Talk less, the first part continued.

Building 11 garden house, block B, Hong Kong Garden, is located at 6-9 Seymour Road, clear water bay, New Territories, Hong Kong. It is Chen Zhengliang's residence in Hong Kong.

When the doorbell rang, Xinjie opened the door.

Chen Zhengliang and all of us rushed in.

All of a sudden, the resplendent living room was filled with people, laughing and singing, just like the luxurious Yanji restaurant opened for business, ushering in a batch of diners, which was very lively.

"Good brother, loyal brother, thank you for your help today."

Sister Ning Xuan generously raised her tea cup and offered them tea instead of wine.

"Ning Xuan, we are a family, so we don't have to do this ~"

Chen Zhengliang laughs calmly. His tone and manner are vivid. Zhuang nianfan is in front of us. We really want to laugh.

"Yes, just say what you need."

A Zhong, who is reluctant to write, also expresses his feelings with his good brother.

Cheers! Bang ~, tea cup makes a joyful collision sound.

I can't wait to drink three more mouthfuls of tea. The thirsty cells are full of vitality again.

"Qiqi ~, my good sister ~, my sister is so happy and happy to have you around me."

Sister Ning Xuan pasted my face with a smile, put her arms around my shoulder and approached me.

"Do you know me now? In fact, I've always been like this, but you don't think so." I laugh like a fortune cat.

"Flatter you and be proud? I'm your sister, do you know, fool ~ "she said, tickling me.

I was in a hurry to dodge. I accidentally sat on the ground and everyone burst into laughter.

"You boss, you'll bully me." I just can't get up.

"Get up quickly, you rascal." She took my wrist and lifted it.

"Ah I screamed and my eyes filled with tears.

"What's the matter, Kiki? Are you hurt? Where does it hurt? Let's show it to my sister, quick and quick ~ "

she squatted down to look at me, nervous.

"I feel pain here, sister ~ ~ ~"

I pointed to the hot wrist, looked at her, and begged for warmth pitifully.

"Ouch, women also have pain." She sipped her lips.

"Not all for you." I pursed.

"Show me your hand." Chen Zhengliang suddenly extended his hand and I was pulled into the sofa by him.

My God, you know, he has a pair of super big hands. They are thick and powerful. Our hands together are like a bear's paw and a chicken's paw. Er, they are incomparable.

"No bones. Xiaojin brings the medicinal wine He kneaded.

"Oh, it hurts!" I didn't pull my hand back several times.

"You have tendons in it. You need to rub it with medicine and wine, or you'll get a big bag tomorrow, and it will be more painful." He pointed to his wrist and warned as if he were serious.

"Ah, bag? You said you could pick up a bag! Oh, my God I finally stopped.

Chen Zhengliang took out the cotton wool, dipped it with medicinal wine, patted it gently, and kneaded it carefully and patiently.

The refreshing medicinal wine can quickly reduce the hot feeling. It's very comfortable, and the tense nerves are also relaxed.

"It must have just hit that guy. You say you, a girl, are not big enough to fight with your fists, but you still have to fight hard. "

He chuckled and everyone laughed.

"Hum! I warned him that I was not a bully. " I held my head up. Show courage.

"Yes, yes, you are not easy to bully, someone is easy to bully, and his feet will be trampled off by you."

Xiao Jin's a smile, I suddenly think of the guy I stepped on.

"Whose foot have I stepped on?"

My silly appearance made them laugh again.

"That's him." A Zhong answers the tune, and helps to come to turn the ad.

"It's me. I'll remind you to see who's coming, and you're stepping on my feet. Why do you always have trouble with my feet. It's disgraceful to win if you don't move. "

Aduh grinned and sat down on the sofa, frowning at me. I was in a hurry to bow.

"Oh, did I step on you? I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"How do you feel? Does it hurt so much? Do you want to go to the hospital and take a picture?" Sister Ning Xuan is in love with him, so she sits down and holds up his feet and looks left and right.

"I'm fine." Aduh takes his foot back and gently pushes her hand away.

"Kiki!" She looked back at me, not only complained, but also pressed my head heavily: "how do you hurt Adelaide? You fight regardless of enemies and friends!"

"Ouch, ouch ~ ~ ~ you still beat me, and I'm for you. It was so chaotic at that time. I thought it was all bad people. Sister Ning Xuan ~ ad ~, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, please forgive me

"Forgive you, OK. Come here and let me step on it. I'll forgive you. Come here!" She stretched her feet as she spoke."Oh, no!" I tried to dodge as if I had been electrified.

"Come back and let me step on it." She didn't give up.

"No, no, I don't want to be trampled on by you." I got up and ran.

We ran around the house shouting and shouting, playing cat and mouse.

Chen Zhengliang was very happy.

All of a sudden, he was jealous of Yi Fan's cousin. He believed that his rival would smile like this every day, and he felt melancholy when he thought that he was alone every night.

A Ren came over and said with a smile, "good brother, lunch is ready, you can have dinner."

"Oh, well, let's go to dinner."

Chen Zhengliang leads everyone to the restaurant with a smile.

Sister Ning Xuan is still chasing after her.

I ran in a panic, and looked back frequently. Unexpectedly, I hit Adele's back heavily.

Adele stumbled forward and nearly fell, but he still caught me by the neck and picked me up like a chicken. I didn't lie open on the carpet.

It's close, thanks to his quick eye and quick hand.

"Come on! My God, brother Liang, this is a sign of death. You have to take care of it. "

He was extremely bent, sweat oozed from his forehead, and his facial features were twisted together again. A Goubuli bun was put on his face.

Chen Zhengliang hugged me and laughed loudly.

Sister Ning Xuan caught up with me, grabbed my head and pressed it into his arms.

Inside and outside, I become scattered yellow eggs.

"Ah! ~Ah! ~What a pain! Sister Ning Xuan, do you want me for the sake of your sweetheart

"That's right. I don't want you. I'm going to murder my sister. It's called justice killing!"

"Oh! ~Ouch! ~My head is falling off! ~Ouch, ouch

"OK, OK, no more fuss, have a meal ~"

Chen Zhengliang put forward the idea of making peace with the old and persuading both sides to make peace.

Then, everyone gathered around the table and enjoyed a very rich lunch.

After dinner, sister Ning Xuan accompanies Adele to chat in his bedroom.

Chen Zhengliang actually wanted to take me into his bedroom. However, I resolutely "resisted". No matter what he said, I just refused. He had to continue to knead my muscles in the living room.

The cold medicinal wine slowly penetrated into the skin, and the wrist was no longer hot and painful. A sense of crispness was transmitted to the whole body intermittently through the pressing and kneading of his palm.

I was itchy and not funny, so I had to keep quiet.

"How are you, Mr. Chen. That guy is thrown out by you and can't get up on the ground. It must be very painful."

"Oh, yes, I didn't notice."

"Can you teach me? Next time I meet him, I can get rid of the tyranny."

"Ah! Teach you!? You're addicted to fighting. Isn't it painful here? "

"Of course it hurts. Oh, you're a little lighter."

"It's too light and it doesn't work. You can't rub your muscles."

"Oh Well, no, it's been rubbing for so long. "

"Almost ready."

"Ah Zhong is great. He has a big fist and more powerful power. He beats all the bad guys down in a few strokes. Can you teach him Kung Fu?"

"It was taught by an expert invited by the old man."

"Oh, are you, too?"


"Who are you and a Zhong? Have you ever had a competition?"

"Ah Zhong is great. He is the best here."

"Oh. He turns himself into a piece of steel, as if he is not interested in anything. Is he always so cold? "


"Of course, didn't you find out. I think, maybe that's why may fell in love with him. Don't you think so. "

"Hehe ~" he laughed with a big, sweet dimple.

"Oh, by the way, does Adele's feet matter? Don't leave any sequelae, or sister ningxuan will kill me."

"I don't think so. But it's really hard on you. He'll have a hard time tonight

"I'll give him some medicine. Maybe he will relieve the pain."

"You don't have to go. Ningxuan is his best medicine."

"Oh, yes, hee hee."

"You know, you're also my best medicine. Only you can heal the pain in my heart. My wife, my little monster. "

He looked at me tenderly, and wanted to say something.

I just look down at the wrist, ignoring the tenderness in his eyes.

"Will you take a wife?"

Then I regret it. Isn't it obvious to ask him to propose, fool.

"Of course."

"Don't look at me. Turn your face away."

"Don't order me. Listen, I'm going to marry you

"I'm not. I'm going home."

"Don't go. Listen to me, you are destined to be my Chen Zhengliang's woman. I love you, I want you, this life cannot be separated. ""What do you love me for? You don't even know me. "

"No, I understand. Only I know you best in the world. "

He put his arms around me, his warm fingers crossed my delicate lips, and his eyes flashed with burning love.

I fainted, instinctively shrinking my whole body and opening my terrified eyes. However, I was wrapped up in his body temperature and smell. The extremely familiar and intimate feeling immediately filled the brain cells.

"Do I know you? Why do I feel so familiar?"

My eyelashes trembled gently, raised my face to look at him, immersed in his deep and slightly sad eyes, finally, I asked, and finally told the mystery in my heart.

"Of course. Because you are my wife

His affectionate confession, but I have a deviation in understanding.

He leaned down and his breath was warm enough to spray on his face. I was so nervous that I quickly put out my hands against his cheek: "no!"

"Wife, you can't forget me. We can not forget our love, our lingering. His wife ~ "

he mumbles to himself, and his deep eyes are filled with the light of pain and happiness.

Those two thin lips also with stubborn pressure down, forced to cover my lips.

His kisses were all about the longing for love, the destination of love and the waiting for love, and my heart seemed to have been waiting for a long time, so I accepted it vaguely.

"Can't forget, can't forget, wife, I love you, love you, come back to me quickly, let's go home together."

His heart was surging, his arms were strong, and he was holding my lips.

His kiss is a disaster to me. It exhausts my physical strength and destroys my mind. I close my eyes and feel his gentle and overbearing love. In a trance, his kiss is a kind of enjoyment, a kind of super familiar enjoyment for me.

At this moment, I became a little sun monster, he became a steel Superman.

We went back to the big house, back to the good times we had known and stayed together.

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