Bottom Trainer in Pokemon World Chapter 8


Chapter 8 Sparring
"Bulbasaur, use Tackle!"

Jian Er saw that Vine Whip was missing and immediately issued a new one instruction.

But obviously he didn't take into account that Bulbasaur couldn't even hit Weedle with Vine Whip, how could it be possible to hit just a normal charge?

"Weedle, String Shot, aim for its eyes," Natsu commanded.

Weedle also became more relaxed after realizing that Bulbasaur wasn't as powerful as he thought.


A bunch of bright white silk threads shot out, directly sticking between Bulbasaur's eyes, blocking his vision.

"Da Na!!"

His vision was suddenly affected, and Bulbasaur panicked, and his attack was interrupted by himself.


Jian Er was a little panicked, but he couldn't think of a way to deal with it.

This is the lack of combat experience, and the flaw of the Trainer's lack of flexibility.

Of course, it was also because Bulbasaur's training was seriously inadequate that the speed was too slow, and it was so easy to be hit in the eye by Weedle.

"Wrap it up."

And then I saw a Weedle wiped quickly on the ground, and the white silk thread kept spit out from its mouth, circle after circle, Transformed Bulbasaur from Garlic King to Garlic Dumpling.


Bulbasaur, who was left with only his head exposed and could not see clearly, could only call for help.

"Stop! Stop!" Jian'er shouted quickly, running to Bulbasaur's side with sensual steps, reaching out to remove the silk thread on his body, but he was also caught by the sticky thread. got stuck.

"It's useless for you, Weedle."

Natsu stepped in and called for Weedle.

Weedle's tail was wiped on the silk thread, and the layers of silk thread were broken, and Bulbasaur was finally rescued.

Jian Er hugged Bulbasaur.

"Bulbasaur, are you all right?"

"Dah." Bulbasaur shook his head, looking at Weedle with a look of awe and fear in his eyes.

Weedle raised his head "proudly" like a general returning from victory.

"Your combat experience is almost zero, and the command in the battle is also lacking flexibility. In fact, Bulbasaur is not weak, and my Weedle is not that strong. In normal battles, we may lose more. Some."

Natsu explained truthfully.


Weedle was a little unconvinced when Natsu said it was inferior to Bulbasaur.

He reached out and touched its back, "Don't be in a hurry to deny it, isn't our purpose here to challenge the impossible and make you stronger? Only by recognizing your own shortcomings can you be better.

Grow up."

Weedle, who beat Rattata and Bulbasaur in succession, was a little too confident.

Natsu as a Trainer had to make it clear to him that he was insufferable.

Confidence is a good thing, but blind confidence is the exact opposite.

"Woo" Weedle bowed his head, seemingly taken aback.

But it recovered quickly.

It felt that Natsu was right, the reason they came here was to become stronger, admitting that others were stronger than themselves, and there was nothing unacceptable.

Natsu looked satisfied as he touched Weedle's back.

Jian Er next to him watched him comfort Weedle with a look of hesitating to speak.

Noticing his expression, Natsu said: "According to the rules of the club, you still have 50 minutes, do you need to continue the fight?"

Every sparring partner in the club is If it is billed by time, each hour will be charged separately, and the less than one hour will also be calculated as one hour.

"I" Jian Er opened his mouth.

Natsu's remarks not only dispelled Weedle's overconfidence, but also gave him a hard blow.

It turns out that Bulbasaur lost the battle because he was the Trainer for a big reason.

"Actually, you have already learned a lot of theoretical knowledge, which should include combat and training. What you lack is to accumulate experience, and you need to have enough knowledge about your own Pokémon." Natsu said again.

"How do you know more about your Pokémon?" Jian Er blinked and asked curiously.

"Training, training, have you trained your Bulbasaur?"

"No, I just took it home from the Trainer building yesterday." Jian The two scolded.

"That's it, Bulbasaur has a very high ceiling, train hard and you'll find the difference."

It's almost as Natsu guessed.

"Then how did you train? One. One Weedle, so strong."

Losing the battle was nothing, but losing to Weedle made him feel a lot. of frustration.

"I can understand that, do you want to change the combat sparring to training sparring?" Natsu raised his brows.

It was just today that we were looking for a job, and neither Weedle nor he had trained. We thought we would have no chance today, but I didn't expect that there would be a time to make money and train at the same time.

The club also offers this service, training sparring.

"Yes." Jian Erzhong nodded.

"Okay." Natsu put Weedle back on the ground again, "Weedle, since that's the case, let's make up for the training we missed today."

"Woooo!!" Weedle has high spirits.

After being told by Natsu just now that it is not as good as Bulbasaur, it also wants to get stronger faster.


Natsu took off the ill-fitting suit, revealing a thin, dark, heavily scarred upper body.

Kenji fell silent when he saw the scars on Natsu's body.

"We will train you to see, you can follow us if you want, and if you have any questions, you can ask me, maybe I can give you some answers."


The Weedle training begins.

Because it is in the training room of the club, all kinds of professional training equipment can be used, which is more effective than training in the field.

Of course, it's also more tiring.

But I'm tired. Whenever Weedle sees Natsu's persistence, he can also grit his teeth and persevere.

And Jian Er also took Bulbasaur to do some tentative training. After a little Mimic, he immediately felt that the training was not easy.

At the same time, he will occasionally ask questions, and Natsu will try to give some answers that may not be standard but definitely have evidence.


One hour of sparring time has passed.

As the bell rang in the training room, Kenji waved his hand and wrapped Natsu and Weedle again for three hours.

Do not blink.

Highlight a boldness.

In this way, it also gave Natsu and Weedle the opportunity and time to complete today's basic training content.

Three hours later.

The already chatty Kenji completely overwhelmed Natsu and Weedle, not because they beat him, but because of their hard work.

Those who work hard are worthy of admiration.

Meanwhile, Natsu also gets his first loyal client at the Silver Pokémon Battle Club.

"This time I have gained a lot. I will pay you back next time. I will go back and tell a few of my classmates to let them all come to study."

Watching Jian Er in the hall Leave.

You can earn money and train at the same time.

It feels good.

Annie next to him poked his arm curiously, "It's amazing, Natsu, he has a loyal customer on the first day, and he looks like he will continue to introduce customers to you. ."

"Luck." Natsu smiled as he hugged Weedle, who was exhausted from training.

Anna pouted.

In her heart, she reaffirmed her evaluation of Natsu, "the one with good luck".

This time is really lucky.

Because in her impression, the most frequent reason for the club's sparring to leave is because the sparring's Pokémon was destroyed during the battle.

One of the purposes of a large number of people coming to the club is to vent, so they will not take into account the importance of starting.

With Weedle's body, she thought Natsu wouldn't last a few days.

"Here, this is your reward for this single sparring." He said, handing over a few Alliance coins.

"So much?" Natsu was a little surprised, took the money and counted it, and there was actually 320 Alliance coins.

Anna rolled her eyes, "You are a Primary Rank sparring, and the fee is 400 per session, which is 80 per hour, 320 for 4 hours, and will be settled immediately after the sparring is over."


Sure enough, those who can have members in the Silver Pokémon Battle Club are not ordinary rich people.

I am afraid that the one-month pocket money of the middle-2 junior Jian Er was several times his salary.

"Thank you." Natsu thanked him. The only thing he needed right now was money.

"By the way, I'm curious, how much is the intermediate rank sparring once?"

"The intermediate rank is twice yours, the Top Rank is four times yours, and the extra is Ten times yours, and the johto is different for each level. Of course, there are higher ones, but I don't know too much." Anna shrugged.


"Then how to improve your professional title?"

"The number of members and your strength, I don't know the specifics, this is all the responsibility of the supervisor, it's not easy anyway."


Natsu nodded, thanked him again, and took Weedle back to rest.


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