At 5:30 in the morning, I always wake up on time when I never use the alarm clock, but today I get up early. Hey ~

jump out of bed, run to the window, open the window curtain, bright sunshine with fresh air, and a faint fragrance of flowers.

I breathed every mouthful greedily. Every breath was so smooth.

Oh, it's another sunny day. Ha ha ha ~

the blue tailed bird fluttered its wings with its head held high. It purred and chirped in the sky, and its voice was very clear.

Well, the early bird catches the worm.

Unknowingly, I mumbled the rhythm to open the frame.

Straighten the bent small waist, raise the leg to draw a circle, squat on one leg, then kick the small leg with the big kick, and then rotate and jump in the room like a gyroscope, and then rotate and jump again, with the acceleration ~

the wind is fast, the hair is long and the body is light.

At this moment, my heart has been flying on the blue sky, rowing to make a floating cloud, floating to the distant home. Ah, cool ~

after a series of actions, I've been sweating all over, but I don't seem to touch the lamp on the roof this time. The room is so high.

By the time I sat on the floor breathing, it was already six o'clock.

I can't live up to the delicious breakfast. When I think of it, I'm like a rabbit out of the nest, with big ears and big ears. Meidada runs into the bathroom.

Thirty minutes later, I had a hot bath and changed into a beautiful plaid skirt. I also wore flat heel lace up casual shoes and sat on the sofa in my bedroom.

Waiting? Of course, wait for Lucas to knock on the door and take me to the restaurant.

Carla used to take me there because she was afraid that I would get lost and run around the house, and that I would starve myself, so she volunteered to take over the "arduous" task.

But later, I don't know when to change people.

Lucas took over the job. He knocked on the door at 6:40 on time every day. He took me into the restaurant and sat down at 6:50. His aunt announced to eat breakfast at 7:00, and then actively and enthusiastically opened the pig feeding mode. He fed me to the full and let himself eat fully.

Next, we usually follow the plan agreed on the previous day, or practice boxing in the training room, or play skateboarding in the garden, or go out riding on a bike one by one.

He would also drive me to go out to play, such as going to the park, visiting art galleries, listening to concerts, watching performances, movies, etc.

Of course, we also have group outings.

As long as they have time, cousins or cousins will ask us to go out for outings and picnics in groups.

I'm nostalgic for being in the nature, jumping like a rabbit in the grass, and climbing up a tree like a monkey. I always know that I am the most busy person ~

so my every day is colorful and happy.

Today, Amy, the busy president, finally got free, so she took us to Lake Geneva, 300 kilometers away from home, for a two-week holiday.

Lake Geneva, also known as Lake Lemont and Lake Geneva, is a famous lake in Western Europe and a famous scenic spot and convalescent place. It is also one of the largest lakes in the Alps.

The lake covers an area of about 224 square miles, 140 square miles in Switzerland and 84 square miles in France.

It is 1230 feet above sea level and 46 miles long. The widest part of the lake is 8.5 miles. The deepest part of the lake is 1017 feet.

Lakeside and adjacent areas, mild climate, temperature change is very small, there are many tourist attractions.

Hunan is a snow capped and beautiful mountain, with pastures and vineyards in the north. The lake is famous for its clear blue water.

Breakfast's over and we'll leave at eight on time.

Carla is still with me this time.

Because I have five suitcases and I need her to take care of it.

Seven of the fifteen cousins, like me, take a maid out of the house, but my cousins don't. The reason is very simple. Firstly, there are servants on duty in the resort, who can take care of everything; secondly, they think that they do not need to take care of themselves.

How do you listen to me as if I can't take care of myself? Hehe ~

full of happy people and mountains of luggage, the bus started off with a beep.

The so-called encyclopedia's three watch brother is afraid of everyone's boredom, so for a while to tell stories to listen to, while taking you to play games, it has become a professional guide.

After a two-hour drive, the service area stops, the bus stops, and we get off to exercise.

Carla is always with her. Even when she goes to the bathroom, she has to stay outside the door for fear that I may run away. She is really devoted to her duties. I have to say, take her out, no problem.

Towards noon, I finally saw a deep pool in the green mountains - Lake Geneva.

The clear water of the lake reflects the blue sky and white clouds overhead. For a moment, you and Ben can't tell whether the image is reversed or your head is down?Carla was silly when I asked. She blinked and shook her head.

In order to solve this puzzle, I tried my best to bend my neck, but there was a low laugh behind me.

It's Lucas who's laughing.

Dare to laugh at me, hum!

I turned back and stretched my arm to pat him. He chuckled and squeezed towards the big cousin, so I made a mistake. Instead of patting him, I caught my big cousin.

My big cousin is very busy with his notebook. He seems to be dealing with daily affairs or sending e-mails. When I shot him like this, he was startled and looked up to see what happened.

"I'm sorry, big cousin, hey ~"

I know that I made a mistake, so I drew back my arm, grinned and sat in the front seat, and looked curiously and excitedly, but I always stayed in the beautiful scenery outside the window.

What a quiet and elegant beauty.

The broad lake is like the clear eyes of a beauty. It is quiet and far-reaching. Every place under the sun is pure and natural. It seems that there is no trace of impurity in the tears gestated in the beauty's eyes.

From a distance, there is a big villa with white walls and black tiles and pointed roofs by the lake and near the mountain and water. The car accelerates along the road towards it.

Thirty minutes later, the car pulled to the door of the villa and stopped.

Amy was the first one to jump out of the car and look at the beautiful scenery. She took a deep breath with satisfaction, then waved to the car and cried happily, "come down to your home ~"

Ouye ~ ~ ~ everyone lined up and jumped out of the car one by one.

As soon as her feet touched the ground, she pointed to the distance and exclaimed excitedly, "look! Look! swan! swan! There are swans ~ "

" where is it I also looked around.

Along the direction of her finger, I found a large group of white swans swimming on the lake, so leisurely and comfortable. It adds dynamic elegance and beauty to the tranquil lake.

In fact, if the swans were still, I would have thought it was a marble sculpture, deliberately placed in the landscape there.

When I couldn't finish, Carla ran to take me by the hand and said that the luggage had been put and would take me back to the bedroom. I nodded and turned and left with her.

Everyone also closed their eyes of admiration and went back to their rooms to tidy up their luggage.

My bedroom is a suite. It looks like a small living room. Inside is a bedroom, a bathroom and a dressing room. Each room is about 20 square meters.

There is a big bed in the bedroom. Next to the bed is a large French window. Pink lace curtains hang on both sides of the window. When you open it, you will see a small balcony facing the lake.

In the middle of the balcony is a table of four chairs woven by vines, and a bottle of blooming daisies is also placed on the table, adding some long poetic and picturesque flavor.

Clean and tidy, as comfortable as home.

I like it or I'm happy. I cover my face with my hands and smile.

"Kiki beauty." Carla called again.

"Here it is. Is it lunch? " I ran out of the bathroom to meet her.

"Lunch hasn't started yet, Kiki. Are you hungry? Can I go to the kitchen and bring you a piece of cake or something to eat

Holding my hand, she used to smile.

"Hehe ~" I laughed. Laugh so silly.

She said happily: "in fact, I want to tell you, Qiqi beauty, I live on your right side, you can come here to look for me at any time."

"Let me see." I turned and ran into her bedroom.

The room pattern is the same, there are blooming daisies.

Her hands and feet are so agile that she not only arranged my luggage, but also her own.

With so many pieces of luggage, can't you grow three heads and six arms?


While there was still an hour and a half before lunch, Lucas and my cousins, a group of about a dozen people, put on sports equipment, rode bicycles and set off in a bustling manner.

Turn right out of the gate and we turn onto the asphalt road.

Banyou road is wide and flat. It is a two-way riding road, which is divided by a big yellow dotted line.

It stretches along the lake to the distance, can not see the end at a glance, both sides of the road are full of flowers and dense plants, in which you can always feel relaxed and happy.

In this way, the road itself is a beautiful scenery.

Lake scenery, autumn scenery more picturesque, can not see the edge of the blue sky, white clouds below, is clear to see the bottom of Lake Geneva. White sails are scattered on the lake to ride the wind and waves, and groups of seagulls hover and sing triumphant songs.

Five kilometers later, we were sweating, and we were all a little tired.

Looking up, there is a long corridor like rest point in front of you. It's really good. It seems that you will be tired and it will be born in the sky.

Set up your bike and go down the steps. You can sit on the steps and enjoy the view of the lake and have a rest.

"Here's the water, Kiki." Lucas unscrewed the cap and handed the pure water."Thank you." I received the hand and asked, "do you have water to drink?"

"Yes, look!" he said, shaking the pure water bottle in his hand. He did not know where it came from.

"Look at Lucas, over there, the two sailing boats seem to be racing." I jumped up as excited as I had discovered a new continent.

He looked in the direction of my finger, and sure enough, the two sailboats were racing to the finish line.

Suddenly he had an idea and asked, "Qiqi, which sailing boat do you think will win?"

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