In order to restore Xie Junren's official position, Tao Xinyi tried her best to stop Yi Fan's cousin.

In recent days, as long as you see Yi Fan's cousin, you will be able to see her iconic figure. Her appearance frequency is almost the same as that of awei and ah Hao. I don't know. I thought the nanny invited by the president.

Of course, if Yi Fan's face shows a look of disgust, she will also lower the clamor decibel, because she wants face, more afraid of "cold faced boy" turn over, she has no way back.

Zhuang Yifan, you are a cold-blooded bastard with three poles!

It was no use swearing in her heart.

However, she eventually angered "cold-blooded animals".

It happened yesterday morning.

At that time, Yi Fan's cousin was holding a regular high-level meeting of the company.

The directors are sitting in groups, you and I are talking about the Kentish cider, its strategy, feasibility analysis and bright prospect in the European market.

Yi Fan cousin by their enthusiasm with high mood, can not help nodding.

All of a sudden, the gate clanged open to both sides.

The directors are making trouble. Tao Xinyi rushes in angrily.

"Xiaoyi"!!! Why don't you inform a Ren of the meeting! Isn't he the director of the company? "

She slapped the table and yelled ferociously.

The meeting room was suddenly silent and dead silent. The enthusiasm just rose to zero. The directors looked at each other and looked at the family members.

"Get out." Cousin Yi fan sinks his face.

"I'm asking you, why didn't you inform a Ren of the meeting! Why

Tao Xinyi leans on him, ready to use "mother's dignity" to force him to submit.

"Get out of here!" Yi Fan cousin severe up, cold and arrogant look shocked in the hearts of all people.

"I'm not going out. You don't want to have a meeting unless you resume ah Ren's position! Hum! Get out of the way ~ "she pulled the Secretary and sat in her seat, staring at the" son of a bitch. ".

"Is it?" Yi Fan's cousin stands up the corner of his eyes and stares at the red face of "mother's adult".

"If you don't agree, I won't leave. See what you can do to me, huh The corners of her eyes were almost gaping, and she was completely a dead pig, not afraid of boiling water.

"Call security." Cousin Yi fan waves his hand wearily.

"You call, you call, I'm not afraid." She cocked her legs and didn't believe in evil.

Three minutes later, ten security guards were ready.

Yi Fan cousin waved, security guards rushed forward, one by one like a wolf.

"Indecent! Indecent! Indecent! ~After that, the security guard started to look for life again.

"Let's see. The president of Zhuang's group bullies people."

"You see, judge."

"You unfilial child, bullying my miserable woman ~, Wuwuwuwu ~ ~"

"Oh, how can I live? Wuwuwu ~ ~"

no one answered her, only watched her clown play farce.

"Leave as soon as you can, and don't interfere with my meeting." Yi Fan's cousin hung his mouth.

"If you don't agree, I will not leave. If you dare to move me, I'll call it rude! " She kicked off her shoes.

"Call the police

Yi Fan cousin does not return to the door.

The directors followed.

The huge conference room was empty, and the Secretary's alarm came to my ears:

"Hello, police station? I want to call the police. The place is in the conference room on the 95th floor of Yiwei building. Here comes a man who makes trouble without reason, which seriously affects the normal work of the company..."

Well, it's embarrassing.

She raised her hand to straighten her clothes, then she took small steps and swaggered away.

But she turned to the door of the president's office and opened the door to listen.

"Has Xie Junren's personnel transfer order been printed out?"

"Yes, Mr. Zhuang, this is it."

"Effective immediately after signature. You should inform the managers of all departments in the company. "

"Yes, Mr. Zhuang."

"Hum! I knew you would agree. Stinky boy. It's better to do it earlier than that. Why bother with all these rules and regulations. " She was smug.

“…… Here you are. "

"Oh yes, I'm going out to work."


"Hey, is Xiaoyi agreeing to resume ah Ren's position?" She grabbed the personnel manager and was ecstatic.

"You will know." The manager shook off her hand and walked away without looking back.

She shrugged her shoulders in disapproval and left Yiwei building.

"Driver, go to the beauty salon."

A piece of heart disease landed, she finally wanted to care, wrinkles pile up, aging skin.

"Yes, ma'am." The driver drove quickly to the destination.Just when she enjoyed the delicate and tactful way of beautician, her mobile phone sang a happy song.

"Ah Ren's phone call, there must be good news."

She waved and the beautician stood aside.

"Hello mommy, I am Ren"

it sounds like Xie Junren is so excited.

"Well, go ahead." She closed her eyes leisurely.

"Mommy, just now the manager of the personnel department of the company asked me for an interview. Our wish is just around the corner. Thank you, Mommy."

"Well, good. Ah Ren, remember to meet Xiaoyi after the talk to ease the relationship

She pinched up her orchid fingers and pointed to the ceiling with air.

"Oh, yes, Mommy."

"He gives us the steps, so we can have a good time, understand?"

"Yes, I know. Then, Mommy, how about having a big dinner and chatting with each other?"

"Good idea."

"Mommy bye bye."


Hang up the phone, she is satisfied with a good smile, shaking the body, gently wave, beautician hurriedly continue.

But when she got home, she saw something else.

Xie Junren decadent sitting in the sofa, song Ting sitting opposite to constantly wipe tears.

The family is very dead, gloomy and cold.

As soon as I inquired about it, Zhuang Yifan had just officially issued an administrative order to remove Xie Junren from all his posts.

In other words, Xie Junren was fired, or, he was, unemployed.

It's over. There's no hope. Pingbu light cloud's dream of becoming the top millionaire is over.

"Zhuang Yifan!!! Don't blame me for your unkindness. You asked for it, huh

Xie Junren gritted his teeth fiercely, his eyes shot out the dark blue fierce light.

"Think of a solution." Tao Xinyi is still calm.

"Mommy, what should we do? Are we going to have a hard life? I don't want it, I don't want it, don't don't want it! ~~~I... "

"Tingting, don't make any noise!" Tao Xinyi interrupts her impatiently, like driving away flies always flying around her.

Song Ting pointed to Xie Junren's oily forehead: "all blame you this useless man. You're worthless without Zhuang. I don't want to have a hard time with you. "

"Go upstairs, Ting." Tao Xinyi stares at her.

“…… Hum! I'll try on my new clothes She got up and left.

Tao Xinyi glances at her far away daughter. She opens the cigarette case impatiently, pulls out the cigarette clip between her fingers, and throws the cigarette case onto the tea table.

Xie Junren is courteous and brings a lighter.

Tao Xinyi looked at him and then at the flame, leaning over with a cigarette in her mouth.

"Ah Ren, didn't you say that someone asked you to meet? Who was it?"

"It's top to Kun." Xie Junren answers in a low voice.

"This man is very troublesome. Don't get contaminated." Her cigarette carrying hand was shaking unconsciously.

"He wants to use the company's account to launder money." Xie Junren's plump chin.

"How much?" She raised her eyelids.

"Five billion euro!" Xie Junren held out five short and thick fingers and admired him.

"Honey, that's a lot of money." She leaned forward as if she had been led by a soul.

"Yes. Because the money is too large for the general company to take over, he came to me and hoped to use the account of Chuang's to do this. "

"Oh, yes. This amount of money is only a drop in the bucket to Zhuang's family. "

"Mommy, he said that when it's done, he'll give me 50 million yuan."

Speaking of this, Xie Junren suddenly fixed his expression and fixed his eyes on her.

"50, 50 million?!!! Are there any other requirements? " She was completely stunned.

"No Xie Junren shakes his head, and the fat of his two cheek Gang also follows.

“…… Yes, I think so. If he has no other requirements, I think it is feasible. You are familiar with the procedures and procedures. " She pinched the end of her cigarette and pressed it into the ashtray.

It's money and money.

You know, fame and wealth, since ancient times, is the best way to buy people.

It seems that the mother and son are no exception.

"If the east window incident happens, let that stupid boy suffer a bit, who let him fight against us."

"Mommy's right. Once it happens, he won't pay more taxes."

"It should not be too late. You can contact Ding Xiangkun now to talk about partnership. "

"Good Mommy."

"Well, wait a minute. You must remember that you must not promise him anything else. He's an extremely dangerous man. I heard that he killed people without blinking an eye, but also like to drink human blood, so terrible!!! You hurt yourself carefully and implicate me and Tingting

"You know, Mommy, don't worry."

Xie Junren thought for a moment, and finally took out the phone to broadcast the devil's message.……

He did not know that his round head had reached into the noose of death. Unless he died, death would not give him a chance to get out of the way.

Of course, the "good news" spread across the ocean in a blink of an eye through efficient communication facilities, and two scum are toasting.

"Sister, the fish is on the hook."

Head to Kun and gently shake the red wine in the cup, so proud. Red liquid always excites him.

"Give him something sweet and bite the hook. Xie Junren is really an unknown ghost."

Claris was also very happy with his smile.

"Sister, Xie's name comes here. You can arrange it."

"Don't worry. I promise that he will be crisp and numb every night."

"I've heard that Xie Junren has a cousin named Ning Xuan. She's very good-looking and must be very tasty." Top to Kun suddenly smile good evil.

"Then let Xie Junren bring the little girl to you as a gift."

"Let Hun san'er find out who else is around Ning Xuan. Sister, look, brother, take them in and expand the team for you. "

Hahaha ~

"Oh, by the way, Ding ye, at present, the police are closely investigating the affairs of an Qiaoqiao and ah Qing. I think that lope can go back a few days later to avoid sharp points."

“…… ok When Xie Junren is settled, let her go. Oh, sister, how is her recovery? "

"Can run and jump."

"Well, you bring her here in the evening. I'll check her in person to see if her voice is tender or not."

"Oh, my dear, you are so bad ~"

"is that right? I think you'd better experience it first. "

After that, Ding Xiangkun throws away his glass and walks into the bedroom with Claris in his arms.

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