Bottom Trainer in Pokemon World Chapter 662


Chapter 662 Natsu, come, fight!
Most people in the audience were surprised by Natsu's identity.

But there are some who, after the initial surprise, already have their own ideas.

For example.

At the table near the table, there are all the high-level executives who are now in charge of research at Kanto Alliance.

The eyes they looked towards Natsu were no longer looking at a youngster, as if they had seen a bright gem, sparkling.

If it is said that occasionally publishing a paper that can bring a sensation, it is coincidence and luck.

Then it's definitely no luck or coincidence that Natsu has published so many influential papers these days.

Those present here can still tell the difference. . .

To say that Natsu only has a lot of research on Pokémon like Ibrahimovic, and is worried about the situation of other Pokémon.

They might have been so skeptical before.

But after the paper about Feebas' evolution into Milotic from three days ago, that skepticism disappeared.

He can not only contribute to Ibrahimovic's research, but also has his own insights and abilities in other aspects.

The only thing that made these high-level executives feel heartache.

It was Natsu who became the Gym Leader of the Sinnoh Region, not the Kanto Region.

This kind of brain drain is unacceptable to them.

But that's okay, Kanto Region has the most outstanding resources and equipment, and they feel they should be able to pull Natsu back.

Except for them.

And the Gym Leader table sitting not far from Natsu's table.

Natsu and Lt. Surge are fine.

Koga, who had been closing his eyes, opened them.

Looking at Natsu, he didn't know what to think.

After Natsu's announcement, he moved towards everyone apologetically nodded, and moved towards Sakuragi and Professional Oak, and then he stepped down.

It is enough that he is an ordinary researcher.

Professor Oak takes the microphone.

"hehe - a rather shy child. Natsu is half of my students. I hope everyone will have the opportunity to communicate more in the future."

Natsu almost stumbled halfway through .

Turned around and looked towards Professional Oak on stage.

How did you become his student?
On second thought.

I understand.

It is estimated that it is my Teacher Agatha, and I went to Professor Oak for a "friendly" exchange.

After all, the announcement of the identity of the "Dodo" was also the first instigation by Agatha.

This allows him to avoid Ryuichi Hoshino from dealing with him by some normal means.

Let Professor Oak say that Natsu is his half dísciple, and you can also increase the weight of Natsu appropriately.

Sure enough.

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of everyone looking towards Natsu couldn't help but change.

The dísciple of the veteran Elite Four Agatha, a student of Professor Oak, the authority on Pokémon research.

These two titles alone make Natsu no longer an average person.

Of course, that doesn't include.
"Natsu, come on, fight!"

Once back in position, Toto looks "can't wait".

The saddest thing is that instead of stopping, Claire cheers.

"Cousin, come on!"

Shirona, Steven and Lorelei didn't stop either.

Natsu pursed his lips.

"Why are you so excited?"

Du's expression froze.

Opened his mouth.

What does this make him say?
Do you admit that "The Dodo" is referring to him?
"Calm down and have a drink."

Natsu walked up to him, handed a glass of water with a smirk, wrapped his arms around his shoulders, and pushed him back into the chair.

Take a moment and don't look at Natsu.

He looks like a "deep niece".

That is, in front of real acquaintances, Du will show this look.

In the eyes of most people, Toto is always the ruthless and just Alliance investigator.

Seeing him like this made Natsu laugh.

Is Du really angry?
How is that possible.

It's like two good brothers, one of them saying "Look, this is my son" to the other.

Will the other be really angry?
From Watt's point of view, Natsu hit his own "muzzle".

Isn't this a chance to have a fight with Natsu?
As for saying the name "Dodo".

Although most of his Pokémon are Flying Type Pokémon, this is what Natsu brought up.

But in fact, in the Yulong clan, some elders have long said such words to Du.

It's just that I didn't take it seriously.

What Pokémon he chooses is his business.

His bond with every Pokémon is not affected by the words of others.

If Doo replaces Pokémon because of some gossip from others, then he is not the future Dragon Type Elite.

I just want to use Flying Type Pokémon as Dragon Type Elite.

Those who are not convinced can come to challenge!
Just so tough.

This is Du's character. He has absolute confidence in his own strength.

"I apologize, okay?" Natsu sat next to Wataru.

It is useless to quibble like this.

Still resolutely.

Du gave him a sidelong glance.

"Promise to have a fight with me and I'll think about it."

The muscles on Natsu's face twitched.

Is it still like this in the end?
breathes deeply.


hearing this, a successful smile appeared on Du's face.

Natsu: Install, you can continue to install.


Du's expression was once again unremarkable.

"I only have four main Pokémon, the dignified Yulongdu, won't you take advantage of me? Or do you want to play against me who is not full of main force? I have no problem."

"Why do you still only have four?" Du couldn't help turning around and asked.

Natsu shrugged.

"No way, I can't compare with you descendants of the Great Family and the Grand Duke, otherwise how can I still write papers to make money."

Du slowly browsed knit.

"Would you like to follow me to do the task of investigating officer for a period of time? Although there are many things, the pay is not low."

"Forget it, I am still a Gym Leader, I don't have that much time. After today, I'm going to be busy with my thesis and training Pokémon." Natsu said helplessly.

"Theoretically speaking, it should be profitable to open a Gym."

"It's difficult to open a new gym."


Watching Natsu and Watana chatting there, Claire, who was sitting on the other side of Watana, opened her mouth.

Cousin, did you forget something?
Shirona covered her mouth and chuckled.

"Natsu and Watanabe have a great relationship."

Steve smacked his mouth.

"More or less envy."

It's not easy to get a few real good friends, close friends, like their status. .

"It's like you and Natsu Senior have a bad relationship," Lorelei couldn't help saying.

hearing this.

The three looked at each other and smiled.

It is indeed a blessing in life to have such a friend.

Several people laughed and watched Natsu's "gag" way.

I just "fucked" Du to the past.

Too didn't bother too much about this matter, and went along with Natsu.

Shirona, who was opposite Natsu at this time, frowned as he watched him hold his hat.

"Do you think Natsu's hat and movement."

Steve and Lorelei followed her gaze.

"You seem to be a little bit like that." Steven nodded.

"It's a coincidence, but if I really want to say it, I can't accept it." Lorelei hesitated.

After hesitating for a while, Steven asked, "Natsu, do you know about Orm and Groudon the other day?"

"Such an important matter, Of course I'm concerned."

"Then did you know there was a guy on Rayquaza's back that day?" Steven continued.

As a Hoenn Region person, Steven still has a strong say in this matter.

"I know." Natsu looked at the eyes of the three with a paused expression.

"Wait, you don't think that person also wears a hat, is it me? There are so many people wearing hats, what are you thinking!"

"I didn't think so. , but after what happened today. Natsu Senior, you said it was you, and I believed it," said Lorelei.

"My intuition tells me that it's not impossible." Shirona looked thoughtful and agreed.

Natsu: "."

If your intuition has always been so accurate, this friend can't do it.

Is it true that everyone looks like him?
Variety Natsu?

(end of this chapter)

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