8 a.m., 5 big wave Bay Road, Hong Kong Island.

After breakfast, Zhuang nianfan and Guan Jingxian are chatting in the living room.

Just then the doorbell rang and began to sing.

Xiaohui runs to open the door. There is a courier outside. She takes the mail and signs. The courier leaves. She closes the door and turns to the living room.

"Sir and madam, I just received an email from Canada."

"Oh?" Chuang nianfan and his wife looked at each other, puzzled.

Zhuang nianfan nods, Xiaohui opens the mail, takes out a red invitation card from it and hands it to him.

Xiaohui puts the mail bag on the table, brings hot tea, puts it in the cup, and turns away.

"Oh, it's Pei Xuan's wedding invitation. Ah Han, look. "

Zhuang nianfan handed the invitation to Guan Jingxian again.

Guan Jingxian took the invitation and looked at it carefully, and sighed: "Alas, does that child really want to get married? Has she given up xiaoliangzi, or is she angry with xiaoliangzi?"

"The child emphasizes himself and is inhuman, so xiaoliangzi doesn't like her."

Zhuang nianfan shook his head.

"Well, yes, she doesn't know how to be considerate and tolerant."

Guan Jingxian slowly put down her invitation card and said leisurely, "ah fan, she will get married next Tuesday in St. Joseph's Church in Montreal, Canada. I hope she can find true love and be happy. "

"I hope she will let go, and I hope she and xiaoliangzi can get true love."

Zhuang nianfan had a feeling. He looked at the invitation and said, "I think you should go this time, ah Xian. Let a Zu and a Shou, as well as a Tang and a Guo go with you. "

"Well, I'll go shopping for a gift later. Oh, ah fan, please call xiaoliangzi and ask him. He should have received the invitation. Maybe, the child is in trouble for this matter. "

Guan Jingxian really loves Chen Zhengliang and always thinks about him.

"Well, good." Zhuang nianfan nodded.

Guan Jingxian was about to get up and go out when the doorbell began to sing again.

Xiaohui runs to answer the door again, swipe and pull ~, the door opens and looks closely. It turns out that Chen Zhengliang appears at the door with Adele and a Zhong.

"Master and wife, good young master, virtuous young master and loyal young master are coming."

Xiao Hui lets them into the living room and turns away.

"Whoever wants to come." Zhuang nianfan and his wife looked at each other with a smile.

"You're here. Sit down. You're just talking."

Guan Jingxian took Chen Zhengliang's arm and asked him to sit next to him.

Every time I see Chen Zhengliang, her eyes are full of love, and the concern from her heart can't be hidden. Like an old child, she hopes to see this tall, strong and handsome son from time to time.

"Good morning, daddy. Good morning, Mommy."

Chen Zhengliang, like a kindergarten child, nestled happily beside them.

"Early." Zhuang nianfan smoothed his beard happily.

“…… Well, I got an express from Pei Xuan, which contained an invitation to say that she would get married next Tuesday at St. Joseph's Church in Montreal, Canada. Dad, I, I

"Just say what you think, my child. Don't hesitate."

Zhuang nianfan's firm tone and supportive eyes make Chen Zhengliang full of vigor and confidence.

"I think so. I don't want to attend her wedding. I'm going to arrange for Adele and ah Ren to watch the ceremony. I don't know if it's appropriate." Chen Zhengliang is a little hesitant, afraid that the old man will pick on the right things.

"I think so. You're only going to be more embarrassed. Let them go with ah Han. "

So easy to solve? Great, ha ha ha ~

Chen Zhengliang's uneasy heart finally landed in Pingchuan. He was as relaxed as eating a betel nut SHUNQI pill.

Zhuang nianfan, like Guan Jingxian, dotes on Chen Zhengliang. He is able to deal with his difficulties at the moment, and does not want him to be embarrassed. Therefore, he supports his decision very much.

Guan Jingxian echoed: "OK, no problem. I'll go. You stay."

"Hey ~" Chen Zhengliang showed his big dimples with a happy smile.

"Well, you sit down. I'll go shopping for gifts and we'll have lunch together at noon." Guan Jingxian patted Chen Zhengliang's hand and got up to leave.

"Good." Chen Zhengliang sent her out and turned back. He accompanied Zhuang nianfan to the chess table. The two began a new round of chess.

I set the end. Zhuang nianfan knew how to solve the problem, so he looked at Chen Zhengliang with confidence.

"Little Liangzi, how do you think about the end of the game? Is there any solution?"

"Not yet! I think we need to work harder. "

In the end of the game, Chen Zhengliang, a big man, suffered a lot. He scratched his ears and scratched his cheek.

Two days later, Guan Jingxian flew to Canada with a congratulatory gift, accompanied by Uncle Zuo, uncle Shou, and Adele and a Ren.

Seeing off Guan Jingxian, Zhuang nianfan and Chen Zhengliang to the golf course, they started their "little trick", and in Repulse Bay, there is also a "small trick" being staged.Bang Bang ~, sister Ning Xuan beat the bathroom door to fall.

"How are you, Kiki? May and I have been waiting for you for a long time. Qiqi, Qiqi

"Qiqi ~, it's ten minutes. How long will it take? It's impolite to let people wait."

May kept urging. Her voice was louder than sister Ning Xuan, which made her ears buzzing.

"I have a stomachache! Ah! What a pain

I yelled out loud on purpose, and it sounded like a terrible thing.

It doesn't hurt at all. I just want to find an excuse not to play.

At this time, sister Hao stood by the door. She knocked on the door and said, "Ning Xuan, there's a phone call for you in the living room."

"May, there is a telephone in the living room. Would you listen to it?"

Sister Ning Xuan pulls May's hand.

"Good." May ran downstairs.

May is our best friend now. She often comes to my house to eat and live with us.

Yi Fan's attitude is welcome, warm welcome, and as long as he has time, he will come back to eat with us, and often buy some expensive and beautiful gifts for her.

May is warm and cheerful, and she doesn't treat herself as an outsider. She soon merges into the small group of shallow water bay.

Sister Hao specially arranged for her to sleep in the bedroom on the left side of sister Ning Xuan, while my bedroom was on the right side of sister Ning Xuan. The three of us arranged in a row to eat and live together, and mingled with each other intimately.

Recently, they have a date to bring my super bright light bulb.

Later, I got used to it. It's good to be a light bulb. At least I don't have to read a book at home alone.

After that, Mei ran away, and sister Ning Xuan stopped shouting.

With a threatening tone, she said, "now may is not here, Qiqi, you can come out and tell my sister the truth. Qiqi ~, um ~ "

" Hey, you see. " I opened the door, poked my head out, and bit by bit moved out of the bathroom.

"Stomachache can be so loud? I don't want to go there? Don't want to see a big guy? "

She pinched her hands and glared at me.

"Well, I really don't want to go. Sister Ning Xuan ~ let me live two more years, good sister ~ "I looked at her pitifully.

"Well, well, if you have stomachache at home, I'll tell Uncle to be honest, OK." Sister Ning Xuan deliberately accentuates her tone and smiles cunningly.

"Thank you, sister Ning Xuan. You are the best and you love me most." I hugged her waist and giggled.

"Well, well, you may not go, but we can't be late, bye bye."

Sister Ning Xuan patted me on the face and ran downstairs, calling for May. They talked and laughed, like a pair of lively magpies, and they went out.

Looking at the car slowly away, I heaved my breath. My heart was like a bird that had been released and rushed into the blue sky.

"Big man, I don't want to see you, uncle. I'm sorry."


"I am free!"

when my wish was fulfilled, I couldn't hide my joy. I simply took off my shoes, barefoot, and ran around the house like a rabbit running away.

After a while, I was sweating, so I just sat down and gasped for breath.

"Kiki beauty, there's a phone call for you in the living room."

Sister Hao was so easy to find me that she pulled me up to accompany me to the living room.

"Did sister Ning Xuan slip up?" My heart thumped and lost its foundation.

I stealthily walked over, slowly picked up the receiver, pressed it tightly, and whispered, "sister Hao, who's calling, sister ningxuan? Uncle? Or the big one? "

"Listen to me." She blinked and pretended to be mysterious.

"Well, tell me, sister Hao, tell me, sister Hao, tell me..." I leaned on her shoulder and was coquettish.

"Good, good. It's doctor Xu." Hao glanced at her mouth and then left laughing.

"It's frightening to call at this time."

I put the phone in my ear and happily asked, "Hello, this is Qiqi. Who are you?"

"Oh, I'm Xu Jialin. I met at the annual meeting of Yifan company. Do you remember that?"

"I remember you, Dr. Xu. Hello, may I help you?"

"Yes. Well, I'm off the clinic today. I'd like to ask you to have dessert in Yuen Long. I wonder if you have time. Would you like to go, hey ~ "

" well All right

I'll meet you at the door in thirty minutes


Put down the phone, I was in a daze.

"Although Xu Jialin is not as handsome as his cousin and as Adele as Ning Xuan's sister, he is much stronger than Amy's ah Zhong and stronger than that big man.""It's good to have more friends. Go ahead, don't think about it."

I convinced myself to get up and go upstairs and change my clothes.

I didn't ask Zhuang Bo to send me a car because my cousin said he could make his car. So I told sister Hao and went out with Xu Jialin.

Contact for a long time, I found that he is very good, he is not only warm and cheerful, serious work, but also humorous, easy-going and considerate.

In addition, I have studied pharmacology with he Zhiqiang, and I have a common language, so I feel very happy and relaxed with him.

He is a native of Hong Kong with a wealthy family and strong parents.

He had a brother named Xu Jiasen, who studied medicine like him. He had his own clinic three years ago and is now talking about marriage.

Today, I spent the whole day with Xu Jialin. We ate desserts, watched movies, visited art exhibitions, and sat down in the coffee shop. It seemed that we could not finish talking.

And it seems that all the cakes have magic. Every time we pass a shop, we stop and buy a few pieces of it, and then we sit down and eat it. It's really beautiful all day.

We didn't finish the day until it was dark.

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