I wake up, open my eyes and look around, boundless at a loss.

How is the nervous face and anxious eyes in the line of sight?

"Oh, my God, you wake up. It's OK, it's OK, don't be afraid, we've come to see you, good boy ~"

my aunt took my right hand and patted it gently.

"Qiqi, are you ok? Is there anything wrong with you? Do you have a headache? Does the stomach ache? Yes

Mother Dai took my left hand and patted it gently.

"Call me! Blunt pig Amy put her head close to my face and screamed. Her eyes were so big that I almost jumped out of bed.

Dai's mother was frightened by me. She was busy and chivalrous and scolded, "Amy, keep your voice down. It's frightening to Qiqi."

"Kiki just woke up. Don't yell like that." The second aunt said with a smile.

"Haha ~" Amy smiles apologetically.

"Good aunt, good Mommy, good sister."

Looking around the crowd, I asked softly, "what's the matter? Why are you all around here to see me?"

"Don't you remember, did you drink too much water?" Amy turns on her unique teasing mode.

"Oh, I remember, elder sister. The waiter accidentally bumped me into the water. My big cousin came to rescue me, didn't he?" I just realized.

"Yes. I didn't think you were in the water Amy poked me in the forehead.

"Hate ~" I shook my head and didn't poke, but I didn't run away, so I still poked her.

"Ah! so painful! Mommy, the elder sister bullies me I poked myself into her arms.

Mother Dai also poked Amy's head and said with a smile of confidence: "I tell you, it's my patent to poke my forehead. Do you know?"

"Oh, Mommy, be light. It hurts." Amy was holding her head and yelling.

Dai's mother ignored her, while helping me rub my forehead, quietly asked: "is it better, still painful. Your elder sister bullies you and Mommy repairs her. Don't be angry, good boy. "

I grinned happily. Just as I was about to answer, Amy held my head open and put her head under mother Dai's hands, and she called out, "I want to ~"

"Amy is jealous again"

"ha ha ha ~ ~"

"OK, don't make trouble, Qiqi, if you're OK, we can rest assured. Now, let's go to the living room for tea, and you can come out to chat again ~ "

" yes, aunt. Thank you

"OK, darling ~"

I think, I may be because of choking and scared to become like this.

However, after sleeping a little longer, my aunts and Dai's mothers were disturbed. Do you think it's because I'm an important person, and I'm still cute. Before I know it, I fall asleep again and wake up again. My eyes are full of energy.

"You wake up, Kiki," Carla asked with a smile.

"Oh, I am awake. Are Auntie and mummy still in the living room? " I sat up as I spoke, then tapped gently over my head.

She chuckled and asked, "why do you think it will come out?"

"Hate ~" I gave her a blank look.

"I'll tell you about Qiqi beauty. When I saw the eldest young master holding you back, I thought you would be in love for life, and then I knew you were drowning. It scares me to see you still. It's the first time I've heard of swimming like you As she spoke, she patted her chest and took a big breath.

"If I could have predicted this, I would not have been in the water. I'd rather stay at home alone and eat ice cream. How refreshing it is to eat one cup after another. " I sighed.

"I heard that the waiter had been expelled from the swimming pool." She said in a serious way.

"That's serious." My eyes were wide with surprise.

"It's said that it's the lady's intention. The eldest lady handled it herself." She pressed her face and half her mouth in her hand.

"Qiqi beauty, Madame is still in the living room." Amandine ran into the report like a wind.

"Oh, I'll get up and chat with them." I turned over and got out of bed.

"We help you." Carla and Amandine two people, one left and one right, took my hand, and the three of us ran straight into the dressing room.

Lunch is rich, the crowd is happy, sitting next to mother Dai, I have been trying to eat with my head down, as if I had not eaten the next meal. Fortunately, everyone is not surprised, just smile.

No big cousin. It seems that I haven't seen him all the time.

Did you have something to leave? He saved me. I haven't thank him yet ~

with a lot of questions in my head, I went to Amy.

After hearing this, she blushed and then said with a smile, "yes. Big cousin went back first. You don't have to ask him to say thank you. It's not too late to see him in a few days"Oh, well, well Eh? Elder sister, why do you smile like this? Your face is getting more and more red. Is something wrong. Are you thinking how funny I looked when I fell into the water, or the laid off waiter. In fact, elder sister, the waiter didn't mean to knock me down. Just ask him to apologize. Why do you have to fire me? I don't have a job, no income and a bad life Why do I say you laugh more and more? Elder sister, is I wrong or wrong, sister ~ sister ~ tell me ~ tell me ~, don't laugh, smile too much, don't laugh, sister, tell me ~ good sister ~ "

finally, I can see the clue. Who says I'm dull? What's my intelligence?

Cut ~

"well, I'll tell you." She is still Chi Chi Chi smile, stick to my ear, whispered: "he is our shame run."

"Ah!? Run away in shame? Why should you shame him I asked again.

"Because of you, blunt pig." She shaved my nose.

I covered my nose with both hands, blinked and asked, "why because of me? Did I say something wrong to upset him? "

"No In fact, it is. When he saved you yesterday, you accidentally kicked off his swimming trunks. He's holding you up all the time to keep you safe. He doesn't have time to carry your trunks. " She stopped laughing, but her expression was extremely exaggerated.

"Ah!!! Then he just Isn't it just plain? My God. " I covered my crimson face and wanted to find a crack to get in.

"Yes, he's naked, and his Spring Festival is full of tears, but what's worse, he's seen by us ~" she's still saying yes ~

"we! It means... " I can't think about it any more.

"It means all of us, all of us, girls ~" she raised her eyebrows and deliberately stressed the three words "girl".

"My God ~ that, that, that, how to do that, how to do it I was scared to death.

She shrugged easily: "what to do? Of course he knows what to do, so he finished his trip ahead of time and went home ~ "

" yes! Go home! If we meet again in a few days, we will forget. " My analysis seems reasonable.

"Fool, he didn't go back because of us, it was because of you. He's afraid that you'll see his little secret, and he won't be surprised by the wedding night. "

She said something like a bomb, which made my head bang.

"Qiqi, cluck ~, why don't you ask me whether the big cousin's figure is good, eh? Cluck, cluck, cluck Oh, don't run, I tell you, it's a first-class stick, and it's super tough. It's tempting and super sexy to ensure you're happy every night. Oh, don't run. I haven't finished yet. Qiqi ~ ~ ~ "

what else can I say? What are you waiting for if you don't run away?

Are you really a fool?


After a whole night's thinking, Zhuang nianfan has a new plan.

He asked his uncle to discuss it. He put forward some suggestions. After he accepted them, he revised them again. After these amendments, he finally worked out a plan. Then he asked everyone to discuss it. Everyone thought it was feasible. Then he held an enlarged meeting.

People all gathered in the study to listen to the arrangement.

"This is how I arranged it."

Zhuang nianfan pondered for a moment and said, "it is imperative to rescue AZU and Xiaoyi. The incident happened in Paradise Island. We can easily find it on the map, but because of its special geographical location, helicopters or UAVs and other things can't photograph its terrain at all, which is a dead end to us. The data of satellite survey is too vague. It must be the shielding of top to earth. To sum up, in order to have a clear idea of ourselves and the enemy, we need to arrange personnel to go to the island for field survey. As for the candidates on the island... "

"I'll go." Chen Zhengliang first made a response, which immediately attracted people's admiration and affection.

"I'll go too." A Zhong was unwilling to fall behind and followed the response, which made people's hearts more stable.

When awei looked at ah Hao, ah Hao looked at Ah Wei, the two brothers stood up and said with one voice: "we need a good brother to run around more at home. Let's go."

uncle Tang and uncle Guo finally couldn't sit still. They shook their heads and said, "you're too young and inexperienced. I'm afraid you can't adapt to the circumstances. Ah fan, let's go. "

"I'll go. Don't argue." Chen Zhengliang said, "I will go alone. According to the distance, we will start in the afternoon and come back early tomorrow. "

"No, I have to go." Ah Zhong is a little unhappy. Usually his brother calls. How can he get rid of himself!

"No, a Zhong, you want to stay." Chen Zhengliang pressed him and squeezed his hand.

A Zhong understands that his good brother doesn't want him to be involved in danger and is protecting him. Therefore, his heart is filled with emotion: brother Liang, you always take care of me, but who will protect you? In such a dangerous time, I, Liao Xiangzhong, will not fight side by side with you and become a turtle with shrinking head? Is that still called a man? no way!

He was about to shout no again. Uncle Guo held down his hand and said firmly in his voice, "little Liangzi, ah Zhong, you should stay and take care of your family. We can't fall into the enemy's plan to divert the tiger from the mountain."Uncle Tang also advised: "yes, little good son. It's a big taboo to win chess regardless of home. We can't all go out and let top Xiang Kun end our old nest. A Zhong, you should be obedient. Don't worry. You'll be able to use it. Ah fan, let's go ~ "


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