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Zhang Zihai is one of the strongest among the military abilities. +++ Cardino read +++

He was very rebellious at that time in junior high and high school. Not only became a campus bully, he also swayed around with the people in the society and couldn't go to school. Later, his parents worried that he might cause more things, so he just sent him to join the army.

Although Zhang Zihai was rebellious, he felt that being a soldier was very prestigious. He went happily. After he went, he knew that being a soldier was really hard and bitter ...

Some soldiers have a good family background. After serving in the army, they do n’t feel ugly when eating cauldrons, and they do n’t feel tired every day. But Zhang Zihai is different. His family is actually very rich. His parents also spoil him. He's just like **** ...

However, after suffering for a long time, he was accustomed to staying in the army for a long time. After two years of compulsory service, he did not even leave the army, but continued to struggle in the barracks. Like.

Although he did not enter the university, his cultural foundation was very good, and his performance in the military was also good. Later, someone recommended him to go to the military academy. As a result, the end of the world came shortly after he was admitted ...

The end of the world is coming, and there is chaos outside, but Zhang Zihai has a high fever and does not retreat from a coma, so that he could not contact his family at the beginning of the end ...

He had a high fever for two days, and then awakened the fire ability.

Those who are also fire-based abilities, some people can only issue a small fireball, but Zhang Zihai can send a large fireball the size of a washbasin, which is naturally very important. Among the fire-based abilities, they have always been in a leadership position.

Zhang Zihai liked to fight for strength before the end of the world. After the end of the world, he awoke the fire ability, and his temper became a bit irritable. In addition, remembering that his parents couldn't find it, he still had to face zombies every day ... Gradually, he became more and more fond of finding someone to fight.

The day before, I heard General Zhao said that they will have a master in this base, Zhang Zihai remembered it, and he wanted to have a good discussion with that master. For this, he worked very hard today on the task, and finally completed the task in advance. Was able to return to base.

As soon as he entered the base, Zhang Zihai discovered that there were a few strangers in the base. There is no doubt that he is a newcomer today ... Zhang Zihai was immediately excited.

Zhao Chengqi said, however, there was a master among the people who came here ... Zhang Zihai looked, and felt that the person who was lying on the lounger leisurely should be the one best suited by the "master".

He hadn't seen the faces of the other people, and he threw a fireball at him as soon as he reached out.

He did n’t use all his strength. This fireball was just for "greeting", so the speed was not fast. Whether the opponent blocked or avoided using the power was okay. Of course, if the person chose to dodge, it must be To be laughed at.

Zhang Zihai waited to see each other's reaction, but did not expect that the person lying on the lounge chair had no reaction at all ...

How is this going? Zhang Zihai and the people behind him were shocked.

Qi Jingchen certainly did not respond.

Even if he wants to hide this broken body, he can't avoid the fireball, let alone he doesn't want to hide.

The fireball was quite big and should burn him ...

Qi Jingchen's eyes flashed a little expectation. Unfortunately, his expectation soon fell through.

The fireball stopped in front of him, he felt the heat in it, but the heat made him unable to sweat, but he could not burn even one of his hairs.

Really ... it's a pity ... Qi Jingchen sighed secretly, but did not want to look up, she saw the blue veins on Nie Yi's head bulging, her face full of anger.

Qi Jingchen looked at Nie Yi for a moment, unable to tell what it was like.

In the latter part of his last life, he actually didn't want to live, but Nie Yi wanted him to live. At that time, he lived purely for Nie Yi and the others around him.

Later, he and Nie Yi were the only two left. Nie Yi wanted to let him live ... he could only live another twelve days.

But that feeling was really bad. He didn't think life was good at all, but every minute he lived was pain and suffering for him.

After his rebirth, his thoughts have not changed, but Nie Yi still wants him to live ...

He should hate Nie Yi, but now seeing this Nie Yi who has exhausted his mental energy to help him stop the fireball, he feels a bit unpleasant.

Why is Nie Yi doing this? Even if he doesn't want to die, is it interesting that the two of them watched human extinction again?

Qi Jingchen opened his eyes with no expression, but at this time, Nie Yi had already thrown back the fireball that Zhang Zihai had thrown back, and at the same time, his eyes seemed to burst into flames.

Although he stopped the fireball with his mental strength, it was because he had experienced the last days of tempering, and the reaction was fast enough. If he was a little slower, could he only see Qi Jingchen's body?

Nie Yi is convinced that no matter whether it is Yu Shuo or Nie Boyuan, there are no people in the military. At the same time, the military's abilities will not sell to ordinary people at will, and they will bring Qi Jingchen, but they did not expect that someone would say anything. Do it without sending it!

In my head, I was in pain because I had exhausted my energy to intercept others' fireballs, but Nie Yi didn't stop her action at all ...

At first Zhang Zihai saw Qi Jingchen's reaction without being frightened, but then he saw that the fireball he had thrown out suddenly stopped and flew towards himself, and he got excited.

He hasn't seen anyone stop an ability that has already been used, and in turn attack the ability. What special ability does that person have, or is there any special method?

Zhang Zihai sent another fireball, hitting the fireball that came on his face, the two fireballs collided, and eventually the sparks scattered, Zhang Zihai himself was splashed a lot, but he was a fire The capable person has a certain resistance to fire abilities, so it's fine.

However, he was okay for a while, but soon something happened, because after the two large fireballs collided and disappeared, another small fireball came towards him, and the temperature of the small fireball was much higher than the large fireball he sent. !!

Zhang Zihai stepped back in horror, sent another fireball to intercept, and then it was useless. In the end, he could only watch the big fireball flying from his head, and it was used against his scalp. He directly burned a piece of hair in his middle, and even his scalp was blackened.

Zhang Zihai has n’t been afraid of fire since he awakened the fire abilities. The ordinary fire can't hurt him at all, but now he has burned a large scalp ... He grinned with pain and grinned, but he didn't lose his temper. Then the next Seconds, a fist suddenly landed on the bridge of his nose ...

Nie Yi hated someone for hurting Qi Jingchen. Now he hasn't killed Zhang Zihai all of a sudden. Now that he has no foundation, he must not be able to make any human life, otherwise don't say to protect Qi Jingchen, even he might not be able to preserve it ...

Because of this, Nie Yi no longer used abilities, just punched and punched those areas where Zhang Zihai was most painful.

"I confess!" Zhang Zihai gritted his teeth without screaming, but he also confessed.

In fact, I really want to say that he was not seriously injured, but there was no hair in the middle of his head, the scalp was burnt, his nose was punched by Nie Yi, and the nosebleeds kept on because the nose was sour and the tears shed involuntarily. Stop ... It looked very miserable without saying this, and he couldn't bear it, and couldn't open his eyes.

"The next time I am throwing abilities, I will fight once!" Nie Yi said again, his expression was a little embarrassed, and his clenched fist was shaking.

Zhang Zihai's body was sore and painful, and he felt that he had been crying a bit, and he wiped his face subconsciously. The result was that his nose was evenly spread on his face, and he made himself a big face: "Is it okay? Brother, your fire abilities are so amazing, how did you make them? "

The blood on Zhang Zihai's face made those around him unable to laugh, but Nie Yi didn't have the time to take care of it, just took a long breath.

He had spent a lot of mental energy when fighting with Qian Mingfeng and others before, but later he saw a fireball flying towards Qi Jingchen, worried that Qi Jingchen would be injured if he was not hampered by the hurdle. All the power is used out ...

Controlling other people's powers is a hundred times more difficult than controlling one's own powers. His powers were almost exhausted at the time, and he eventually sent another fireball to teach Zhang Zihai ...

His mental strength is overdrawn.

At this moment, Nie Yi's head was hurting by acupuncture, and his mental strength was exhausted! He had forgotten that this was not before his rebirth ...

Waiting for it to recover slowly after exhausting his mental strength can improve his mental strength, but instead of exhausting his mental strength this time, he overstretched his mental strength ... For a long time to come, his mental strength is probably Can't recover, and will always have a headache, even harmful to his future development.

However, Nie Yi did not regret it. He will fight back if he encounters this situation next time.

"Brother, I have served you, can you teach me?" Zhang Zihai said again.

"Nie Yi, come here," Qi Jingchen said suddenly.

Qi Jingchen has few other requirements except what he wants to eat and drink. Many things are frustrating with Nie Yi, but now he suddenly calls his name ... Nie Yi ignored Zhang Zihai at all, but quickly ran to Qi Jingchen: "Jing Chen, is there something wrong?"

Qi Jingchen put out a finger and ticked: "Come here."

Nie Yi subconsciously leaned over, and then Qi Jingchen pressed his finger against his chin, and then Qi Jingchen's face came closer, getting closer and closer to him ...

Qi Jingchen kissed him!

Qi Jingchen kissed him!

Kiss him!

Nie Yi has not eaten tofu secretly these days, and at the same time can't help but fantasize, I think if Qi Jingchen can respond to himself ...

He thought he would wait for another eschatology, and he might not encounter such a good thing, but he did not expect Qi Jingchen to kiss him so quickly!

Nie Yi's eyes widened and he couldn't speak. All his attention was on the softness of his lips. For a while, he felt that his mental strength was really very cost-effective, and he could get a kiss. !!

This doesn't count, Qi Jingchen's tongue suddenly stuck into his mouth.

All this in front of me is as beautiful as dreaming ...

However, the dream soon woke up.

Nie Yi suddenly tasted a bit of blood. He seemed to stand up subconsciously, avoiding Qi Jingchen's kiss.

His head was slowly no longer painful, his mental strength was slowly recovering, the power in his head spontaneously spun up, and in the end it turned faster and faster, a small drop of water condensed in his mind.

The remaining mist-like abilities slowly spin and merge into this small drop of water, making the small red water droplets bigger and bigger ...

At this moment, other psionicists couldn't feel such a change even in their minds, and didn't know why they were like this, but Nie Yi was very clear and he upgraded.

He has become a secondary power!

His power was already very strong, only one opportunity to reach the second level, now that opportunity appears.

Upgrading should be considered a good thing, but the **** taste just tasted made Nie Yi's face pale. He didn't want to hurt Qi Jingchen in the slightest, but just now ... Qi Jingchen bit his tongue and broke his blood. Gave him a drink?

He hated those who ate Qi Jingchen's flesh and blood, but he himself ate it every time.

Why is Qi Jingchen so stupid? He is obviously good now, with only a little problem, he even gave him blood?

Nie Yi was distressed, but always felt that Qi Jingchen was pale because of blood loss.

Qi Jingchen also regretted it a bit now. Although his blood was a good thing, Nie Yi ate it, and maybe he was in his hands in the future ... But, just now, his mood was a bit wrong, and he didn't even remember this. ...

But ... Nie Yi should do some dangerous tasks in the future. When he encounters a powerful zombie or zombie, in order to be safe, it is best to eat a little flesh and blood in advance to defend himself, anyway. It's okay to eat early now.

Finding a reason for himself, Qi Jingchen saw Nie Yi's whitish complexion and frowned slightly: "What? Do you hate it? If you hate it, kill me ..."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Nie Yi immediately interrupted Qi Jingchen's words. It was also at this time that he remembered that Qi Jingchen's blood had side effects, but Qi Jingchen was not awakened now. This side effect would not work at all, even if it would work in the future. He couldn't wait for it, after all, this would connect him with Qi Jingchen ...

Soon after thinking through the consequences, Nie Yi suddenly found that his tone was too hard: "Jing Chen, I just had a bad tone, but don't say those words again."

"I want to take a bath." Qi Jingchen suddenly said.

"I'll get you water." Nie Yi said, stood up, suddenly lowered his head and kissed Qi Jingchen's face again.

Qi Jingchen punched in the past and hit Nie Yi's neck softly. Nie Yi just smiled ... Qi Jingchen suddenly regretted it. He just saw a ghost and gave Nie Yi blood instead of saying it, because he was worried that others might find that his body is different I even used a kiss ...

Nie Yi is expected to become more and more annoyed in the future.

The fact that the two men kissed in public really shocked those in the power base. Zhang Zihai saw that the person who had beaten himself was kissed by the teenager, and it was strange.

How did the two guys get along just now? Could this boy be more powerful?

Thinking that he had just sent out a fireball, the young man didn't take it seriously, and he became even more sure of it.

However, at this moment, Nie Yi looked at him coldly: "Jing Chen is an ordinary person. If I let anyone know who hurt him, I will desperately fight with that person!"

He was talking, a fire dragon suddenly flew out of his hand, so he made a circle outside the area where Qi Jingchen stayed, surrounded Qi Jingchen in the middle, just like Sun Wukong used a gold hoop to draw a circle for Tang Seng .

Soon, the burning flames fell into the mud, and a deep circular crack appeared on the playground. I don't know how deep the fire was ...

"Hurry up!" Qi Jingchen urged, he suddenly felt that he had thought too much before, he really didn't need to think too much, just be comfortable.

Nie Yi left, Zhang Zihai came to the edge of the crack that was about the width of his palm, reached into his hand to explore, and then exclaimed his hand out, then looked at Qi Jingchen with disbelief: "Ordinary person? Is he an ordinary person?"

At the moment, while he was glad that Nie Yi had stopped the fireball just now, he didn't let him accidentally kill people, but he felt unbelievable.

What a world! He managed to get a master, but the master was arbitrarily supported by an ordinary person!

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