Bottom Trainer in Pokemon World Chapter 424


Chapter 424 Bury him (110)

Hoshino Ryuzaki saw Natsu's smile, his heart was inexplicably tense, and the corner of his eyes A glimpse of Hippowdon lying in the bunker, who had completely lost his combat capability, deepened the inexplicable feeling.

But when I thought of the huge treasure that might be hidden in this ruin, I immediately abandoned those inexplicable thoughts in my heart.

Sweeping over Beedrill, Kadabra, Doublade and Togetic beside Natsu, coldly said: "Natsu brother, it's good luck."

Natsu's smile remains the same, replied : "Indeed, I also think my luck has always been good."

Listening to his Frillish words, Hoshino Ryuzaki gnash the teeth with anger.

He thought about it.

The reason why Natsu was able to come here and didn't get lost in the maze of tunnels was entirely because he "led the way" for him.

The Doublade he had never seen before, most likely hidden in Natsu's shadow.

And in the gloomy part of the maze, a little change in the shadow could not attract any attention at all.

The more I think about it, the more I feel angry.

I took advantage of others, but in turn was taken advantage of by others.

Hoshino Ryuzaki slowly lowered his head, took a deep breath, and when he lifted it up again, his face had returned to his previous genial smile.

Natsu ashamed of being inferior for his face-changing speed and face-changing ability.

"Alright, since the Natsu brother has also come in, let's explore the ruins together. I think there should be a lot of good things in that tower, and we can divide it equally."


However, after he finished speaking, Natsu didn't respond, just looked at him with a joking look with a faint smile.

At this point, don't pretend anything.

Sure enough, Hoshino Ryuzaki's smile slowly faded after seeing that Natsu was not fooled.

"What do you want?" The tone was calm.

Natsu turned over the palm, and the previous Fire Stone of intermediate rank quality appeared in the palm.

Glancing at the intermediate rank Fire Stone, the corner of Hoshino Ryuzaki's eyes twitched, but still said, "Yes, I smeared the egg wash of Krookodile Pokémon eggs on it."


Natsu nodded and put it away.

It's impossible to spit it out.

Seeing his natural movements, Hoshino Ryuzaki's chest heaved up and down, he didn't expect to pay the price of an intermediate rank Fire Stone, the other party didn't get the trick, and even used him to come here Ruins, simply having given away a bride, to lose one's army on top of it.

"I'm still curious, how many people did you find as bait for you to come here?" Natsu asked suddenly.

Hearing this, Hoshino Ryuzaki fell silent.

After a while, he slowly said, "Counting you, four."

Natsu raised his brows, "So, the first three are dead?"

Hoshino Ryuzaki didn't answer, but the answer was obvious.

"Why do they die? It stands to reason that even if they are in danger, can't they call the three Elites for help?" Natsu raised his biggest doubt, and the answer was related to what he would do next choose.

Three people have died, and they are still in the hands of the person in front of them.

The means and temperament are quite ruthless. If he is really the grandson of Ryuichi Hoshino's Rock Type Elite, it means that he has inherited the legacy of the old elites very well.

Hoshino Ryuzaki didn't speak immediately, but took out the helper that Natsu also had from his pocket.


Just press it down.

Hoshino Ryuzaki grinned widely, "Huh—rescue? It's just a joke."

Although Natsu already had a guess in his heart, it was serious When I knew the answer, I was still a little surprised.

What happened to those three guys, Drake, Agatha, Bertha?

Just when he was surprised, the sand surface under his feet suddenly wriggled.

Hoshino Ryuzaki, who seemed to answer Natsu's question honestly, showed a wicked smile and shouted: "Die!"

Bzz Bzz Bzz ——

A spiraling object emerges from under Natsu's feet, an Excadrill lying in ambush under the sand!
The reason why Hoshino Ryuzaki answered Natsu's doubts and answered his questions so "safely" was to attract his attention and create opportunities for Excadrill.

Seeing Natsu's appearance, he wasn't completely unprepared.

clang clang clang clang ——

However, to Hoshino Ryuzaki's surprise, Excadrill was only less than halfway out of the sand, and Doublade seemed to be ready. In the same way, the sharp blade is directly on the head of the Excadrill, which is like a normal drill.

The metal-to-metal collision sparked out fire stars.

On sneak attack, where is Hoshino Ryuzaki?

Natsu can't guess his little thoughts?
Kadabra's Psychic has already completely covered the surrounding area, even the sand under his feet has not been spared, and a little change in the sand cannot escape its perception.

After Doublade stopped Excadrill's sudden sneak attack, he didn't let it go, but launched a counterattack immediately.

The previously unrecovered state against Hippowdon came into play at this moment.

Fury Cutter adds Sacred Sword, still the state of the third sword.


Excadrill just appeared on the stage, and before he could make an appearance, he was directly beaten by Doublade.

Hoshino Ryuzaki looked at the Doublade in disbelief.

When dealing with Hippowdon just now, because he was blocked by the quicksand Inferno, he couldn't see how Hippopotas lost, but now that he saw his Excadrill fall, he vaguely understood and reacted.

'So, Beedrill and Kadabra are actually pretense, this Doublade is his Trump Card and confidence? '

Watching Doublade brush aside the Excadrill that had lost the combat capability like sweeping garbage, Natsu took two steps forward and said with a smile:

"I was a little hesitant. Yes, it's a good thing you told me the news."

Being used as bait, Natsu would feel out of breath if Revenge didn't come back.

When this popularity is not smooth, it is easy to be impulsive.

In other words, his strength is not bad, and he has a few more hearts. Otherwise, if it were someone else, he might have already died.

As it turns out, three have died before.

Then this is a great feud involving life and death.

But Natsu was still afraid of the three Elite Fours who might appear at any time, but Hoshino Ryuzaki helped him confirm that the Elite Four's rescue would not come.

It completely eliminated all his worries.

Also "gifted" an Excadrill as a "meet and greet".

If you don't respond, I'm sorry for his self-proclaimed "villain" title.




Beedrill, Kadabra, Doublade followed Come to his side, staring at the opposite Hoshino Ryuzaki.

"Just yep!"

Togetic rushed to the front, glaring at his waist, it had already said that this thing was not a good thing, and it turned out to be true.

"Just can?"

'How? ' Togetic asked angrily.

Natsu grinned and said softly:
"Buried him."


Promise your tenth shift ! This is the first update, ask for a monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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