The battle in the border city started, which means that the demons have already taken over the whole dwarf race, and the next to fall is the human race. This small city, which had been comfortable even when living at the border, finally ushered in the most terrible hell.
What defeated them was not the bold and fierce demons but themselves. Because before the demons broke through the gates of the border city, the people in the whole city had already lost their fighting spirit and panicked so much that they didn’t even know where to hide.

The soldiers guarding the city were already scarce. Even after joining the escort of the city lord’s house, they were no match for the demon army.

Qing Yun was escorted all the way into the carriage and then broke through the panicked crowd to escape from the city lord’s mansion.

These soldiers and guests, seeing the princess’s signature carriage, gave way. They looked at the carriage like it was a flame of salvation.

“Quickly! Let the princess escape. When they get to the Morris Mountains, the princess will awaken the dragon!”

“The dragon! To the dragon, awaken the dragon, and we will be saved!”

The presence of the princess immediately made the people of the border city think of their savior. They struggled out of their panic, and the first thing they thought of was not to hide and escape but to kneel down under that statue of the dragon in the city and pray.

Qing Yun sat in the carriage, passing by the statue of the dragon with wings ready to fly, looking at the people kneeling by the statue praying piously, but his face could not make any expression.

This small border town, which should have been familiar with war and chaos, is putting all its hopes for survival on a dragon from a legend.

No one knows if the dragon will come, and no one dares to doubt it. They prefer to believe the legends and do not have the courage to take up their weapons in their hands to fight hard with the demons.


This is the norm throughout the Kingdom of Studian. Just as when they knew about the demon invasion, the first thing they did was to find the most beautiful one of the three races as a gift for the dragon. They have lost the courage to resist the invasion in the last ten thousand years of comfort.
As the object of prayer for the entire border city, Morris simply indifferently scanned the group of people praying. He has been living for tens of thousands of years, and this entire kingdom of Studian is like his livestock, simply keeping the land flourishing until he finds his lost treasure.

Thinking of this, Morris’ eyes sweep over the carriage with tenderness. Now that he has found his treasure, he no longer has an obsession with this land.

Whether it’s the demons or the humans, Morris doesn’t have any sense of belonging. His only connection to the world is the maiden in the carriage.

Of course, he could immediately transform into his original form and save the border city from the disaster, but what good would that do? Joyce still has a prejudice against his original form. He certainly does not want to scare his baby right now because of these humans.

The princess’s gorgeous carriage passed unhindered through the panic-stricken crowd. Wherever the carriage went, the expectant voices of the people rang out, “Is it the princess? Quickly let the princess leave!”

Seeing that the carriage had reached below the city gates, as Serodi and the others tried to find a way to bypass the demon army and leave the border city directly, a clear and calm voice suddenly came out of that carriage that had been quiet: “Stop.”

Morris froze and opened the small window of the carriage to look at the young girl with a cold face inside. Thinking she was afraid, he said softly, “Don’t worry. I will take you away safely.”

“I said, stop.” The young girl’s voice was even firmer, and even Serodi and Hughes froze because of it.

The carriage stopped, and Serodi looked anxiously at the young girl who had suddenly become capricious at a critical moment: “Princess! Now is not the time to stop. The demons are about to attack the city, so we must seize the time to escape!”

Hughes’ face became stranger. He found Joyce quiet these days, and when he suddenly fled from the battle armor store, he had a feeling that Joyce would still try to escape, but he didn’t expect to have a problem at such a time.

He completely put away his disguised respect and sternly scolded the young girl in the carriage: “Princess! I hope you remember your identity and mission!”


Hearing Hughes’ words, Morris’ sharp, dangerous red pupils instantly locked onto the disrespectful human guard.
However, the young girl, who was still wearing her party dress, stepped down from the carriage with her wide, fluffy skirt.

His face was calm, and his beautiful features showed a kind of unspeakable majesty, instantly suppressing the restlessness of the surrounding guards.

“My mission? To awaken the dragon that has been sleeping for an unknown number of years?” The young girl’s calm and wide eyes, resembling the sky after the rain, swept over all the guards, “Just for that uncertain hope, you are going to give up this city?”

“But the border city can’t withstand the demons……” Hughes retorted, “Princess, you are wasting your time here!”

“Yes, the border city can’t withstand the demons, and the entire Studian can’t stop the demons. After capturing the border city, the demons will quickly attack the imperial capital of Studian. Even if we reach the mountain, even if we are lucky enough to wake up that dragon, by the time it comes, the whole of Studian will already be full of destruction. Even if the dragon comes, will it be useful?”

The young girl’s words made everyone silent. It was the truth. Just because the demons came with a fierce force, leaving them completely defenseless, they pinned their hopes on that legend.

“However, as long as you can find the dragon, then the sacrifice of the entire border city and even more cities is meaningful.” Hughes gritted his teeth and said. The maiden’s words almost shattered the faith in his heart because no one knew better than him that their trip to the Morris Mountains this time was simply useless. After all, the real princess was not even here!

The people of the border city are suffering from the abuse of the demons. At the same time, the real Princess Lydia is always safe and hiding in the deep palace……

“Sacrifice?” Hughes’ words seemed to pierce the maiden’s heart, and they watched as the princess lowered her eyes and gave up retorting. Instead, she carried her skirt and walked step by step toward the stairs at the city wall.

“One person can be sacrificed to protect another person, or one person can be sacrificed to protect an entire nation. This is the reason you discard one person, but I will not. They treat me with the courtesy of a princess, and I will never abandon my subjects!” Her voice carried despair and irony but with an unparalleled determination that came through the night breeze so that none of the surrounding guards dared to stop the majestic young girl.

Hughes’ sword fell to the ground with a clang, and he certainly understood Joyce’s words. The people of Studian were willing to sacrifice Lydia to protect the whole of Studian, and the Grand Mage, who loved Lydia, wanted to sacrifice him to save Lydia.

This low-born, pathetic, and pitiful teenager is the only sacrificial victim.

But it is this sad victim who, in turn, wanted to protect those who pushed him into the abyss.
Serodi and the others were also frozen because no matter how much respect they had for the maiden, how obedient they were, these were all based on one thing: the girl would sacrifice all of herself to give them the precious peace.

But who are they to ask her so harshly?

The princess’s carriage stopped, and so did the princess’s guards.

As soon as the people of the border city in prayer looked up, they saw a figure that was like a flower petal fluttering in the night sky, quickly running up the city walls. That huge azure skirt, which was carefully decorated and embellished by them, was like the wings of the most beautiful butterfly, but it was flying towards the battle.

Qing Yun picked up a huge sword that looked wider compared to his skinny body and instantly cut the head of the demons climbing the wall.

He raised the blood-stained sword high, and his clear and majestic voice was transmitted by magic to all corners of the border city, instantly stopping the panic of the city guards.

“My warriors! Look back at your families, their safety, and their happiness. You need to protect them yourselves. I want my subjects to use their own hands to protect all they truly love and use their strength to preserve all they have. All you can rely on is yourselves!”

The young girl’s firm voice drilled into everyone’s ears, making the panicked guards and knights instantly calm down. It also woke up the people in the city kneeling and praying to the dragon statue.

They looked up in awe at the figure standing on the high city wall, holding a huge sword in her hand. That figure was slim, weak, yet seemed to be able to bear the responsibility of an entire nation.

“Take up the weapons in your hands, for the sake of your families and for the sake of Studian!”

Perhaps encouraged by the maiden, or possibly driven by desperation, the guards finally recognized their desperate state, gritted their teeth, and raised their swords, chanting along with the maiden: “For Studian! Kill!”

For the first time, with all the courage they had in their lives, they rushed forward towards the terrible demons.
At the same time, a blinding light suddenly erupted from the tip of the giant sword held by the princess on the city wall. A soft and divine healing magic instantly illuminated the entire battlefield, gently soothing the wounds of every warrior and giving them abundant courage.

“Kill!” The shouts of the city guards became even louder.

The sound of fighting resounded again, but it was not the previous one-sided slaughter of the demons. The women kneeling in front of the dragon statue awoke with a start. They put away their prayers, and their eyes began to become firm, picking up the crying children around them and hiding them in the safest place.

Although unfamiliar, everyone was ready to fight.

Serodi and the others stood frozen, looking at the entire border city that suddenly became orderly within a few minutes. Everyone’s heart was surprisingly like that of the city guards, and a sense of pride and responsibility rose at the same time.

“The princess, she……” Serodi tilted his head to look at the young girl whose body was shrouded in white light, and his gaze was very complicated.

“Sending her away is the loss of the entire human race.” Morris obsessively looked at the figure with a big glow, “because she is not a princess, she is a born leader!”

But getting her was Morris’ greatest fortune. Morris arrived at the wall in a flash. He did not interrupt the girl’s magic but quietly guarded his side, isolating all attacks.

He knew what his Joyce wanted. She wanted the border city, and she wanted the whole of Studian. Then, he would accompany her all the way to conquer it.

Hughes’ face was heavy. He fixed a glance at the maiden on the wall, possessed himself to pick up his sword, and said towards Serodi: “Let’s go. This is our fight too.”


With each step he took, the confusion in his eyes faded away. Hughes could understand Count Olsen’s words, because in the face of the demon invasion, what they need is not the dragon’s salvation, but a true king’s leadership, leading them to resist the attack, leading them out through their own way, rather than being like the dragon’s kept livestock, forever praying for the dragon’s protection.

But……at the beginning, they pushed their king to the edge.

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