Seeing Smith miss ten shots, barrage filled the screen in the Free Beacon Nation live broadcast room!

“Post! Smith, if you take action, please be more understanding… You actually shot ten times in a row without hitting the enemy?!”

“Farke! Smith! Chinese player Smith, this is such a waste!”

“Oh my god, please Smith, could your marksmanship be any worse? Holding a sniper rifle and firing ten shots in a row without hitting a target?!”


The people of Free Beacon began to criticize Smith’s marksmanship!

As for the Free Beacon people who scolded Smith and asked Smith not to shoot, although there are some, they are really very few! after all.

This is the nature of the Free Beacon State!

As long as you can gain benefits through robbery, you won’t care about the life or death of others!

In the Free Beacon country, the Dragon Kingdom audience cursed one after another:

“Damn those idiot foreign devils! I don’t know what face you all have, but you don’t scold Smith?! Fuck, if Smith really hits, countless people in the Dragon Kingdom will die!”

“Free Beacon countrymen are simply disgusting!”

“Brothers, charge at them! Let the live broadcast room of the Free Lighthouse Country be filled with the barrage of our Dragon Country veterans! superior! Fuck them!”

“Do it! Let’s all fight against this disgusting free lighthouse country, go and eat shit.’!”

“Disgusting lighthouse country of freedom, go eat shit!”

“Disgusting lighthouse country of freedom, go eat shit!”

“Disgusting lighthouse country of freedom, go eat shit!”

“Shaite, why are all the barrage all at once like this? The people of the Dragon Kingdom must be united, right?!”


And in Bingbing’s live broadcast room.

Miss Bingbing breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Smith’s repeated misses!

A smile also appeared on her face. Just when she was about to praise brother Xiao Xuan for his good luck, suddenly. King Zhang Bing said aloud!

“Host Bingbing, please play back the live broadcast of our Dragon Kingdom! And slow down the playback speed!”

Miss Bingbing felt a little baffled, but she still obeyed! Play it backwards!

Slow down the playback speed!

And after slowing down the live broadcast room picture a hundred times!


Everyone watching Miss Bingbing’s show was shocked!


They saw the bullet! Although the bullet slowed down a hundred times, it still seemed to be shooting at

Xiao Xuan! Hit Xiao Xuan! But when the bullet was more than thirty meters away, the bullet seemed to hit the top of something! They were all deformed! In other words , Smith fired ten bullets! It was not because of Smith’s poor shooting skills that they all missed. Xuan used some means to bounce away! Surprise! Surprise! Countless viewers of Miss Bing Bing’s show were stunned! They were stunned!

‘This is so… too strong!!’

‘Is this… still a human?!!’

‘Master Xiao is so awesome… There are three million sword immortals in the sky, so you have to lower your eyebrows when you see Master Xiao!! ‘

Miss Bingbing’s live broadcast room exploded again!

Countless people were extremely surprised!

They all started to launch barrage frantically!!


And the free lighthouse country live broadcast room

“Post! My dear friends, I have some very sad news for you. The reason why the ten shots fired by Smith did not hit the Dragon Kingdom player Xiao is not because Smith’s marksmanship is poor! It was because Xiao Hui, a player from the Dragon Kingdom, used his power to bounce the bullet away!”

“oh! Post! Do you think this is filming The Matrix? Bounce the bullet?”

“This is real! I just came from the Longguo live broadcast room! , Shaite, my friends, this Dragon Kingdom player Xiao is simply not a human being!”

“oh! my Lord! Our players have provoked such a powerful being, what should they do? I just hope the Dragon Kingdom players can be more generous.……”

“A generous hammer! Hahahahaha! I, Mr. Xiao, am still awesome!! What a plan, a bullshit plan! My Mr. Xiao is a figure who holds the sun and moon in his hands and picks up the stars, hahahahaha! Do you still want to kill him? ? Hahahahaha!”

“Master Xiao is awesome! Brothers, start the barrage!”

“Master Xiao is awesome!”

“Master Xiao is awesome!”

“Master Xiao is awesome!”

“Master Xiao is awesome!”


“Why are they all in the Chinese character”龙国” again? I can’t even see the picture clearly! Farke! The people of the Dragon Kingdom are so united!! Farke!!”

And Smith, a player from the Free Lighthouse Country, couldn’t help but look gloomy after hitting the tree with his hand.

“Majafak! Smith couldn’t help but cursed,”Why do you always miss?” Farke! I’d better bring the distance closer!”


Smith packed his things and got off the tree!

His movements looked very vigorous!


Xiao Xuan was still walking in the originally planned direction.

In fact, he failed to sense Smith through seeing and hearing Se Haki.

Because at the moment, Xiao Xuan’s domineering energy can only cover a distance of 1,500 meters.

And Smith is beyond that. but.

For the bullets fired.

Xiao Xuan can naturally perceive the domineering energy through seeing and hearing. then.

After Xiao Xuan shot the bullet, he used his overlord color and domineering energy to remove it.

And he roughly judged the direction of the enemy based on the trajectory of the bullet.

Right in front of him.

Therefore, Xiao Xuan did not change his route, and continued to move forward steadily as if he didn’t know anything.

He wanted to see who it was.

You have to hurt him in such a ridiculous way


Three hours have passed:

Youth Love Party (Flowers):

46,487 flowers increased (current flowers 276,773, original flowers 230,286)

Pure Friendship Party Until Death (evaluation votes) evaluation votes increased 1,017! (The current evaluation votes are 4166 and the original evaluation votes are 3095)

Old rules, evaluation vote score x10!

The current score is: 45131:10170!

Wow! Both sides have increased by almost a thousand points! Enter the Dragon! It seems that the love party and the friendship party are really fighting each other!


In short, when it ends at 12 o’clock tomorrow night, if the flower score is still high, we will go to the love story!

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