Qing Yun took a glance at the spicy scenes in the room and merely raised an eyebrow without making any comment. He has seen more of the dark side of human nature, and this level is not enough to scare him right now.
But his body was too deceptive that even the cold eyes that scanned the room just now looked pitiful to the others, like Bambi with tears.

Rossi’s gaze was glued to Qing Yun. He could barely restrain himself from getting up and wanting to welcome him personally, but then he thought that such a move would be too degrading, so he coughed lightly and sat down again, only raising his eyebrows towards the young man at the entrance, “Shen Mingye?”

Risen saw this, so he immediately went forward and pulled Shen Mingye over.

Qing Yun avoided Risen’s tug and walked in unhurriedly by himself, picking a relatively clean sofa and sitting down.

The other people in the room could not help but move their eyes along with the youth while scolding Risen: “Hey, Risen, you were too rude when you moved. If you hurt our little cutie, watch Rossi kill you.”

“So delicate, it seems that Rossi will be blessed later.”

The restlessness of desire made these already unrestrained people began to speak in a coaxing manner, and their words became increasingly difficult to hear.

Qing Yun raised his head, the pair of clear eyes glanced at the boy with an enchanted expression in Rossi’s arms, and only then slowly spoke out, “You are Director Rossi? This is……my script.”

Rossi pushed away the boy in his arms and reached out to take the script in the other’s hand, but his gaze kept burning at Shen Mingye’s beautiful face. He casually flipped through the script in his hand and put it aside.

Although the young man’s story is good, Rossi is now more interested in the youth himself.

To coax such a novice with a dream in mind has been a breeze for Rossi. He leaned back on the sofa, leisurely looking at Shen Mingye across from him, and dragged out his tone: “Your script is indeed very good, but……”

Looking at the youth seemed to be nervous for a moment, Rossi then stretched out his hand and gestured with his finger: “But it’s still such a bit short of my standard.”

After saying that, he slowly leaned in closer to Qing Yun: “This little gap, if you want, you can completely use yourself to make up for it. Risen, don’t you think so?”

Risen immediately understood and came to Qing Yun’s side to persuade him: “Shen, didn’t you say you were short of money? This is an excellent opportunity, isn’t it? The entertainment industry is like this, and I think you must have heard about it. Also, look at Qiao Ke. He has now become a first-line actor by relying on Director Rossi……”

Risen also pointed to a young man in the private room.

“Oh?” Qing Yun looked around the room with interest and asked Rossi with a sideways glance, “So what do I need to do?”

The youth’s innocent question made everyone who was watching him laugh out loud. Rossi tugged at his collar and beckoned, “Qiao Ke, come over here and teach him what to do.”

The young man named Qiao Ke came over and straddled Rossi. He twisted his body, and the two kissed passionately. Rossi wrapped his arms around Qiao Ke, but his eyes were fixated on the youth with a layer of angelic aura on his head.
The expression on Qing Yun’s face remained unchanged. His amber eyes didn’t even blink, let alone reveal the panic and fear that Rossi wanted to see. He simply pulled the corners of his mouth and said, “So dirty.”

Such words were uttered through the young man’s soft and sticky voice, which immediately made the room laugh, and some people said to Rossi, “Yo, Rossi, you can’t do that this time. You’re too dirty.”

Rossi’s face immediately went cold. He raised his chin as a signal, and two people instantly blocked the exit.

“Having come here, do you think you have a choice? If you offend me, I can guarantee that no director will dare to use your script in the future.” Rossi rarely threatens people so forcefully. If other people were afraid, Rossi would still be in the mood to slowly work around them, but this young man just sitting there provoked him like a fire in his heart.

Rossi decided that no matter what happened today, he would have to get this person.

“Rossi, you are too eager, right? Be gentle later, or this little cutie can’t stand it!”

There was another uproar in the room. Everyone looked at the boy sitting alone in front of Rossi like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, with even a gloating sympathy in their eyes.

All those that Rossi was interested in have not been able to escape his grasp. When a young master of a small family was played by Rossi, the family did not dare to say a word but instead had to send their heir obediently to Rossi’s bed.

Rossi’s words made a cold smile finally seep out of Qing Yun’s eyes. Rossi did do what he said. Wasn’t Shen Mingye also living worse than death because of his words?

Spiritual power slowly built up in his eyes. Qing Yun just wanted to launch a spiritual suggestion to let Rossi and the others have a taste of Shen Mingye’s struggle and fear before he died. Suddenly, one of the people standing at the door stretched his head to look out, and his face immediately changed. He turned his head to Rossi and called out, “Rossi, there seems to be a problem outside!”

Rossi immediately asked him in an unhappy voice: “What can be wrong? If there’s something wrong, it’s someone else’s problem. What does it have to do with us?”

After saying that, he turned to Qing Yun and sneered, “You should think about it. Isn’t it normal to devote yourself to art?”

“No, no, no, Rossi, it seems to be someone from the Elmond family! And it’s heading our way……” The voice of the man standing at the door was shaking a bit.

Hearing this, Qing Yun frowned and put away the spiritual power in his eyes. The people of the Elmond family? Yoder?

“What?” Rossi’s face became serious at last, but he was not too alarmed. He guessed that the person coming would be Yoder at most. His family had business dealings with the Elmonds. No matter what was going on, it would be impossible for them to break apart.

But……Rossi looked at the youth on the sofa. Could it be that Yoder came for this person? But even so, Rossi was not afraid. Yoder had quite a few concerns in his family and had been suspended for the past two days. If he really wanted to rob someone, Yoder could not rob him.

Rossi got up and walked out. He felt a little strange as soon as he went out because it was too weirdly quiet outside. The second floor of Venus was originally the most chaotic, and the soundproof walls could not block the noise in the private rooms. How could the hallway be quiet at this moment with only the sound of angry, heavy footsteps?

Rossi looked up in confusion. When he saw the face of the man striding this way down the corridor and those signature emerald eyes, he, who was so confident, simply fell to his knees as his legs weakened.
It……turned out to be him?

How long has it been since he has appeared in public? Why did he suddenly come to Venus now? And he was even walking towards his private room?

Because Rossi was highly favored in his own family, he was fortunate to have seen the real person in power in the Elmond family. His elders were afraid that he would cause trouble, so they gave him a careful account of Ahaz’s identity. Rossi knew that this man was holding not just the Elmond family but the entire E country!

Ahaz’s anger surged, and the rise and fall of his chest was clearly visible. Behind him followed not only the people of the Elmond family but also several heads of Venus, with their heads hanging down as they followed. The head of the group still had a shoe print on his chest, as if he had been kicked in anger.

But the usually arrogant person became polite and reserved in the face of a powerful person. The head of Venus is now like a dog that has been beaten. The pride on his face has long been shattered into crumbs, leaving only undisguised fear.

The person in charge was not only frightened but also full of confusion and aggravation. Venus has not made any mistakes in its operation. As usual, he was in the office leisurely sipping wine when he suddenly received an angry phone call from Ahaz, the actual person in charge. It scared him so much that he dropped the wine glass in his hand.

However, that phone call was just the beginning. Before the person in charge could pull out all the surveillance to find the young man, Ahaz himself arrived at Venus, and the person in charge ran down to greet him.

Who would have thought that Ahaz, who had not shown up for a long time, would kick him in front of a large crowd when he got out of the car?

As soon as the person in charge looked at Ahaz’s face, he knew he was going to be finished. It was unknown if this big man had taken the wrong medicine, as today he was unexpectedly uncomfortable with the messy atmosphere inside Venus and asked to clear the room as soon as he walked into the hall.

Of course, the guests who were having fun complained about it, but those who had the sense to look at the person immediately left without hesitation. After all, life is more important than some entertainment, isn’t it?

Ahaz took great strides and even disregarded his identity. He was both terrified and frustrated when he had found out the original reason on the way. How come he didn’t think about the breach of contract when he gave the code to Shen Mingye? No! Why the hell did he set this stupid rule in the first place!

Cursing himself out, Ahaz never thought that the boy would sell his script for money, and he even met the bastard Rossi.

Seeing that the room was right in front of him, Ahaz’s heart was filled with apprehension. He looked at Rossi, who was standing in the doorway dazed but visibly disheveled, and his brain “buzzed”, and his eyes immediately turned red.

“How dare you!” Ahaz reached out and squeezed Rossi’s neck, flinging the man fiercely against the wall. Was he still too late? Thinking of the terrible things that could have happened to the youth, Ahaz felt as if his heart was about to break.

It was his fault. He should not have left the teenager alone in the Patterson family. If he had taken him under his wing earlier, if he had announced his preciousness to the whole world earlier……

Ahaz breathed heavily, and his fingers tightened, almost to the point of squeezing Rossi to death. Suddenly, his eyes swept over to the brightness of the room that was out of place with the surrounding environment. Ahaz was relieved and released his hand to let Rossi fall to the ground. He was in a trance as he walked into the room.

Rossi covered his neck and crawled to escape but was blocked by the people Ahaz brought.

Ahaz slowly walked into the private room. When he saw the young man sitting on the couch still pristine and intact, his heart finally welled up with a sense of gratitude that he was blessed and safe. He even wanted to kneel on the spot and thank God for taking care of the young man.

Qing Yun turned his head sideways to look at the man who walked in. He initially thought that the person who came was Yoder and had faked his expression that even his eyes were red. But now he found that the person who came in was not Yoder? Then who is this person?
The man was very tall and stood out in a group of Westerners, but the tall, strong body did not make the man appear rude. His innate noble temperament was well balanced with the impact of his body, transforming it into an imposing suppression.

The brown hair has not been carefully groomed and carried a trace of wretched mess. Lined with the redness that has not yet faded from the man’s eyes, it gave the man more of a wild temperament.

This was the first time Ahaz really looked at Shen Mingye with his own eyes. Even though the faces of the people around him were terrified, it seemed like a beautiful dream for Ahaz, so he couldn’t help but lighten his breathing for fear that he might not do well at any point and the youth would shatter like a phantom.

Ahaz took a step closer to the teenager. When he saw his slightly red eyes and teary eyes, his heart fluttered, and the anger he had suppressed earlier rose again. He turned his head toward the door and roared, “Bring me that damn sh*t!”

Then, he softened his tone and asked the beautiful and fragile boy in front of him in a soft voice: “You’re okay, right?”

Qing Yun couldn’t figure out where this person was coming from, so he had to disguise himself as Shen Mingye and nod his head in a good manner.

Seeing the boy nod, a touch of intoxicating tenderness could not help but flash through Ahaz’s emerald eyes, surprising the people who had just followed him in.

These people have been with Ahaz for so long, so how could they not know his character. A connection to today’s events was immediately clear in their minds. They instantly lowered their heads, and none of their eyes dared to look at the young man on the couch.

Ahaz relaxed his movements and sat next to Shen Mingye, holding his soft palm and stroking it as if this was the only way to make the persistent fear in his heart subside. But when he calmed down, a faint embarrassment surfaced in his heart, completely different from his previous imagination of his first meeting with the youth. He came in a hurry and did not cover his identity, so how should he explain to the young man now?

Rossi was carried over like a chicken. The lights in the room were turned on, sweeping away the previous dimness and becoming as bright as a conference room, shining more light on the ugliness in the room and leaving nowhere to hide.

Ahaz was silent for a while, ready to deal with the few eyesores in front of him first. He instructed the people behind him to escort Risen, who was thinking of escaping.

Rossi and Risen were trembling on the ground together.

Risen, who didn’t understand Ahaz’s identity, was still yelling unrelentingly. “I am a professor at the Drama Academy of E country, and I have a very high status in the art world, so you can’t treat me like this! You are doing something illegal!”

As soon as Ahaz raised his eyebrows, someone immediately punched Risen in the head, causing him to hold his head and fall to the ground to catch his breath.

“Professor? Is someone like you worthy of talking about art?” Ahaz snorted.

Without paying any further attention to these two, Ahaz first picked up the script on the table and carefully flipped through it. He turned the paper with one hand. It was not very convenient, but he still did not want to let go of the young man’s hand in his other hand.

Someone stepped forward to help Ahaz flip through the script, but he brushed it away impatiently. Except for himself, Ahaz did not want anyone to touch the teenager’s things.

This script was actually created while Ahaz looked over Qing Yun. The young man often locked himself in his room while writing this script, and even the butler K was not given access. Occasionally, Ahaz could see the tears that flashed in the youth’s eyes when he was creating.
From then on, Ahaz was curious about what kind of story he was writing down.

The main character of this story is called Sheng Feng. As soon as Ahaz saw this name, his heart suddenly trembled, and some images that made his heart ache flashed in his mind. He hesitated and finally did not dare to turn the next page.

Qing Yun has been paying attention to the man’s expression. This man has been holding his hand with just the right amount of force, soft enough not to make him unhappy, while at the same time allowing Qing Yun not to break free at once.

The man’s palm was so wide that it could wrap Qing Yun’s hand around the whole thing. Qing Yun can feel the man’s rough fingertips scratching through his fingers, rubbing his palm, and finally sliding to the inside of his wrist rubbing delicately.

This is simply……like molestation, but it did not give Qing Yun any feeling of disgust.

A guess faintly flashed in Qing Yun’s heart, but Rossi’s words dispelled Qing Yun’s speculation.

“Mr. Elmond! Please forgive me. I am the youngest son of the Pamela family. My father brought me to meet with you before……” Rossi looked at the way Ahaz treated Qing Yun, so how could he not realize that he had stepped on a mine. He immediately brought out his own family to beg for forgiveness.

Rossi was very surprised, as he had never heard of Ahaz having an affair with anyone. Seeing that he was so young but always had only one son, Yoder, many people speculated whether Ahaz had problems in that area. At the same time, Rossi also did not expect that Shen Mingye could attract this man.

However, now Rossi can only hope that Ahaz is just playing around with this person and must not let this youth’s existence affect the cooperation between his family and the Elmond family.

Rossi thought he was careful, but he didn’t think he had messed with Ahaz again by calling out his name.

Ahaz was afraid that Qing Yun knew his true identity. Now that it happened, Rossi directly shook a large part of him.

Qing Yun did frown when he heard Rossi address Ahaz. He couldn’t remember anyone else noteworthy in the Elmond family. Yoder didn’t have any brothers, and with the man’s aura and the way people around him treated him, there was no way he could be unknown.

Rossi said his father had taken him to see this man? Was this man not of the same generation as Yoder?

A name suddenly flashed through Qing Yun’s mind, Ahaz Elmond, Yoder’s father.

But……Qing Yun hesitantly swept over the man’s handsome face. Yoder’s father was that young? The information Qing Yun received did not have much description of Ahaz, only that he gave the business to his son early, and later only hindered the dissolution of Yoder’s marriage to Shen Mingye.

Since this man is Yoder’s father, there is a reason to explain his actions today. He was just maintaining the face of the Elmond family. Shen Mingye has a relationship with the Elmond family no matter what, even if the engagement is to be broken off, so there can be no scandal with other men. Otherwise, it would be too embarrassing for the face of the Elmond family.

But……Qing Yun raised his eyebrows. He had so disgracefully refused the Elmond family’s marriage contract, but this man was still so protective of him. Was he really so gentle and generous?

In that case, was his previous suspicion wrong? Ahaz was not the man who had secretly entered the body of butler K?

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