Seeing that the robot butler in front of him did not respond, the young man frowned and asked puzzledly, ” K?”
Even though Ahaz is very knowledgeable, he is still confused by this situation and does not know how to react.

At this time, the robot’s internal program has guided the body to speak: “The Master has business in the evening and will not return until late.”

The word “master” came out of his mouth and made Ahaz feel even more unhappy. He had been in a high position for a long time. When has he faced others as a slave like this?

But this displeasure was not projected on the young boy in front of Ahaz because even in the face of his own family’s robot butler, the young man spoke with courtesy and politeness. Such a tone excellently appeased the current Ahaz.

Ahaz quickly thought about the way to return to his body. Even though the situation is now bizarre, he also quickly calmed down. He doesn’t seem to have full control over this current body, and even if he wanted to ask the teenager in front of him some questions, he couldn’t ask them.

Not coming up with any way to get back, Ahaz helplessly began to organize the information he received in his mind and began to understand the current situation. While the robot body, which was not under his control, reacted as usual according to the internal program.

Knowing the person’s identity in front of him, Ahaz could not help but be surprised for a moment. This is the Shen Mingye that Yoder mentioned to him today? The heir of the Patterson family, who was engaged to his son?

Oh no, Ahaz smiled playfully in his heart. This young man recklessly withdrew from the Elmond family marriage contract. It is reasonable to say that he no longer has a relationship with the Elmond family.

With this in mind, Ahaz couldn’t help but look more closely at the person in front of him. His eyes were innocent and gentle, and his hair was fine and soft, so Ahaz couldn’t have imagined that this would be the person who dared to withdraw from the marriage.

After all, the Elmond family is a behemoth that the Patterson family can’t compare to in any way.

He initially thought that the person who had withdrawn from the marriage should be an unruly child, but he did not expect him to look soft and tender. If this person really faced him, they might be frightened and cry in a face-to-face encounter.

Ahaz even began to doubt the truth of Yoder’s words.

Seemingly not feeling anything wrong with the robot butler, the young man was obviously disappointed by the butler’s words just now. However, he instantly thought of something else and curled his mouth as he hugged the pillow in his arms. “Then……he will definitely come back tomorrow, right?”

The corners of the young man’s mouth curved up beautifully that Ahaz couldn’t help but look at it a couple more times. The program inside the robot quickly analyzed the other’s words and expressions and presented him with all the results of the analysis, despite Ahaz’s wishes.

Tomorrow is the young man’s birthday, and he is so happy and expects Feng Fei Ming to come back to keep him company.

“Young master, K is merely the family butler and does not know the Master’s work schedule, so I am not in a position to give you a definite answer.”

But the robot butler’s words did not extinguish the fire of hope revealed in Shen Mingye’s eyes. He followed the butler downstairs to eat, but it was easy to see that Shen Mingye still had a longing for his birthday tomorrow.

Qing Yun sat alone at the table, eating. Feng Fei Ming let the butler K stay by his side at all times and would even check the surveillance video on the butler. Therefore, as long as he was in front of K, he had to act every moment, which really made him a little tired.

Thinking of the time when the robot butler was stunned for a moment, Qing Yun suddenly frowned, and a trace of suspicion flashed in his eyes.

He remembered that in the plot of this world, Yoder would cross into the body of his family’s robot butler by accident. This little episode made Feng Fei Ming and Yoder’s relationship progress significantly and made some amusing mishaps.

When Yoder entered the butler’s body, he obviously reacted greatly because of this accident. However, the butler K just froze slightly and continued to behave calmly, so Qing Yun is not sure if it is Yoder in K’s body now.

Qing Yun frowned. If this world’s plot did not mainly revolve around the love of the main characters, he did not want to follow these two people at all.


Especially when it has been verified that Feng Fei Ming is not that man.

Qing Yun withdrew his surveying eyes and began to then talk to K about tomorrow: “Tomorrow, how should I prepare for it?”
Ahaz, who had just cleared the information in his head, almost laughed out loud after hearing the teenager’s little mutterings.

Tomorrow was Shen Mingye’s birthday, but instead, he was thinking about what he would prepare to surprise Feng Fei Ming?

This child is simply too stupid and cute.

Ahaz already knew that Feng Fei Ming gave this robot orders to monitor Shen Mingye’s every move. And Ahaz also knows the turmoil of the previous events of the Patterson family. This Feng Fei Ming took advantage of the death of the Patterson couple to assume power in the name of their adopted son. Although it was unsightly, it was indeed a means to take control quickly.

Therefore, this kind of person will be more than guarded against Shen Mingye, who is the rightful heir of the family. What made Ahaz want to laugh was that he had already seen that Shen Mingye, the little sheep, didn’t even notice that Feng Fei Ming was robbing him. Still, instead, he fell in love with Feng Fei Ming with his wishful thinking.

In that case, Feng Fei Ming gave this soft young man the courage to withdraw from the marriage? Ahaz raised his eyebrows, and his heart slowly overflowed with a kind of displeasure that even he could not understand.

“Fei Ming should prefer the oriental style like my mother.” Shen Mingye’s words sounded like a question and more like he was talking to himself.

Ahaz did not think Feng Fei Ming would accompany Shen Mingye tomorrow because that person probably did not even remember that tomorrow was Shen Mingye’s birthday.

But Ahaz was not prepared to remind the distressed and torn young man at the dining table, who had even stopped eating. In Ahaz’s opinion, it was because Shen Mingye had been too well protected by his parents that he had been raised in this way, with only impractical things on his mind.

It takes experiencing a setback or two to grow up.

But, when the time comes, will this pure and passionate love in the eyes of this teenager shatter like glass?

Ahaz focused on the eyes of the teenager. His soul could not help but produce a strange and familiar stirring again as if a pair of small mischievous hands ruffled his heart. And when Ahaz went to probe deeper, it was hidden without a trace.

Ahaz pursed his lips and averted his eyes, blaming the momentary misstep in his heart on his current electronically synthesized body.

In fact, the emotions that Qing Yun was acting out were not fake. It was just that they were not directed at Feng Fei Ming. Because he had really tasted love, he could understand Shen Mingye’s own feelings and perfectly express this passionate emotion.

Ahaz could not help himself from looking into the teenager’s eyes. He even found that the teenager kept the anticipation in his eyes all the way until he went back to his room to sleep. He seemed to be utterly unprepared for the possibility that Feng Fei Ming would not prepare for his birthday. This anticipation and longing even made Ahaz doubt his own judgment.

Could it be that Feng Fei Ming will really come back tomorrow and carefully prepare for the teenager’s birthday?

If he were Feng Fei Ming, he would never let the light in these eyes go out and turn from brilliant as a star to completely black and dead.

This sudden thought from Ahaz’s mind made him very confused. He was so ruthless that he did not even put his own son in his eyes. How could he suddenly be soft-hearted now?

When the young man left, Ahaz skillfully cleaned up the dishes on the table, completely unaware that he took care of the young man so well. It was like a habit left from several lifetimes.

As much as Ahaz wanted to go back into his body, he didn’t know what went wrong. He tried some methods but was unable to go back.

And Ahaz is still subject to the programming in this body. If it is a rule that has been entered in the robot program, he cannot violate it, but in areas outside the rules, he can do as he pleases.

Early the next morning, the robot’s body took Ahaz and knocked on the door of Shen Mingye’s room.

No one came to open the door, and the robot’s good hearing made the even breathing of the teenager in the room audible. This light breathing felt like it was hitting Ahaz’s ears, making his senseless robot body’s ears twitch involuntarily.

It was already past the teenager’s usual wake-up time, and to avoid problems in the room, the robot butler opened the door on his own and walked in.

As soon as Ahaz entered the room, he saw many books stacked high on the desk. Some were turned over on the desk, with a pen sitting on top and various markings written on them. After a general scan, Ahaz found that these were the rules and arrangements of some traditional Oriental birthday ceremonies.

Ahaz was even more bewildered. It was the young man’s own birthday, not Feng Fei Ming, so why should Shen Mingye think about arranging all this?
He walked over to the books on the desk and put them in the bookcase. Ahaz then continued inside and turned around this huge bookcase before seeing the lone teenager on the big bed.

It may be that he was so sleepy that the teenager slept extremely deeply. The loose pants were rolled up, revealing the beautiful lines of the calves and white ankles that could be easily held by Ahaz. Further up, the pajamas also rolled up, revealing the small belly button, which was very cute along with the teenager’s breathing.

Ahaz used the robot’s extremely high-resolution electronic eyes to sweep over the teenager’s milky white skin. When he saw a splash of bright red in Shen Mingye’s slightly open mouth, he finally couldn’t help but turn his face away.

He suddenly remembered the identity gap between him and the young man. The youth had a marriage contract with his son, Yoder……

No, Ahaz subconsciously refuted himself again. Shen Mingye has refused the marriage contract between the two families. He now has no relationship with Yoder at all.

He completely forgot that he had thought about continuing the marriage between the two families before he crossed over. Ahaz is now even a little glad that the teenager refused.

When he couldn’t help but sweep over the teenager’s sleeping face with a strange, seductive power again, he even had inappropriate thoughts in his mind. This body of his, this robot butler, wouldn’t see this view every day, right?

Seemingly sensing the gaze of others, the person on the bed woke up leisurely and looked at the butler already waiting at the bedside, immediately blushing with embarrassment.


Shen Mingye immediately climbed up from the bed. Because of his movements, the collar of his already loose pajamas slid down smoothly, revealing his rounded shoulders.

“Thanks.” Hastily taking the clothes from the butler’s hand and walking into the bathroom to wash up, Qing Yun, who had only thought it was a robot outside, suddenly froze. He remembered that last night Yoder might have entered the body of this butler, instantly the corners of his mouth stiffened, and immediately locked the bathroom door with a “snap”.

Damn, I forgot to act.

The sound of the bathroom door slamming shut made Ahaz, whose eyes were involuntarily glued to Qing Yun’s body, freeze. Then, his expressionless robot body pulled out a stiff smile.

Ahaz looked at the frosted glass door of the bathroom and inwardly laughed with pleasure. For some reason, the teenager’s slightly capricious and shy move of closing the door just now poked him right in the heart.

Compared to the previous polite and well-behaved behavior, that moment just now seems to be the young man’s real face. He should be so free and unrestrained and let people spoil him with their hearts instead of taking the trouble and effort to please others.

While the young man was washing up, Ahaz cleaned up Shen Mingye’s bed. He did not notice whether this was a move made by the robot’s body on its own or an act manned by himself.

In just one night, Ahaz, who had been anxiously dissatisfied with his crossing, seemed to have adapted perfectly to his current identity. He was familiar with taking care of the youth, completely forgetting his position of power.

If the people of the Elmond family knew this, they would probably all stumble over each other.

After arranging the pillow on the bed, Ahaz suddenly came across a book under the pillow. Unlike the ones on the table, this was a novel, and the title page stated, “A gift from Feng Fei Ming to Shen Mingye on xx day”.

Although the words used are from C Country, Ahaz could understand it just fine.

The young man loved the book. He obviously flipped through it a lot, but he took care of it and even placed it by his pillow every night to feel at ease.

Ahaz’s fingers caressed the words “Shen Mingye”, and the pleasure that had just risen in his heart slowly dropped.

This morning, the young man was so sleepy, and it was evident that he slept very late last night. Was it just for Feng Fei Ming?

It was not until now that Ahaz really put Feng Fei Ming in his view.

But then, Ahaz’s feelings would become even deeper because his “Master” had returned.

Feng Fei Ming returned to the house where there were only servants, Ahaz, and Shen Mingye.
The servants in the house have been changed as early as when Feng Fei Ming assumed power. These servants see more clearly than Shen Mingye and are more aware of his awkward position in the house, so they are not very warm to him.

The rest of the time, he only communicates with the butler, K, who is now Ahaz.

But it was different when Feng Fei Ming came back.

Ahaz was watching Shen Mingye, who was reading in his room. When the young man saw someone coming back from the window, his eyes immediately burst with passionate emotion. He was so happy that he forgot to put on his shoes and ran out of the bedroom barefoot, his tender white feet stepping on the cold floor without even realizing it.

Ahaz quickly followed Shen Mingye down the stairs. When the teenager stumbled, he took a step ahead of Feng Fei Ming and swept the teenager into his arms.

Not having to fall into Feng Fei Ming’s arms, Qing Yun happily gave a nod to butler K. He was more willing to let this robot help him than Feng Fei Ming. As for why he didn’t consider the butler’s body as Yoder at this moment, it was because Yoder was standing behind Feng Fei Ming.

The young man’s warmth and softness were transmitted to Ahaz through the robot’s warmth receptors, causing his heart to waver. However, before Ahaz could think carefully about this fluctuation in his heart, Shen Mingye had already broken away from his embrace. Like a bouncing rabbit, he jumped in front of Feng Fei Ming.

“I knew you would come back today!” Shen Mingye smiled happily, his round eyes curved into a crescent moon.

All his attention seemed to be on Feng Fei Ming. Even when Ahaz bent down to put on his shoes, Shen Mingye only lifted his feet, not giving a single glance to this robot.

Ahaz couldn’t help but feel a slight twinge in his heart. He was just a robot butler who wasn’t even human now, wasn’t he?

Feng Fei Ming looked at the young man in front of him and was once again blown away by the sparkle in his eyes. Although Feng Fei Ming did not like Shen Mingye, he could not help but feel a touch of pleasure in his heart after being looked at with such adoring eyes.

Thinking of Yoder behind him, Feng Fei Ming softened his tone and stroked the top of Shen Mingye’s hair: “Well, I came back to see you after I finished my work.”

Noticing that his tone seems too gentle, Feng Fei Ming inwardly snickered. He only came back to see if the other side had made any moves. Then, he lowered his head to look into Shen Mingye’s amber eyes. These eyes were extremely straightforward with emotions and seemed to let people see everything in one glance. Even more so, they illuminated the dark thoughts in Feng Fei Ming’s heart.

Feng Fei Ming could not help but turn his face away and ask Shen Mingye in a warm voice about what happened in the past two days.

After putting on the slippers for the young man, Ahaz straightened up just in time to see the jealousy in Yoder’s eyes, who was standing behind Feng Fei Ming.

The robot’s program controlled him to come forward and politely greet this honored guest, Yoder.

Ahaz’s sharp eyes looked at his son through the robot’s electronic eyes. At this moment, Yoder still had the heart to run to Patterson’s house. It seemed that the butler well handled his matter, and not a single bit of news was released.

Slightly lowering his head, Ahaz became more upset with this cheap son of his.

He remembered that this fool had come to him yesterday to break off his engagement, but today he came to the Patterson house again instead. Is this because he has fallen for Feng Fei Ming?

The marriage contract is still going to be the same!

Ahaz himself decided the marriage between the Patterson family and the Elmond family. The purpose was to incorporate the Patterson family’s properties into the Elmond family.

This kind of marriage seems to be a kind of cooperation at first glance, but in fact, it’s a merger. The Patterson family covers the transportation industry in E Country. Ahaz happened to take a liking to this piece of cake, so he came up with this solution.

But this is not bad for the Patterson family. After all, if they can be incorporated into the Elmond family, they can avoid all kinds of possible risks and even open the door for convenience in some aspects.

So after weighing his options, Shen Mingye’s father agreed to the Elmond family’s request.

Ahaz now completely forgot that he was the originator of this marriage contract. He is now even more uncomfortable in his heart. If Shen Mingye had not taken the lead in declaring that he does not recognize this marriage contract, according to the schedule previously set by the two families, in another six months, it would have been the wedding date of the two……
If the young man married Yoder, then they are……

Damn, what kind of relationship is it?

Ahaz’s mind is a mess, and there are all kinds of unwillingness and tyranny in his heart.

“Mr. Elmond.”

The young man’s clear and pleasant voice is like a clear spring that washed away the tyranny of Ahaz’s heart. Ahaz did not expect that his last name coming from the young man’s mouth would be so pleasant.

A kind of gratitude and fear once again rose in Ahaz’s heart. Fortunately, the young man rejected the marriage contract, otherwise their identity……

He subconsciously looked toward the young man and found that Shen Mingye called not him but his son Yoder.

Ahaz’s heart fell quickly. He was now just a robot butler without any emotions.

But fortunately, Shen Mingye didn’t act warmly towards Yoder. He just said hello before setting his eyes on Feng Fei Ming again.

On the contrary, Yoder, who had been staring at Feng Fei Ming, frowned because of the young man’s coldness and looked at him a couple of times. Even though Yoder liked Feng Fei Ming, he was still Shen Ming Ye’s fiancé.

Shen Mingye’s gaze towards Feng Fei Ming was full of love, and his blushing reaction was cute and playful. How come he was cold and uninterested in him, his real fiancé?

There was a feeling of discontent in his heart, and it suddenly occurred to Yoder that he was not his fiancé in the young man’s mind. Shen Mingye was courageous enough to say that he did not recognize the marriage contract between the two families. Still, Shen Mingye’s soft attitude towards Feng Fei Ming today made Yoder forget the rare firmness and argument he had seen yesterday.

If Qing Yun knew what Yoder was thinking, he would have laughed out loud. This person really has two sets of standards. The marriage contract binds the two of them, but Yoder himself can ignore Shen Mingye and pay great attention to Feng Fei Ming, while Shen Mingye can’t?

It was already time for lunch. Ahaz let the robot body lead the few people to their seats while looking coldly at Yoder and Feng Fei Ming at the table.

He could see at a glance what Feng Fei Ming had in mind.

The tenderness in his eyes was obviously false. Although he talked to Shen Mingye, his attention was on Yoder, whose face was getting worse.

Looking at Shen Mingye’s cheeks that suddenly reddened because of the disguised tenderness in Feng Fei Ming’s eyes, Ahaz’s inner rage threaded wildly. He would rather have Feng Fei Ming’s unconcealed rejection and indifference towards the youth than to see him spoil Shen Mingye’s sincerity with such disgusting falsehood and manipulation.

He knows how much the young man has done for Feng Fei Ming.

Yoder did not pay any attention to Shen Mingye, who was engaged to him. Instead, his eyes were glued to Feng Fei Ming.

Only now did Ahaz realize what Shen Mingye’s situation was really like in the Patterson family. The servants were indifferent to him. The butler monitored him. His favorite person was using him, and even his fiancé did not care about him.

No wonder Shen Mingye asked to break off the marriage contract!

Ahaz looked at Yoder and Feng Fei Ming with a sinister gaze and smiled maliciously in his heart. These two are a natural pair, having gotten enough to trample on Shen Mingye, who has the heart of a pure child.

Was the marriage contract with the young man set by someone with a hole in his head?


Just after cursing in his heart, Ahaz realized that wasn’t he the one who had a hole in his head?

If not for the robot’s external simulated skin and the absence of blood vessels, Ahaz’s face would be red like someone slapped it a dozen times from both left and right sides.

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