Bottom Trainer in Pokemon World Chapter 490


Chapter 490 Natsu VSClaire
What does it feel like to be a young sister who is crossing the border in front of Watanabe?
Today, Natsu brings you to experience it.

As Du's voice fell, Claire immediately gave the order.

"Kingdra, Dragon Dance."


"Dora!" Said that when the battle started, it knew what the 1st Step was going to do, so as soon as Claire opened her mouth, she moved.

Shaking his body gently, a thin layer of Dragon Type energy emerged around the body. Under its special rhythm, these energies slowly turned into a dragon.

It's just that at the moment when Du said started, it wasn't just Kingdra who was ready.

"Just yep!"

Togetic had put away his playful look.

It is considered to be the only Pokémon of Natsu's Pokémon that has only had game experience.

During the Pryce and Agatha Elite exhibition match.

An invisible attack swiftly traverses a considerable distance.


When Kingdra sensed an attack, she couldn't react.

Extrasensory was submerged into Kingdra's body, and half of its "Dragon Dance" was interrupted by Togetic's "Extrasensory", triggering additional effects and falling into Flinch state.

But Togetic didn't take this opportunity to attack.

There was a slyness in his eyes, while Black's rays of light filled his eyes, he opened his mouth lightly and put his hand on his forehead, Togetic's body emitted a lot of gem-like pink, covering it went in.

Nasty Plot and Lucky Chant.

"How does Natsu know that Claire's Kingdra Characteristic Trait is the Snipe Shot hand?" Watanabe eyebrows raised a little surprised.

Claire was a little fortunate to see that Natsu didn't take Kingdra's opportunity to get caught in Flinch, but when she saw Lucky Chant around Togetic, her face became solemn.

In just one round of contact and collision, she voluntarily overthrew all previous knowledge of Natsu.

This person is not ordinary at all.

It's very spirituality to use Lucky Chant's hand instead of chasing it impulsive.


By chance?

Claire believes more in judgment based on experience.

'Sure enough, the person who can be admired by cousin is not easy. '

Kingdra shook his head as he recovered from Flinch as Togetic seized the opportunity to use 'Nasty Plot' to boost his special attack and 'Lucky Chant' to prevent getting hit.

"Kingdra, smoke."

Since the "Dragon Dance" was unsuccessful, Claire immediately changed her attack strategy.

I saw Kingdra spit out a cloud of dark ink from his mouth and attacked Togetic.

"Just yay!"

Togetic didn't dodge, and at the same time as the arm waved again, the body started Rapid Spin, and a piece of blade with a strange luster appeared on its side. around the body and rotates with its body.

Counter Shield!

As Natsu's "created" moves, whether Beedrill or Togetic, this is a must-have for all of Natsu's Pokémon, because it's very useful.

And the "Counter Shield" composed of "Magical Leaf" also successfully blocked Kingdra's "smoke", and even Togetic used its own Rapid Spin to finally give the "Magical Leaf" around him to him. attacked out.


Claire was a little unpredictable about Natsu's move, but in time, Kingdra used the "tornado" to block the Magical Leaf out of her body .

With two simple collisions, Claire's two tactics are at first, and they're flattened.

"Dragon Pulse!" The unbelieving evil Claire gave up her inherent tactics and chose to attack.

Dragon Pulse?

Natsu's eyes flashed, and he gave the first command.

“Togetic, do it again.”

Togetic raises his hands, points his index finger at the opponent and swipes in circles, generating a white ball of energy from it, and then the Energy Ball moves at an invisible speed , submerged into Kingdra's body.

Kingdra's body flashed white light after being hit, and ignoring Claire's order, she used the "tornado" once again.

A smirk appeared on Togetic's face when he saw this.

He used "Extrasensory" to attack, and seized the gap between Kingdra's use of "tornado".

Although the additional effect was not triggered by bad luck this time, Kingdra is still in the state of "one more time" and cannot give any effective counterattack.

Claire's state at this time is a little uncomfortable.

She felt like she was fighting with Natsu's Togetic, with a hard fist hitting soft cotton, the feeling that she couldn't make it out.

Mingming felt that as long as she was on the offensive, she could take Togetic away with a set of combos, but she found that she couldn't get close to Togetic. The one after another move completely cracked all her plans and tactics. end.

It seems to have completely crushed her on a tactical level.

Actually, it's not just Claire who feels this way.

There are also three people watching.

Although Togetic expressed sympathy for what happened to Claire, he now looked towards Natsu with a strong fighting intent in his eyes, as if he was the one who wanted to be "bullied" by Togetic there.

“This Kingdra must have just evolved,” Shirona said.

It has just evolved, so I don't have a complete grasp of its own abilities. Otherwise, there is actually a chance to launch an offensive just now, just when Togetic used "Counter Shield" to defend "Smoke".

Despite the short time, Shirona saw it.

It's a pity that Claire didn't take the chance.

"But Natsu's Togetic is really strong in control. Was the original Togetic, a Pokémon, cultivated like this?"

Shirona said to the one Natsu gave her before. On the paper, some training suggestions briefly described have a new understanding.

She has a more accurate understanding of her Togepi's future position in the team, and she has a clearer understanding of the direction of training.

And Togepi in her arms looked at Togetic on the field, her eyes were full of little stars.

At this moment, Lorelei's eyes were also full of "conviction". She had been paying attention to one thing on the court that others did not pay too much attention to, that is, from beginning to end, Natsu's order to Togetic was only once.

This is not to say that Togetic's own ability is completely in the fight, Natsu, the Trainer, did not play any role.

This means that the tacit understanding between Natsu and Togetic has reached a very high level, and every choice made by Togetic coincides with what Natsu has in mind.

No command because it is not required.

And the one sentence of the only command basically established the victory.

Togetic after the boost of "Nasty Plot", with the damage caused by the previous two Extrasensory, even if he is standing in place and hedging against Kingdra now, its win rate is higher.

But will Togetic choose to hedge with Kingdra?
Obviously not.

Under Togetic's "disgusting" tactics, Claire's Kingdra "died with hatred", from start to finish without touching Togetic.

Everyone thought Beedrill was Natsu's Trump Card.

But I don't know, Togetic is the dirtiest of Natsu's Pokémon.

Anyone who has played the game knows that if you don't pull, there is absolutely no chance of winning with pure output and a controlled opponent.

When Kingdra was dispatched from Claire and Togetic was dispatched from Natsu, the result was already set.

Her only chance is that Kingdra's hard power is much stronger than Togetic.

But not.

If Natsu knew what was going on in the minds of these people at this time, he would have laughed out loud.

Togetic is like this, I'm afraid you don't have the guts to see the disgusting level of "Pork Plane".


The five shifts are over! Finally ask for a monthly ticket! !

(end of this chapter)

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