Bottom Trainer in Pokemon World Chapter 96


Chapter 96 Thesis has achieved initial results
Came to the courtyard.

Throws out the Poké Ball, releasing several Pokémons.

In addition to Beedrill, there are Pidegeotto and Ditto.

I have to say that Natsu is still good to Pokémon, even the Pidegeotto and Ditto that were purchased as tools, after nearly a week of contact, the previous dull appearance has also changed, a little more angry .

They are said to be tools, but Natsu does not regard them as pure tools. Usually all kinds of food never fall, try to seek their opinions before doing things, and promise them to wait until their tasks are completed, will be given freedom.

And Pidegeotto and Ditto, from Natsu, is respect.

Although even if Natsu doesn't give them respect, they will complete their tasks like tools, but it is precisely because of this respect that they do things more conscientiously, and the rebellious psychology hidden in their hearts also follows. disappeared.

Just back from the wild, Natsu was in no hurry to train them, giving them time to play.

everyday all Abra, who was going to sleep for a long time, suddenly became energized and jumped up and down to join in the play. Even though it looked like he couldn't play, he was still very active.

It's like a smaller child who always likes to play with an older child and is disliked, but at the same time dislikes a child younger than him.

Look at it, it is still a form of growth, but it has been able to use Psychic somewhat skillfully.

Suspended in the air chasing Beedrill, the laughter of "ke ke ke ke" can be heard endlessly.

Sitting next to him and watching a few Pokémon play, a smile appeared on Natsu's face involuntarily.

A feeling of reassurance and tranquility arises from the bottom of my heart.

"Perhaps when I'm old, it will be a good feeling to see Pokémon playing so carefree every day?" He sighed in his heart.

But not yet.

Silently withdrew his gaze and turned on the computer.

Go to the Alliance website.

"For a week, I don't know if anyone noticed my paper."

It is possible to make money by writing papers about Pokémon knowledge, which is the support policy of Alliance .

And if you can get the status of a researcher, you can not only make money from the paper, but also get financial support from the Alliance.

Don't say that money is not important. Publishing papers is just to promote knowledge. If you don't have money, even if you want to study Pokémon, you don't have the resources and ability.

For some researchers, researching Pokémon costs far more than growing Pokémon.

All kinds of precision instruments, all kinds of Pokémon, common and rare, with these foundations, we can better develop the subject.

Natsu also tried to write a paper about Ibrahimovic with the mentality of writing papers to earn extra money.

If the content of the paper is recognized by the professional reviewers of the website, at least 30,000 Alliance coins can be obtained.


When he entered the researcher interface, he was dumbfounded.

In addition to a few important papers that have always been at the top, he actually saw the slightly abrupt names of "Dodo Bird" in a large number of big names with various titles.

There have been more than 10,000 replies and comments, and more than 100,000 views.

"I expected to be discovered and valued, but didn't expect it came so quickly."

Curiously, Natsu opened his own thesis post.


Saw the first and most popular review.

"Sakuragi? Researcher?"

Natsu felt a little familiar with this name, but he couldn't remember where he heard it.


After clicking on the profile of this researcher Sakuragi, Natsu finally remembered.

"Ibrahimovic Evolution Laboratory? That is to say, this Sakuragi researcher is the future Sakuragi Professor?"

Thinking of him, Natsu roughly understands why his thesis post is popular Woke up.

There are many people on this researcher website, not only researchers, but also trainers from all over the world with a lot of learning and trying attitudes.

Of course, there are also some people who are looking to see if they can catch a leak.

But researcher Sakuragi is a well-known researcher and is about to become the upstart of Professor, and his dynamic naturally attracted many people's attention.

Even he is so sure about the feasibility of Natsu's paper, one can imagine the following comments, not too bad.

Natsu tapped the keyboard.

"My contact information is"

"Why do you feel like you want to date online?"

Shaking his head with self-deprecation, delete and rewrite.

"Thank you for your affirmation, and I also hope to have an in-depth discussion with researcher Sakuragi."

This seems relatively reserved.

After reading some of the comments below, Natsu closed the page with a smile.

Most of them are compliments that look very beautiful.

For example:

"Witness a rising star in the research community being gradually raised."

"Follow, I'm sure he won't just publish an article Thesis."

"My contact information is"

Even Natsu couldn't stand it when he read it too much.

Sakuragi's influence in the research community is still quite large.

"It seems that the fee of 30,000 yuan is stable. Although it is not much, it is not a lot. After fermenting for a while and having a little fame, you can try to publish other papers. This is Continuing income."

Closed the site and clicked on the Beedrill and Abra training files.

Begin to think about Beedrill's next training plan and the training direction of Abra, who is about to end its growth period.

Beedrill's training direction has been roughly fixed, and the next step may be a combination of speed and attack training.

After all, a man with a crooked mouth said that speed is power, which is common in many worlds.

Mainly Abra, it was very important for its initial development.

As each word was typed, it soon became dark.

An easy fix for dinner.

Natsu put away the Pokémon and came to the Challenger Bar again.

This time, the bartender recognized him at a glance, moved towards Box 1 and pursed his lips, signaling him to go in by himself.

Natsu is curious about the bartender's role in organizing such a party.

"Little Brother, you've come."

As soon as he entered the private room, Old Bill greeted him kindly when he saw him.

Natsu moved lightly, avoiding Old Bill's seemingly friendly hug.

In this regard, people like Old Bill will naturally not show embarrassment, and continue to say with a smile: "If you don't come again, the person who entrusted you can't wait."


"I said it for a week, and it's still a few hours away."

After standing still, Natsu said lightly.

For this old Bill who looks like a great grandfather next door, but in fact has been spying on all around with Gastly, he has always been very vigilant.

"Yes." Old Bill didn't seem to see Natsu's vigilance, and took a few steps while leaning on his waist, "This man is old, and his legs are a little less agile, Little Brother, go there yourself, I'll continue to wait here for others."

Natsu nodded, took out Ditto's mask, and walked into the dim passage alone.

Old Bill smacked his mouth as he watched Natsu melt into the darkness.

"It seems that he really got the dragon fire fruit. This thing is now in Saffron City, but it is very scarce."

He is well informed and knows very well that dragon fire fruit See what Berry is currently doing throughout Saffron City.

That is really priceless, not because it is expensive, but because it is not available.

Natsu came to the wooden door again, knocking on the door with the same rhythm as Old Bill knocked last time.

It was the same Duskull who opened the door. After checking Natsu, he opened the door and let him in.

It's still a familiar room.

The "breed teacher" sat on his single sofa, and at the same time, there were already many people here waiting for the start of the party.

The number of people was a little more than last time, and there were also many people who didn't attend the last meeting.

Natsu rested silently in his old position after glancing.

"That wine and meat Little Monk doesn't seem to be here today?"

(end of this chapter)

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