that Cathay Pacific Group and Chuang's wine industry were exchanged for Guan Jingxian and his little sister, Zhuang nianfan's reply to him was still to see Guan Jingxian and her family, otherwise he would not talk about it.

He didn't want to hurt Guan Jingxian. After all, it was the only woman he had ever loved. Under the pressure of Zhuang nianfan, he had to agree and let them have a chat through the video.

Guan Jingxian was secretly taken back to Hong Kong Island three days ago by Hun saner and detained in an open house. This is the wisdom of Ding Xiang Kun. If Guan Jingxian is not on the island, Zhuang nianfan has no way to deal with him. He does not dare to touch him lightly, so his life will not be in danger.

To be honest, since I saw Zhuang nianfan and the people around him, his heart was still full of fear. Although he said there were people around, but he believed that those were all mobs, no one would fight for himself when life and death were at stake.

To think of it, his heart is so desolate

The starry sky was empty and still.

Guan Jingxian lay on her side, gently comforting the trembling children, like an old hen with wings outstretched, trying to protect her baby.

Jane is the most timid. Although she is caught in the crowd, she is still too scared to sleep.

Guan Jingxian looked at the pain in her eyes and kept crying.

At this time, the door heard the sound of disordered footsteps. Guan Jingxian could not help but be surprised. Huo sat up, staring at the atmosphere outside and did not dare to breathe.

Ah Chen was naturally the first to sit up. Ah Xiu and ah Ping sat up one after another. Seeing that she was so nervous, the three sisters all stared at Guan Jingxian and listened carefully to the sound outside the door.

"Here you are."


"They're all here, three big and three small. They're all in separate rooms."

"Take care of yourself. If something goes wrong, you'll die."

"The little one understands."

"Open the door."


Crash! That's the sound of the door lock opening.

Bang ~ the door opened from the outside, followed by the flash of strong light, sweeping people can't open their eyes.

5、 Six men with fierce body, with cold murderous spirit, stride forward to rush in, Wan like a hungry wolf rushing into the sheep.

Ah ~ ~ ~ the little sister screamed and shrunk into a group, but she was helpless.

Zheng Jingxian's heart beat wildly. She stretched out her arms and tried to protect them. She yelled: "go away! What are you doing! Don't come here! Go away

The leading man came over with a bear like figure and grinned at her: "madam, don't get me wrong. We are ordered to send a mobile phone in." With that, he put the mobile phone on the table respectfully, and then took the person back to the door.

Guan Jingxian breathed a sigh of relief, hugged ah Zhen and other little sisters and whispered, "OK, it's OK, children, I want me to listen to the phone. Don't be afraid. Be brave. It's OK."

"en en ~" ah Zhen nodded.

Guan Jingxian didn't get up and leave the bed until their mood gradually calmed down.

Ah Ping Lala ah Xiu came around and wiped off the sweat on her forehead and nose, and clenched her hand. The three little sisters huddled together to comfort and chat with each other.

"Not afraid of Jane. Everyone is here, not afraid. Think about it, uncle usually hurts us so much that we can leave everything good for us. Especially the hairy crabs you like, aunt always tells the kitchen to make it for you according to your taste, right. So I think he must be trying to save us. Maybe the phone call is from uncle. "

"En ~" ah Zhen nodded again and said in a very low voice, "I hope so too. I hope to go home early. I miss Ning Xuan and may, especially Qiqi. I miss her so much. And you know, I find that Kiki seems to like eating hairy crabs better than me. Since she came, she has to make one more every time

"But no matter how fast you speed up, you can't eat Kiki." Ah Ping said with a smile: "Qiqi eats well and fast, twice as fast as you."

Ah Xiu also said with a smile: "yes, Qiqi eats anything very quickly. And she protects the food. Ice cream in particular, who wants to share it is more difficult than the sky. My cousin loves her so much that she doesn't give her a bite if he asks her to take a bite. "

" except for Ning Xuan. Really? I've seen her pull ice cream into Ning Xuan's cup. It seems that she is most concerned about Ning Xuan. Every day, she clings to ningxuan like an asshole. " Jane also joined the conversation.

"Because Ning Xuan is the boss, everyone listen to her. But she is eccentric. She always takes Qiqi with her. What good thing must be Qiqi. Her attention is 100%. I envy her for her figure and shadow. Moreover, as long as she talks, Qiqi will be obedient, not angry, and her execution is 100% better than that of a lamb. "

Ah Xiu suddenly blinked his big eyes and asked curiously, "Hey, do you think Ning Xuan really will take Qiqi to marry ad?"

"Certainly." Ah Ping glanced at her mouth: "but Ning Xuan is strong and Qiqi is unruly. If you are Adele, do you dare to marry? It's like playing table tennis every day. You'll have a bad day"I will, too." Ah Chen covered her red cheek and said, "Adele is so handsome. He is the most handsome man I've ever seen. He has a brave shoulder, a sunny smile, and his wild nature is polite. Wow, it's so charming. Oh, my God. Think about my leg. If Ning Xuan didn't get him quickly, I would have jumped on it. "

"Go up and crush aduh? You're not a love robber, you're just a catastrophe ~ "asho said, pinching her hard.

Just as Jane was about to cry for pain, the phone on the desk rang and the room immediately became quiet.

The first man went to the desk, picked up the phone, opened the answer button, and then put it in his ear. He said, "madam, Mr. Zhuang wants to talk to you about the video, please ~"

Guan Jingxian is so excited that he grabs the phone and holds it in his palm. He stares at the screen and refuses to blink. He just wants to see himself one second earlier My old sweetness.

Suddenly, the screen flashed, Zhuang nianfan's pale but still handsome face appeared.

"Ah fan! ~~~"

" ah Xian ~ ~ "

" Afan! ~~~"

" ah Xian ~ ~ "

"Oh, by the way, ah Xian, are you ok? I miss you so much ~"

"I'm fine, I'm fine, but Alfan, how are you these days? Have you eaten on time?"

"No, it's terrible. You are not around, I am alone, not good at all, can't eat or sleep, life is like boiled water, not a happy thing. And every day, either AZU is shaking in front of my eyes, or the bald boys of xiaoliangzi are shaking in front of me. I am not free for a moment, and I am two big at the head. Ah Xian, when you come back, you have to make decisions for me and teach them a lesson, and you have to be more strict. ~ "

" OK, no problem. How can my Afan be wronged, can he? "

"Well, I knew you still loved me the most. Oh, by the way, ah Han, I'll tell you the good news. We'll meet soon and take the children with us

"Well, I know. Don't worry. The kids are here, all right. A Yi also said that he didn't exercise these days, and people were lazy. "

"Cluck, cluck, OK, tell him that next week I'll ask a Zhong to give him extra lessons and keep him sweating every day."

"Oh, please give a Zhong a class, cluck, cluck, ah Ren, I'm afraid, will call for help ~ cluck cluck ~"

"yes, just ah Zhong, ah Zhong will do it. Is it ah Xian ~ "

" yes, yes, cluck, cluck, yes, you said ~ "

" OK, ah Xian, stop chatting, wait for me to pick you up ~ "

" Yeah. Take care, Alfan. The children and I will wait for you

"Wait for my wife ~ ~"

she answers the phone to Kun and looks at Zhuang nianfan, who is still immersed in happiness.

Dare to show love in public and love me in front of my face, isn't it a clear provocation, huh! It's not over! Remember it for me!

Head to Kun sneer way: "how ah, people you also saw, I did not have a trace of injustice, also did not let them suffer any injustice, are you satisfied?"

"Satisfied." Zhuang nianfan nodded.

"Well, when will you honor my terms?" Head to Kun and bite to death.

"No problem." Zhuang nianfan replied with a straight face: "since I promise you, I will not regret it. Meeting ah Han and my children is my principle and bottom line. You've done it, so we can move on. Ask your people to go to the morning light office to find xiaoliangzi, who will take care of everything. And, man, I'm going to take it home today. "

"OK, I agree. I'll arrange the handover. But People... "

Top to Kun deliberately pause for a moment, Zhuang nianfan really stood up the corner of his eyes.

He laughed and said, "of course you can take people. I agree. Call me when you get to Hong Kong. I'll tell you where the people are. You just have to pick them up. Don't worry, ah Xian, I love her too. I won't hurt her. Maybe one day she will return to me, and maybe she will give birth to a white and fat son for me, so how can I give up her injustice! Don't you think so! It's just, I warn you, don't play tricks with me. I can ask you the first time, and I can catch the second time. If there is a second time, they will not be so lucky

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Zhuang nianfan was really angry. If it hadn't been for Lao Chen's pulling, he would have rushed up to give Ding Xiangkun an old fist, and let him taste the taste of losing his teeth.

"Oh, you're angry. Are you guilty? Ah Xian loves me most. When we were in love, she didn't even look at you. You are just a villain who takes advantage of others' danger. What kind of boss in the lake is just a trick to cheat people, right? Ha ha ha ~ "

Ding Xiang Kun is very proud of his smile, but he looks more like a boa constrictor spitting out a message, which is disgusting.

"You have always been eloquent in turning black and white. The dead can say live, and the living can be angry. It's just that for a long time, I'm afraid you don't know which sentence is true. Hum. Be aware of it. "Zhuang nianfan dropped this sentence and turned to the door.

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