Bottom Trainer in Pokemon World Chapter 682


Chapter 682 Cosmic Virus (2 in 1)

When I learned from Hunter M that they had invaded the Nacrene Museum in Nacrene City, Natsu had already decided to find Hunter S, or to find his body.

But his intention was for what was in that seventh box.

In his opinion, if this "dark stone" is real, hunters won't get it so easily.

But thinking about it now.

I'm afraid there's something in it that he doesn't know.

"Looks like it's better to ask M when they go back to the museum. Hunter's Guild actually did what other organizations often do instead of arresting Pokémon. Big problem."

Natsu's head hurts a bit when he sees the "Dark Stone" falling to the ground.

This thing is the sleeping Zekrom, the legendary ideal dragon, which is naturally a very precious thing. . .

Theoretically, Zekrom should be a Divine Beast on par with Rayquaza.

Not counting Mega Evolution.

It's only theoretical, of course.

But after he knew about Hunter S's actions and that this accident might be tricky, he felt that this was a hot potato.

Natsu wouldn't be naive enough to think that he could, like N and Ash, become a legendary hero and get Zekrom's approval.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to recognize the authenticity of it as soon as he touched it.

There's no such thing as flashing into a small room and playing "Truth or Dare" with Zekrom.

And his rash use of Psychic just now to try to Crush Grip the "Dark Stone" must have also left a bad impression on Zekrom.

Approaching slowly.

Natsu relaxed a little after making sure it wouldn't cause the Dark Stone to react again.

Return it to the wooden box.

"I'm not sure if I want to wake Zekrom, or if I want to enter the Dragonspiral Tower."

Looking at the box on the ground, Natsu rubbed his chin.

After all, Opelucid was imprisoned in the Dragonspiral Tower, and it is not ruled out that the first Imprison must be released there.

Place the wooden box cautiously in the corner of the pack.

It's hot again.

When he started to pursue Hunter S, the relationship was already indistinct.

Look to the last wooden box.

This time, Natsu's movements should be much more careful, controlling Psychic to slowly open it.

In the box.

When there is a piece about the size of the "Dark Stone", but its surface is bumpy, and the color and luster of this stone are obviously different from ordinary stones.

This is a piece of Meteorite.

It's also the real goal of Natsu's operation.

A large number of dangerous cosmic viruses are attached to it, a virus that cannot be identified and explained by the technology of the Pokémon world.

And the reason for looking for it is mainly for Deoxys, which should still be sleeping on a Meteorite outside the planet.

Deoxys This Pokémon originates from the universe.

And its birth is not through the mode of laying and hatching eggs similar to ordinary Pokémon, they are Pokémon born after the DNA mutation of the cosmic disease Poison Scripture and some temporarily incomprehensible changes. .

Natsu wondered where he was when he learned that Deoxys sensed that the Pokémon world had its companions signaling it.

Until he comes to the Unova Region.

After learning about the Nacrene Museum from Hunter M, I suddenly remembered that there seems to be such a piece of Meteorite in the Nacrene Museum.

So he found this piece of Meteorite just to give Deoxys an explanation.

While it may not necessarily be able to break through Rayquaza's airspace, it also has not been the case.

If Deoxys finds itself and can't give the results it wants, it's in big trouble.

Now this piece of Meteorite is in hand.

Whether it was the "companion" Deoxys was looking for, at least there was a reasonable explanation.

Natsu also has no intention of digging into the Meteorite after confirming its authenticity.

He gathered everything on the ground.

Go back and count the harvest.

He turned his attention to the Pokémon of the hunter S, Nidoking and Scolipede.

brows slightly wrinkle.

"Audino?" Natsu shouted.


But Audino's face was uncomfortable, and his treatment had no effect on the two Pokémon.

Natsu pursed his lips.

".It seems to be a side effect of the genetic medicine, and it is their genes that are damaged, not the physical injury."

Although Natsu had already anticipated this. .

But the two Elite-level Pokémon are gone, and I still feel a bit of a pain in the flesh.

"Not just them."

looked towards the Poké Ball taken from Hunter S.

Through the glass surface of the Poké Ball, you can also see that the Pokémon inside are almost the same as Nidoking and Scolipede.

"This is the strength of Hunter S's fight against Thundurus." Natsu said slowly.

In his opinion, even if all the Pokémon are sacrificed, if he can get back a Thundurus, it is also a gain.

It's the same idea as Tom Ritchie.

It's just that Tom Ritchie took regular Zapdos, and she succeeded.

While Hunter S is facing the real Divine Beast, failure is inevitable.

It can be seen that Hunter S should also feel a lot of pressure.

Maybe from Tom Ritchie, maybe from Team Plasma, maybe from Team Rocket.

He had to take a risk.

"It should be this one."

Natsu took out a transparent liquid carried by a test tube from the messy items in his backpack, and showed it under the sunlight. Out of the multi-colored appearance.

A total of six, corresponding to six Pokémon, he is really ready to fight to the death.

"If you have a chance, you can find someone to test the ingredients and effects."

Since one is useless, it means that there is a Pokémon that can be rescued.

Alola Muk, the colorful guy lying softly on the scorched earth in the distance.

Alola Muk is more suitable for integration into some teams' systems than ordinary Muk.

Because of its "chemical power", it can inherit the Characteristic Trait that lost the combat capability Pokémon, increasing the fault tolerance and feasibility of the battle.

I just don't know what this Alola Muk's Characteristic Trait is.

Severely injured, it was knocked down by Thundurus' "Discharge" and didn't have time to show it.

But it's an Elite Pokémon anyway.

Natsu put it away after letting Audino do some light work on it.

This Alola Muk is supposed to be untamable.

Pokémon with Trainer is difficult to tame, especially Pokémon with Elite level strength, must have a good relationship with its Trainer.

Natsu didn't want to be a ticking time bomb by his side.

"Keep it for now, this kind of Pokémon doesn't consume resources anyway."

Finished cleaning the battlefield.

Looked towards Thundurus again.

It's still upside down.

Natsu: "."

But the eyes are not red anymore.

I just don't know if it fell in love with this pose or this "meteor" fan.

"Meloetta, can we go now? Your friends won't stop us, right?" Natsu turned his head and asked.

"Melo Melo!"

Meloetta patted her chest.

Go to the stone tablet on the hillside.

Sure enough.

Thundurus just followed, watching them leave without any hindrance.

Natsu stopped in front of the stone tablet.

He took out a few boxes of Pokéblock from his pocket and put them on the ground.

"Thundurus, this is for you."

With that, he left the island with Pokémon and Meloetta.


Thundurus looked at the crystal clear Pokéblock on the ground and smelled a special Fragrance.

Slightly curious, he took one and stuffed it into his mouth.


The electric taste stimulates the taste buds, blooming in the mouth, and Thundurus' eyes light up in an instant.

Not only did this man save himself from an embarrassing situation, but he was very good at keeping the deliciousness.

It seems to work.

Unova Region P2 Laboratory.

"Akroma Professor, how's it going?"

On the huge screen, the appearance of Ghetsis was projected on it.

In front of the screen, there is a youngster in a white coat, who looks like he is in his twenties. The most distinctive feature is that he has a strand of light blue hair in his golden hair. A very exaggerated arc circled around his head.

Akroma gently pushed his glasses, and his fingertips quickly swiped on the small computer in his hand, and a series of data reflected on his eyes.

"Mr. Ghetsis," Akroma called.

But instead of looking at the screen, he just stared at the screen in his hand.

Ghetsis didn't take seriously Akroma's seemingly disrespectful behavior.

He is such a person.

A fanatic devoted to research and Pokémon, only Team Plasma dares to embrace him in the Unova Region.

Just listen to him continue: "The first attempt to control Thundurus is undoubtedly a failure. Even Thundurus can't control it, and naturally it can't fully control Opelucid."

Speaking, slowly lifts the head with a smile on his face.

"However, Thundurus provides valuable data, and this is not a failed attempt. It is believed that by adjusting some parameters and signals, the second-generation machine can fully control Thundurus."

In this regard, Akroma is very sure.

"It's not enough to control Thundurus," Ghetsis said solemnly.

"Of course." Akroma cast his eyes on the screen again, "so I need more experimental data to better adjust the parameters and signal frequency bands."

hearing this, Ghetsis frowned.

"If Thundurus can't be satisfied, why don't you call Landorus?"

"No no no." Akroma's face showed a morbid frenzy. .

"Besides Opelucid, which is temporarily out of contact, isn't there another guy we can try? I heard that it seems to come from the same origin as Opelucid, and there is nothing more suitable for the experiment.

And as far as I know, it exists to incorporate Opelucid probability,"

"You mean, Kyurem?"

Akroma laughed , the meaning is self-evident.

"If you can wake up Opelucid now, Mr. Ghetsis, of course you can skip this step," he added.

"Opelucid, I will naturally find a way to wake them up, you don't need to worry about it." Ghetsis has his own plans for this, "But Kyurem can indeed provide you with some reference, and I will arrange it. "

Akroma stroked her chest with her right hand and bowed slightly, "Then I'll be waiting for your good news."

The video call was hung up.

Akroma muttered: "It is said that it comes from the same Kyurem, and has the ability to annex Opelucid."

"I've never seen such a way of strengthening that two completely individual Pokémons can fuse together. I really want to try to analyze Kyurem's genes now."

At this time.

The door to the lab opens.

A member of Team Plasma strode in.

"Akroma Professor, the guys in the underground are restless again."

hearing this, Akroma restrained his expression, turned around with big strides, and his face was blank. Moved towards the outside of the laboratory with an expression.

Putting his finger on his ear, he said into the headset: "Increase the signal output, increase the frequency."

After finishing speaking, he added: "Remember to collect the frequency bands released by them. , especially the one at the head, they have an absolute superior-subordinate relationship like an ant, which is the best specimen and reference for this experiment."

Akroma, who controls the Pokémon instrument The inspiration and direction of production can be derived from a few Pokémons under this P2 Laboratory.

If you let them run without a thorough study, you will have a headache later.

Of course, with Akroma's control over the base, it was not easy for them to escape, so he was not panicking.

Even while walking, I don't forget to browse the computer in my hand.

"Beauty? Good guess. Does Pokémon still have 'strength'? 'smart'? These are the right ways to really improve Pokémon's abilities and strength. This guy sits down and has a good chat."

On the other side.


A hair grey-white old man was lying on the table doing his research.

Hearing this familiar voice, he hurriedly stood up, moved towards the screen that lit up in front of him and bowed.


"What's the result?" a voice came from the dim scene on the screen.

The only thing visible in the dark is a fiery-red "R".

Obviously, the "Boss" in Dr.Zager's mouth is undoubtedly Team Rocket's Boss Giovanni.

Few people would have thought that Team Rocket, which dominates the two major regions of Kanto and Johto, and has been too quiet recently, has secretly reached out to Unova, which is very far away from these two regions. Region .

But it is precisely because of this unexpectedness that Unova Alliance and even the entire Alliance failed to anticipate it.

Unova Alliance's eyes and attention were mostly drawn to Team Plasma, which also gave Team Rocket a lot of room to operate.

And this Dr. Zager, is currently Team Rocket's researcher in the Unova Region, and is also one of the highest Chief-In-Charge.

Hearing this, Dr.Zager's forehead was a little sweaty.

But honestly, "It failed."

Giovanni wasn't surprised.

After all, no matter how strong Team Rocket is, they are still understaffed in the Unova Region, and he cannot accept failure.

"Where's the stuff?"

"Team Plasma intervenes halfway through, and Thundurus is in an inexplicable frenzy. I guess the stuff may have fallen into Team Plasma's hands." Dr. Zager wiped Sweat on forehead.

After finishing speaking, Dr.Zager hurriedly added: "But they will definitely not be able to parse the content of the slate in a short time, and it may not even attract their attention."

After pondering for a while, Giovanni continued:
"Then focus on the three clouds, they can achieve the same goal, and bypass the attention of Team Plasma."


Dr. Zager let out a long sigh, and seemed to have thought of something, picked up the material he had just been studying on the table, and presented it in front of Giovanni.

I saw that there was a stone tablet printed on the document, on which a lot of ancient texts were written.

If Natsu is sure to recognize it here, the rubbing on it is the same ancient tablet he got from Nacrene.

And at the end of it, a mirror with a peculiar shape is drawn.

"Boss, the success rate of forced capture is too low. Even if Hunter S is assisted by six genetic medicines, it is not an opponent of Thundurus.

In addition, the current organization cannot allocate enough The staff came to Unova, and the subordinates felt that they could start from this aspect. The subordinates have completely parsed these words."


"This is the 'display mirror', legend The person who owns it can control the three clouds, and I have Lock On its location, in some Abyssal Ruins." Dr. Zager was quite excited.

If this thing is successful, then he will be considered a great achievement.

Giovanni raised his hand and placed it lightly on Mr. Meow next to him.


Dr. Zager lowered his head, waiting for Giovanni's reply.

He knew that when Boss Giovanni started playing with his cat, it meant he was thinking.

After a while.

"Go ahead, I'll arrange some helpers for you."

Finally, Giovanni spoke.

A helper?

Dr. Zager's eyes shined.

"The Hunter's Guild in Castelia is now in his hands, you can contact him." youngster avatar.

“City of Castelia”

Dr. Zager smacked his mouth. The city of Castelia was a long way from the Abyssal Ruins he had found.

"And him."

An ordinary-looking youngster with a top hat and an expressionless face appeared on the screen, with a slightly cloudy look in his eyes.

"If nothing else, Hunter's Guild of Opelucid City should already be in his hands."

"Opelucid City!"

Dr.Zager This time I have some confidence.

"Please don't worry Boss, this time the task is guaranteed to be completed!"


PS: ask for a monthly pass~~
(this chapter end)

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