Bottom Trainer in Pokemon World Chapter 499


Chapter 499 Ash cough, and Gary

the knock-out competition stage, at the Sinnoh Alliance representative who hosted this tournament, Elite Four Bertha In the announcement of Elite, Veilstone was officially opened.

In the knock-out competition, the small battle field that was originally used was abandoned one after another, and all the battles will be played in this field of the Suzuran arena, under the focal point of ten thousands.

Moreover, in the knock-out competition stage, the number of Pokémon that everyone can use will increase to three, which greatly improves the viewing degree of the battle, some changeable tactics and restraint in Attribute, can also be better presented.

All players who entered the top 64, regardless of the final result, will receive the official certificate issued by the Alliance.

This certificate is practical, and everyone can use this certificate to get some preferential treatment when applying for jobs in all Pokémon-related industries.

However, those who can enter the top sixty-four are some geniuses from various regions. They don't have to worry about work at all. Even if they really want to work, they can choose to be in the Alliance.

It is no exaggeration to say that entering the top 64 of this tournament, even if it is officially entering the Alliance's field of vision, may be more meaningful than some substantial rewards.

Of course, for this tournament, Sinnoh Alliance and all alliances have already prepared generous rewards to attract young trainers from various regions to participate.

And enter the top sixty-four, you can get a good reward.

The higher the ranking, the more generous the reward.

The players sitting in the players' lounge have already obtained the battle list. Sixty-four and thirty-two players of their own have long been selected by the competition team's completely "random" computer. , allocated.

It was a coincidence.

Shirona, who is the Sinnoh card, will be the first to play, and her opponent is someone Natsu doesn't know.

The end result is, of course, no surprise.

Shirona completed a series of three "feats" with Lucario's tyranny, which successfully ignited the passion of the audience of this tournament.

And somewhere in the auditorium.

"Ash, you're moving fast, it's all because you're late. Now that the game has started, you can't see Miss Shirona's first show." A slightly "simple and honest" young man urged him behind him.

This young man in a peaked cap is naturally the future "Heaven's Chosen Son", nicknamed "Master Zhi" and "Big Fool" Ash.

And the person who called him was Gary, the grandson of Professor Oak and Ash's rival.

"Is this a Pokémon battle?"

Ash stared blankly at the arena and the scene of the cheering tsunami around him, his young mind was greatly shocked.

"Come on." Gary saw Ash froze again, and quickly came back and pulled him to his place, "Don't disturb others."

"Oh oh."

"Come on." p>

Behind them, an old man with white hair in casual clothes had a smile on his face. Looking at Ash and Gary, he suddenly felt that he was several years younger.

This person is the Renowned Professor Oak, now the authority of the research community in the Pokémon world.

I couldn't beat Gary, so I took time to take them to Lily of the Valley Island to watch the battle.

"Delia, let's go too."

Beside Professor Oak, stood a beautiful woman in her thirties, also wearing casual clothes, Ash's mother , Delia.

"Okay." Delia replied with a smile.

The four sat in an unremarkable corner.

Gary took out a small computer from his backpack, which showed the list of the top sixty-four who entered this knock-out competition, as well as the battle list, in which Shirona's battle in the first row, Victory has been decided.

Although Gary didn't get to see Shirona's first fight, Gary felt a little regretful, but he swiped his finger, and as the screen moved, the picture was frozen in front of an avatar he was familiar with.

"Look at grandfather, elder sister really came to participate in this competition, and her list is on it." Gary pointed to Casey's avatar on the screen and said.

"Did Miss Casey also come to participate in this competition? It's really amazing." Delia covered her mouth, obviously some didn't expect Casey, who usually looks so quiet, to participate. Such a hot game.

The smile on Professor Oak's face was still the same, but there was a little helplessness in his eyes.

Part of the reason he'd agree to Gary's repeated pleas to come to watch the game is because Casey's beauty was in some of the game's footage and Gary caught it.

My elder sister secretly participates in this kind of competition. As a younger brother, why should I come to support me?

"This little girl." Although the words were helpless, they were full of pampering.

Different from having certain requirements for Gary, Professional Oak is really fond of Casey since he was a child.

The intergenerational parents are vividly and thoroughly displayed on them.

Professor Oak wouldn't trust Casey Beauty with its Pokémon otherwise.

But he also knows that Casey's beautiful character is not suitable for being a Trainer, but the Coordinator, which has gradually become popular recently, is more suitable for her.

"I hope she doesn't lose too badly."

Chansey is not a Pokémon who is good at fighting, despite the Chansey he gave him, and the knock-out competition is three-on-three It is still more difficult for a Pokémon to decide the winner or loser.

Casey Mei doesn't have as much combat experience as Shirona.

"That's Beedrill!"

Suddenly, Ash, who was sitting in his seat and staring at the arena, suddenly jumped up.

Because it's the only Pokémon he's recognized so far.

Beedrill is rare at this level of competition.

But now the Beedrill in the field is flying recklessly, showing its strong aggression, suppressing its opponent breathless, seeing that it is about to lose.

Gary pulled the picture back on the screen and started to explain the three of them.

"It's a Pokémon from a player named 'Natsu', and his opponent is a player from 'Ecruteak City' called 'Shui Jing'," said Gary.

"This Beedrill is really strong."

Although Ash doesn't know anything about these Pokémon battles right now, it's not hard to see the situation on the ground that Natsu Beedrill has an edge.

While staring at the field, Gary completed the file on his computer and said:

"It's very strong. The Pokémon he used at the time was Togetic, and he also defeated the electric player from Sunyshore City, which is now a player in the middle and upper reaches of the top 64.”

Because Natsu and Casey Mei are in the same The group, so Gary pays more attention to the four people who made it to the Casey beauty group, and also has a certain understanding of Natsu.

"What about Casey's beautiful elder sister?" Ash asked curiously.

Natsu is still in the middle and upper reaches, Ash was curious what kind of evaluation Gary would give his elder sister.

Gary face doesn't change and calmly said, "Downstream."

Ash's eyes widened.

If he hadn't grown up with Gary, I'd really wonder if Gary and Casey Mei were siblings.

Gary helplessly said: "I know my elder sister too well, she is not suitable to be a Trainer, she has insufficient tactical reserves, and she does not have a deep understanding of Pokémon battles. To be honest, she can make it to the top 64. It's all unexpected."

Professor Oak next to him smiled awkwardly, raised his head, and looked up to the sky.

Gary didn't know yet that Professional Oak had entrusted his Chansey to Casey Beauty.

Looking back to the field.

Ash clasped his fingers and said slightly excitedly: "Two! This Beedrill has already defeated the opponent's two Pokémons, so Beedrill is so strong?"

For Beedrill , Ash has a whole new understanding.

But it is estimated that when he travels by himself, he should refresh his understanding of Beedrill again.

"No, it's just that this Natsu is well-bred, he is really good at raising this Beedrill, and he's very good at taking advantage of Beedrill's features and advantages, right, grandfather?"

"hahaha -- the battle thing, I don't understand, hahaha --" Professor Oak didn't answer Gary's question.

But eyes swept across Natsu and Beedrill.

This person makes Professor Oak feel a bit like a person.
Gary knows his grandfather very well and can't help but twitched his lips.

I'm pretending not to understand again.

"It's weird, why is this Beedrill electrified?" After observing, Gary raised his doubts.

"Is Beedrill an Electric Type Pokémon?" Ash blinked.

Gary rolled the eyes, disinclined to pay attention to him.

Just each minding their own business and saying, "This Beedrill Fell Stinger is fully buffed, and his opponent is going to be in trouble."

A few minutes later .

There was a lot of cheers in the audience, and the second player to enter the top 32 was born, it was Natsu who used Beedrill to replicate Shirona's three feats.

With the help of the first two Pokémon stacked with Fell Stinger's Beedrill, the sudden attack burst is too strong, coupled with the Snipe Shot hand Characteristic Trait, once you find a chance to hit the target, there is no one at the same level. Only Pokémon can resist.

And this first game under the focal point of ten thousands, and it was a very good first game, so that Natsu won a lot of supporters.

His name also entered the public eye for the first time.

Although it is not comparable to Wataru and Shirona, it is at least a budding figure.

"One wins three, is Gary only a mid-to-upper player?" Ash couldn't help asking.

Gary pursed his lips.

No answer.

But it is undeniable that he has a lot of interest in this Beedrill and Natsu.

The knock-out competition is still in full swing.

The top 32 players also appeared one by one.

Du, Steven , Lorelei , Flint , Cattleya, Zhimi and many more players have made it out without a doubt.

and later.

It's the match Gary has been waiting for for his elder sister Casey's beauty.

As for Casey's beautiful player, Gary has also made a certain understanding. He is not weak and should belong to the middle level of this competition.

In other words, Casey Beauty is going to lose.

"Gary, Casey's beautiful elder sister." Ash yelled.

“I know.”

Gary also looked intently at the field.

But when he saw Chansey summoned by Casey Mei, he turned his head sharply and moved towards Professor Oak.

Professor Oak continued to look up at the sky.

"I said how the elder sister got into the knock-out competition"

But even after seeing this Chansey, Gary doesn't think Casey beauty can qualify.

After all, this is a three-on-three battle, and Chansey, who is not good at frontal combat, is difficult to play a fierce offensive like Shirona Lucario and Natsu Beedrill, and cannot play a decisive role.

It was only very soon that his three views were completely refreshed.

It wasn't even him alone, the entire arena fell into a rare silence, like a library.


Gary swallowed and looked towards Professor Oak again, "grandfather, what did you teach?"

Rao is an experienced Professor Oak, who was also a little stunned at this time, looked at the head for Gary's question.

Casey Mei uses, of course, the tactics Natsu taught her before.

Although it is not as easy to use as Natsu, when the opponent doesn't know enough about it, after putting Chansey into the Minimize state, the result is actually confirmed.

Casey Mei also completed a series of three "feats".

It's just that she blushed throughout the battle. After the battle, under the watchful eyes of all the audience, she put away Chansey and ran into the player's channel, leaving only behind. The opponent that was really disgusted, and the arena of absolute silence.

This day.

All the viewers who watched this competition said.
I learned it!
But in fact, the biggest gains are the Nurse Joys who are in charge of medical work on the sidelines of the arena.

This moment.

Their eyes changed as they looked towards Chansey beside them.

It turns out that Chansey can still play like this? !
It wasn't until Casey Mei completely disappeared from the arena that a heated discussion broke out in the audience again.

Destined to be the most eye-catching in this round.

It's Casey Beauty and her Chansey.

With his outstanding appearance and "quality" tactics, he successfully got out of the circle!
And as "secret mastermind" Natsu said: The gun is down, it doesn't matter to him.

"Casey Mei abstained?"

In the villa.

The people standing at the door of one room looked at each other in blank dismay.

In the end, it all fell on Natsu, who was standing by the wall with an embarrassed face.

Noticing everyone's gaze, Natsu lowered his head and touched his nose.

Indeed, letting a thin-skinned little girl use such a tactic is a bit of a test of her face.

But abstention is not necessarily a bad thing.

The top 32 will advance to the top 16 in the next round.

Not only are the contestants stronger, but after a day of fighting, they must have collected a lot of player information and materials.

How to deal with this tactical Chansey, there must be some people who think of "provocation", Casey is not easy to fight in the next battle.

It's better to abstain early than to go up and get bullied.

Hidden merit and fame.

But now ashamed Casey-mi locks herself in the room, which Natsu didn't expect.

If he had a Chansey, he would be comfortable using this tactic.

But not everyone is as thick-skinned as he is.

even more how is a little girl who debuted on the field.

"Your pot, you take it." Watari patted Natsu's shoulder, taking pleasure in other people's misfortune.

Really, who is the first "victim" of Natsu's tactic, of course it is him.

"Natsu guesses that only you can enlighten Casey beauty now." Steven also said.

The rest of the people cast approval glances.


Then they all left, leaving Natsu at Casey Mei's door.

"How about. Let me try it for you?" Shirona asked hesitantly before leaving.

But Natsu refused after thinking about it.

"No, I'll go first, I can't, you'll come in later."


Shirona also left, leaving only Natsu one person.

breathes deeply.

After politely knocking on the door, he put his hand on the doorknob and used Psychic slightly, and the locked door was naturally opened.

Use Psychic to enter a girl's room?

It's a little exciting to think about it.

I shook my head to get this unrealistic thought out of the way.

Natsu also brought Togetic.

With Togetic's lively temperament, cheerful personality, and status as a happy Pokémon, it should be able to play a role.

And Casey's beauty is the most fun with Natsu's Togetic during this time.

After entering.

I saw Casey beauty curled up in the corner of the balcony, with her head buried in her knees.

Natsu silently sighed.

As both Gary and Professional Oak feel, Casey is really not fit to be a Trainer.

But when Natsu walked in, he was just about to speak his words of comfort.

But I heard.
steady breathing, with a little cute little purring.

Natsu looked oddly at Pokéki.

They were in a hurry outside, but the client was inside quietly.
Falling asleep?
Lock the door before going to bed, irregular operation?

Daily 1.1w update, ask for monthly ticket~~
(end of this chapter)

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