A season of flowers, fragrance on the road; a season of sadness and resentment, pillow injury.

Before the end of the song, people have dispersed, wine is not drunk, the heart has been broken.

It turns out that the real pain is separation.

A writer once said: the will to love in life is more powerful than the injury in life. When life is hurt, I can choose to live with the support of love.

"But if life and love are hurt, what will support me? I am not a dull person, but I can't understand..."


As the saying goes, all the banquets will come to an end. If you look at the dull pig running away, the scorching sun will stop writing for a while. Do you feel reluctant to part with this?


Finally upload the concluding remarks, scorching sun light relaxed tone.

Although this is the second work, which is a little better than the first one, there are still a lot of regrets and dissatisfaction in it.

However, please believe that Jiaoyang will strive to get to a higher level in the third return of Chen Xueer, and try to improve his literary accomplishment so as to make it more brilliant and naivete.

As for this one, that's it.

Let Chen Zhengliang and Zhuang Meiqi's cruel journey come to an end.

Because I really love them, love this suffering couple, can't bear to let their tree of life wither, the flower of love wither.

Please forgive the scorching sun can not give them a perfect ending again, let them bloom rich love each other.

So this is the end of the story?

Of course not. The third return of Chen Xueer will soon be released.

Please look forward to it!

Yes, return.

Return to life, return to love.

Huang Jinde and Liao Xiangzhong, the two brothers and sisters, return with stubborn blunt pigs.

Zhuang nianfan decreed that Chen Zhengliang, who was in danger, returned.

But, however, is the return smooth?

Our blunt pig has such a sense of justice, and it's not so easy for her to return.

If he wants to return to the past, can he give up?

Of course not.

We are weak and beautiful Guan Jingxian Guan beauty, whether can get rid of the devil's palm and save the danger?

Can Qian Haolong's grand plan of usurping the throne in the Dynasty be realized? Will he kill Ding Xiangkun for his dream? Can he succeed?

Lope Xuan, a sexy creature who degenerates into a sex slave for self-interest, delusions to revenge and humiliate her man with her body. Can she succeed? Can she return to the warm family in Big Wave Bay? Can Chen Zhengliang reconcile the past with her and embrace her in his arms? How did she really end up in life?

Do blunt pigs and her male god Zhuang Yifan blossom and tie the knot?

How did Chen Zhengliang plan to get there? Be a disgraceful third party? Or is it just to have a king's wife or a bully?

What is the outcome of this triangle sadism?

Who's the dull pig?

And then there is.

Who is the operator behind the scenes that he has never met? What kind of amazing secret does this mysterious man and Zhuang nianfan have in mind to come up with such cruel means of revenge?

How did Zhuang nianfan and his brothers come back to the war in order to get rid of the trouble?

How does he choose when life is at stake?

Wait, wait

The answer is complicated and confusing, completely unexpected, but the scorching sun wants to betray the truth and refuse to reveal. In short, the plot will be more exciting and attract your attention.

The scorching sun specially gave it a good name: "Vajra Barbie 72 change.".

Let's wait and see the blunt pig transform into Vajra Barbie, see her become 72 become invincible Dharma, see her invincible rush to success, see her go through all kinds of difficulties to subdue demons and demons.

That cute blunt pig, our lovely heroine, left Zhuang Yifan and everyone who cared for her. Just as Cinderella left the prince and castle, retreated the aura, returned to the ordinary, returned to the ordinary, so did her love return?

And this road of return is much more difficult than imagined. It will be hard, rough and thorny again

You must see it and give it a boost to the scorching sun.

The scorching sun needs your encouragement to finish the third part.

The dull pigs who love the scorching sun and love cute dada must pay attention to them and collect their votes.

Momo ~

love you ~

wish you all the best

green sun

2020 / 8 / 11

I wish you all the best

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