Bottom Trainer in Pokemon World Chapter 480


Chapter 480 Knocks the Alliance "Ribbon" (510)

The next day.

I wanted to have a rare sleep in, but Natsu found that he had completely lost the ability to sleep in.

I'll be sure to wake up when the time comes.

No way.

Natsu couldn't sleep after waking up.

Turn on the computer, and while importing the data sent by Joanna last night into the computer, he started to create a new file plan about his several Pokémon cultivation.

His Pokémon have changed dramatically through his trips to the different spaces of Regigigas and Groudon.

In order to make them grow better, it is a good habit for Natsu to establish the most reasonable plan file.

Especially Chimchar.

As a new Pokémon team, its training plan is particularly important.

Not only should it fully tap its potential and plan the most suitable training plan for it, but also make it smoothly integrated into its own team.

Now that Natsu's Pokémon system, tactics, and core have basically been determined, he can no longer train at will in the training of Pokémon, and must meet the team's requirements and needs. direction development.

Although it will be troublesome now, as his strength becomes stronger, he will be more and more able to eat the cognitive bonus of building a lineup early and determining the core.

It's a brain-busting and boring thing to do, but Natsu enjoys it.

However, as the strength becomes stronger, the more refined the planning of Pokémon cultivation, the more things need to be considered, the more difficult it is to establish.

It doesn't happen overnight.

And when he was making a file, a phone call came in suddenly.

I picked up my phone and saw that it was Sakuragi who was calling.

Without hesitation, the call was connected.

"Mr. Sakuragi." Natsu called politely.

"Natsu, where have you been in the past few days? The phone can't get through." Sakuragi's tired voice came from the phone.

Hearing this, Natsu's heart moved.

"Is there something urgent? About intimacy?"

Natsu also felt a little embarrassed.

It's obviously a research project that he and Sakuragi co-signed, but it doesn't matter if everything is left to Sakuragi, he still enjoys the same treatment.

I feel a little uneasy in my heart.

"That's not true. The experiment is going very well. The Pokémon you asked me to arrange last time are all on the right track. I believe the results will be available soon."

When it comes to research, Sakuragi is instantly refreshed.

"What's that?"

In addition to research, is there anything else that can make Sakuragi ignite?

I heard the sound of inhalation coming from the other end of the phone, calming the excitement of talking about the experimental project.

"You haven't been on the researcher forum for a long time, haven't you?"

"Uh yes."

"You'd better open it now if it's convenient for you ."

"Wait for me a moment."

Holding the phone in one hand and controlling the computer in the other, he skillfully logged into the official website and entered the researcher's interface.

Then, Natsu was startled.

Too many private messages.

The number of private messages that have been pulled directly to "999+".

The posts he left about Ibrahimovic evolution before entering the Groudon space are still at the top of the forum, and the popularity has not declined because of the past ten days. , on the contrary, there is a growing trend.

The comments under the post have already broken through the 100,000 mark.

To be honest, this is what Natsu himself didn't expect.

He originally thought that the heat would end in a few days, but he didn't think that he had already come out of Groudon's different dimension, and it was so exaggerated.

After all, I still underestimated the position of Ibrahimovic's Pokémon in the hearts of Trainers.

Also underestimated the shock and sensation brought by the fact that there have been no new evolutionary types for several years or even decades, he announced four at once.

Click on the post and browse briefly.

Except for some initial comments mixed with a small amount of doubt, when Leafeon was confirmed, it brought another wave of shocks, knowing that almost all comments now are asking about these four kinds of Eevee evolution Type characteristics, training methods, Characteristic Trait, move characteristics and so on.


"Have you seen it?" Sakuragi's voice on the phone was full of helplessness.


Natsu subconsciously responded.

came back to his senses.

"So, I need to."

There is some hesitation.

is it possible that reply one by one?

Then he reckons he won't have to do anything until the "Lily of the Valley Youth Tournament" starts.

"This incident alarmed the top of the Alliance," Sakuragi added.

"Alliance executives?"

"Originally they wanted you to write a paper on the four evolutionary types of Ibrahimovic, but they found that they could not contact you, So I found me, but I didn't expect your phone to get through, and the Alliance has called me several times."

Natsu: "."

"The main reason is that your paper is too influential. Many trainers who originally liked Pokémon like Ibrahimovic, but didn't like it because of the original three evolutionary types, have now found their goals."

It is also true that Ibrahimovic with the three initial attributes, Flareon, Vaporeon and Jolteon, can't fully play their role if they can't find the correct lineup.

Just like Jolteon, it can maximize its effect when it is matched with the rainy team.

Natsu understood what Sakuragi meant.

But the thesis, which he wrote on his own initiative, and the Alliance's request to write, then the taste is different.

With the richness and imposing of Alliance, how can it be impossible for people to write papers for nothing?
Even if Natsu asks for "free", Alliance has a hard time on his face.

"I understand. But even if I publish this paper, it does not mean that I have a very good understanding of these evolutionary types, and there is no funding for me to conduct experiments, so it may not be completely written. Exactly," Natsu said.

Accurate or not, it depends on the "sincerity" of the Alliance.

Sakuragi didn't seem to understand the meaning of Natsu's words, but said with relief: "You can write with confidence, there is a new Pokémon in Early-Stage, it is normal to have cognitive deviations, and now it is normal. These Pokémons we know are also gradually known and familiar to us under the accumulation of seniors."


Natsu felt that he It's better not to be more reliable than Sakuragi, so he said bluntly: "Then Alliance will not allocate funds, right?"

"Oh, funds, because you are the first to be invited to write without a degree. It's a thesis, so Alliance means ready to wait for you to write it, look at the reverse grant, this is a very common way, you don't have to take it seriously."

Natsu: "."

Why do you feel so unreliable?
"Almost forgot, in order to facilitate your thesis writing, Alliance specially recruited a batch of freshmen Ibrahimovic from the headquarters, and now they are temporarily deposited with me, you can tell me the address, and I will send it to you. "

A batch of new-born Ibrahimovic?

From Alliance HQ?

That It shouldn't be a group of Ibrahimovic with ordinary innate talent.

Natsu reluctantly accepted this.

It's okay, at least not really for free.

And at the request of so many people, writing a paper on Ibrahimovic's new four evolutionary types can also make Natsu more famous, which will help him in the future as a researcher. go further.

With his current financial resources, there is no problem in raising a few.


He is doing things for the Alliance, and all the expenses for training Ibrahimovic should not be reimbursed by the Alliance?

Evolution stone or something, don't give him a whole plate?
Pokéblock or something, below the super level, it is not conducive to research, and will lead to inaccurate writing of the thesis, how many boxes cannot be given to him?
Natsu seems to have found a business opportunity.

A chance to take advantage of Alliance.

"Then Mr. Sakuragi, I need something, you can apply to Alliance on my behalf. If they agree, I will write the paper."

"Oh? Look."

Natsu then talked about some resource requirements.

Euphemistically, they are all the basic materials used in the cultivation of Ibrahimovic, and they have reported a lot.

Isn't his initial attempt to write a dissertation just to make some extra money from Alliance?
Now, here's your chance.


"Will it be a bit more?" Natsu asked tentatively when Sakuragi didn't speak.

I heard the other end of the phone.

"Chrysanthemum, have you written it all down? Submit this list today and ask them to complete it as soon as possible."

"Good Teacher."

Then Sakuragi picked up the clutter of the phone again.

"I wrote it all down here, I just glanced at it, it's not too much, it's easy to handle."

Natsu was stunned.

Not much?

It seems that
his understanding of Pokémon's research funding is slightly different from Sakuragi's.

It turns out that the researchers and professors that are valued by the Alliance are all so expensive?
Natsu feels that he may really need to take a few steps forward on the road of researcher.

The fifth update! Ask for a monthly pass~~
(end of this chapter)

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