Bottom Trainer in Pokemon World Chapter 594


Chapter 594 Totem? (2 in 1)


Normal Type Pokémon.

Famous for looks, bah, for endurance.

A very patient Pokémon.

It likes to squat where the prey must pass, wait for the prey to approach with super endurance, and shoot at the critical moment and inflict heavy damage on the prey.

Gumshoos have a strong attachment to their prey. If they are targeted by them, if they do not defeat them, they will continue to be harassed and attacked continuously.


This group of Gumshoos used this Berry Forest as a bait to lure the surrounding Wild Pokémon to approach, and then launched an attack.

If they don't wait for the prey, they will also choose the Berry behind them as food before night falls.

So Gumshoos are an omnivorous Pokémon.

But now.

Latios has become their prey.

It is no wonder that such a large Berry forest is full of Berry but not picked.

It turns out that there are such a group of Gumshoos waiting here.


Gumshoos, who had just failed the attack and was punched to the ground by Monferno, returned to the group, bared his teeth and let out a low cry.

With its sound, the dozen Gumshoos also hummed.



Latios approached Monferno, and little Ibrahimovic jumped from Natsu’s body down, standing behind them.


With a low growl from Gumshoos, Gumshoos, who had long been ready to go, acted immediately.

But they didn't attack immediately.

See you.

The four Gumshoos turned and lay on the ground, their hind limbs slamming the Ground, and with their movements, fistfuls of sand were thrown at Latios and Monferno.

Sand Attack!

It can reduce the hit rate of the opponent.

The other side.

It was still four Gumshoos, standing on both feet, and somehow there were lumps of brown and coffee-colored mud in their hands. Together with Sand Attack, they also threw them at Latios.

Mud Slap!

It is also a move that can reduce the opponent's hit rate.

The difference is that "Mud Slap" has the potential to cause some damage, while "Sand Attack" does not.

But "Sand Attack" can ignore Flying Type Pokémon and Pokémon with "Floating" Characteristic Trait, immune to Ground Type moves.

Seeing this scene, Natsu looked surprised.

Wild Pokémon's cooperation with each other is not something he has not seen before.

It's rare to be as disciplined as Gumshoos.

Natsu said to Monferno, "Counter Shield."


Monferno loudly shouts, raising his hands The flames, and then the mouth snapped open, a slender flame spewed out of its mouth, and the body started Rapid Spin.

Just like a "Fire Spin" with its own center, it blocks all the sand and dirt from the flames.

This leaves a few remaining Gumshoos ready to rush up.

Some not knowing what to do.

This has never happened before.

But they froze, not Natsu and his Pokémon.

I saw Monferno take three steps and take two steps, a stride with clenched fists, and ran towards the Gumshoos who had come to an abrupt stop in the middle of the charge.

It's also the Gumshoos who got hit with "Fire Punch" before.

But this time.

Monferno performed "Power-Up Punch"!
Fighting Type moves that can deal double damage to Normal Type Gumshoos.

Bang! !

A solid punch hit Gumshoos in the head.

Gumshoos lost consciousness with only a "weng" in his head.

Falled to the ground and lost its combat capability.

And Monferno also increased his attack power because of the "Power-Up Punch" effect.

The whole body exudes a dark red light, and the flames on the tail are burning.


Latios followed behind Monferno.

As the target of almost being sneak attacked, Latios was holding a sigh of relief at this moment.


While the body was flying fast, the body flashed a special frequency, and the blue-purple Dragon Type energy lingered around him.

With this power, Latios' Flying began to become irregular.

Dragon Dance!

While Flying, the scales on its body continued to shoot like bullets Normal, sweeping over where the Gumshoos were.

The more scales it shoots, the faster it goes.

This moment.

The Gumshoos finally reacted.

The tactics were unsuccessful.

Then only Xia Jiba will fight!
Facing the rushing Latios, a few Gumshoos opened their mouths and jumped towards Latios.


I heard Ibrahimovic's immature voice.

It swayed continuously, sending out circles of pink ripples like powder-like sound waves.

The ripples continue to spread and cover a very large area.


This is Natsu's Ibrahimovic, the move that Genetic got.

I don't have many opportunities to use it, but in the face of Gumshoos, which is also a Normal Type Pokémon, it has played a good role.

The "Synchronoise" move is a move that can only deal damage to Pokémon with the same Attribute.

It has great limitations, but it also has relatively strong formidable power.

Although Ibrahimovic's strength is not strong, its "Synchronoise" this time has just created space and opportunities for Latios and Monferno.

Latios flew over the Gumshoos like a jet plane Normal.

With the completion of "Dragon Dance" and "Scale Shot", the speed of Latios is now beyond what Gumshoos can capture.

Not even a chance to inhale the exhaust.

After avoiding the attack of the three jumping Gumshoos "Crunch" moves, Latios' counterattack began.


The soft milk-white “Luster Purge” spewed out of Latios’s mouth, like a plane that was constantly attacking , passing by, giving the Gumshoos no chance at all to resist.

And what about Monferno?
Its function is to seize the opportunity to solve one by one after Latios has attracted enough firepower and attention.

Of course.

Also swaps positions with Latios when necessary, adding more mobility and flexibility.

As for Ibrahimovic.

Its greatest credit is to wave the flag next to it.

Use a "Help" move every now and then to take advantage of the opportunity to paddle.

Although it took a lot of time to resolve this group of Gumshoos.

But Natsu, who is not in a hurry, is also willing to take on such a cost to cultivate Pokémon.


When all the Gumshoos are lying on the ground, this Berry forest is completely open to them.

Natsu didn't say anything about being a human being and left a line, and directly picked all the Berry with San Xiaozhi.

Anyway, with the climate characteristics of the Larolla Region, these Berry Trees will soon grow new Berry again.

It's no surprise that this group of Gumshoos was resolved.

But when he first came into contact with them, Natsu was very impressed by the tactical coordination that seemed to be very skilled.

If according to the plans of the Gumshoos.

The first wave of "Sand Attack" and "Mud Slap" worked, disrupting Latios and Monferno's line of sight, reducing the hit rate of their moves.

Then the group of Gumshoos who are preparing to come up with Sucker Punch may really cause good damage to Latios.

Even if the target is focused enough, it is not impossible to kill in seconds.

Look at this one.

It seems that Gumshoos seems to have a strong ability to cooperate.


When their tactical plan was undermined by Monferno's "Counter Shield".

The Gumshoos suddenly panicked, and the battle was lost.

It's like I don't know what to do.

It's not much different from a normal Wild Pokémon again.

He was easily defeated by Latios, the three little ones.

"This group of Gumshoos .Interesting."

Natsu shook his head with a smile and walked up the mountain with the three little cubs.


He thought it was just a clever Pokémon like Gumshoos and came up with a tactic.

You can find it later.

Not just Gumshoos.

Most of the Pokémon I've encountered since then are different from the Wild Pokémon that Natsu has encountered before.

Every group of Wild Pokémon.

Even the individual Wild Pokémons seem to have tactics that fit their profile well.

Although there is only one tactic, as long as Natsu cracks them, they become like normal Wild Pokémon again.

But this phenomenon is enough to show that the Wild Pokémon on this mountain is not Normal.

Nurture them as if
someone had trained them.

"The Pokémon on this mountain are all abandoned?" Natsu thought.

No wonder it thinks so.

As absurd as it may sound, this seems to be the only explanation that makes sense.

After all, in the Pokémon world, there are still many cases where Trainer abandons Pokémon.

Like the later Master Zhi, didn't he also rely on "picking" to go to the Pokémon Master?

And the Pokémon world does have a place specifically for Trainers to abandon Pokémon.

Niebel Plateau in the Kalos Region, for example, is the gathering place of abandoned Pokémon.

Is this Mount Hokulani in the Alola Region too?

But there is an advantage.

That is to let Natsu and Latios, they can better practice tactics.

Like the opponent is also a Trainer.

This makes them progress rapidly.

There seems to be a tendency to become the training ground for Natsu and his Pokémon.

But the more you go up, the stronger the Wild Pokémon you encounter.

In order to deal with these Wild Pokémon, Natsu also summoned Beedrill, Alakazam and Togekiss one by one.

It didn't take Latios and Monferno back.

Latios and Monferno's tactics for Natsu have been gradually mastered and mastered in battles over and over again.

Although their senior-level strength is far from Beedrill's Gym Leader-level strength.

But it's time for Natsu to practice them together.

In the future, when the strength of Latios and Monferno catches up with Beedrill, it can be seamlessly connected.

Of course.

Now they are more of a spectator, occasionally playing a role and taking some responsibility.

For the most part, rely on Beedrill for them.

Keeping this pattern, Natsu walked halfway up the mountain with a few Pokémon.


Flying beside Natsu, Beedrill, who was alert to the surrounding situation, suddenly lifts the head, as if feeling something.

"What's wrong, Beedrill?"

Beedrill's strangeness caught Natsu's attention.


At this time.

Alakazam spoke up too, Psychic in his eyes.

Both Pokémon moved towards looking in one direction almost simultaneously.

"Is there?"

Natsu silently nodded.

They've encountered planned ambush more than once on this mountain, so they're taking extra care now.

But now that both Beedrill and Alakazam were feeling it, Natsu decided to check it out.

Not forgetting to remind: "Be careful."

Tzzzzzzz .
The electric current on Beedrill's wings, become alive Splash, to exceed the usual level of activity jump.


These flocculent fine currents, after spilling from its feather wings, form faint arc-shaped thin lines in the air.

Although it dissipated quickly, the thin lines of these currents showed that there was a peculiar magnetic field where they approached, affecting Beedrill's small current.

Natsu, who noticed this scene, slowly browsed knit.



A beam of pure golden, extremely destructive power, carrying a large amount of radiant current, passed through the branches of several large trees, and moved towards their location.

Beedrill's wings fluttered, intercepting the beam's path.

Twineedle is glowing with azure fluorescence, and it is head-on.


The impact is strong.

Beedrill's scarlet compound eyes are fierce, loudly shouts.


With the burst of Twineedle's power, she withstood the attack.

But on its body, it also jumped with fine currents of Splash.

But just shake it twice, and the electric current melts into its feathers.

It doesn't seem to affect it much.

Natsu's eyes light up.

"Absorbed the current that was supposed to cause 'paralysis'?"

At the same moment, Alakazam crossed his spoons.

The threads of Psychic converged into a ball, attacking the direction of the attack.

Togekiss had an almost similar response, with "Air Slash" slicing through the dense canopy, bringing out the densely packed branches and Leafage Slash, the Pokémon that would attack them.

"Just yay!"

Togekiss points into the distance, barely dodge the Pokémon that Alakazam is attacking.

Is a worm-like Pokémon.

It has a pair of big jaws that are almost as long as the body, and looks very powerful. Behind the big jaws is its real orange mouth, with wings spread.

Its wings are divided into upper and lower wings. When Flying, the upper wings remain motionless, and the lower wings are thin as cicada wings, which can hardly be seen during Flying.


Natsu says the Pokémon's name.

Vikavolt is a registered Pokémon in the Alola Region.

The Attribute of the combination of Bug Type and Electric Type.

And the attack that Beedrill faced just now was the Electric Type move "Zap Cannon" performed by this Vikavolt.

A very powerful Electric Type move with formidable power.

The additional effect is that the hit Pokémon has a high probability of being "paralyzed".

But Beedrill doesn't.

The tiny electric currents that were supposed to paralyze it were absorbed by Beedrill's electrified wings.

However, Pokémon like Vikavolt are rare.

Because of its harsh evolution conditions, it needs to be in a special magnetic field or use Thunder Stone to evolve.

Natsu then thought of the arc of electricity that jumped on Beedrill's wings as they approached.


There is a special magnetic field in this area.



Insect The sound of wing vibrations, with the subtle movement of electric currents, is another Vikavolt, from appear in different places.

"So many?"

Seven or eight Vikavolts appeared, and one by one, holding their pliers, the electric current gathered in them, as if they were going to give them a first round of strafing.


What really surprised Natsu.

is the last Vikavolt to appear.

"Just yay!"

Togekiss looked shocked.

'It's so big! '

Beedrill's wings slowed down.

On its body, there is a strange aura, an aura that has not appeared for a long time, and it is stimulated again.

Natsu said slowly, "Have you met Totem just now?"

(End of this chapter)

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