9 p.m., Lantau villa.

"The stars are so beautiful." Sister Ning Xuan looks at the blue sky and sighs sincerely.

"Yes, why didn't I find out before?" May seems to be talking to herself.

I stare at the starry sky, looking at it carefully, eyebrows tremble.

The starry sky turned into David's dark blue eyes, which made me feel flustered and confused.

Infatuated among them, the soul riding on the feeling of floating like an immortal, slowly away from the body, a little bit upward, floating, but floating.

"Look at that star!"

In the direction of sister Ning Xuan's fingers, she found a shining and shining star.

Its appearance, over many stars around, and even snatched away the scenery of the moon.

The moon smiles into the clouds, ignoring the eyes of this blinking little generation.

"Kiki, why don't you talk Kiki Kiki

"Hello, silly head ~"

"ah ~"

being pushed by may suddenly, I nearly fell off my seat, and my soul immediately fell to the ground. Then I collected all my senses in a hurry and bumped into my body step by step.

"Well, it's dark. You want to scare me to death by shouting like that

"Ouch, it's so painful, may, don't pat it so hard ~"

"no more, Qiqi, come here." Sister Ning Xuan waved at the right time.

"I don't want it. You can be sweet together. Always think I'm unnecessary, bully me, ignore you. " I just sat on the grass.

"Oh, fool, no one hates you. Come here."


"Come on."

"Don't call me."

I throw off my shoes and stretch like a lazy cat.

They all came to draw the gourd.

"Wow, it's so comfortable, Qiqi. No wonder you always like to run barefoot on the ground. When you step on the grass, you feel so strange."

"Yes, may ~"

"yes, I feel a little itchy on my feet."

"Yes, aduh is right. I feel itchy too."

"Hello, ah Zhong. It shouldn't itch. It should be chilly."

Look at them, a trickster prank forms instantly.

Smile ~

"ah! ~"I screamed so hard that they shivered.

"Ah Zhong Ah, aduh, on you There is a What a big, big caterpillar, thick, green, ah!!! Scared to death!!! Help me

There are no caterpillars at all.

I just want to know how brave they are.

Because my performance was quite up to the mark, every one of them believed it.

Adele and a Zhong, in particular, have even felt that there is a huge, dark green mollusk, with its tentacles full of suction cups, firmly sucking and adhering to the body, slowly crawling around, leaving a trail of thick and transparent liquid.

To this end, they get goose bumps all over their bodies, their chests rise and fall, and even their breathing becomes short.

Aduh was the first to jump up, his body shaking into a pile of waves, like electric shock.

"Oh, my God, caterpillar, caterpillar, caterpillar, go away, don't climb, don't climb, go, go, go away..."

"Disgusting bug!"

A Zhong, a carp, stood up, pulled up his front and kept shaking. His super shaped abdominal muscles loomed in front of his eyes, which was hard to see.

"Ah, ah, insects, insects, go away, go away, don't climb, don't climb..."

Sister Ning Xuan and may also sit up, staring at their sweetheart and yelling. What they can take off is just green leaves.

This noise, like a boulder thrown into the calm water, instantly stirs up thousands of waves. It not only cuts through the quiet starry sky, stops the cricket's graceful singing voice, but also breaks the original ease here.

This disturbance naturally aroused the great uncle and Chen Zhengliang, who were drinking tea in the room. Their faces were anxious and they came for a trot.

"It's a big deal. Bad! Show him the truth. I'm dead. "

I turned around and was just about to slip away, but I was blocked back by ah Xiu and them.

Everyone thought I was scared and didn't care. The focus was still on the people who jumped and jumped and yelled.

"What's wrong with Adele? What's the matter, ah Zhong?"

Chen Zhengliang grabs Adele, turns around and pulls ah Zhong. Seeing that the two little faces are white, his voice is shaking, his heart is beating, his blood pressure is soaring, and his tongue is knotted.

"Caterpillars ~, good, big caterpillars, good brother, quick, quick, take it away."

As if they saw the Savior, they held his hand on their shoulders.

At once, Chen Zhengliang was absorbed in looking up and down, and everyone scanned one by one. However, the "huge" creature in their mouth was still missing."No, wow No Where is it No

Everyone said no, their heads were shaking like rattles.

Adele and a Zhong finally stop, standing on the grass, pinching their waists and breathing heavily, they look at everyone and Chen Zhengliang.

"How do you know there's a caterpillar on your body, and it's huge, eh ah Chung?"

"Qiqi said that." May grabbed me.

Hehehe ~, uncle grinned. He guessed everything, but he wanted to know what Chen Zhengliang would do with it.

"Just your mouth is quick, may." I stare at her.

Chen Zhengliang's eyes were serious, and I could not help but be surprised. I immediately looked down to think of a solution.

He came and I turned around and ran, but he caught me in the arm.

"Don't leave. Make it clear."

"Ah? What's up Oh, I said about the bug, that's right

"Not now."

"No? No, it's not. I'll have a look

I pretended to be stupid and ran to aduh and looked up and down.

"Well, there is no such thing. How could it not be? It has just been obvious. Maybe because they jump, they jump off, right? Ha ha

"Hum!" Adelain and a Zhong step behind Chen Zhengliang.

“…… Well, well, I admit, I teased you, I was wrong, I was wrong, I'm sorry, I apologize to you I had to do it.

"What do you think?" Chen Zhengliang has a cunning look in his eyes.

"No forgiveness!" They have a secret smile.

"Oh, all right." Chen Zhengliang waved his hands into the air and took a step aside helplessly.

"Hum Adelain and a Zhong took a step at the same time.

"It's on."

The eldest uncle was more interested, and everyone kept silent and stretched their necks.

"Er, God. A Zhong, a fighting expert, can't run away. If you add an Adele who is full of civil and military materials, I will die. "

Sandwiched in the middle of the wall, I looked left and right. I was not only short in stature, but also absolutely higher than their knees.

"I've already apologized. If you don't kill people too much, forgive me. I promise I won't tease you again ~ "

I stretched out my slender hands as soft as bone, pulled their lapels and grinned.

"Ha ~, good brother doesn't care, ah Zhong, it's time for us to revenge."

"What can we do if we jump so long?"

"I, I apologize, I'm wrong. I'll never tease you again. Besides, it's too timid for you two men to be so frightened by a caterpillar. "

"Yo, aduh, she said we were timid."

"Still like a mouse!"!!! I wanted to forgive her unintentional loss. It seems that... "

"It doesn't seem necessary! Hum

I couldn't stop talking, and after a long time I came up with the words:

"no, no, no, I didn't mean that. No, No. don't get me wrong. You are a hero, a hero, a superman, oh, an invincible superman

"Flattering? Don't do that! We are not easy to cheat. Aren't you a woman? Let's see how brave you are. No, I'm afraid of it

Aduh said and stepped back, his expression was strange.

"That!" A Zhong raises his hand. Something shakes.

Take a close look, my mother, in his short and thick fingers, actually holding a dark green, chubby caterpillar.

Caterpillars have short, thick feet, eye-shaped markings, and clusters of spines. My God! Just looking at it, you're scared out of your wits.

The "lovely" mollusk, in his fingertips to wriggle his waist, turn over the body, struggling to break free from the shackles of fingers.

"Oh no, let go of me, let go of me, oh no ~, oh no ~"

with its flipping rhythm, I gave it a sad voice over in my heart.

"Look." Ah Zhong held it in front of my eyes, and my eyes were aligned.

"Well, it's disgusting. Take it away. " I curled my mouth and shook my head.

"See, it's real and alive." Ah Zhong is shaking the worm.

"Yes, a real animal. It's called a caterpillar. It's so soft and lovely. Oh, it has so many feet. Ah Zhong, do you think it is big enough

Aduh looked up at the caterpillar and then at me, laughing badly.

Sinister face, evil smile, there must be bad things to happen, I have goose bumps all over my body.

"Well, that's enough." A Zhong looks at the bug and nods with satisfaction.

"Ah ~, you don't want to I instantly widened my eyes and blew up my hair.

"Do you want to forgive? OK ~, let it crawl on your back. If you don't shout or shout, we will forgive you."

Adele's voice has not yet landed, a Zhong's hand has been extended.Slap it on my shoulder.

As a matter of fact, before the insects came, they were transferred to Adele's hands by a Zhong.

Besides, if you really let me go, maybe I'll be scared, and their good brother will be distressed. So they put on a double play, a real hat trick.

How can I know that? Naturally, I believe it.

When he was scared, he jumped up and screamed:

"ah, help, help! ~Get rid of it! Get rid of it! My mother ~ take it off ~ take it off quickly ~ ~ "

adelain comes to Chen Zhengliang with a straight face and ah Zhong raises the caterpillar. All of a sudden, there was a lot of laughter.

Some of them were laughing, some were laughing, some were laughing with their hands, others were giggling with each other's shoulders, and some were even more exaggerated and paralyzed on the grass. Er ~

after a while, they laughed away.

Only I ran to one side and jumped.

Chen Zhengliang's teeth were broken with laughter.

After that, he came running quickly, hugged me fondly into his arms and said warmly, "OK, OK, don't jump any more. They haven't put the insects on you."

"Ah? Didn't you put it You mean there are no caterpillars? "

"Yes, yes, no, no, really not."

"Really not?"

"Really not. Ah Zhong is just scaring you. The caterpillar has been holding it on his fingertips, little fool. "

He has a beautiful heart.

Imagine that I will hold him as a coquettish, will complain that he did not tell the truth, even into his arms waiting for him to kiss.

For this, he is ready to kiss my lips

But the facts were far beyond his expectation.

I suddenly grabbed his thumb, opened his mouth and bit it down, forced, and then

"Ouch, ouch, the big one has been tortured by Qiqi again."

she laughs at sister Ning Xuan and may.

They giggled and ran back to their rooms to broadcast the news.


At the moment, Xiangyan villa is full of light and wine, singing and dancing, and a group of images of money and lust. From time to time, Xie Junren's obscene music and beautiful women's panting sound are heard from time to time

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