Bottom Trainer in Pokemon World Chapter 454


Chapter 454 Cosmic Tiger? (2-in-1)

While Salazzle's Pheromonic Gas is most effective on males, it's not completely useless on females.

It is gas after all.

Let someone hold a gas can and suck it for half an hour to see if she feels it.

When the two became confused and began to lose their minds, Natsu summoned Kadabra and directly used Psychic plus Salazzle's ability to control others to hypnotize them.

Just to reinforce their impression a little, "follow Natsu's orders" will do.

As for how long it will last.

It doesn't matter if I leave Flame Valley Natsu and I won't continue to hang out with Team Magma.

In an hour.

The two of them woke up leisurely, not only taking the poison, but also feeling drowsy in their heads, but the eyes when they looked towards Natsu again were full of awe.

They didn't think much of it, and were in awe of a Gym Leader-level Pokémon, shouldn't that be right?
Against Natsu?

Sorry, they can't even think of that right now.

"Clean up this place," Natsu said testily.

"Yes!" Phoebe and Vision responded immediately.

Put Torkoal away in the Poké Ball and obediently deliver it to Natsu, while finding out if there's still something worthwhile in this place.

Natsu was naturally quite satisfied with the result.

With their cover, he doesn't have to worry about identity issues, someone helps him prove it.

The next step is to find what you need in this "Flame Valley".

A proper Fire Element Pokémon.

In fact, for the choice of Fire Element Pokémon, Natsu also had some plans and ideas after realizing that he needed to add a Fire Element Pokémon.

The most ideal target is the Fire Element in the Alola Region Three Founding Families, the Red Flame Roaring Tiger, nicknamed "The First Tiger in the Universe"!
Also known as "Cosmic Tiger" or "First Tiger".

Just by listening to this name, you can know how strong this Chiyan Roaring Tiger is.

As a Pokémon of Fire Element and Dark Type, Chi Yan Roaring Tiger can be proficient in Normal Type's "Five Attack" and Bug Type's "U-Turn", and then cooperate with Dark Type's "DD Golden Hook Arm" Also known as "younger brother golden hook arm" or "everything is equal arm" move, that's not Normal's power.

Don't have Fire Element moves?

Is the Fire Element move related to my "Cosmic Tiger" and "Bug Type Tiger"?
Of course, these are all jokes and jokes.

However, the Red Flame Roaring Tiger is indeed a good choice. The Attributes of Fire Element and Dark Type can also make up for the deficiencies and deficiencies of the Natsu Pokémon Attribute at this time.

It's just that sometimes you want a Pokémon, and you can't get it.

It also depends on luck.

It also depends on whether the personality of the Pokémon you meet is suitable for you, what your innate talent is, and so on.

In short, Natsu just has a goal. If he encounters other options, he can also consider it, such as "speed up chicken", "free rabbit", "old spray", etc. Refuse.

Thinking of this, Natsu couldn't help laughing.

I haven't even met before, and I started to carry out these unrealistic fantasies.

"Sir Shingo, after cleaning, there is nothing of value except for a coal mine that I don't know how big." Nanmu and Shiye came to him.

If the coal mine is outside, it's worth the money, but in this different space, it's worthless.

The chance to enter the different space that I finally got, can't come in to mine, right?

Natsu nodded, looked at the Valley end where he could see the head at a glance, and the "F12" area was almost cleaned up.

He turned his head to Nanmu and said, "I'll go out to investigate and see if I can get some intelligence and information about the precious Fire Element Pokémon."

This Nanmu is typical" "Socialite", she and Ishino are mostly responsible for gathering intelligence, and Ishino is responsible for violent solutions. From the point of view of battle strength alone, she is not as good as Ishino, but she should be good at gathering intelligence.

"Yes!" A smile appeared on Nanmu's face.

As Natsu guessed, this is what she's good at.

And being able to contribute to Natsu, Nanmu just felt very satisfied, as if his body was full of Vital Spirit.

Natsu is also the first attempt to use this method to try to control a person.

is pushing too hard.

But that's not a bad thing.

Soon, the three of them left the little Valley to finish cleaning.

According to Team Magma's regulations, they can continue to clean up the area to earn contribution points, and they can also act freely to capture or collect some supplies.

So Nanmu went to collect information under Natsu's suggestion.

Natsu took Ishio to rest under a rock wall, and Salazzle had already taken it back. Salazzle's appearance and habit of not concealing his breath were too high-profile. Even the Gym Leader-level Pokémon was in this Team. Magma's actions are also relatively easy to attract attention.

And Ishio stood in front of Natsu with both hands crossed near chest, with tiger eyes watching, in the posture of a guard.

It was his behavior that attracted a little attention, but it was okay. Now he was busy with the cleaning task, and noticed that there were not many people here.


Natsuki is back, and he looks so excited that he has collected news that Natsu is interested in.

"Sir Shingo." Nanmu panted heavily, his chest heaving.

I have to admit that she can eat well in Team Magma, and the capital is still very rich.

Natsu raised his chin.

"In the D3 area and the B5 area, someone encountered the powerful Fire Element Pokémon."

Hearing this, Natsu stood up slowly.

"Let's go."

His goal this time is very clear, which is to find a suitable Fire Element Pokémon.

If you can't find it in Flame Valley, you can only wait until you leave this place to make room, and find Professor Rowan or the soon-to-be Professor Sakuragi to ask if you can get a good Fire Element Three Founding Families.

Charizard in Kanto Region and Infernape in Sinnoh Region are also good Pokémon.

The two immediately followed behind him.

"Master Shingo, there are still people performing cleaning tasks in those two areas." Nanmu reminded.

Natsu nods and doesn't speak.

Looking at his attitude, this is the stance of killing whoever stops him. Nanmu and Ishino looked at each other, more or less excited.

What's the most important thing in the underground forces like Team Magma, Team Aqua, and Team Rocket?
Is the backer!
Although from the current situation, even if Natsu competes, he may at most be an elite Captain, which is Level 1 higher than them.

But for the overwhelming majority, even if they want to rely on an elite Captain, it is an extravagant hope.

Besides, there is still a Gym Leader-level Pokémon Elite Captain, which is also considered a fraction of the cream of the crop in the Elite Captain level.

Don't look at the elite level and the Gym Leader level, there is only one level difference, but I don't know how many people are trapped.

Many Trainers may not be able to successfully cultivate a Gym Leader-level Pokémon in their lifetime.

"Sir Shingo, are you going to compete for the Elite Captain?" Nanmu asked cautiously, with a little hope in his eyes.

Natsu just slightly changed their attitude towards themselves, not turning them into puppets, nor making them lose their ability to think independently and self-awareness.

"Captain?" Natsu chuckled.

When he leaves Flame Valley this time, he will have nothing to do with Team Magma, and what kind of Captain is he competing for?
Seeing that he didn't express his position, Nanmu and Ishino didn't dare to ask more.

Just silently followed Natsu to the target area.

The "D3" area.

It's also a small Valley.

The difference from before is that in this Valley, it is not dead early, and the grass grows to the knees.

And such an environment is obviously more suitable for Wild Pokémon to live in.

Not all Fire Element Pokémons necessarily live in places full of lava and fire.

"Let your Golbat and Mightyena find the Fire Element Pokémon and the members in charge of the area," Natsu said.


hearing this, Nanmu and Ishino immediately acted.

Not long.

"I found it." Phoebe's Golbat was the quickest to find the trace.

"It's also confirmed here."

Ishino also found it, but he found a member of Team Magma, and Nanmu found Fire Element Pokémon.

"Let's go and see Pokémon first."

Then they came to a plain area, a plain in the Valley, and successfully saw the Fire Element found by Golbat Pokémon.

In the dense grass, a group of lions with black body and brown limbs and thick red and yellow hair on their heads.

Among them, one of the lions has the most abundant hair, covering all areas from the head to the neck. It is the only male lion in this group of lions, while the rest of the hairs are sparse, with only one bundle extending from the head. To the end of the neck, these are lionesses.


Pokémon for Fire Element and Normal Type.

It is indeed a Fire Element Pokémon, and it is a relatively good Fire Element Pokémon, with a Species Strength of 507 points, which is a Pokémon with advantages in special attack and speed.

But Pyroar isn't one of Natsu's favorite Fire Element Pokémons.

With the increase in strength and the increase in resources at hand, Natsu also has more choices in the choice of Pokémon.

"Sir Shingo, it's Pyroar."

Nanmu and Ishino, on the other hand, seem to be more interested in Pokémons like Pyroar, whether they are subdued or exchanged for contribution points, they are both Nice choice.

And their arrival also attracted the attention of the Pyroars, who raised their heads and looked at Natsu and the others.

Behind them, a few little fellows stuck their heads out.

is Litleo, the child of the Pyroars.

"Who am I supposed to be, it turns out to be Nanmu and Ishino you two guys."

At this moment, a slightly gloomy voice mixed with undisguised sarcasm, from them came from behind.

These are the three Team Magma members responsible for cleaning the area.

Since Ishino's Mightyena can find them, they can also sense Natsu and their presence.

Turning around, I saw the three of them with sneers on their faces, their eyes swept across the three of them, especially Natsu, who stayed for a long time.

"You do your deeds, we complete our tasks, everyone minds their own business, but what do you mean by running to the area we are responsible for?" The headed man asked Nanmu, staring at him.

Obviously, some of Nanmu and Ishino's actions are no secret in the eyes of those who know them.

And since this area is their responsibility, these Pyroars are naturally forbidden in their eyes, and others are not allowed to interfere.

Hearing all the words he was referring to, Nanmu bit his lip, looked towards Natsu, and whispered in his ear: "Sir, these three guys are not weak, and the one in the lead is."

Before he could finish speaking, Natsu reached out his hand to stop him.

He doesn't have much time to waste.

Since it's just three ordinary members of Team Magma, there's nothing worth considering and dreading.

That's it.

Fingers twitched slightly, and Salandit dropped from his shoulders.

After thinking about it, it's a bit reluctant and a bit of a waste of time to just rely on Salandit's words.

Immediately, he wiped his palm across his waist.

With the flickering of red light, a Salazzle and four other Salandit appeared in front of him.

All Pokémon of the Salandit type?
And, one Gym Leader and five Elites!

Nanmu and Shiye looked towards each other at the same time, and both saw surprise and a trace of excitement in each other's eyes.

This kind of strength is definitely a proper elite Captain strength!

"Fix them," Natsu said casually to Salazzle.


Salazzle is excited, it's been a long time since he's fought, hasn't "cooked" any other Pokémon, and he's still carrying some of the best Pokémon he's ever had men.

With its roar, five elite Salandit jumped out immediately.

The three members of Team Magma on the opposite side immediately felt that something was wrong when they saw Salazzle and the four Salandit, and their faces turned pale in an instant.

Turning around and trying to escape or giving up resisting and begging for mercy are all futile.

Under the skilful command of Salazzle, the five Salandits worked perfectly with it, taking out all three and their Pokémon without a hitch.

"Clean up."

After saying something to Kusugi and Ishino, Natsu turned his attention to the group of Pyroars.

It's more or less worth it, especially those Litleos.

If there is a Litleo with particularly outstanding innate talent, it is not impossible to cultivate.

But apparently, it wasn't the Fire Element Pokémon that he favored, and Natsu's requirements became very high, and none of these Litleos met his requirements.

While he took out the Pyroars, Nanmu and Ishino also finished cleaning up the three.

"I've got the stuff, these Pokémons are yours." Natsu waved his hand.

It can be considered to be doing things by himself. Natsu is not yet a "Leech Life ghost" to that level, and he has to give others some soup to eat meat.

Moreover, the value of these Pokémon is not very high to him, they are all Pokémon that have been tamed and cultivated, and the value of this kind of Pokémon is the lowest.

"Many thanks, sir!" Nanmu and Shiye quickly said gratefully.

It's not very valuable to Natsu, but it's still very valuable to them. There are also one or two elite Pokémon, which can be turned into effective battle strength after a little taming. .

They're not Natsu either, and they demand that much from Pokémon.

For them.

It works.

When they finished dividing the spoils, Natsu slightly pondered a while said: "This efficiency is still too slow, you continue to collect intelligence, I will do it alone."

"Then we I have collected information, how can I contact you, Sir?"

Natsu shoved a Poké Ball into each of their hands.

"These are two Salandit. When you gather useful information, pass it to them, and they will send it to me."

"Okay, I see."

Then the two quickly left with two Salandit.

After a short contact, Natsu discovered that, in fact, Team Magma did not deliberately oppose the killing of each other's members, but nominally prohibited this kind of behavior. In fact, the management was not strict. It's like opening one eye and closing one eye.

Natsu understands this decision.

Underground forces like Team Magma don't have the abundant human resources of Alliance. They cast a wide net to find those talents who are truly valuable and worthy of training, and this kind of behavior that acquiesce to killing each other is similar to raising gu. , is the most convenient way.

As for people who had innate talent but were killed early because of bad luck?

Sorry, luck is also a form of innate talent.

How many of the top Executives and Executives among these underground forces are now killed from the bottom without relying on their own abilities?
Although Natsu is now relying on Alliance for more resources and a more orthodox identity, he also has to admit that he actually prefers the purity of these underground forces.

In this way purely by one's own abilities.

Natsu summoned some of his own Pokémon only after Nanmu and Ishino left the area.

After all, it's his Pokémon that gets along better, and he doesn't need to pay so much attention to any details of the battle.

And also give them more experience.

Whether it is to fight against Team Magma, or to prepare for the "Lily of the Valley Youth Tournament" afterward, it is necessary to seize the time to improve their strength.

After spending a few days with Lorelei, I have a clear understanding of Lorelei's strength.

Although she is inexperienced in the field and has poor field ability, if she is on the field of competition, she is a proper "War God".

Even Lorelei is like this, and you can imagine how strong Du, Steven, and Shirona will be.

Take a few Pokémon into the unexplored area, and then order Salazzle and the Salandit to stand at the entrance. If anyone wants to come in, don't hesitate to kill it.


A roared rang through the Valley as Natsu and a few Pokémon descended into the deepest part of the area.

Follow closely from behind is a fiery breath of fire.

And the dark silhouette that sprang out.

(end of this chapter)

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