Mereworth castle.

"Aduh Oh, I'm good, I'm fine. How are you?... "

"Ah what!? Really? Excellent! Oh, oh, oh Who else? "

"What time is the flight OK, I see. May and I will pick up the plane

“…… Well, bye bye! "

" there must be Liao Xiangzhong. It's Chen Zhengliang's idea. He wants to recruit Qiqi back home. "

Yi Fan cousin ever heard the name "ad" when he guessed the answer.

Is that really the case?


Cousin Yifan guessed without any error.

This is the plan that Chen Zhengliang came up with: to be a beautiful man.

He wants to use the charm of Adele and ah Zhong to call back sister Ning Xuan and may. Naturally, my little tail will follow me back home, so that he can see me every day.

The abacus is very good, but I don't know how the executive ability of those two people is. Can you make him do what he wants?

"I'm not going to let your trick work out. Look who's good."

Yi Fan's cousin hung up his mouth, and in his heart he was more open to Chen Zhengliang. His refusal to admit defeat was more than his words.

"Cousin, my boyfriend Adele, and may's boyfriend, ah Zhong, are on business in England. The plane will land at 11:00 this afternoon. Can we pick them up?"

"Oh, no problem, awei. Drive them."

"It's van Gogh."

"Thank you, brother van."

"Thank you, cousin. We are full. Please use it."

I don't know what's going on. They've rushed out of the restaurant and they're gone.

"Kiki, what are you going to do today?"

Cousin Yifan took my hand and clapped it.

I looked at him, a blank face.

"I! Am I going to be alone again? What did they just say

"Their boyfriends are coming." He shook his head and said with a smile, "why didn't you just listen to them?"

"Listen, it's just too fast for me to understand."

"Do you understand now?"

"So they left me alone, didn't they?"

"Yes ~"

"heavy, color, light, friend, hum!"

"Yes, it is. But now I want to know what you think. "

"I dare not think of anything."

"What are you going to do today

"I don't know. I don't know. I didn't think about it. Cousin Yifan, where are you going? "

" go to the manor and have a meeting. "

"Well, otherwise, I'll go to the company with you. You have a meeting and I'll hang out. How about it? Hee ~ "

my words just came out of my mouth, and his mouth was so wide that he even froze.

In order not to be left behind, I quickly jumped to his side.

"I promise I won't affect your work, cousin Yifan, will you?"

"take me, cousin Yifan, take me, cousin Yifan ~, I don't want to be at home alone. It's boring ~"

finally, he eased up and began to laugh.

"Do you really want to go? That's great, great. Well, now go back to your room and change your clothes. I'll wait for you in the living room. Go and go. "

"Mm-hmm ~" I repeatedly answered and rushed back to the bedroom as fast as possible.

"Chen Zhengliang, I have more opportunities than you. It seems that I am the winner."

looking at my far away back, he twisted his old waist and danced happily in a swing dance.

Five minutes later, I changed my clothes and ran to him. He took me all the way to the manor.

Fifteen kilometers away, not far or near, we chat and laugh, about 20 minutes to arrive.

The car pulled into a huge manor and stopped.

Yi Fan's cousin parked the car, jumped off, around the front of the car to open the door, I jumped out of the car.


When I saw the huge vineyard in front of me, I was stunned, and my legs did not listen to me.

"What's the matter? This is, what's going on? Cousin Yifan, where's your apple tree? Why do they become grape trellis? "

He couldn't help laughing when I stuttered like that.

"Tell me, tell me, cousin Yifan, tell me quickly. What the hell is going on here? "

I hold his hand and shake it.

"Because I'm a wine merchant, I grow grapes here. Now do you understand, fool. "

He held my hands, and his face was full of the joy of successful people.

"Lie to me, you still say I'm a fool ~"

I throw his hand away and stare at him and argue with him:

"is grape called Apple in your dictionary? Big villain, I teased me for so long that I took it seriously. I always thought you were an apple seller. I also told sister Ning Xuan, may, and even awei and ah Hao that you sold apples. Who knows, you turned out to be a liquor dealer"No wonder they all laugh at me, saying that I talk in my sleep in the daytime, or I'm not clear headed, or I'm a low living creature without intelligence quotient."

"You've done all this."

"I, I lost the dead ~"

"cousin Yifan, you big villain!"

The more I said it, the more angry I felt. Suddenly, I thought of the nine Yin White Bone Claw earnestly taught by sister Ning Xuan and scratched it to him without thinking.

He jumped back, reached out his hands, grabbed my wrist, put it on his waist, and then moved toward huailira, and I naturally entered his warm arms.

He stuck to my face and said, "don't be angry, Qiqi. It's wrong for me to tease you. I'll apologize to you. I'll tell you I'm sorry. Don't be angry!"

"Sorry, I don't accept it!"

I lost my temper and insisted on getting out of his arms.

Instead, he pressed his arms closer together.

"Well, I promise you that you can come to the manor any time and invite you to have a big meal. How about unlimited ice cream? Yeah? How about that? "

He had a doting smile on his face, and my principles disappeared in an instant.

"That's about it. Don't let go. There's a crowd of people watching you at the door. "

"They're looking at you, my little beauty."

"Hey ~" I blushed, but my heart was beautiful, like a honey bee, humming.

"Come on ~"

he took me by the hand and walked to everyone with pride.

"Everybody, this is my Kiki. Qiqi, these people are executives in all departments of the company. "

After saying hello, Yi Fan's cousin said to me, "I'm going upstairs for a meeting. You can walk around and we'll have lunch together at noon."

With that, he took me up to the second floor, and all of them purred.

As I walked along, I thought, "why did he say I was his Kiki when he introduced me, but omitted the word cousin?"

"Cousin Yifan, I hope you will tell me that I am your wife next time you introduce me."

It's a shame. I look down and laugh.

Walking into the manor and resting in the teahouse on the second floor, looking at the beautiful images in the distance, I slowly stood up.

Today is a rare sunny day.

The sun rose slowly from one side of the valley, and the morning light shone on my whole face. It felt warm and comfortable.

At this time, there was a light blue haze, and the whole row of vineyards was golden yellow when it hit the sun, and dark green was not seen.

The whole scene, like a computer processed, color deepened landscape painting.

I can also see the magnificent view of the valley. These scenes will remind people of the beautiful scenery of nature on TV, and linger on.

Over time, I gradually changed from simple to interested in wine.

The world is so vast, the breeze gently blowing, that abnormal heart has been unable to restrain.

Beautiful scenery is calling, how can we wait?

So I picked up my camera, rushed out of the estate and ran into the vineyard.

One person high grape trellis are arranged neatly in the planting area.

There are about three meters of roads in the middle of each row for people to walk back and forth.

There are boxes in the middle of every road. Do you know what it is?

Ding! ~

publish the answers.

That's a beehive.

The local people keep a large number of bees to collect honey and pollinate.

The staff, dressed in Khaki overalls and cowboy hats, sat on both sides of the trellis, trimming vines to the ground.

From time to time, they sing happily, sometimes they laugh, and whistle cheerfully to greet me who is running and jumping.

Click! Click!

These happy moments are all captured by me into the camera, frozen into a beautiful memory.

Run to the edge of the vine, see the shelf covered with green vines, vines out of a tender green leaves, leaves full of juice, is so full, people dare not touch.

I bent down and picked up the two grape leaves that had fallen on the ground and studied them carefully.

Its edge has thick and slightly sharp teeth missing, the bottom is often densely covered with arachnoid wool, oval or round, dark green color, veins are very clear.

Breeze blowing, a light sweet fragrance quietly into the nostrils, filling the body.

Look up and show them.

Green leaves in the golden sun, like a wandering green boat in the sky, floating to and fro.

At this time, a golden leaf in the breeze quietly swaying, inadvertently fell down, like a golden butterfly, dancing in the air beautiful waltz.

Click! Click!

The photo of grape leaves was included in my camera.

I kept looking at them and sighing at their fairy beauty.At noon, looking at the vast vineyard, Yi Fan's cousin worries.

But it was hard for him. He had a brilliant idea to report.

He mobilized everyone to look for the wild horse without rein.

It took a lot of effort to "catch" me from the plantation and give it to him.

"You need to install a high-power GPS so that I can find you at any time."

He took me to wash my hands, and he brought me a towel to clean it.

"Then you have to grow an antenna on your head, and then find my frequency."

I enjoy his attentive service, glancing at his handsome face from time to time.

"Ghost spirit. Eat fast. You must be hungry after running all morning. "

He put down the towel and pulled me to the table.


Look at the rich lunch, I have a big appetite, low head snoring big eat special.

He brought me vegetables and looked at my eating and laughing.

"Don't look. The food is cold." I also serve him with vegetables.

"Oh, yes. Well, Qiqi, my afternoon meeting starts at 1:30 p.m. and ends at 4:30 p.m., and you are free to move in and out of the manor and plantation


After lunch, he chatted with me for a while, then the meeting was over, and I became a wild horse without rein and went to the manor and plantation to enjoy myself.

Let me tell you, I have a new discovery Oh ~

that is, there is a horse farm in the manor, where there are many tall and strong horses.

Standing in front of them, I was in a daze. I couldn't help but think of the horse farm in Repulse Bay, the count, and the Yanzhao gate appeared in my mind again. I had to turn around and leave in a shy way

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