Bottom Trainer in Pokemon World Chapter 448


Chapter 448 Natsu Senior
The vast sea.

An unnamed island.

"Maxie, did you know you were setting yourself on fire?"

Drake stood on the back of his Salamence, looking at the man with the hands behind back, his glasses glittering with wisdom.

And he is Team Magma's boss, Maxie, a man who looks very gentle, but is actually full of viciousness.

Maxie patted Camerupt beside him with a smile, and said with some disapproval: "Fengyuan Alliance is determined to destroy our Team Magma? I welcome you at any time, just want to remind Drake Elite to ask Watch out for Team Aqua and that Archie guy, he doesn't act like that."

Drake took a deep breath after hearing Maxie's faintly discernable threats.

The two underground forces, Team Magma and Team Aqua, do not fight each other, but they are in a position of cooperation and mutual restraint.

If Fengyuan Alliance wants to destroy one of them, the other will feel the threat of death and will never stand by.

Unless the Hoenn United can take out Team Magma and Team Aqua at the same time with thunder, it will only get harder and harder once the war begins.

Maxie only dared to launch this sneak attack because of the mentality of Fengyuan Alliance.

Of course, if Team Magma spends a lot of money, and put in a lot of perseverance and determination to kill an Alliance's Elite Four, then Fengyuan Alliance will not be able to sit still.

But it's just a few young Trainers.
"Fuck your mother!"

On the other side, a rough roar came, it was Maxie who just mentioned There you go, Team Aqua's Boss, Archie!
After all, Maxie and Archie have known each other since childhood and are still good friends.

It's just that for some special reasons, in the end, the two set foot on two forks on the same road at the same time, and finally came to opposite sides.

But they can all say without the slightest hesitation that the one who knows Maxie best must be Archie, and the one who knows Archie best must be Maxie.

It is because of this tacit understanding that Team Magma, Team Aqua and Hoenn Alliance have formed a strange balance.

"Golem, Stone Edge."

At this time, Bertha Elite cold and severe voice came, and he directly called Archie back, daring not to be distracted any more .

They are all just dragging these Elite Fours, and even the frontal hard steel is not strong enough. It is entirely by virtue of the advantage of the number of Pokémon, hard dragging, to Team Magma who entered the different space Members buy time.

Even every time a Pokémon is defeated, they can summon one again to make up for it.

Maxie and Archie are nothing else, but with the support of the enormous financial resources and resources of the two underground forces, Team Magma and Team Aqua, there is a large number of Pokémon.

Not at the level of Peak, but not weak either.

The other side, Agatha's side, didn't seem to be fighting as much as this side.

The battlefield where Agatha was located was surrounded by Yin Qi, but her attention was not too focused on her opponent. Follow an old Haunter.

Agatha and old Bill are old acquaintances.

The two competed for the Elite Four position back then, but in the end Agatha won and the old Bill disappeared.

Agatha saw him again not long ago in Saffron City.

didn't expect this time, this intelligence businessman who didn't participate in things and only provided information, actually came.

Neither of them communicated, but Old Bill put a lot of pressure on Agatha.

Old Bill suddenly looked down at the old pocket watch in his hand, and shouted to Maxie: "Maxie Boss, signal suppressor, it's time to replenish energy."

"Got it. !" Maxie's voice came from a distance.

The boat they came on had a signal suppressor installed, so there was no concern that the situation here would be passed on to the Alliance.

Hearing Old Bill's words that seemed intentional and unintentional, black light flashed in Agatha's deep cloudy eyes.

A shadow quickly separated from the shadow beneath her feet.

The seventh day of entering the different space.

Natsu learned from Lorelei that she had seen a special mark, and after a short rest for the night, set out on her way to find the person who left the mark.

That night, Lorelei learned a lot of experience and knowledge about survival in the wild from Natsu's mouth, just like a sponge Normal quickly filling its own deficiencies.

But that's it.
The relationship between the two has undergone some subtle changes.

And these changes are all from Natsu's words.

"It won't be long before I get a 'bachelor' degree from the Silver Academy."

With just such a sentence, Lorelei suddenly realizes that Natsu can be regarded as A member of the Academy faction.

Or her Senior? !
If Lorelei asked Natsu questions from a friend's point of view before, then after this sentence, Lorelei became a "junior sister" or even a "student" to ask some questions.

The relationship between Natsu and Natsu has gotten closer in an instant.

Since Natsu, who is also an "Academy faction", can get so much field experience, Lorelei thinks he can too.

And the quickest way is to ask Natsu.

No, Natsu Senior.

"Natsu Senior." The walking Lorelei shouted.

Do you feel that the relationship has become much closer all at once?
Senior who is also a teacher and a brother.

Natsu rubbed his temples with a headache, thinking that he must have had something wrong with him before thinking about having a good relationship with Lorelei.

Is this relationship needed?
"Say." Natsu said angrily.

It did not refuse.

A Lorelei who doesn't have much field experience and only common sense, in the current situation, there is no more useful and valuable Lorelei who will appear in the shadow of "ice attribute Elite" in the future.

Now that a large number of Team Magma members have entered the different space, it is also necessary to unite the limited forces in order to obtain some resources while ensuring their own safety.

"Found it."


Looking back, I saw Lorelei crouching on the ground, under a muddy tree trunk, a not so Such an obvious mark was almost completely blocked by the soil.

Natsu's eyes shined, seeing the marks left by the dirt being removed.

But he was also curious.

"How did you see this mark before?"

He couldn't even see it consciously.

Lorelei's fair face climbed a little crimson, and whispered: "I was in a daze before. No, I accidentally saw it when I was thinking."


Natsu nods.

looked towards the direction marked by the imprint.

I don't know who left this, Du? Steven? Or Shirona?

It doesn't matter, whoever it is, is a character with thick legs.

And the direction marked by the imprint is a dense forest in front of them. At first glance, there are not many traces of human activities.

However, when they just stepped into this forest, the loud and excited cry of Growl came from the forest.

And the sound is not worth a line, one after another.

"wu wu wu woo-"

For a moment, Natsu felt as if he had entered a forest full of monkeys.


The fifth update! Ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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