Outside, Andrea had returned from the g4213 galaxy by now. The matter of Phil’s alleged cheating and those words left by Qing Yun did not cause any disturbance to Andrea.
Because he holds the First Legion in his hands, and at the same time, he is also close friends with the generals of the Second and Third Legions. Andrea secretly controlled the prime minister of the council as early as when he sat in the position of the head of the First Legion, so the whole council was on his side.

Andrea was under suspicion because Phil, who has a relationship with him, was suspected of cheating. However, because Andrea did it very stealthily and there is also his status in society, Andrea was only briefly questioned before being cleared of suspicion. He also became the candidate for the next emperor.

This is because the council has decided that Ilos is the last contract person as he, who was incredibly powerful at the selection, still failed to awaken the Star beast immediately. The council, eager to seize power, did not even think that Edmund had woken up, nor did they wait for three years as stipulated. They hastily determined the matter of Andrea’s enthronement and issued the relevant documents.

This decision was met with great backlash from the ministers who had followed Edmund, but Andrea still had his own popular base, and His Majesty had been asleep for too long. Moreover, the council had begun to reveal rumors of a new emperor being elected two years earlier, so even though the people were surprised, they didn’t object too much.

Andrea came out of the council building and nodded politely in the face of the old faction ministers who were scowling at him, before accepting an interview with reporters.

“May I ask General Andrea, what do you think about the council’s decision to elect you as the next emperor and to ascend the throne soon? As far as I know, you are an admirer of His Majesty Edmund. Will such a decision make you feel sorry for His Majesty?”

In the face of the reporters’ sharp questions, Andrea remained unperturbed, and he replied with a decent demeanor: “The council represents the will of the people, not my personal will. I can only say that I fully obey the orders of the empire.”

“In addition, as an individual, I am willing to wait forever for His Majesty to wake up. But as a general of the empire, I have to say that His Majesty has disappeared for too long, and we must elect a new person in power for the sake of the empire’s safety and security.” Andrea said.

His words, however, caused a momentary gasp from the reporters, “General, you say His Majesty has disappeared? Not sleeping?”

There was a glint of light in Andrea’s eyes, but his face showed a sorrowful expression: “Now this fact can no longer be concealed, His Majesty is not just sleeping, he is no longer in the palace either. His Majesty Edmund has disappeared for hundreds of years.”

Such a revelation instantly made people talk about it, and some kind of vague chaos occurred throughout the empire.

Such a result is exactly what Andrea wants. Until everyone thinks that His Majesty Edmund abandoned them and began to panic, he will then ascend to the throne and become the central backbone-like existence of the world.

It is reasonable to say that Andrea will not be so impatient to ascend the throne. According to his character, he would have waited for the appearance of the contract person before prompting the council to make such a decision.

But Andrea couldn’t resist, or perhaps he simply didn’t have the guts to wait for the appearance of Ilos three years later.

Because even if Andrea exhausted his imagination, he could not imagine that someone in this world could not rely on a companion beast, nor with the help of any tools to kill an adult 3S-grade beast.

He did not anticipate that his foolproof preparations for Phil would eventually fail and that the shield, which was called the strongest in the world, would be smashed with ease.
These actions of Ilos completely broke Andrea’s common sense.

And the abnormal disappearance of the system, neither wiping him out because of his mission failure nor making any move to punish him. This made him panic, and he decided to hastily ascend the throne and exhaust all the power to deal with that Ilos who would appear three years later.

But he never thought that Edmund, who he had said had disappeared, had returned to the palace three days ago and was just too busy doing his “business” to pay attention to him.

The council has issued the documents to let Andrea ascend the throne. The palace minister, who has no real power, is now anxiously spinning around like an ant on a hot pan in front of the door of one of the rooms in the palace.

The poor old man had been wondering for three days whether he had hallucinated that he had seen His Majesty appear that night with his young contract person.

But how could the emperor of Valanst present such an “impatient” appearance? This made the palace minister feel that his imagination was an insult to the emperor.

In fact, the palace minister is a bit young as he has only been with Edmund since the establishment of the Valanst Empire. So he did not know that when the empire and the federation existed at the same time, the image of their emperor, who had fought everywhere, was unreasonable and shameless and had spread throughout the stars.

It was only after the establishment of the Valanst Empire that the Star beast was portrayed as a powerful and majestic figure.

This incident involved a change in the throne and turmoil in the empire, and the palace minister had to verify his “hallucinations” that night. He first leaned against the door and listened to the room, but the excellent sound insulation prevented him from hearing any suspicious movements.

The palace minister finally made up his mind to take out his spare key. The moment his hand touched the door handle, the familiar low voice of the emperor of Valanst sounded in his ears: “Forrest, have you become so old that you don’t even know the rules anymore?”

“Your Majesty! Have you really returned?!” This old minister immediately knelt on the ground with hot tears, worshipping the emperor of this entire world, “Please forgive my sins, Your Majesty. The reason why I disturbed you and Mr. Ilos was because the council had made a move to seize power and decided to put General Andrea on the throne!”

Only those who had followed Edmund knew what kind of charm this man really had. He is strict yet extremely preferential to his subordinates. This man has carried the responsibility of the entire world, always standing in front of all the people during the world’s devastating disasters, leading them to fight and resist.

Edmund was the emperor admired and appointed by the entire world, and now someone was trying to take away his position.

“Andrea?” At the words of Palace Minister Forrest, Edmund only asked strangely and left it behind, “Leave him alone.”

With that said, the voice disappeared.

But the palace minister’s heart was no longer restless. After learning of His Majesty’s return, he immediately found the strength to secretly contact those old ministers to spread the news of His Majesty’s return.
The blush-inducing heat in the room had still not dissipated.

Qing Yun was lying on the silk sheets, biting the back of his hand and panting. The sweat on his forehead had long since dampened his golden hair, and the pair of sea-blue eyes, too, were thoroughly confused into soft seawater.

Over him, the man’s long blue and purple hair tangled almost like vines, imprisoning him.

“Stop, stop!” Qing Yun narrowed his eyes to stop the man’s movements, but his voice was slightly muffled.

“Baby……” Edmund’s response was a deep kiss.

“You stop it!” Qing Yun finally couldn’t help grabbing the man’s hair and pulling him up. He had heard the words of the palace minister outside clearly. How big was this man’s heart to still pester him now as if nothing was wrong?

After waiting for a long time and now finally being able to eat, how can one simply stop at that?

He directly fished Qing Yun into his arms: “Shh, baby, believe me, once more, just one more time!”

I’ll be damned if I believe you!

Qing Yun’s forehead veins throbbed. He did not let go of the hand that was pulling the man’s hair, but looked into the man’s eyes and called another name: “Ming Yan.”

Hearing these two words, Edmund immediately froze. His expression changed back and forth and eventually settled into a kind of submission mixed with nervousness.

The man finally stopped moving around but sat there and asked pitifully, “You know everything?”

“Know what?” Qing Yun lifted his foot and put it on the man’s face, “Knowing that you once always stayed by my side as a sword, and then when you crossed over to other worlds, you plotted against me?”

Ming Yan was Qing Yun’s sword, a sword that had stayed by his side for almost as long as Qing Yun could remember. It has witnessed all the unspeakable weaknesses and embarrassments in Qing Yun’s life and has even saved his life more than once during the siege of the Heavenly Dao and the protagonist.

The reason why Qing Yun could think of the man’s identity was because of the armor that appeared on the man earlier.

The pattern on the armor is exactly the same as the pattern on the body of the Ming Yan (Underworld Annihilation) Sword.

Hearing Qing Yun’s words, the man’s entire face turned red, and he scratched his hair in distress. He saw Qing Yun get up, and he immediately hugged his waist in a panic, afraid that this person would leave him: “Baby, Qing Yun……no, Master, please hear my explanation!”
Because of the man’s “Master”, Qing Yun’s eyes flooded with pleasure, but he coldly got up and put on the bathrobe before sitting calmly, looking at the man who showed worry on his face.

“Well, why did you who was born in this space become my sword, and what exactly is your relationship with that Heavenly Dao? Say it clearly.”

Edmund knew he couldn’t hide, so he wiped his face and simply sat on the ground, hugging Qing Yun’s calf before he said in a muffled voice: “Once, before I became the enforcer of this world, I was taken away by the Heavenly Dao and became the strongest protagonist under it.

As soon as he heard the man’s words, Qing Yun’s face immediately sank.

Edmund saw this and became weepy in a second. He was worried that Qing Yun would dislike him if he knew about his previous black history and could only hold up his hand in a panic: “Baby, you have to believe me, by the time you showed up, I had long since quit!”

“Call me master!” Qing Yun gave him a scowl and gestured for him to continue.

The man could only let out a bitter laugh and then explain: “At that time, the Heavenly Dao appeared as a system, allowing me as the protagonist to disrupt the process of each world to get energy for it. Later on, I broke apart with the Heavenly Dao because eventually, it wanted to devour me. Not only using me completely but also trying to devour this space where I was. This was the source of that devastating disaster in this world in the first place.”

“But the Heavenly Dao still underestimated me. I deliberately stored up energy for myself at the beginning as the main character, so I not only escaped his devouring but also shared a loss with it.”

“At the beginning, I paid attention to you when I found out that the Heavenly Dao was particularly interested in a child in the cultivation world and actually took a part of the energy in his soul as soon as he was born and scattered it to various worlds in a vain attempt to devour it.” Edmund held up Qing Yun’s ankle and kissed it. It was obvious that who that child was, “Later, I guessed that you were the appointed enforcer of that space, so I started to protect you in times of crisis with the intention of going against the Heavenly Dao.”

But Edmund himself never expected that he could not help but bet more attention on the child. At first, it was only when the child was in danger, but later, he even spent the whole day to host his soul in the sword, just watching the child’s life little by little.

Watching this child grow up day by day, watching him struggle through the betrayal of his loved ones and the accusations of the entire world in his life, from a weak and sickly child to a powerful man that the entire world talks about.

Witnessing the most painful and embarrassing moments in Qing Yun’s life and witnessing his final indifference, strength, and paranoia, Edmund thought he was only sentimental and even in admiration. He never thought that he would not only be unknowingly attracted, but even quietly moved.

Edmund didn’t notice his own thoughts until after he helped Qing Yun cross over. He only thought he cared for the boy out of an elder-like concern. After all, he had watched him grow up.

But when he sealed his memory and crossed into the first world, the development of their feelings simply made Edmund greatly surprised.

Edmund could never have imagined that the two of them had become that kind of relationship or that he had initiated it first! This made him full of self-condemnation at the end of his first crossing! Damn, he even felt like a beast to have moved on someone he watched grow up.

Edmund estimated that he cared more about Qing Yun than he thought he did, and he had secretly looked forward to being in real contact with Qing Yun rather than being in a cold sword observing him all the time many years earlier.
So after he sealed his memories, that hidden desire finally broke through, and he simply racked his brains to please and pursue Qing Yun.

In the last ten thousand years of living together, he has become extremely familiar with Qing Yun’s habits and knows what kind of way can make him accept him. This is why Qing Yun, who is cold-hearted and defensive, will try to accept him.

Edmund is extremely slow to feelings. After the first world, he only thought it was an accident. But unexpectedly, after having a vague impression of the first world in the second world, his feelings were even more overwhelming, as if the flood that had accumulated for tens of thousands of years had finally broken the bank.

Originally, Edmund just wanted to follow Qing Yun for two worlds and then let him go to repair his soul through crossing and fight back against the Heavenly Dao.

However, he seemed to be hooked, while telling himself again and again to control his emotions. After all, he can be considered the child’s only teacher, but at the same time, Edmund could not restrain himself from following Qing Yun through.

He had given himself hints to restrain his emotions, but the result only made him suffer immensely. There was even a world in which he personally inflicted harm on Qing Yun, which made it all the more difficult for him to ever forgive himself.

It is because of Edmund’s identity as the ruler that he made that decision to restrain his emotions and preserve for the greater good when he became Chris.

It was also after that one world that Edmund truly realized that he had contributed enough to his country, to his world. He did not feel sorry for any living creature, but only for the people he loved.

From that moment on, Edmund finally abandoned all that he had and, at the same time, broke through the limits of his own mind. All he knew was that he was in love with this weak yet powerful, awkward yet arrogant youth and that he wanted to live following his own heart.

What made Edmund most grateful was that in that end times world, Qing Yun’s soul surprisingly returned to a five-year-old, enabling him to truly compensate for Qing Yun’s childhood while also truly coming into his heart.

“You know what, baby? The last thing I regret is sealing my memory to follow you across.” Edmund stood up and once again embraced Qing Yun into his arms, kissing his cheek over and over again, “so that I could truly get rid of all the factors behind myself and love you wholeheartedly.”

Likewise, it was because Edmund’s love and behavior were so pure that Qing Yun, whose heart was extremely guarded, accepted him.

“Then why did you disappear in the end?” Qing Yun looked at the man’s eyes for an instant, and his eyes were already a little red.

“I……the Heavenly Dao has found you and my trail, so I wanted to make the appearance of a soul collapse to divert the attention of the Heavenly Dao to this space. In this way, you can return to your own world to get back your soul source. The Heavenly Dao has completely taken control of the world where you were born, so baby, you know it’s dangerous?” Edmund explained gently, but his eyes drooped slightly.

Qing Yun did not care at all about that so-called soul source and would not let him slide with his perfunctory remarks at all. He lifted the man’s face and pressed on, “You’re lying. Your weakness is real, and the damage in your soul is also real!”

Saying that, Qing Yun’s hand trembled slightly. The hand that was only squeezing the man’s face lightened its force, and even his voice also changed: “It was me, wasn’t it? I took the Heavenly Dao’s energy while also taking your energy, didn’t I?”

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