May's home is on the hillside of Lantau.

It holds mountains and holds the sea. It has a wide view and a wonderful geographical location.

This European style villa, covering an area of 30000 square meters and a height of 30 meters, can be seen from afar with tall pavilions, majestic buildings and pointed roofs. The scale of this villa is comparable to that of the White House of the United States.

The owner here is the mysterious and legendary old fox, May's father, Zhuang nianfan's Jieyi elder brother and our great uncle.

At nine o'clock the next morning, the old man sent a special car to take the three of us home.

Our luggage is full of three cars, hehe ~

Adu and a Zhong, as well as awei and ah Hao, these four strong "porters", like big eyed squirrels with peanuts, come and go upstairs, downstairs, inside and outside the car. They are so tired that they keep yelling back pain ~

uncle stood at the gate of the gate early in the morning, looking down at the foot of the mountain“ When he was a child, he jumped out of the car like a cat.

"Ouch, my dear child, my little darling, my heart, welcome ~"

"uncle, thank you for allowing us to live here. We are so happy." We bowed deeply and laughed brightly.

This smile, let uncle feel his life and spring, and endless happiness, so he put his arms around our shoulders, excited tears in his eyes.

"Dad ~, here we are, Dad, I love you." May rushed to give a warm hug.

"Good boy. I, I am so happy. " The old man was too excited to know what to say.

ADU and a Zhong, as well as awei and ah Hao, came by one after another, bowed deeply and said with a smile, "Hello, old man. Excuse me."

Their sunny and friendly smile makes the big uncle's heart full of love.

The old man took their hands and said enthusiastically, "good, good, children, come with me."

"Coming ~" we gathered around him and walked into the villa happily.

I didn't expect that there was a special cave in the room ~

the golden roof, the golden walls, the golden floors, the golden windows, the golden buildings and the golden doors were all shining everywhere, which made me dizzy.

A wide range of antiques, jades, calligraphy and painting ornaments make this place a high-end atmosphere with connotation, which is not inferior to the National Museum.

"The house is so big, tall and beautiful." Sister Ning Xuan smiles happily.

"Just like it. From today on, children, this is your home. You should be free and happy Uncle laughed so much that his eyes fell together.

"Sister ningxuan and sister Qiqi, come with me and I'll show you the bedroom."

"Oh, yes, uncle, please." With that, the three kittens spread their hooves and ran up the stairs.

They looked at the high stairs, pinched their waist and gasped. After a moment, they picked up their heavy luggage and slowly walked up.

At this time, the doorbell sang a happy song.

Ali answered the door and welcomed the smiling Chuang nianfan and his wife.

I'm old, housekeeper. He is of medium stature, straight nose and square mouth. He is responsible for his work and is strict and organized. The old man has specially transferred him to take care of our life.

"Afan, sister-in-law." The eldest uncle warmly welcomed him.

"Big brother." Zhuang nianfan took his hand and laughed.

"Come on, sit in the living room."

Let's all sit down in the living room.

Ali brought fragrant tea to entertain the guests and turned to leave.

"Come to Afan and have tea, as well as your younger brother and sister."

"Let's do it by ourselves, brother. Don't be busy. Just sit down."

Zhuang nianfan sipped tea and watched his big brother Tie Yi happily.

Guan Jingxian chuckled: "elder brother, we know you have a happy event today, so we come here to join in the fun and ask for a drink."

"Oh, brother-in-law, I can't get it. You know, with them around, I'm so happy, so happy, I even find my youth. "

Ha ha ha ~, the silver bell like laughter floats to the ear, several of us to the sound.

"Uncle, aunt." May bowed to greet her.

"Good, good boy, good boy, don't be too polite." Guan Jingxian looks at her lovingly.

"Hey ~" she sat down beside her uncle with a smile and leaned happily on his shoulder.

"Uncle." Sister Ning Xuan and I saluted.

Zhuang nianfan nodded and said with a smile, "well, it's hard for you to be so sensible and good."

Then we sat next to Guan Jingxian and said, "Mommy ~"

"good boy, you are so sensible and Mommy is so happy." She patted us on the face.

"Hello, uncle Zhuang and aunt Xian." Adelain and a Zhong, Ah Wei and a Hao also bow to smileZhuang nianfan waved happily: "I've been busy all morning. I'm tired. Come and have a rest and drink some water."

"Oh, well, hey." They talked and laughed, sat down on the sofa, took Ali's hot tea and sipped it slowly.

Zhuang nianfan put down his teacup and said with a smile, "elder brother, how lively it is to have such a large group of children around. I really envy you."

"Ah fan, you're right. I feel happy every day like Chinese New Year." Uncle's beard is shaking with joy.

"I don't know when, let this lively wind blow me and your aunt." Zhuang nianfan is jealous.

"Ah ~ ~ ~, the children have just come, and my happiness has just begun. You can't help but rob it. It's not good, isn't it children." Uncle shook his head.

Yes, ha ha ha. We bend over with laughter.

At noon, Yi Fan's cousin and Chen Zhengliang arrive at the same time.

"Hello, uncle. Excuse me." They were busy bowing in to say hello.

"It's rare that you two appear at the same time. Come and sit down. " The big uncle took one hand and sat down on the sofa.

Seeing Zhuang nianfan and his wife, they were surprised.

Zhuang nianfan broke the deadlock and said, "I didn't expect it, eh?"

"Ah, yes, it was an accident. Uncle, aunt Yi Fan's cousin bowed down in a hurry and said hello politely.

At the same time, Chen Zhengliang found me at a glance in his eyes, and his face finally showed a sunny smile.

With these words, Adele takes Ning Xuan and Mei Le ha ha to sit beside ah Zhong. Zhuang nianfanla comes to Yi fan, and Guan Jingxian leads me to Chen Zhengliang, but he puts me in the middle.

Er ~ I stiff back, as far as possible away from his high enthusiasm and hot eyes.

The uncle nodded with shining eyes, shaking his beard and laughing.

The mood of Yi Fan's cousin is like the smoke from the kitchen. There is a feeling of helplessness and helplessness. His heart is full of empty sorrow, like the dust blown by the wind, which makes people sad. The depression is full of his heart, full of clouds and sky.

At lunch time, I took the opportunity to run to Yi Fan's cousin's side, holding hands and touching my arm. He felt my head and felt a little smile.

The big uncle's eyes flashed doubt, but soon disappeared, replaced by indulgent joy, plus deep blessing.

"Cousin Yifan, would you like to come to see me every day after work?"


"Cousin Yifan, don't be angry. I'll go home soon for a month."

With that, I put my right hand into his hand and felt the temperature of his palm.

"Do you see I'm not happy?" He grabbed it immediately.

"Yes." I nodded gently.

Chen Zhengliang is melancholy. He ate Guan Jingxian's dish in silence. He was sour in his heart: "look at me, my wife. I'll be by your side."

Yi Fan cousin leisurely said: "you know, a month is longer than a century for me."

"Long? I'm always hanging around in front of you, don't you mind? "

"No worries."

"I'm not bothered. Hum. Cousin Yifan, I'm hungry. Let's have dinner. Oh, by the way, Yi Fan cousin ~ no green pepper, no radish, no beans. "

"You know, as long as the meat, right, good, good, quick start to give you, my baby, you want to eat more, you know?"

"Am I your baby, cousin Yifan?"

"Yes, it's a treasure. It's priceless."

"Now I declare, cousin Yifan, you are also my baby. Hee ~ "

I glanced at him with a silly smile.

"Oh He stopped his chopsticks with surprise and joy.

"Rotten baby. I chuckled, lowered my head and gobbled.

"Ah, baby is enough. Why do you want to be" rotten "

He was so disappointed that he even pursed his mouth and glared at me coyly, but he didn't want me to eat less. He still took the meat politely: "here you are. Be careful of scalding. "

I do not look up, just holding a bowl to eat.

All of a sudden, he chuckled and sighed in my ear:

"Oh, Qiqi, I feel like I'm raising a pig. Wow, you're not big enough to eat."

"Ah pig? Be careful I arch you. It's a blessing to eat, don't you often tell me? " I raised my jaw and arched him, pretending to be right.

"Yes, yes, yes, I said it, I said it." He almost spouted food from his mouth.

"So, cousin Yifan, you should eat more and eat faster."

And then he put it in his fish bowl and I started laughing.

"Good." He was still nodding and laughing.

"Then eat, just look, fool." I looked at the meat and then at him.

"Well, I eat slowly because I bring you vegetables. Don't call me a fool." He was wronged.

"Good, good, bad baby, eat it." I coaxed him."Take out the rotten and I'll eat it." He's pushing his luck.

"If you don't eat it, you'll give me back the meat!"

I stare round eyes and grab the meat from his bowl. He couldn't help but pick up the meat and put it into his mouth. His eyes were wide and he chewed hard.

Chen Zhengliang gently put down his bowl and chopsticks, wiped his mouth and left quietly with a bitter smile.

Adele and they put down their dishes and chopsticks tastelessly.

Uncle and Zhuang nianfan made eye contact and continued to eat.

At the moment, Yi Fan's mouth is full of meat, and his cheeks are bulging like a drummer playing suona.

Imagining the "spectacular" scene of his cheek being hit and the flesh gushing out, I was so happy that I almost slipped out to the table.

A happy feast ended in such a happy way.

Anyway, I'm full. Cousin Yifan smiles.

Hehehe ~


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