Mereworth castle, a hospitable giant, stands on the vast land with the vicissitudes of the times and in mysterious colors, extending its broad arms and warmly welcoming us from afar.

This group of ants, we will melt in its arms in an instant.

Cousin Yifan said that every part of it was a scenery, and there was a moving story. In order to satisfy our curiosity, he told a story at noon.

We listened to his wonderful speech and believed that it was all true.

He said that most castles in Britain have "witch".

They are female witches who can use magic wands, also known as witches, and most of them have their own pets, such as black cats.

They wear pointed hats, thin and dry, red eyes, ferocious ah ~, they are particularly jealous of beautiful girls and beautiful things.

In the middle of the night, they usually ride on broomsticks and fly high and low in the castle.

Finally, he told us seriously and seriously:

don't panic when you see a witch, and remember to avoid it in time. If you bump into it, you will have bad luck.

Maybe she was angry, and she waved her hand and cast a little magic.

You will become an ugly old woman with buckteeth and one eye, or a toad covered with pus.

there may be cockroaches with big heads and bedbugs with many feet, and the spell lasts for at least 50 years

"Well, well, there's enough story to tell. It's going to be dark if I go on. Now I have to go to the company. You can have a good rest at home."

"Oh, and there are 350 houses in the castle. You can choose your own bedroom. After you choose, please tell Alina that she will arrange for the servants to tidy up."

"Well, I'm going. I'll see you in the evening, ladies."

"Good ~"

until 11 o'clock in the night, cousin Yifan did not come back.

May and I were so excited that we gathered in sister Ning Xuan's room in our pajamas. We all sat in bed with legs folded and chatted.

Among the three of us, Ning Xuan was the biggest. May said, "it's amazing. What's my principle?"

Cousin Yifan is helpless.

Murmured: "originally, I was wrong ~"

pushing open the door of the next bedroom, he stood on tiptoe, waltzed and whirled in.

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