Imperial Physician Gu went forward as instructed, and his finger rested on Emperor Hongming’s wrist for a moment. A trace of surprise immediately flashed in his eyes, and he exclaimed: “Your Majesty’s body has improved. Although the illness still exists, at this time, Your Majesty can be considered to have no more worries about his life.”
After saying that, he immediately kneeled down and congratulated in a loud voice: “Congratulations to Your Majesty, congratulations to Your Majesty, Your Majesty is the Heavenly Son, with the blessings of Heaven……”

Halfway through the words of congratulations, Imperial Physician Gu’s face stiffened as he remembered that the current master of the Palace is the Eldest Prince. So, he trembled and added: “The Eldest Prince’s filial piety can be described as touching the heavens……”

Seeing the dumbfounded appearance of Eunuch Su and Emperor Hongming, Chen Bing straightened his back. He has always been regarded as a treacherous villain, but at this moment, his heart was actually a bit justified and excited: “The Grand Prince’s filial piety can be appreciated by the sun and the moon. He is not a person who seeks to usurp the throne as Eunuch Su said.”

“His Majesty is concerned about the Emperor’s frail health and illness. Later on, His Majesty will handle the affairs of the court. Every day after His Majesty finishes handling the affairs, it will be handed over to Your Majesty for your inspection. So, Your Majesty should recuperate at ease.”

After saying that, Chen Bing led the people out of Jing Yang Palace, amidst the dazed looks of Eunuch Su and Emperor Hongming. As soon as he walked out of the gate of Jing Yang Palace, his face turned gloomy, and his gaze took on a vague anxiety.

Chen Bing really could not understand what the Grand Prince was thinking. He had been planning for so long, even going so far as to take the name of crippled, but what he was waiting for was this day?

Now, if he doesn’t take advantage of the Third Prince’s absence to ascend to the throne, the situation in the capital will undergo some changes when the Third Prince returns.

Chen Bing knows that the Great Prince is ruthless and will imprison Emperor Hongming even if he doesn’t kill him. So, why would he go through all the trouble of getting a magical remedy to keep Emperor Hongming alive?

And also had to hand over the political affairs handled for the Emperor to see? Is it possible that seeing the Emperor in his old age suddenly softened his heart?

The more Chen Bing thought, the heavier his mood became. He initially followed the Grand Prince to do this rebellion because he was interested in seeing the Grand Prince’s ruthlessness. Now, he could not help but feel a little regret in his heart.

Throughout history, if the rebellion failed, the outcome……

Qing Yun did not care about what Chen Bing had in mind because Yan Sa was betrayed by all at a later stage. Even his companion, who had grown up with him since childhood, was disappointed in him and threw himself into the camp of the Third Prince.

He is now keeping Emperor Hongming, not to let him interfere with the political affairs again, but to let Emperor Hongming take a good look at the son who in his eyes is too deep-minded to be an Emperor.

This man can not die early. Qing Yun wants him to take a good look at the true nature of Yan Lan, to make him truly realize what he owes to Yan Sa.

In the thirty-fifth year reign of Emperor Hongming, he became seriously ill, and the Eldest Prince took charge.

Once this news came out, the court was in turmoil. The Emperor was seriously ill, and this great Prince was well?

This morning, the ministers present had different expressions when they looked at the Grand Prince sitting in a wheelchair. The Emperor has been old and sick for a long time, and the morning court has been suspended for a while, but the news of the First Prince assuming power has not been known, ah?

The people present are all human beings, and with a bit of thinking, they would realize what has happened in the palace. Now that the Third Prince is away, the First Prince’s means of seizing power at this moment is ruthless and precise.

The ministers have long stood their ground. The Second Prince, who was mediocre, left the palace early to establish his residence. The Third Prince was the most likely candidate to become the crown prince, so many ministers have fallen into his camp.
As for the Eldest Prince, he was very popular in the early years, but five years ago, there was sudden news of his bad behavior, which wavered the ministers originally in his camp. But under the operation of Yan Sa, there were still several powerful ministers who were highly convinced of him and were able to compete with the Third Prince.

But one of the three court elders was seriously ill, one was only loyal to the Emperor, and the other knew that the Emperor had already regarded the Third Prince as the obvious choice for the next Emperor.

Now, Court Elder Yang and the Minister of Rites, who were under the Third Prince’s command, both had unpleasant looks on their faces. Especially Court Elder Yang Hui. His old but still shrewd eyes were staring deadly at the Grand Prince sitting in a wheelchair with a calm front.

As the First Minister, although the Emperor’s decree had not been issued, he already knew that the Emperor favored the Third Prince and had even secretly established him as the Crown Prince.

Over the years, though he was aware of the Grand Prince’s secret movements, he was internally lax. He did not do much preventive work because of the Grand Prince’s disabled body.

Yang Hui never expected that although the Eldest Prince was disabled, he had not put down the idea of the throne in his heart at all.

“If the ministers have any opinions, they can raise them for common discussion.” Qing Yun lightly swept a glance at the noisy ministers, and there was no panic on his face.

The faces of the ministers of the Third Prince’s side changed several times but eventually calmed down.

The morning court proceeded as usual. Since Emperor Hongming fell ill, he had only been in the morning court twice, so there was a backlog of affairs. The Minister of Rites and other people understood the situation and had the intention to give the Grand Prince a hard time. At once, they reported the big and small affairs one after another.

“What manner should be used to welcome the Tubo emissary when he arrives?”

“Your Majesty, it has been raining heavily in the southern region for more than a decade, and there are fears of flooding……”

“The western border is in constant disputes, and the barbarians seem to be rebelling……”

“The prefect of Chengzhou is tyrannical to the people and corrupt……”

When the First Prince was young, everyone was aware of his reputation for intelligence. However, he was too young at that time, and the Emperor did not let him go to court. Later, as he grew older, the news of his disability spread, and he did not appear in front of others.

This was the first time that the ministers had seen the Grand Prince in the morning court. They thought that the Prince would be nervous when facing the ministers for the first time because even the Third Prince had made a small mistake back then.

However, the Minister of Rites, who presumed to give the Grand Prince a downfall, found that although the youth in the wheelchair had a sickly appearance and his body looked frail, his dark eyes were unruffled, and there was a touch of extreme calmness present.

Although facing the difficulties of the ministers, the Grand Prince’s clear face did not bring a trace of anxiety and impatience. The Minister of Rites looked up at the youth’s expression and was shocked to find that he could not see through the thoughts of the Grand Prince.

On the contrary, the Grand Prince’s vague look at him made him feel uneasy, and he had the feeling of facing Emperor Hongming at the height of his power.

What is even more surprising to the Minister of Rites is that the Grand Prince has handled all the complicated matters raised by the ministers in a well-organized manner. When he encountered some trivial issues that were obviously intentionally made difficult, he also reprimanded them without mercy.
Even for a complicated matter like the floods in the south, the Eldest Prince frowned for a moment before coming up with his own regulations and distributing the tasks precisely.

The appearance is impressive, the advance and retreat are reasonable, and the strategies are slightly better than the Third Prince. Moreover, he employed meritocracy and did not avoid some ministers because they were affiliated with the Third Prince.

After this morning session, the Minister of Rites not only questioned the rumors he had heard about the Grand Prince but even suspected that the Grand Prince was not taking the opportunity to ascend to the throne as he had thought but was really taking charge of the court because the Emperor was seriously ill.

The Minister of Rites looked stealthily at the Minister from the Ministry of Officials in the camp of the Grand Prince. After seeing the old man stroking his beard with a smug look, he could not help but secretly grit his teeth.

The Minister of Officials was really not as relaxed and satisfied as he appeared. His son accompanied the Grand Prince, and he was one of the few people who were clear about the Grand Prince’s secret plans, so he thought he knew the Grand Prince better.

Therefore, when several ministers repeatedly embarrassed the Grand Prince at the beginning, the Minister of Officials was shocked out of cold sweat. He understood that the Grand Prince’s wisdom is close to a demon, but one of the significant drawbacks is that the hostility was too intense. As soon as he came into the court, he was given a challenge, and in case he couldn’t help but be angry, it would be a disaster.

But today, the Grand Prince really exceeded the expectations of the Minister of Officials. He looked at the calm and collected Grand Prince in his wheelchair that carried himself with authority, and his eyes could not help but flash a trace of satisfaction. He was indeed a talent worthy of being followed.

Yang Hui, however, did not think so simply. Earlier, he did not participate in making things difficult for the Grand Prince but quietly observed the Grand Prince sitting in a wheelchair.

This person is obviously interested in the throne. From his old-fashioned means of handling political affairs, it is not difficult to see that even if he was crippled all these years, this Prince is not decrepit and must be secretly planning something.

The physically disabled can still have such a demeanor, so it is easy to see that this Prince has a strong heart. After years of silence just waiting for the opportunity to take charge today, this Prince can definitely afford to be patient.

However, he did confine the Emperor, a treacherous matter. For this reason alone, Yang Hui does not think well of the Eldest Prince, not to mention that he knows the Emperor has secretly established the third prince as the Crown Prince.

Yang Hui, who was so loyal to the Emperor that he was somewhat pedantic, looked at the Grand Prince with anger flooding his eyes.

Yang Hui pondered that now that the First Prince had dared to take charge, he must have moved against the Third Prince who was out dealing with errands. With this person’s ruthlessness, the Third Prince must be facing great danger.

After the previous round of political bombardment, today’s morning court quickly quieted down. Chen Bing called out at the top of his lungs, “Report to the court if there is something, and leave if there is nothing else.”

Suddenly, Yang Hui stood out. He did not look at the Grand Prince but arched his hand in the direction of the throne.

“The minister has a matter to report.”

Seeing Yang Hui standing up, the courtroom immediately fell silent. Yang Hui is highly trusted by Emperor Hongming. Although he is one of the three Court Elders, he has the image of being above all people. He is also close to the Third Prince, and now it is not clear what he intends to do by standing up.

The Minister of Rites subtly exchanged a glance with Yang Hui and instantly guessed Yang Hui’s intention. He would never let the First Prince have a peaceful and stable regency.

“Oh? I wonder what is the matter with Court Elder Yang?” Qing Yun looked at Yang Hui. This man was indeed extremely talented, but as he grew older, he had become too stubborn, and in some ways, he was not as good as the younger officials.

“This Minister is old, and his health is not as good as it used to be, and now that there are many capable people in the court, it is indeed that the waves behind the Yangtze River are pushing the waves ahead. Recently, I always see my hometown in my dreams, so I am afraid that my time is coming. I beg Your Highness to allow me to return to my hometown.” [T/N: It can also mean that new people with certain qualifications are better than old people]

After saying this, Yang Hui kneeled down to the throne.

No one expected that Yang Hui would want to return to his hometown, so there was an uproar of whispers. Previously, Yang Hui has not said that he is approaching the end of his life, but now that the Grand Prince is in power, he asked for such a thing. Is this not to make the Grand Prince lose face?

Listening to the clamor of the ministers in the room, Yang Hui’s face remained unchanged. He knows that his move is very dangerous and may accidentally provoke the Grand Prince’s displeasure, and his old life could be lost.

But Yang Hui also had confidence in himself. With his position in the court, the Grand Prince would definitely not dare to move him rashly, but at the same time, it would not be easy for him to tell off the old man.

However, Yang Hui’s mind has been made up. He must leave. One, he has to be strong in showing his dissatisfaction with the ruling of the Grand Prince. Two, if he stays in the capital, his every move will definitely be monitored by the Grand Prince. The Third Prince will have no one around him and will urgently need someone to help him.

With the presence of the Minister of Rites and his many disciples in the court, Yang Hui is not worried. No matter what means the Grand Prince uses, he will insist on leaving.

The Minister of Officials looked at Yang Hui with a bad gaze. He naturally wanted Yang Hui to get out. Still, he also knew that Yang Hui holds an important position, and his role in the court is very important, so he must not leave just like that.

Yang Hui’s words were expected, so Qing Yun did not react too much. He even picked up a cup and sipped tea to moisten his throat, and only then slowly persuaded Yang Hui. “Court Elder Yang has spoken too seriously. The Prince sees that you are alive and well. Where do you look like you are approaching the end of your life?”

“The world has changed. This court is no longer a place for an old man to stay. I hope that the Grand Prince will grant it.”

Yang Hui’s words were unpleasant, almost explicitly expressing his dissatisfaction with the Grand Prince’s regency. When he said this, Yang Hui had already prepared for the thunderous wrath of the Grand Prince. He pondered over his own arrangement in the court and thought about his countermeasures for later.

As soon as the words left his mouth, he heard the young man’s clear, calm voice ring out: “Since Court Elder Yang’s mind is already made up, then, the Prince can only fulfill it. Court Elder Wei Lin will take over as the First Minister, and Court Elder Yang may leave when he has finished handing over the matters in his hands.”

When Qing Yun said this, the whole courtroom was quiet.

The ministers in the room experienced one more surprise. What did they hear? The Grand Prince had agreed to this? Not only did he agree, but he also said that Court Elder Yang would not leave until he had finished handing over his power?

Yang Hui did not expect the Grand Prince to agree so simply, without anger or threat, and just let him go. Yang Hui’s prepared words rotted in his stomach.

The Minister of Officials looked at the apparent shock on Yang Hui’s usually emotionless face and finally couldn’t help but curl his lips. Oh, he thought he was so important, but now his face hurts, doesn’t it?

“Grand Prince, think twice!”

Ignoring the pleading words of Yang Hui’s disciples, after Wei Lin had received his orders, Qing Yun simply withdrew from the court.

The Third Prince’s roots are deep in the Imperial Court and will not change because of Yang Hui’s presence, so for Yang Hui, who he cannot use for himself, Qing Yun doesn’t care if he stays or leaves.
Yang Hui was old and thought highly of himself that he thought of using this tactic to make the Grand Prince lose face. When he calmed down, he would realize that with Qing Yun around, it was far more useful for him to stay at the court than to run to Yan Lan.

After all, Qing Yun is not like Yan Sa. He has lived for tens of thousands of years and is highly perceptive to world affairs. The Imperial Court of the Great Yan Empire is not difficult for him, and it does not take long to fill the hole left by Yang Hui.

In the original direction of this world, Yan Sa also faced such difficulties with Yang Hui after ascending to the throne. Yan Sa was tyrannical in nature and directly wanted to behead Yang Hui. However, he received obstruction from most of the ministers, so not only did he not kill Yang Hui, but he gave himself a reputation of rage.

After this incident, all ministers realized that the Eldest Prince acted in a sophisticated and unpredictable way. Some ministers who sided with the Third Prince secretly began to plot again.

At the northern border, the wind and sand were like knives slashing people’s faces.

This border is the border between Great Yan and the Mongols. The Mongols are good at war and have many conflicts with Great Yan. Every time in winter when the pasture is withered, and food is scarce, the people of Great Yan at the border will be invaded by the Mongols.

Livestock, food, and women were all snatched away. This robbery was not an accident but a deliberate provocation by the Mongolian army.

The Great Yan has always been civilized, with a lack of military officials and has no real power. In previous years, in confrontations with the Mongolian army, Great Yan has often been defeated.

But now, the borders of Great Yan have been free of Mongolian aggression for nearly 20 years. The people at the border have also increased. Although it is not comparable to the Central Plains, there is also a bustling scene at the market.

Occasionally, you can see a few urchins running and playing at the border, which is a scene uncommon in the past.

The reason why the border is so calm is because of the presence of Qi Yue, the current General of the North. He has no father or mother and was picked up by the roadside when Emperor Hongming was on a trip.

In return for his kindness, Qi Yue joined the army at the age of ten and went to the border before reaching the top. Since he led the army, the brave Mongolian army seemed to have seen their natural enemy and were defeated.

Changing the weakness of the Great Yan army in the past, Qi Yue even led his troops to the inner part of the Mongols, forcing them back by ten thousand miles to the north.

That is why Qi Yue, who was now in his early thirties, was named General of the North and was loved by the people at the border. The Northern Army under him was also known for their ferocity.

It would be reasonable to say that Qi Yue should be subject to the Emperor’s suspicion. Still, because of Qi Yue’s special status and having practically grown up with Emperor Hongming, he was extremely trusted by Emperor Hongming. The latter even decided to appoint him as the Marquis of the North when he returns to the court.

“Report! General, a person is claiming to be the Third Prince and has come to pay a visit with a holy decree.”

The man next to the sand table frowned at the sudden announcement from outside the military tent.

The man stood at nine feet tall and was riddled with muscles. Even without armor, a fierce aura appeared on his face. Still, the man had a wise gaze. He carried a kind of refined elegance that is difficult to find in a military general.

The general talent will be a soldier, the handsome talent will be a general. The man is obviously the latter. [T/N: Handsome talents are better than others. They have more keen insight, innovative ability, and are better at grasping opportunities and knowing the details.]

Qi Yue looked at the message he received some days ago and said in a deep voice: “Let him in.”

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