Bottom Trainer in Pokemon World Chapter 468


Chapter 468 Disappeared (two-in-one)

The ad hoc meeting will soon be over.

All Executives went back and quickly led their subordinates to organize supplies and luggage, and prepare to leave.

The bonfire was trimmed alone in the cave, ready to go to the Volcarona, which was flying high in the sky.

Natsu walked out of the cave silently.

Looking at Volcarona, who looked like a small sun in the sky, emitting light and heat continuously, and pursed her lips.

The light is bright and warm.

But for some reason, Natsu felt a trace of sadness and a trace of loneliness from the Volcarona hanging in the sky.

It. No clansman?
shook the head.

"Bart Ya-"

At this moment, the invisible Dragapult suddenly made a sound, which sounded in Natsu's ear, with mixed emotions.

'It's crying.'


Natsu froze when he heard Dragapult's words.


Invisibility Dragapult looks mixed feelings, in his narrow eyes, there is sympathy for Volcarona, and an uncontrollable empathy.

In Dragapult's view.

It's actually very similar to Volcarona.

It is also the same time spent in one place for an unknown number of years, and I can only be accompanied by loneliness in the long process.

There is also no clansman, or clansman can't be found after waking up.

Dragapult couldn't find Dreepy, and he always felt empty and incomplete, only relying on Natsu's Dragon Type Pokémon eggs for comfort.

It's okay, taking some comfort from Natsu.

But this Volcarona
Dragapult knew what the purpose of Volcarona's dazzling rise to the sky was.

It's calling for companions.

But unfortunately, since it was launched and appeared until now, it has not received any response.

The loneliness in my heart has not been diluted by time in the slumber that I don't know how many years, but continued to ferment until it broke out.

Natsu was silent after Dragapult's empathic explanation.

To be honest, it's a bit touching, but there's nothing I can do about it.

Suddenly, Natsu's thoughts moved, and he asked in a low voice, "You want to help it?"

Help it?

Dragapult in stealth looked up at the sky, his sight passed through the dazzling light and heat, and landed on the center of the rays of light. Very lonely but still insisting silhouette.

Within seconds, Dragapult was in Volcarona, and a decision was made quickly.

"Bart ya!"

'Help! '

hearing this, Natsu laughed.

With his ability, he can't do it at all if he wants to help Volcarona, even if he has more intentions, he is powerless.

But Dragapult saw his own shadow from Volcarona's body. After he took the identity, the feeling of becoming a confidant even though he didn't communicate with him suddenly came up.

And whether Natsu can provide some Help is the attitude of Dragapult.

"Then help!" Natsu said with a smile.

A very light sentence, but it moved Dragapult a little.

It knew that Natsu was planning to go because it was more dangerous.

But because of his words, he made a change, which is bound to be accompanied by danger, which made Dragapult, who just finished his "Lonely Testimonials", quite touched.

Why such a powerful Dragapult is willing to follow Natsu.

Is it really just because of those Pokéblocks, because Natsu brought it out of the Ruins' ignorant blockade?
This is partly willing, and partly because Dragapult saw how Natsu was getting along with his Pokémon when he was still ignorant, and made him feel comfortable getting along.

Natsu is a Trainer and will sometimes strictly demand Pokémon, but he will also consider Pokémon's feelings and think about problems from their perspective. feeling of communication.

If a Pokémon thinks this kind of training is more suitable for him during the training, he will take the initiative to say it. If Natsu thinks it is reasonable, he will also make some adjustments in the plan according to the meaning of Pokémon.

That's one of the reasons it, including Happy Pokémon Togetic, is willing to follow Natsu.

“Bart Asia?”

'How can I help? '

asked Dragapult.

Natsu raised his head again and said softly, "Don't worry, going out now will become a target, just wait."

Just wait, when the bonfire shoots.

With that, Natsu strode forward and returned to where Kusugi, Ishino and the others were staying.

It may also be fate, Du was actually assigned to a group with Nanmu and Shiye.

Natsu glanced at the three, then glanced at the others, said solemnly: "Pack up and prepare to leave."


Several people hearing this looked at each other in blank dismay.

Du was finally unable to sit still at this time, stepped forward and asked: "Master Shingo, are we going to leave the different dimension? The goal is completed?"

After speaking, he realized that he had lost self-control, and immediately added, "I haven't gained much yet."

Natsu looked towards him.

Very good.

Nan Hawes carves forward and says: "Lord Shingo, his name is Longji."

Three words are inseparable from Dragon Type, right?

"It's almost there, get ready, if you don't want to be stopped here by Alliance."

Natsu is giving Du a message.

The Alliance outside has moved.

Sure enough, after hearing Natsu's words, Watana lowered his head and thought for a while.

Natsu didn't say more, signaling them to move quickly.

After explaining this matter, I came to the big Valley of Flame Valley, and sat silently on a pile of Rocks, looking up at Volcarona in the sky.

He is waiting.

With such unbridled and continuous photosynthesis, even if Volcarona is powerful, every second is a huge consumption, right?

The campfire is slow to start.

I'm also waiting for Volcarona to consume her energy on her own initiative.

If this Volcarona is in peak state, it should not be an opponent with the strength of a bonfire, but if it continues to consume itself, it will be hard to say.


Sudden footsteps approached.

Natsu looked back and saw that it was Toto.

Are you looking for news again?

Is he capable of delivering the message?

Natsu realizes this suddenly.

Otherwise don't be so persistent.

If you can pass it on.
With a respectful expression, Watari walked over to Natsu.

"Here," Natsu said softly.

hearing this, Du was stunned for a moment, then immediately reacted, "Master Shingo knew I would come?"

Natsu turned around halfway, with a little joking in his expression, and said A little bit of a joke.

"Should I call you Longji, or should I call you Yulongdu?"

As soon as these words come out, they will never lose self-control after professional training. The transition, some lost self-control.

But he tried his best to restrain his expression, and his expression was a little stiff.

"I don't understand what the adults are talking about."

Natsu brushed the dust off his clothes, stood up slowly, looked him in the eyes, and said bluntly, "I know him. You."

It's ready.

This time, Du finally stopped covering up. Although he didn't know how his identity was exposed, the current situation is that if he doesn't do something, he may not be able to leave.

Hands are already on the Poké Ball around his waist.

But before he could make a move, he saw Natsu raised his hand and turned his palm to him.

And on the palm, a special symbol is drawn.

This symbol is the secret code designed by Natsu before they entered the different space.

After a sigh of relief.

He suddenly reacted, his voice was a little tentative, “Natsu?” Yes, he finally spoke up.

"Why not Steven?"


Du couldn't help but let out a foul language.

Three steps and two steps, clenched fists, posing for a fight.

Life was up and down too fast, he was ready to summon Pokémon to run right away, and he was even ready to be besieged by Team Magma when he failed to escape, trying to leave some for Natsu and the others. Preparation of information.

Who knows how he thinks for a long time how to leave a message to Natsu before he can see it, but Natsu is right in front of him.

"Stop!" Looking at Du's fist, Natsu immediately called to stop, "cough cough, pay attention to your current identity."

Du's fist stagnated, and the veins in the corners of his eyes jumped. .

After holding it for a long time, I suddenly burst out laughing.

Natsu also smiled tacitly.

The tacit understanding between the two is surprisingly consistent when it comes to choosing to sneak into Team Magma.

"What's the situation with you?" Du gestured to his face.

Natsu lifted a corner of his face.

I was amazed when I saw this.

"You haven't answered my question, why can't you Steven?" Natsu asked.

He felt that there was nothing wrong with his disguise, and he called out his name without the slightest hesitation. There must be some basis.

And such a basis is what Natsu should pay attention to in the future.

"Back." Du said directly.


"Yes, I saw your back before and felt a little familiar, but I didn't think in that direction boldly, didn't expect it's really you. ' Du explained.

Natsu looks weird.

Other people recognize people based on their face shape, hand shape, bear cough cough, and the more powerful ones are smell, footstep frequency, etc. Natsu has noticed them all.

But didn't expect to rely on the back.

Have you read too much prose?

"I'm going to buy some oranges, you stay here and don't move."


A sudden sentence to Natsu, Monk Duzhang Er was puzzled.

Seeing his reaction, Natsu sighed.

This stalk, if no one picks up, it doesn't have that flavor.

"Cough cough, okay, let's get down to business, is there any way you can send a message outside?" Natsu asked.

This is the most important reason why he took the initiative to reveal his identity.

Anyway, even if it doesn't reveal it now, it will reveal it when Team Magma is about to leave.

Can't really leave with Team Magma, go back and be an Executive?

Team Magma's Executive is really not as attractive as Alliance's Gym Leader.

If it were Team Rocket, maybe consider it.

And his identity doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

You can still mess around in this different space, and after you go out, you will definitely reveal your secrets when you are examined in detail.

Because a lot of Natsu doesn't hold up.

Back to the topic.

Du's expression also became serious, nodded hesitantly.

"There is a way, it's the investigator's way, but I'm not sure if it will be received outside, and there's only one chance."

That's why he wants to infiltrate Team Magma.

It's just that he doesn't have Ditto's mask to disguise, and he can't mix into the high-level without a quasi-Elite-level Pokémon, so the useful information collected is really limited.

Natsu rubbed his chin.

Take it as an experiment, better than nothing.

"Okay, you tell them, the stuff is in the hands of the bonfire."

"The stuff?"

"This time Team Magma is in here. I don't know what the other dimension is looking for, so just do as you say."

Tatsu naturally had no doubts about Natsu, "I see."

"Don't stay here anymore, Team Magma is going to retreat, there's no point in staying any longer. You go in this direction and you'll enter a territory of hyperkinetic monkeys. Roxanne and Lorelei are in it." Natsu pointed to the crossing. direction.

"Lorelei?" Du was stunned.

"Don't know?" Natsu eyebrows raised.

hearing this Yaoyao Du said, "No, the top student at Baiyin Academy is said to be the ice attribute Pokémon Trainer with the most innate talent after Pryce Elite. I have heard of her."

"That's fine, she's pretty strong, but she lacks field experience. You can 'teach' her."

Can Natsu say strong, cross this interest, and it will come up all at once.

He likes to play against strong people the most.

But he reacted quickly, Natsu let him go, "What about you?"

"I still have some things to deal with, I'll go and meet you later, I guess When Team Magma is gone, the three Elites should also come in, I don't know if this trial will continue."

Hearing that Natsu still has things to deal with, Du didn't force it.

He still has confidence in Natsu's ability and strength.

And in Du's opinion, Natsu is a very careful and measured person, and he shouldn't be doing things that are too dangerous.

To sum it up, he is a very stubborn person.

"Okay, that's it, I'm leaving, you should leave as well."

After that, got up and moved towards Flame Valley.

Watching his back as he was leaving, Watari shouted, "Be careful!"

Natsu waved his hand with his back to him.

Du grabbed the clothes and pulled them, and quickly changed back to the original attire.

"I forgot to ask him how he got so involved with the campfire."

At this time, Du Cai reacted with hindsight.

It's all sneaking in, how come he's just an ordinary member, and Natsu has become an elite Captain and even launched an attack on Executive?
Wataru made up his mind to ask Natsu for advice after he left.

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated. He threw the Poké Ball and summoned Charizard. Following the direction pointed by Natsu, he quickly left.

Farewell to the ferry, Natsu just started making the final touches.

Although the main force is relying on Duolong Bart, the current situation is different from that in Xuefeng Temple.

There is only one Dragapult. If the opponent splits one or two Pokémon to deal with him, Natsu can't use his fleshy body to fight him.

So he has to ensure his own safety and have enough protection.

Changed Team Magma's pair, took out a black cloak that was often worn in the black market, and put on a black market mask.

Then throw the Poké Ball to summon a few Pokémons.

Turtonator, Noiven, Snorlax, plus the stealth Dragapult, are not a weak force.

Natsu realizes suddenly.

These non-main force Pokémons of his are pieced together, and they seem to be able to properly crush the ordinary Gym Leader?

But the growth limit of these Pokémon has been fixed, or there is no potential to continue to grow, and the tactics, battle rhythm and so on have been completely fixed, the profit is very high in the short term, but after a long time, Must be surpassed by Beedrill.

This is also one of the reasons why many people seem to be very strong, but may stay there for a lifetime.

Too much emphasis on immediate strength.

Now and in the future, this multiple choice question is too good.

Natsu is one-handed anyway.

Take out the Pokéblock and various potions, energy boosters, etc., and give them the final stats.

Not long.

Volcarona in the sky has finally changed.

The light gradually dimmed, and the radiated temperature also began to weaken significantly.

"It's coming," Natsu said, raising his head.

“Bart Asia.”

Dragapult also slowly revealed his figure.

Suddenly, a silhouette rose into the sky, riding Charizard, it was the bonfire that had been waiting for a long time and couldn't sit still for a long time, with uncontrollable excitement between his brows.

And after rushing up, immediately fought with a tired Volcarona.

From the sky to the ground.

Spots of scales and powder are scattered all over the earth, and the raging fire is like the Meteor Blazing Praire, covering a large area in an instant, blocking the sight of all those who pay attention to the battle.

Feeling the uncontrollable urge of Dragapult beside him, Natsu said solemnly:
"Go, help!"


Next A chapter, coming soon~~
(end of this chapter)

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