“No, Your Highness, this is still only in the interior of the forest. It will be some time before we reach the border city.” The elven knight beside Qing Yun replied.
Qing Yun nodded, immediately lost interest, and headed to the carriage. He was looking forward to finding the market and changing out of these messy foreign clothes on his body!

God knows how painful it is to walk through the forest pulling the hem of his skirt every day. Qing Yun was so angry that he wanted to rip it off. He did, but the maid who came with him brought out an even more gorgeous skirt the next second. Now, Qing Yun already has a psychological shadow over such clothes.

Before Qing Yun had even set one foot on the carriage, he heard the familiar sound of magic being unleashed.

Here we go again! He looked up and rolled his eyes. These days not only the disturbance of the magical beasts, but people who want to rob him were also one wave after another. Qing Yun has been extremely tired of this kind of life, like goods being grabbed by others.

A trace of hostility shone in Qing Yun’s eyes. Not only that, but the woman’s dress and the confinement of the artifact on his body made him feel at a loss. Especially, the divine artifact on his body with the aura of rules, which greatly restricted his movement. Even more so, his soul could not move freely, and he could only secretly and slowly transform this body.

Seeing that the attack is coming, the surrounding guards familiarly picked up the weapons in their hands. They looked around warily as well as at Morris and the people behind him.

However, this time the attack was unexpected. A shimmering light of a large net actually fell from the sky, looking to cage the princess and carriage together.

Serodi immediately recognized the teleportation magic on this large net and was practically goggling at it. If caught in this net, the maiden might immediately disappear before their eyes.

“Princess! Run away!”

Morris did not participate in the fight between the two parties. In fact, with his perception, he had long sensed the arrival of ill-intentioned humans, but it did not have anything to do with him, did it? Whether it’s humans, elves, or dwarves, they’re all his livestock. The reason he left them behind was simply to wait for his treasure to appear.

But for some reason, maybe the girl’s voice was too good, or perhaps the light in the blue eyes was too familiar, Morris still looked back after turning his horse around.

He saw the scene of the huge net almost caging the girl. This scene, which should have nothing to do with him, inexplicably made Morris’s pupils shrink. The tyranny of the dragon flashed in his gaze, and the dragon language magic came out almost immediately with the trembling of Morris’s lips.

However, the girl in the center of the crisis moved faster than him. She did not carry her awkward skirt and flee in fear but instead picked up the longsword that had fallen by her feet and held it in her hands.

There was a sudden sound, and then, the eyes of all the people present were on the flowing skirt of the princess.
The girl, who tore off a part of her skirt, lightly stepped onto the carriage with two steps, raised her sword, and accurately shattered the crystals encrusted on the big net. The magic light on the net immediately dissipated, and the net that was about to fall to the girl’s head with gravity also broke apart.

Qing Yun was shocked and could not help but blink. With his current power, he could only destroy the magic on this net to ensure that he would not be magically transported away even if he was caught in it.

How could this net suddenly shatter?

He turned his head and swept through the crowd, finally locking his gaze on the unusually silent and dangerous dark-haired man, and nodded gently toward him: “Many thanks.”

Morris still did not make a sound, his slightly pale lips pursed, and his dark red eyes swept over the girl’s exposed slender calves.

Such delicate and exquisite skin. I’m afraid that it will become a bloody mess when his scales are gently rubbed over it.

But……Morris looked again at the girl’s calm face and the longsword held in her hand. Then, the corners of his mouth, which had not moved for years, were pulled stiffly, giving rise to a cold-blooded predator-like arc.

This girl seems to be different from the ones he has seen before?

Morris pulled the reins of his horse, stopping his own horse’s pace.

The butler behind him saw his movement and immediately understood that this was because he didn’t want to leave?

The butler stepped forward, looked at the unbelievably luxurious carriage, and then at the markings of the armor on Hughes and Serodi, and inquired, “May I ask if you are Princess Lydia’s escort heading to the Morris Mountains?”

After hearing this question from the man who claimed to be Count Olsen’s butler, Serodi and the others immediately turned the weapons in their hands. This was because although there were people who knew the princess’s identity and expressed their blessings and gratitude along the way, many of them had bad intentions.

So, Serodi can not help but be on guard. Not to mention that……he looked at the silent Count Olsen again and only felt the alarm bells ringing in his heart.

Heading to the Morris Mountains? Morris’s eyes moved strangely, and then an ironic smile seeped out. Since he made the promise, almost all kinds of people and even magical beasts brought what they thought were so-called “treasures” to disturb his sleep. Still, unfortunately, those things are worthless in Morris’s heart.

Now, they have moved their brains and thought of sending a person?
Morris once again looked at the girl who had ripped her skirt, looking somewhat lively and valiant, with a bright flash of pity in his eyes. He again sighed. It would be good if she were a boy.

The butler looked at his master’s gaze resting on the princess, and it became clear in his mind. In fact, he is the latest butler of the Olsen family, a family with a very old and very magical family tradition.

That is, if someone comes with a black dragon scale, then this person is the new Count Olsen. The butler swept over Count Olsen’s dark red pupils and dark hair, and once again, his hands and feet were weak because of the suspicions rising in his heart.

He looked at Morris and hesitantly asked, “Count, do we?”

“Take them.” Morris replied softly. His long unsound voice was like gravel rubbing together with a peculiar rhythm.

Morris is a bit familiar with the human language. If not to find his treasure in the human world, the proud dragon will not learn this language at all.

The butler went up and talked his way out of the defenses of Serodi and the others. Then, the two groups went together to the border city.

Morris did not understand why he had to take the young girl and her party back to the border city. Obviously, he should head deep into the forest and continue to look for his treasures, rather than spend time on this person who is not even the right gender.

But……he, oh no, she was in danger. He should send her to a safe place, right?

Morris, imprisoned by the inherent impression in his mind, did not find the unusual care in his heart. If it were someone else in this situation, Morris would not even look at them.

Even if it is to give him a “sacrifice”, what does the death of a human have to do with him?

For this Count Olsen’s generosity, Qing Yun did not care too much. After all, there are also people who feel his sacrifice and follow him to send him on his journey.

However, this man’s magic made Qing Yun very interested. He hardly heard any long incantation of the magic earlier, but the net that fell from the sky inexplicably shattered.

With Qing Yun’s strength, he is not used to his current power being confined. All he can use now are some simple martial arts and the healing magic that comes with the original body, which can be used to bluff the guards around, but not enough to face the Grand Mage and the dragon.

But he can learn. The artifact on his body only prohibits his soul from transforming his body in grand movements. It does not prohibit him from learning on his own, does it? Well, this man would be a good candidate.
But before Qing Yun’s plan could be implemented, he was interrupted by a maid walking out holding a set of long dresses.

He looked at the blue dress with no less than five layers inside and out and couldn’t resist wrinkling his nose and cursing. But after so many days down, Qing Yun has also been used to it, and he pulled the torn hem of his skirt. He even thought bittersweetly, at least he eliminated another set, right?

Leaning on the trunk of the tree, watching the young girl frowning reluctantly into the carriage, Morris’s dark red beast pupils were unconsciously revealing the light of interest.

The girl doesn’t like to wear a dress?

But after looking at the girl’s upper body, Morris again averted his eyes indifferently and looked into the distance.

The camp inevitably became lively when night came. Still, Morris was always standing away from the crowd, looking into the distance. The huge spiritual power of the dragon almost swept the entire magic forest, but Morris never found the person who made his soul stir.

Where exactly is it? His precious treasure?

Morris is the most powerful force in this world. He does not know when he appeared, only that when he opened his eyes, there was a void in his heart that could not be filled, as if he had forgotten something, lost something. He only knows that what he is looking for is on this continent, so he protects the creatures on this continent, like raising livestock.

But at the same time, the dragon’s natural tyranny and desire to destroy also left Morris with a terrible reputation.

So Morris had to take human form to look in all corners of the world. He searched for hundreds and hundreds of years, but found nothing. Sometimes Morris looked down on the world and would even think whether this land was hiding his treasure?

This thought made Morris feel hostile in his heart, almost wanting to destroy the continent regardless of anything. But the hope in his heart still made Morris calm, allowing him to learn to wait.

In the previous days, he had felt the location of his treasure very clearly, and could even outline his image in his mind. In order to find him, Morris even used the power he left behind in the human world before, but why could he not find it?

Tens of thousands of years of loneliness piled up on the dragon’s body, and the man’s eyes could not help but show desolation and loneliness.

“Count Olsen.”
The voice that is as clear and fresh as a mountain stream, almost bubbling into one’s heart, instantly washed away the tyranny that was faintly rising in Morris’s heart. Morris slightly moved his eyes and saw a young girl in a long aqua blue dress standing quietly in front of him, like a delicate flower blooming in the forest.

There was a flash of amazement in his eyes, but Morris did not make a sound because he did not have the patience to play with the girl.

Morris did not make a sound and did not even raise his head. Then, he heard the sound of the hem of the girl’s skirt sweeping across the grass almost instantly.

She’s turning around. She’s leaving?

For a moment, Morris was even at a bit of a loss for words. With a stern face, he finally managed to spill a reply from his throat, “Hmm.”

Qing Yun stopped turning and raised an eyebrow because of the overbearingness of the man in front of him. God knows that in these days of wearing dresses, he has long worn a grumpy temper. So, where does he have the heart to deal with this condescending and indifferent man?

But……you are here to learn, so you have to be humble! Qing Yun took a deep breath silently comforted himself.

“Excuse me, what type of magic did you just use, Count Olsen?”

Magic? Did she run over to ask him about his magic?

Interest rose again in Morris’ eyes. He did meet quite a few women who were interested in him. They were either attracted by his face and strong body or followed the accessories that represented money on his body. Still, Morris was sure that these women would be scared shitless if they saw his terrifying body.

But in any case, it was the first time that Morris had met someone as sensitive as the young girl in noticing his magic and asking questions.

Thinking of the brave figure of the young girl who jumped onto the carriage with her longsword, Morris pulled his lips again to reveal a smile with a little stiffness: “What? You want to learn.”

“Yes.” Qing Yun didn’t hide his thoughts but asked directly to the point, “May I ask if you can teach me?”

“My magic is not something you can learn.” Morris’ hoarse voice carried a slightly imperceptible smile as he shook his head gently. His magic, it was dragon magic.

“That’s not necessarily true.” Qing Yun proudly raised his chin. If asked which of his abilities Qing Yun is most confident in, it must be learning. In his world, he dragged his crippled body but made all kinds of things that seemed unbelievable to others.

The young lady’s chin was slightly raised, and the curve between the neck and chin was incredibly beautiful. This proud look simply made Morris unable to move his eyes away.

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