Bottom Trainer in Pokemon World Chapter 23


Chapter 23 Weak Chicken
"Why don't you change your clothes?"

Anna took a rest for an hour and was sluggish. Natsu and Weedle, came out of the technical department.

Natsu had no objection to the club testing Weedle, and even accepted it.

He also wanted to see how much Weedle had changed after eating two worm fruit.

And the club clearly values Pokémon's talent, potential, and ability to show more and better stay here.

He's been training in the training room, and he can't hide anything, it's just a matter of time.

"I only have this set of clothes."

Wash at night, wear during the day, just right.

Apricot patted her face speechlessly, "Then you have to buy yourself a few sets of clothes this time, and pay attention to the image of the club."

"Understood. ."

The voice was a little weak, and an hour's rest was not enough for him to fully recover.

Anyone who has been through the night knows that sometimes a short rest is better than no rest, which will make you more energetic.

"The supervisor is someone who cares about the image very much, and I don't know if you will leave a bad impression like this." Xing Nai whispered.

Take Natsu through the complicated corridors to the supervisor's office.

This is the first time Natsu has seen the director since joining the club.

Looking at the manager sitting on the chair, dressed in neat clothes and with slicked-back hair, it gave him the first impression.

It is dangerous!
This supervisor gave him a greater sense of danger than the Pinsir he encountered when Snatch Berry at the time, even if it was a human.

While Natsu looked at the supervisor, supervisor Rotto looked at him.

I couldn't help frowning when I saw Natsu's tattered clothes and bad hairstyle.

But when I noticed the huge Weedle on his shoulders, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

A special Weedle that has never been seen before.

Putting away his expression, he gestured for Natsu to sit next to him first, and took the document from Anna.

I glanced at it, and the surprise in my eyes was even greater.

Looking at Anna, who had her back to Natsu and the others, she made a decision in her heart.

And Natsu noticed that besides him, there were two other people sitting in the office, one with a Pidgey and the other with an Ekans.

Neither of them expressed much about Natsu's approach, and they could even feel the looming hostility between them.

They are in a competitive relationship.

Even the Ekans that came close was grinning at Natsu and Weedle, showing off its razor-sharp fangs.

Can this Weedle endure?


He glared back directly.

It's just Ekans, it's not that they haven't been beaten, believe it or not, you will still eat your poison sac after being slaughtered?

After a whole day of wild adventures, and "big scenes" like Snatch Berry at night, being chased by dozens of Bug Type Pokémon, including the mighty Beedrill and Pinsir, Weedle's ferocity has gradually increased. exercised.

Ekans was a little surprised to see that his usual intimidation didn't work, and he was even glared back.

Or rather, there is some inexplicable panic in my heart.

That Weedle look just now, did you want to eat it?
This absurd idea, but it feels very real.

Ekans ate shriveled. As the Trainer of Ekans, he was even more afraid of Natsu and Weedle.

Natsu, on the other hand, sat on the chair with a blank face, lowered his head and squinted his eyes, taking the time to rest.

There will be another wave of outbound missions in the future.

The other Trainer with Pidgey was hostile, but more curious about Weedle.

Such a big Weedle? Bigger than Pidgey.

It took a while.

Director Rotto reads the information in his hand.

He glanced at the three of them, paused for a second on Natsu and Weedle, and said, "You guys did a good job, and the clearing mission was a success. Primary Rank sparring, every time you clear a Pokémon, you can Get 200 Alliance Coins as a reward.

Go to Finance later to get your due reward."

The three just nodded without showing much joy.

They know that the key to this mission is not the salary, but the promotion of the title.

Primary rank sparring and intermediate rank sparring, there is a big difference, not only salary, but also the commission you can get each time sparring, that is the real big deal.

Rotto pondered slightly, and flipped through the information in his hand again.

Then he said: "I believe you all know that this task is about your promotion, but there is only one place."

Hearing this, Natsu raised his head slowly.

Sure enough.

"This time, 0451 was promoted to the intermediate rank sparring partner." The results were quickly announced in an unquestionable tone.


The Trainer using Ekans who learned the result stood up suddenly, with a look of disbelief, pointed at Natsu and Weedle and said:
"Just With this guy dressed like a beggar and a bigger Weedle? I heard he didn't come back last night, but he came back today."

Before Natsu could speak, Rotto Holding his chin in his hands, his sharp eyes fell on this man, and he said lightly: "0413, are you questioning my decision?"

Being looked at by Rotto like this, 0413 trembled inexplicably, and quickly said: "No, I. I just think he is not qualified to be promoted to intermediate rank, let alone a Weedle"

In the eyes of most Trainers, Weedle is synonymous with "weak".

Natsu didn't speak. He contradicted the leadership in the workplace, but it was very unwise. Wearing small shoes was considered a trivial matter.

He wanted to see what Rotto would do.

Rotto nodded calmly, but turned to Natsu and said calmly, "0451, show him."

Natsu understood.

"Weedle, Bug Bite."

No hesitation, no hesitation, survival of the fittest is the essence of this world, not to mention the shadow of Team Rocket behind Silver.

He even suspected that this Rotto director was a member of Team Rocket.

Hearing Natsu's order, Weedle lunged at Ekans immediately, a cyan halo on his mouth.

It's not pleasing to the eye for a long time.

Just now, I was mad at myself.

To deal with Ekans before, Weedle still needed to be bound with silk thread, but now
Ekans' Trainer 0413 also responded quickly, with a grim face, "Ekans, Bite!"

Smell Ekans, who was speaking, opened his bloody mouth and bit back fiercely at Weedle, who was pounced.

But next second.

A surprising scene appeared.

But Weedle pounced directly on Ekans who jumped up.

Even though Weedle has doubled in size, it is still small compared to Ekans, but it is relatively small and it directly oppresses Ekans, pinning it to the ground, sharp spikes on its tail Pokes Ekans in the jaw, interrupting his Bite move.

At the same time, Weedle's mouth slammed into Ekans' seven inches, the only place on his body where scales were Yellow.

"Just right!!!"

As Ekans screamed, Yellow's scales splashed, Weedle's mouth dived deep into Ekans muscle.

With just one click, Ekans is incapacitated.

With this done, Weedle stood on top of Ekans, glanced at him dismissively, and slid back onto Natsu's shoulders.


Weak chicken.

0413's expression froze completely, looking at Ekans who fell to the ground and fell into a coma, with his mouth open for a while, he didn't know what to say.

Rotto watched this scene without hesitation, turned his head and said to Anna, "Let him get out."


Anna replied in a low voice He snorted and looked at the calm Natsu in surprise.

This is only his seventh day at the club.

He and Weedle seven days ago were not so strong.

It's even weak.

In her opinion, Natsu and Weedle just got into the club by luck, their strength is definitely the bottom of the club, even if they usually work so hard.

Weedle is Weedle after all.

Unexpectedly, in just seven days, 0413, who had entered the club more than two weeks earlier than him, could not withstand Weedle's move by his Ekans.

Surprised, astonished.

"0451, go back to Human Resources to register the intermediate rank title, and then take your Weedle data sheet." 0413 ignored him, Rotto said.

The other Pokémon, who was Pidgey's sparring partner, saw this and was afraid to speak.

Obviously, none of them are the counterparts of Natsu and Weedle.


Natsu got up and took the form, but when he saw Director Rotto's outstretched wrist, the logo printed on the white shirt under the suit, The pupils shrank involuntarily.

On the back of his cuff, a red letter is embroidered.
Fortunately, Natsu bowed his head in time, without showing his gaffe.

Rotto withdrew his hand, gave him a deep look, and waved.

Natsu didn't stop, turned and left.


Please ask for a monthly pass~~~ Ahh~~~ 100 monthly passes can be added~~
(end of this chapter)

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