Bottom Trainer in Pokemon World Chapter 30


Chapter 30 Ghetto

The next day.

The morning light cuts through the night sky, and Xiaoyang overlooks the earth.

A street full of abandoned houses in the far west of Saffron City.

Natsu arrives here early in the morning with Weedle.

Looking at the rows of ten-storey old residential buildings that have been abandoned for an unknown amount of time, it can be seen that no one has lived here for a long time.

As the largest city in the Kanto Region, Saffron City may appear to be beautiful on the surface, but there are actually many poverty-stricken areas that people don't want to see.

For example, Natsu before, is the lowest creature in Saffron City, like a rogue, and no one cares about his life or death.

And the area he came to at this time is the area where the typical low-level residents of Saffron City are active.

Also known as .

The ghetto.

Wearing the clothes that Jian Er had arranged for him, his eyes hidden under the brim of his long hat, glanced around the area that seemed like a dead silence.

I couldn't help frowning.

"It's actually here, so it's really troublesome to find it."

He was holding the mission information given to him by Director Rotto yesterday. A description of a Pokémon, how dangerous it is and what to watch out for.

His job is to clean up this Pokémon.

The clean-up this time is not as simple as expelling, but a real clean-up.

"It's really a familiar feeling."

Natsu murmured.

His predecessor was active in this area, and he was relatively familiar with the environment here.

Knowing how complicated things are here, finding a hidden Pokémon is definitely not easy.

At the same time, Natsu could clearly feel that there were many eyes hiding in the dark watching him in the seemingly empty space.

A hostile and greedy eye.

With his current clothes, it is indeed a bit out of tune with this environment.

"Sure enough, I'd better ask someone about the situation first."

Put away the file.

There is only a description of the mission Pokémon, and only the approximate area where the other party is hiding is known, and the exact location cannot be determined.

Tuk Tuk Tuk-

Stepping on the broken stone slab, the gravel and gravel everywhere made the sound of the footsteps a little dull.

Go straight to a dilapidated house.

His sudden action surprised the people who were hiding in this room and silently observing Natsu.

He tried to leave in a panic, but heard Natsu say;

"Stop him."


Crystal clear The bright white silk thread spit out from Weedle's mouth, directly entangling the ankle of the man who wanted to run away in embarrassment.

The other party looked panicked and tried to break free, but he didn't move, and instead he was getting closer and closer to Natsu.

With Weedle's current String Shot, it's impossible for Normal humans to break free.

Natsu looked at him blankly, meeting his panicked eyes.

Seeing this person's appearance, Natsu was a little stunned, then quickly recovered, and said lightly: "Sanhu."

When he heard his name being called, that person was also stunned.

Natsu didn't expect that, when he wanted to ask someone casually, he actually met an "acquaintance" of his predecessor.

It's just that he's changed so much now that Sanfu didn't recognize him at all, and even if he felt familiar, he wouldn't think of the original Natsu at all.

"This. Your Excellency."

The three husbands shouted obediently, knowing that he could not run away.

One of the rules of survival at the bottom of the society, if you meet someone who is obviously not an opponent, you should admit it.

Natsu pulled a twenty Alliance note from his pocket.

"Answer my question, it's yours."

Seeing the money, Sanfu's eyes lit up.

Don't underestimate the twenty Alliance Coins, for him, it may be food security for a week or more.

He nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes!"

"Recently. Has there been any Pokémon in this area? A special place or a special event?"


"This area. Pokémon special event"

The three husbands blinked, lost in thought.

Immediately, a shock, quickly reacted, and hurriedly said: "Recently, the knife scar in the south corner died suddenly."

"It's not this one."

Before he can finish, Natsu interrupts.

Scarface was the one who wanted to Snatch his Weedle in the first place. It is estimated that after hitting Weedle's Poison Sting, his body fell into a short period of weakness, and he took the opportunity to be killed.

This is common in slums.

Not a big deal.

"No." The third husband murmured in a low voice, and then he seemed to think of something, "In the abandoned garbage dump in the west, there have always been some strange vehicles dumping garbage recently. The garbage dump There are also some strange creatures in it, some people say that it is a Pokémon, it seems to be called Grimer"

"No." Staring at him, he emphasized: "I'm talking about special things, things that shouldn't have happened or happened."

The death of the scarred man and the appearance of Muk in the garbage dump are all routines event.

It has nothing to do with his mission.

Feeling Natsu's eyes, Sanfu's body trembled slightly, sweat dripped from his dusty forehead, leaving a trail of traces, and his mind began to spin rapidly.

Natsu didn't rush, just held his hands and waited silently.

After a while, the three husbands said in a tentative tone: "West Point. Asef in West Point captured a Rattata. Is it an event that shouldn't have happened?"

Before Natsu could speak, Sanfu seemed to understand that such a thing might not be special to Natsu, and immediately added: "Assef doesn't have a Poké Ball!"

Hearing this, Natsu narrowed his eyes.

Leave the money in your hand and turn away immediately.

It should.

That's it.

The west corner of the ghetto.


Weedle, who had been quiet on Natsu's shoulders, suddenly stood up and looked up at a dilapidated residential building not far away.

"You feel it?" Natsu asked.


Weedle was a little puzzled, it wasn’t sure, just a strange feeling all of a sudden.

"That should be here."

Natsu made his guess even more certain.

Quiet residential building, walk straight in with your feet raised.



As they approached, a voice sounded in the corner of the first floor.

I saw a figure slowly walking out of the corner, followed by a thin, not very strong Rattata.

But it's a little surprising.

Assef and Rattata, who came out, looked a little sluggish and their eyes were dull.

It's like two marionettes.

Something seems to be controlling them.

Natsu was not surprised when he saw their appearance, but he was already 99% sure of his guess.

His eyes glanced around and saw no one else.

"You, who are you?"

Assef asked again very bluntly, and Rattata beside him was even more arrogant.


Weedle echoed.


Rattata seemed to have been stimulated by something, and rushed forward with all four limbs.

"Fix him," Natsu said calmly.

Weedle understands and leaps out of him, his open mouth glowing with a cyan halo, and he bites into Rattata's body.

With one move, this thin Rattata lost its ability to fight.

At the same time, Assef felt a wooden stick from somewhere, and smashed it towards Natsu's head.


But before he could get close to Natsu, Weedle turned around and spit out silk thread, binding his feet.

Boom! !

Suddenly stumbled and fell heavily to the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust.

Weedle then added a few more threads to completely subdue him.

But Assef was like crazy, constantly struggle and roaring, he didn't look like a man at all, but a bit like a crazy beast.

"Let's go, the Lord is here."

Natsu glanced at Asef on the ground and said to Weedle.

Weedle is threaded back over the shoulders.

Climb up the stairs, towards the top of the dilapidated residential building.

But as soon as I stepped on the stairs, I heard a

The stairs began to tremble slightly, and countless footsteps came from above, accompanied by a large number of " squeak" sound.

Immediately after.

Densely moving petite figures appeared in his sight.

A large, uncountable amount of Rattata, running frantically down the stairs.

And the target is Weedle and Natsu who jumped in.


Ask for a monthly ticket~~~Ask for a recommendation ticket~~~Ask for a collection~~~
(End of this chapter)

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