The former musical prodigy performed a miracle again, surprisingly performing Khrutaf’s piece “Flowing Water” in its entirety and completely reversing people’s impressions about it.
This brought Xiang Chenyu’s name back into the public eye, and many people couldn’t help but bring up his childhood experiences.

The media also caught wind of it. They waited until the preliminary round was over and Xiang Chenyu was still packing up in the lounge to intercept him.

“May I ask you what kind of understanding you have of “Flowing Water”? Is the reason why you have given “Flowing Water” such emotions from your understanding of Khrutaf’s life, or is it your own conjecture?”

The reporter who barged into the lounge kept asking questions to Chenyu, while the other contestants looked on with their arms folded over their chests and jealous eyes as they watched the youth panic and try to hide.

Qing Yun, adhering to Xiang Chenyu’s character, changed from his sharpness in refuting Turris on stage. He just kept his head down and held his violin to avoid the reporter’s questions, remaining silent and not saying a word.

The reporter shrugged helplessly at his camera, “It seems that our musical prodigy is a genius of high character, and he is not willing to answer my questions.”

However, at that moment, the camera caught the reddish tips of the youth’s ears hidden under his black hair. The reporter was instantly energized and ran to his side again to ask: “May I ask if you are shy?”

When he asked this question, he only saw that the teenager’s cheeks became even redder, and the black eyes that occasionally glanced over seemed to be soaking in a spring of water, which was extremely cute.

Although no questions were answered, the video was still eventually put online. Many netizens looked at the cute teenager in the video who would not refute or rebuke but would only hold the violin and scurry away with a red face, and they couldn’t help but laugh.

Even the reporter himself, in the end, said to the camera, “Haha, it’s so cute. I’m falling in love with him, really.”


Someone also put out a video of Xiang Chenyu being interviewed by reporters in the square when he was ten years old. At that time, the boy with ragged clothes and unreasonably large shoes on his feet did not feel inferior because of his clothes. On the contrary, he looked up at the reporters with his little white face, smiling and calling out uncle one after another.

His smile was so bright that it easily conveyed his happiness. He wasn’t shy about talking about all the fun stories he had when he was learning the violin.
The contrast between that boy with a bright smile and the current young man with his head down, who is still cute but unusually silent, was inexplicably heartbreaking for netizens to see.

“I really want to know what he’s been through all these years. Being adopted and having a life with great clothes and food, but why do I still feel sorry for him to the extent that I want to hug him!”

Some say that because people expect too much from him, Xiang Chenyu is silenced because of the slander that follows the disappearance of his talent. Others point the finger at Xiang Chenyu’s father and mother, who adopted him.

However, the Xiang family was no slouch. Almost as soon as they found out that Xiang Chenyu had played “Flowing Water”, Father Xiang posted a long paragraph on his personal page.

He was earnest in his words and portrayed himself as a father who had taken great pains. He also said that even when Xiang Chenyu’s brilliance disappeared, they did not give up on him but loved him just as much. Now, they feel very relieved to see him shine again.

This indeed appeased the netizens very well. After all, Father and Mother Xiang had always put on a good face and were praised by everyone when they adopted Xiang Chenyu.

For Xiang Chenyu’s display of a silent to almost somewhat autistic image, some people expressed disbelief, especially fans of Turris.

“When you disliked the judges, why was it not like this? Oh, acting, you can also act well. Maybe you can mix better in the acting circle!”

“It’s just by chance that you played “Flowing Water”. What are you so proud of? Don’t you know you have to respect your seniors?”

“I firmly believe that Xiang Chenyu’s performance of ‘Flowing Water’ was just by luck. After all, his previous performance was so bad. This time, he shined in the final, but it was just a case of a blind cat running into a dead rat, right?”

The matter of whether or not Xiang Chenyu will be able to play “Flowing Water” again is being discussed endlessly, and the topic is constantly rising in popularity because of the many music lovers who are active and Turris’ fans jumping around.

Although more people have praised Xiang Chenyu’s act of speaking out for his music, Turris’ status is out there, and his words still caused a lot of discussions.

What should Khrutaf’s “Flowing Water” sound like? Is it the proud and incomparable display of skill before, or is it the young man’s interpretation of a life that flows slowly like flowing water?
At this point, a violinist who played “Flowing Water” in its entirety, Rosef, spoke up. He was ranked alongside Turris as one of the top musicians in this world. Rosef never labeled himself as a technical or emotional performer. In his opinion, good music is worthy of praise.

Rosef participated in the topic and publicly supported the youth on his personal page. He said that when he played “Flowing Water” in its entirety, he did feel that the piece was natural and that there was a connection between the different movements, just like the rise and fall of emotions.

However, Rosef also emphasized that the second movement of this violin piece is extremely demanding in terms of technique. Most performers struggle to control technique rather than let the piece flow naturally, let alone give it emotion. Even he has played with too much deliberate control of technique without precisely expressing the emotion that this piece should have.

“Only those who have played “Flowing Water” in its entirety can appreciate the kind of emotion contained in the piece. All in all, the fact that Xiang Chenyu was able to give this piece a new look means that he has definitely played this piece perfectly more than once. He’s great, and there’s no doubt about it.”

Rosef’s praise immediately pushed Xiang Chenyu’s fame to the top.

It was no accident that this 18-year-old boy played “Flowing Water” in the preliminary round of the International Music Competition? He had played it more than once? The affirmation of Rosef made people more curious about this legendary musical prodigy, and those who ridiculed him for playing “Flowing Water” were slapped hard in the face.

Wei Family.

Wei Changxiu sat in his study, dealing with his work. Because his condition was recurring, he did not have any mind to deal with his work when he was in a depressed state and in a manic state where he was very aggressive, so he could only deal with various matters of the Wei family efficiently in his sober moments.

Everyone knows that the person in charge of the Wei family is sick, but it is the one with illness Wei Changxiu who has firm control over the entire Wei family. The company is well organized, and the Wei family businesses are at the top level when Wei Changxiu took over the family affairs.

This could not help but make all the business rivals who looked at him as a joke, and the dishonest people within the family, fall in disbelief.

Some people mocked him, saying that Wei Changxiu should be put in a mental hospital, but who would dare to do that? After someone had seen him go crazy, no one dared to anger him. After all, the Wei family’s assets are spread across various fields, and they don’t guarantee that their one life is honorable enough.

Indeed, Wei Changxiu is very aggressive when he falls into a manic state, and he is skilled enough. That’s why he always carries two bodyguards by his side, and the bodyguards are also calming agents.

After finally finishing the various tasks at hand, Wei Changxiu leaned back in his chair with a sigh and raised his hand to pinch the bridge of his nose. He paused for a moment and thought he should arrange his affairs a few days later in advance. After all, he couldn’t guarantee that he wouldn’t have a sudden attack.
However, Wei Changxiu did something out of the ordinary and picked up his phone involuntarily to watch the video of the preliminary round of the International Music Conference. Seeing the boy who was completely immersed in the music, with his eyes tightly closed and sometimes happy and sometimes agitated, Wei Changxiu gently hooked the corners of his mouth, and his cold black eyes came down with a rare mildness.

Thanks to the soothing of the teenager’s music, Wei Changxiu is in very good shape these days. Even the efficiency of handling work is much higher.

Watching the video, Wei Changxiu couldn’t help but start thinking, what was the youth who could play such music like that like? What kind of character does he have, and how wonderful would it feel if his glistening black eyes looked towards him?

Wei Changxiu wanted him to play for himself alone.

Suddenly aware of his stray thoughts, Wei Changxiu turned off the video, and his expression once again turned cold. He couldn’t think that way. This young man was indeed cute, he had supreme talent and a bright and open future.

And he, Wei Changxiu, is just an incredibly dangerous person with bipolar disorder. He can’t touch him. Otherwise, there’s no guarantee he won’t hurt the small youth when he has an episode.

This is also the reason why Wei Changxiu refused the bodyguard’s offer.

At this time, there was a knock on the door of the study. Wei Ming, the bodyguard and assistant who had been following Wei Changxiu, walked in, bowed, and said respectfully, “Boss, you just contacted Mr. Rosef, do we need to bring him in and have him play for you?”

“No, you guys don’t need to do anything extra either.” Wei Changxiu gave Wei Ming a warning glance.

Wei Ming instantly responded, “Yes……”

He knew that their plan could not be concealed from the boss. After all, when the boss is in a good state of mind, he is simply meticulous to a terrifying degree.

Wei Ming slowly withdrew from the study and closed the door with him. Facing the closed door, Wei Ming’s eyes flashed with a trace of helplessness. Even if they don’t know why the boss refused, they can’t simply give up the Wei family’s hope like this.

Far away on the other side of the ocean, Rosef saw that his words for the young man worked. He finally yawned and put on his nightcap to crawl under the covers again.
Of course, he knew about the young boy, Chenyu, who played “Flowing Water”. He indeed praised him very much and intended to help him refute Turris’ words. In his opinion, Turris’ words were a joke. Every piece of music is a treasure left by the composer to future generations. However, how to express the music depends on the creativity and emotion of the performer themself.

Rosef couldn’t help but sigh. Turris’ temperament has become more and more eccentric in recent years.

But no matter how good Rosef thinks of this boy Xiang Chenyu, he would not get up in the middle of the night to post a message himself!

Rosef nestled into his blanket and yawned greatly, cursing Wei Changxiu on the other side of the ocean several times in his heart.

Qing Yun also finally returned to the Xiang family. In order to celebrate his performance today, the Xiang family held a grand banquet.

As soon as he saw Xiang Chenyu step into the door of the Xiang family, Father Xiang immediately came over enthusiastically and opened his arms towards Xiang Chenyu: “Chenyu, mom and dad are proud of you!”

Qing Yun silently let Father Xiang hug him and then pushed him away and continued to walk forward. The guests in the living room kept coming over to talk to him, but Qing Yun ignored them all. He kept his head down and performed Xiang Chenyu’s self-absorbed boy appearance to the fullest.

There were constantly whispers that he was gloomy and weird. But what Qing Yun wants is this effect. If these people do not wonder about his actions, how will they eventually unearth Xiang Chenyu’s incomparably painful childhood?

Xiang Chenjin looked at Xiang Chenyu’s silent appearance going upstairs and smiled as he rounded up with the people around him, “Chenyu is tired today. Everyone knows how much strength it takes to play “Flowing Water” completely……”

As expected, the guests around were distracted by his words and started talking about the “Flowing Water” played by Xiang Chenyu today again.

When Xiang Chenjin saw this, the smile at the corner of his mouth faded by a few points. He tilted his head and once again looked at Xiang Chenyu’s back. He knew that Xiang Chenyu had always been jealous of his parents’ love for him. However, having been born into a musical family but only found to learn music in his teens, Xiang Chenjin was also incredibly jealous of Xiang Chenyu, a musical prodigy. He would also worry whether his parents’ attention or even the family fortune would be snatched away by Xiang Chenyu.

He is only an outsider, what qualifications does he have to rob his things?

They were jealous of what each other had, but Xiang Chenjin knew that he had to be the winner.

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