Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 122 The Wrath Of The Sky

The ghost is dead, and our defense line is at peace. Just now, he was so arrogant that he couldn't believe that his right-hand fighter was slaughtered like this, and his face turned livid in an instant.

After a brief blank period of skill cooling, I returned to the dark place again. Now we are walking on eggshells. If we are not careful, this round will be ruined.

The opponent should have special items other than blood bottles that can replenish health. The recovery of 1200+ just now is a clear proof. No wonder these guys will not arrange priests but a pure chopper team. The recovery of 1200 is enough to cope with the scene. The only thing that puzzles me is why the ghost didn't use this item to restore blood just now.

Shaking his head, forget it, don't think about it, anyway, the ghost has already ended, so there is no point in thinking about it.

The previous battle has been heated up. The clothes are equipped with the Lava Behemoth's Flame Fury effect. After reading the battle prompt, the critical strike probability has been increased by 30. This skill is definitely a good skill, although the lasting effect is very short, only ten seconds But with a tacit cooperation, ten seconds is enough to do a lot of things. If the state is added to me, I am sure that a critical strike from the Soul Piercing Arrow will directly pierce the two layers of magic shield on the right hand.

Thinking of this, she silently made the arrangement on the team channel, and after receiving the message, the wedding dress nodded slowly at me, obviously, she already had some calculations in her heart.

After a stalemate for about half a minute, finally, the state I was waiting for arrived. The lava monster's skills were cooled down, and then it was added to me.

Being invisible all the time, I put a lot of pressure on my opponent. With my burning right hand, I kept releasing the group attack skills, consuming the health of three close-up meat shields. Fortunately, the magic defense of the skeleton is high enough, and the flame resistance of the lava monster is high enough. Sex is even better, and the only unlucky thing is the dress, which was burnt to ashes, relying on the support of the blood bottle and the wedding dress to barely maintain the fluctuating health.

With the addition of the Flame Wrath state, I immediately took action, and the target was the perverted fire technique on my right hand.

Vigorously resorting to the trapping skill, the right hand reacted quickly, and before the grid covered him, he escaped from the trap with a flicker. Although he was not caught by the net, it was within my expectation. The purpose of trapping is to waste this guy's flicker.

Wild detection!

Soul Piercing Arrow!

The right hand seemed to be very confident in his mage shield. Seeing that he couldn't dodge the flying arrows, he looked at me with a smile and a little disdain. For a while, his momentum was very arrogant.


The arrow containing destructive energy directly pierced the first layer of magic shield, the arrow blade did not stop, and severely deformed the impact of the second layer of shield.

In just a few tenths of a second, the energy of the arrow was used up, and it did not touch the body of the right hand. However, the magic shield was destroyed and its toughness was also exhausted. Before the arrow landed, it flashed and disappeared.

It's now!

Flame Arrow!

The right hand, who was extremely confident in his mage's shield, turned pale with fright. He didn't care about releasing the magic, and started to back away desperately.

During the short time that the flame arrow was flying in the air, the shocking ice cover skill appeared again, forming just right on the right hand, with a ding sound, the ice shell shattered, and my confident arrow was successfully blocked.

Originally on the edge of the shooting range, after passing through the ice cover, the burning right hand has moved out of the range of my flat shooting, and the terrified right hand safely escaped from my sniper under the cover of shock. After more than ten seconds, another magic shield was formed. Seeing the magic shield on my right hand propped up again, my heart was bleeding, and the killing plan was completely aborted.

I poke! ! It's this damn fright again, if it wasn't for it, my arrows would have successfully harvested two heads.

In my rage, I also lost my mind a little bit, impulsively, I manually controlled the skeleton that was entangled with the three-headed hell dog to chase and kill Jing Jing.

Shock grasped the timing precisely like a machine, did not speak, and did not show any expression from the beginning to the end. Suddenly, seeing the somber mage smiling at me, he whispered to me, "You guys lost this game!"

Before he had time to react, he saw the large three-headed hellhound who had been entangled in the front line let out a fierce howl, and the dress and the lava monster in front of him fell into an uncontrollable state of fear in an instant, scrambling Run around the field.

Ice Grips!

Shocked, he quickly released a skill on the dress, and the status bar on the top of the dress instantly showed a state of reduced frost resistance.

Ice Fury!

Another skill, I saw Jinghun's left hand slamming into the air, the dress whose frost resistance was reduced to a negative value was covered with icicles instantly, and a 2600+ terrifying damage was directly provoked on the head.

The gown, which was originally full of health, had not yet returned to its normal state, and was instantly killed and out of the game, and the frightened lava monster was also in the battle. Against the sky, there was also a three-headed dog who was attacked one after another, and his blood was worn out. For a while, only me, the wedding dress, and the bloody skeleton were left on the field. We are at an absolute disadvantage.

The skeleton accurately carried out my order to hunt down and kill me. Before I got close, Jinghun sacrificed the ice ring technique, which directly froze the skeleton in place. He was also sent back to the pet space.

Without the cover of the meat shield, we immediately fell into a desperate situation. The skills of the big killer were cooling down. The wedding dress was not protected by the meat shield. We were constantly being chased by two soldiers, and the toughness value of the magic shield was also wiped out after a short while. , the very precise evil flame impact on the right hand hit the wedding dress, and the wedding dress was also cleared from the venue.

I was the only one left on the field. After thinking about it for a long time, I scanned the shadow skill options over and over again. Seeing that even if I summoned the shadow skill now, the chances of winning were slim, I simply chose to abstain from the game.

Ding! It is a pity that the team led by you lost to the team led by the evil dragon against the sky. I hope there will be a more exciting performance in the next game!

The brush was teleported out of the field, and everyone stood there in silence, the muscles on their faces tensed.

I sorted out my emotions a little bit, and said, "Don't be depressed, victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs, the opponent has a scroll and special blood, and there is an unknown number of ice spells and abnormal pets, we have tried our best , change the strategy in the next round and win back!"

At this time, the dress said, "Boss, let the sky replace me in the next round. We have two pets and potatoes as meat shields. I'm not effective enough to fight against the opponent's chopper team. If we have stronger firepower If it is a little bit, the opponent will definitely have casualties in the few opportunities just now!!"

"I also feel the same way. If the opponent has three melees and a pet, the position of the dress on the striker line is not clear. The output is not enough, the pressure on the striker line is not great, and there is no need for an extra meat shield. We already have priests. If there is one less output point, it will definitely have an effect!" Yun Qingshan, who had not spoken much, also spoke.

"It's time for me to go up and practice my hands, don't worry, in the next round, let that evil dragon against the sky show them what it means to be a real heavy gunner! I am here to issue a military order, only to win and not to lose!!!" Sky seems to be very happy with himself. With confidence, he said calmly.

"Well, big sister head, what if you lose?" Tudou asked without looking at his face.

Cang Qiong was a little embarrassed immediately, and he hesitated, "I lost, and if I lose, I will wash the dishes for a month!!"

"make a deal!!"

Everyone exchanged a few words, and the oppressive atmosphere just now was diluted a lot. After a few minutes, it started quickly, and we were teleported into the venue again.

The third round of the game is the key. The win or loss of this round will directly affect who can win and get two points in the end. Moreover, it is the opening game, and hundreds of millions of eyes are staring at us. If Dawn Wings loses Giving us such an unknown small organization also dealt a big blow to their guild's reputation.

The light film will disappear in two minutes, and this time the opponent has no new personnel arrangements. It seems that this shock should be the last card.

"How is it? You're a softie, you lost the last game, you abstained and resigned, how does it feel??? Hahahaha!!" The evil dragon Nitian taunted us exaggeratedly.

"Hmph, I don't know what it's like to abstain from the stage??? Didn't you try it in the first round? You forgot it so soon after your brain flooded? It doesn't matter if you forget, grandma will help you for free in this round!! !" Sky is not a wedding dress, this girl has a lively personality, her mouth is even more poisonous, and the evil dragon is defeated in one round.

The countdown is over, the light film disappears, and the third game begins! !

Skeleton, Lava Behemoth, Potato, and the three units all blocked the front line, and the opposite guard, Zhantian, and Hell's three-headed dog also rushed over immediately.

Cang Qiong played for the first time, and did not put much pressure on the opponent, only Jing Hun's eyes flashed a trace of doubt when he saw the strange gemstone effect on Cang Qiong's staff.

The girl Cang Qiong was very arrogant and rushed to the front holding the shield. The warrior on the opposite side saw that the mage had rushed to a position close to the front line, and immediately charged straight at the sky.

Although Cang Qiong looked carefree, he was actually very shrewd in his heart. When the opponent rushed towards him, he dexterously hid behind the lava monster. Since the target disappeared from the field of vision, both opponents lost their charge skills. The target, the acceleration effect terminated, stopped halfway.

Flame Impact!

After the invincible card position method is used up, the sky immediately flashes out to attack. The middle-level flame impact only needs to be chanted for two seconds. In a blink of an eye, a flame giant fist hits the nearest battle sky, and an attack damage of 2311 jumps out. Zhan Tian, ​​who was full of blood, had less than one-fifth of his health left in an instant.

I wipe! It wasn't the crit that hit 2300+ horror, the crippled Zhan Tian's face turned pale, and cold sweat came down his forehead in an instant.

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