Bottom Trainer in Pokemon World Chapter 606


Chapter 606 Will you double the speed? (2 in 1)

ka ka ka --

The ice breaks.

The snow rolled and fell, and a huge crack leading to nowhere appeared in Natsu's line of sight.

The most important thing is not the crack.

It was the Pokémon who slowly walked out of that crack.

What appeared was a Pokémon with a light blue body, walking upright with both feet, but with long slender and strong arms, and its sharp claws dragged in the snow, creating two ravines. .

The most eye-catching is the ice crystal on its back, which is dense and hard like crystal Normal light blue.

Under the ice crystals, the luster of metal can even be faintly seen.

Zhan blue's agile eyes stared at Beedrill, his triangular head and mouth were slightly open, and every breath could see a little ice crystals spit out of his mouth.

More precisely, Sandslash in the form of Alola!

It is different from ordinary Sandslash belonging to Ground Type.

Sandslash in Alola form belongs to ice attribute and Pokémon of Steel Type.

Because the Alola Region belongs to the Island Region and has dense vegetation, the Water Type and Grass Type have the most Pokémon.

In order to survive, after a long period of reproduction and change, the Sandslash had to move to the iceberg.

Over time, attributes and appearances have changed.

And this ice Sandslash is different from the Alola Sandslash that Natsu knew.

Its body is even bigger, with a height of more than two meters, far from the ordinary Sandslash, which can only reach about one meter and two in height.

Plus that special aura that faintly surrounds it.

There is no doubt that this Ice Sandslash is a Totem Pokémon!
"Kuka!" Sandslash roared as he moved towards the direction of Natsu and Beedrill.

A huge amount of snow rolls up, carrying the Totem breath of assaults the senses.


“Just yah!”

Alakazam, Togekiss and other Pokémons felt the threat posed by Sandslash, and That unreserved hostility to Natsu, immediately appeared in front of Natsu.



Dark red air lingered, and Beedrill, who looked no less than Sandslash on the opposite side, gently pushed away Alakazam and Togekiss who were in front of him.

Came to the front of the line.


"Just chi?"

The two Pokémon stared blankly at Beedrill, who flew to the front.

Don't know why.

They think today's Beedrill
is so domineering.

When there was a battle before, Beedrill was also the one who rushed in the front.

But today, they feel Beedrill is very different.

Not only because of the Boss breath on it, but also from an indescribable feeling.

It's like.
Beedrill just moved forward a distance and they thought Beedrill had won.

That's the weird feeling.

Aegislash stuck his head out in Natsu's shadow.

He looked straight at Beedrill, his eyes flashing with excitement.

That's how it feels, that's how it feels!
Aegislash's flamboyant personality, what he wants is this kind of domineering sideshow, making the opponent feel that it is very difficult to deal with, but he also feels that he has no way to do it.




Three little more There are little stars in the eyes.

They must admit that, at this moment, they were conquered by Beedrill's aura.

Natsu squinted at the corners of his mouth.

Beedrill's heart has just been transformed.

Here comes the "Testing Stone".

Although the Sandslash ice attribute plus the Steel Type attribute can restrain Beedrill, as long as it can be overcome, the confidence that Beedrill has just established will become stronger!

Even though.

The Totem Sandslash on the opposite side doesn't seem to be weak at all, and may even have reached the level of quasi-Elite.

Sandslash's eyes have also been moving with Beedrill's movement.


It is Beedrill's Boss breath that stimulates it as Totem.

Like when Beedrill met Totem Vikavolt.

One mountain can't be shared by two tigers.

Boss and Totem, too!


Totem Sandslash growled, his sharp claws slammed on the ground, rolling up a lot of snow, like a sharp arrow, shooting out quickly .

Alola's Sandslash, because of the Attribute change, the body becomes heavier and the movement speed is slower.

But because of its adaptation to the environment of ice and snow, its powerful limbs in the snow and ice, when the limbs are used together, will move much faster than their speed on land.

In addition, the snow that it moves when it moves will draw a very beautiful parabola in the air.

The biggest dream of many famous photographers is to take a set of photos of Alola Sandslash moving fast in the snow.

Just because Alola Sandslash is rare and dangerous, no one has done it yet.

But now.

It's obviously not the time to appreciate the beauty of Totem Sandslash as it moves through the ice and snow.


Beedrill stared into compound eyes.

The feathers tremble.

The strong current left behind several golden arcs of Contest.

In terms of Contest level, it is not inferior to Icirrus flying behind Totem Sandslash.

Most importantly.

Beedrill once again used the speed of the Totem Vikavolt as if it had an electromagnetic pulse behind it.

fast as lightning!

The two Pokémon approached rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, they appeared in front of each other.

Totem Sandslash swung the sharp claw, instantly forming ice crystals on it, and attacked Beedrill without reservation.

Beedrill also showed no signs of weakness, holding a long needle, covered with rich earthy yellow energy.

bang! !

Drilling meets Sandslash's crampons.

The collision of the 1st Strike.

It's almost the same.

Natsu eyes slightly narrowed in the back, from the first attack of this Totem Sandslash, to judge the strength of the opponent.

It's really quasi-Elite!
That first collision, is it still comparable?
Natsu's mind raced, sifting through possibilities.

At the same time, Totem Sandslash was a little surprised that Beedrill could resist oneself, but it soon belonged to its second strike.

It's coming!
Another sharp claw attacked Beedrill at a faster, fiercer and trickier angle than before.

In the face of the opponent's attack like a chain attack, Beedrill who used "Drilling" can only raise his other arm to resist.

Hold on!
However, Beedrill's body seemed to retreat uncontrollably, Normal.

The enormous force made his arm go numb.

This is Beedrill's immediate judgment.


This is not the end of Totem Sandslash this time.

I saw it kicked its feet hard on the ground, and its body flew into the air temporarily, and the sharp and sharp ice thorns on its back were moved towards Beedrill.

"Double Team!"

At this moment, Natsu's voice echoed in Beedrill's head.

Beedrill hardly hesitated, his body twitching and firming quickly.


Totem Sandslash's attack fell on Beedrill's body.

It's just that the Beedrill turned into a bubble and dissipated instantly, and the attack of Totem Sandslash also failed.

Triple Axel!
At the last moment, Natsu identified the move that Totem Sandslash was using, a move that was not very common.

The basic formidable power of Triple Axel is only 20 points, which also explains why Beedrill can collide with the quasi-Elite Totem Sandslash for the first time and have an evenly matched.

But the Triple Axel's peculiarity is that.

The maximum number of attacks of this move has three stages, the formidable power of the second attack is twice the base formidable power, and the third attack is tripled!
Although three times the formidable power is still not very high, but all added up, it is quite impressive.

And the three attacks are uninterrupted, it is easy to create an illusion of "not very strong" for the opponent, which leads to the strengthening of formidable power again and again, which becomes beyond expectations.

In addition, the strength of this Totem Sandslash is stronger than that of Beedrill, even if the formidable power is not strong, it cannot be easily tolerated.

"It's fast, but still not fast enough, slip it!"


Beedrill, who avoided the attack, took a Deep breath, the whole body is mixed with a touch of white downwind airflow.

Tight and body flashed.

Leave an arc in the air before disappearing from Totem Sandslash's sight.

Even though this Totem Sandslash can be very fast in the snow.

But compared to Beedrill, which has completely entered the state, it is still slower, not a little bit.

clang! !
Soil Yellow's long spear hit Totem Sandslash's back, shattering the ice crystals on it, and sending out the crisp body when metal collided with metal.


Totem Sandslash turned sharply, claws swirling with a metallic sheen.


It responds faster.

But the tip of the sharp claw was well avoided by Beedrill.


As he retreated in a "zigzag" shape, Beedrill had a halo of "Agility" on his body.

One word.

At this time, Beedrill, even if it is only Gym Leader level, but if it is only about speed, Normal's quasi-Elite level is not necessarily its opponent.

Natsu named the Beedrill in this state, the "Extrreme Speed state".

The speed of its own, coupled with the current hovering on the wings, formed an impact blessing similar to a simple electromagnetic pulse, making Beedrill more than one grade faster.

As Natsu said.

It's fast enough.


Slip it!

With a single hit, Beedrill didn't want to fight, so he pulled away and left.

bang! !

This time it's a profile of Totem Sandslash.

Shua! !

Totem Sandslash's attack failed.

Although this time it's more reactive and has a shorter attack range from flanking it, it just can't hit the Beedrill.

Because, Beedrill is also constantly familiarizing itself with its current state.

bang! !


Totem Sandslash squealed, squeezing his eyes in pain.

I don't know why, but it feels that Beedrill is not only fast, but its attack power is also getting stronger again and again.

gradually makes it a little unbearable.

If Natsu knew about this doubt, he would definitely answer it with "enthusiasm".

Speed is power, learn it.

And, it's not just speed.

With the success of each attack, Beedrill's inner self-confidence is built more firmly, and the Boss aura that always surrounds him also becomes more solid, and the attack is not small to a certain extent. increase.


Totem Sandslash can't take it anymore.

It can't stand a guy who is obviously weaker than himself, constantly provoking himself again and again.

As a Totem, it cannot tolerate such provocation.

With its roar, and the shallow blue ice attribute energy rising from its body.

Suddenly the snow on the top of the mountain became more violent.

In Icirrus, there is one after another Ice Shard.


Totem Sandslash used "Hail", which completely changed the environment of snowy days into Hail's weather.

And this.

It also made the speed of this Totem Sandslash soar.

“Snowplow” Characteristic Trait!
When he saw this Totem Sandslash emerge from the ice and snow, but it was not faintly discernible, Natsu guessed that the Characteristic Trait of this Totem Sandslash should be "push the snow".

Snowplow: Twice as fast in Hail weather.

Natsu and Beedrill, however, were not panicking about the situation.

Only heard, Natsu Taka-shouted:
"Beedrill, Mega Evolution!"

for a while.

It was already close to Beedrill's Totem Sandslash with the speed boost brought by the "Hail" weather, but seeing the Beedrill wrapped in the rich and colorful Mega Evolution energy, it was getting further and further away from it again. Far.

When the Mega Evolution energy is completely dissipated.


Really Changshan Zhao Zibee!

You'll be twice as fast, right?
Most importantly.

The Mega Beedrill after the Mega evolution has reached the quasi-Elite level in terms of strength alone!
Originally it couldn't beat Totem Sandslash, but not now.


once again disappeared from Totem Sandslash's sight.

This time is really gone.

The extreme speed allows its figure to only see the arc jumping in the air, but it cannot catch its trace.

The increase of "Tailwind" and "Agility" has also reached the extreme.

bang! !

Totem Sandslash stumbled, barely able to fall to the ground on his arms.

On the back, a cross-shaped scar is particularly conspicuous.

The Mega Evolution is a perfect boost for a Pokémon like Beedrill.

It can even be said that of all the Pokémon that can evolve Mega, there is no one more perfect than Mega Beedrill.

Whether it is from a change in appearance or a change in value.

Totem Sandslash is blinded.

It's a little hard to believe what it sees.

It has already used "Hail" to increase its speed, but the gap between it and the other party is getting bigger and bigger?

And Mega Beedrill's attack is no longer Tickle's tickle Normal's attack, making it feel abnormal pain.

The Mega Beedrill evolved from Mega, although there is no "Snipe Shot hand" Characteristic Trait damage.

But the "adaptability" Characteristic Trait makes it more fault-tolerant, and the continuous output capability becomes stronger.

bang! !

Another attack.

This time it's even more exaggerated from the front.

Totem Sandslash tilted his head, jaw, and stomach pain, causing his eye sockets to turn red.

It smells like being teased.

But it doesn't help.

This is something it has never experienced before.

It doesn't feel like fighting with an opponent, but with a Ghost.


In Hail.

The Mega Beedrill is stagnant.

“Sword Dance” boost!
It looked straight at Totem Sandslash.

The eyes tell it.

The next attack will be from the front.

"KUKA!!" Totem Sandslash couldn't bear this provocation, and a Howl opened his arms, staring at the Mega Beedrill hovering in the air not far away.

It's ready!
Next second.

Like a normal appointment, both Pokémon moved at the same time.

I saw Totem Sandslash raised his arms forward, the rich ice attribute energy gathered in front of it frantically, and a huge, hard and sharp ice crystal prism quickly condensed.

Icicle Crash!

bang! !


In the incredible gaze of Totem Sandslash, its "Icicle Crash" has been shot up ahead.

But there was still severe pain in its abdomen.

Look down.

I don't know when, the long needle of Mega Beedrill actually appeared in front of it.

bang! !

Totem Sandslash's body slammed into the snowdrift.

The still standing Mega Beedrill took a deep breath.

The Boss aura surrounding it is a little richer again.

"Sizzling beer!!"

Like the Growl who swore the sovereignty of Normal, it spread all over the top of Mount Lanakila.

(end of this chapter)

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