David kisses me.

I just know that kissing is like a piece of QQ sugar that won't melt. It's soft, slippery and sweet. You can't swallow it, you can't throw it away. Even a small life can be buried at any time.

Oh, my God!

Say Let's go on ~

I'm lying in David's sofa, dizzy and sleepy.

I think it will take an hour or two.

When I opened my eyes again, what came into my eyes was cousin Yifan, his tight face.

Be careful of the dirty. I feel dizzy.

"Cousin Yifan You, how did you get here? " I sat up in a hurry.

"Wake up, come home with me." He was indifferent.

"Oh." Shaking my hands, I took down the blanket and put it in the sofa. Then I stood up unabashedly.

Being led out of the house by cousin Yi fan, I'm in a mess.

"He must be angry at the ice on his face. Yes, I'm not supposed to go home with David. I'm still resting at his house. "

But I found that during the whole process, Yi Fan didn't say a word to David, or even had a formal eye contact.

David's eyes were even more flustered.

Ah? Why did Yi Fan show up?

Of course, he won't come for no reason. That's because big guy Chen Zhengliang got the information.

If it wasn't for my identity, Chen Zhengliang would have been like a lion with his hair blowing. He would have picked up my neck and went back to his nest. Then he was bombarded with a tsunami of blame, which made me shiver. I didn't stop until I recognized my mistake.

Fortunately, it was my God. When I got into the car, I kept silent.

"Qiqi, I want you to tell me honestly, whether he bullied you, made rude to you, or Do something you don't want to do? "

Cousin Yifan pondered for a long time before he opened his mouth.

"No, cousin Yifan ~" my voice was weak, like a mosquito humming.

"Really?" His eyes were very serious.

"It's true, cousin Yifan." I glanced at him.

"Then why do you change at his house?" His eyes were still serious.

"Because I was in the park in the afternoon, there was a water fight and my clothes were wet. So he took me back to his home and changed my clothes."

I stuttered because I was too nervous.

"Listen, Kiki, I won't let you go home with him. If you need to change clothes, you must go home and change your clothes. Do you write it down? " He always stares at me.

"Oh yes..." my little sheep quickly bleated.

2 pm, villa 1-08 Park Road, Repulse Bay.

Yi Fan cousin took my hand and walked into the bedroom.

Sitting on the sofa, he said solemnly again:

"listen, Qiqi, if you are tired or sleepy, come home and have a rest. Girls are not allowed to go home with men casually, let alone rest in other people's homes. Do you write it down? "

For the first time, Yi Fan's cousin spoke in such a serious way, and his extremely depressed mood was beyond his words.

As a child who made a mistake, I hastened to admit his mistakes and learn to be obedient, and strive for his leniency and let go of the past.

"Well, yes, I promise not to. I'm sorry, cousin Yifan. Please forgive me. Don't be angry? "

"I'm not angry if you promise to do it." His face was like a piece of pig iron, hard and without a smile.

"Yes! Yes! by my troth! Believe me, I will do it. "

“…… Yes

"Well, cousin Yifan, can you smile?"

I turned my head and blinked, but he turned a blind eye.

In fact, Chen Zhengliang taught him this.

Because the big guy said that only if you have a serious expression, can the guy deeply realize the seriousness of the mistake, and strictly restrict himself for future control.

"Yi Fan cousin ~ smile, don't always face, I'm afraid."

"Oh, it seems that it works. She is really afraid of it." When he thought of it, he was proud of himself, but he didn't smile.

"Cousin Yifan, you are the one who loves me and loves me the most in the world. Smile at me. I know I'm wrong and I promise I won't do it again. Cousin Yifan's waist is around him and I plunge into his arms. I act like a coquette, play tricks and laugh.

"Smile, smile ~, Yi Fan cousin ~, smile, you will not be pregnant."

Ha ha ha ~ he finally laughed.

"Done, ha ha." I closed my eyes happily. "He's not happy today. I'd better talk about David kissing me another day."

At seven the next morning, everyone gathered around the table for breakfast as usual.

After the meal, sister Ning Xuan and a Jia have an appointment, and in the blink of an eye no one is there.Cousin Yifan has a super important and top-level important meeting to hold today. Because he has an order of nearly 100 million yuan waiting for him to make a decision, he is also busy going to work.

"Cousin Yifan ~ cousin Yifan ~, I want to have a word with you, OK?"

I still can't hold my excitement and tell him the secret in my heart.

"Well, go ahead." He stopped in a hurry and laughed sweetly.

Awei took over the bag and stood with a Hao. They whispered and laughed.

"Cousin Yifan, I'm in love. You know, I'm so happy."

My eyes sparkled with enthusiasm, and I jumped up excitedly. At the same time, I put my arms around his neck and hung the whole person in front of his chest.

He put his arms around me.

"Ah!!! love!!! Kiki, what are you talking about? Say it again He trembled at the sound.

"I said, I'm in love. I'll tell you, David kissed me yesterday, and I'm so happy. I'm really, really happy. " I ran up hard, and my forehead rubbed happily around his neck.

"Kiss you!!! He kisses you!!! He actually kisses you. He must have forced you, right!!! Tell me, I'll fix him He yelled with a black face.

"No, No. He asked for my advice in advance, and I volunteered

"What else did he do! Did you take the opportunity to touch you! "

"Ah!!! Without cousin Yifan, where are you going? We're just kissing. "

"No, you can't let him kiss! I'm going to kill this kid for kissing you The fire of jealousy in his heart was burning him to ashes.

"Cousin Yifan, if I marry him, will you bless me?"

"Did he propose to you?"

Hearing this, Chen Zhengliang immediately flashed into his mind.

Yeah, yeah. It seems that we need to see the rival immediately.

"Not yet."

"You can't promise him. Do you know? "


"Because You haven't known each other for a long time. You need to know more about it. "

"Oh. I know what to do. Go to work quickly. I'll make you late. "

I jumped away from him and turned to push him behind his back.

"Well, I'll go to work. See you in the evening."

He turned his head and told him, "Oh, and the weather forecast says that there will be a storm today, and there will be thunder and lightning. Don't go out and wait for me to come back. Do you know?"

"Yes, yes, cousin Yi fan."

The three of them had disappeared before the voice dropped.

My God, can you fly? Did you change the Boeing plane?

Closing the door, I trod lightly into the living room and sat on the sofa.

Thinking of David's kiss, my heart throbbed.

I covered my face with both hands and chuckled in the corner of the sofa.

8 a.m., Cathay Pacific office building, Hong Kong.

Yi Fan cousin bitter face, staring at the opposite is also helpless Chen Zhengliang.

Yes, he canceled the most important meeting, ran to Chen Zhengliang's office and repeated my words to Chen Zhengliang.

Chen Zhengliang had guessed his intention since he met his cousin Yifan. Therefore, he cancelled the meeting and reception and terminated all itineraries.

The two closed their doors and plotted again.


At 2:00 p.m., villa 1-08, Pratt Road, Repulse Bay,

since this morning, the color of the sky is constantly changing, first light gray, gradually changing to dark gray, finally, it becomes dark and dark.

There is a dark cloud rising from the southwest sky. The sun hides in the clouds and sets a bright and dazzling Phnom Penh to the clouds.

This is not. Just after noon, the sky is more gloomy. The iron like dark clouds are connected with the mountains in the distance. They surround the outside world like iron cages, and they can't see the sun.

I was so irritable that I kept walking like a hamster in a cage.

First, the coming storm and thunder and lightning, let me panic forever.

And David hasn't called yet. I don't know what he's up to now.

Then the doorbell began to sing, and I stood up and ran to answer the door.

When Guan Jingxian came, I hugged her waist and giggled.

"Oh dear, it's going to change. Mommy will come to see you."

Guan Jingxian hugged me, slapped me on the shoulder with a smile and walked in with me.

"Thank you, mummy ~, Hello, uncle Shou."

"Good ~ good ~" Uncle Zu and uncle Shou nodded and smile.

"Please sit down, Mommy, Zushu, Shoushu."

"Well, come on, everybody sit down."

Sister Li brought fragrant tea to treat guests in good time.

I lift the teapot and pour the fragrant tea into the cup on both hands."Please have tea, Mommy."

"Good, good." Guan Jingxian took the cup and put it on her lips, sipped it gently, and then put it on the tea table.

"Uncle Zu, please have tea."


"Uncle Shou, please have tea."


Everyone drank tea and then chatted happily.

"Mommy, today's weather is bad, your body just recovered, should not come out, if you catch a cold, you will feel uncomfortable."

"I'm fine. I'm in good health. Don't worry. It's just that I haven't seen you these days. It's strange. It's going to change. Come and see you. "

"Thank you, Mommy. I'm so happy to have you hurt me."

"It's the same with mommy."

"Yes, that old chess fan in my family misses you more. If you don't go these days, he's going to be bored. "

Hahaha ~, we laughed. Uncle Zu is so funny.

"Kiki, tell mommy, what are you doing these days?"

"Oh, by the way, Mommy, I have a happy and sweet news to tell you ~"

"it must be exciting good news to see how happy you look. Let's hear it."

"I'm in love, I'm in love, Mommy, mummy, I'm in love. If I marry him, will you bless me?"

"Of course, of course, mommy has long known that you are a beautiful couple."

"Thank you, Mommy. You know, Mommy, he kissed me yesterday. I'm so happy, I'm so intoxicated. "

"Did he kiss you? That's great. Well, that's right. Mummy always said that xiaoliangzi is excellent and good... "

"Ah! Mommy, I'm not in love with Mr. Chen. "


"Why not!"

"Who is that?"

"Mommy, don't worry. Listen to me. It's like this"

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