Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 428 Windwalking Tribe

Cang Qiong raised his head slightly, and read the new dungeon information published in the forum word by word. Sure enough, the background of the dungeon was similar to what I just said, and he also gave an exciting news. There are four levels, simple, medium, difficult, and hero, which correspond to the overall levels of the four dungeons of level 45, 60, 75, and 90 respectively. Although the plots of the dungeons are basically the same, the higher the difficulty, the higher the level of the monsters in the dungeon. Difficulty also affects the basic attributes and skill templates of the final boss. Especially in Heroic Difficulty, the attributes of all monsters including Xiaoluo will be greatly improved. A separate note is added after the introduction of Heroic Difficulty (recommended to challenge with a team of level 100 or above!)

After Cang Qiong finished reading all the updated information, I said, "Except for Yang Dan, everyone else has turned 3. To put it bluntly, our ten-man team is definitely the strongest lineup in the game at this stage. I think Lead everyone to try the hero mode!!"

Tudou's eyes are also bright at the moment, "Well, the hard mode is only level 75, it's too challenging, let's play the hero mode if we want to fight!!!"

Sister An Ran didn't make a fuss this time, but said worriedly, "Aren't we too optimistic? My personal opinion is that it's better to be on the safe side. In case you fail on Heroic Difficulty, and the first kill on Hard Difficulty is snatched by another team." If not, we will steal chickens and lose money!"

When Sister An Ran said this, Tudou, who was eager to try just now, also showed a trace of hesitation on his face. Xiao Ke and Xiao You wanted to encourage them, but they swallowed the words again.

I turned to look at the sky, and said, "Qiaoer, what about you? What's your opinion??"

Cang Qiong closed the laptop, and said solemnly, "Everyone understands the information just now. I don't know if you have noticed. That is to say, even if we fail to challenge the heroic difficulty, we still have a chance to attack the hard difficulty in a short time. Therefore, my opinion is that we should try the heroic difficulty first. If we can’t beat it, it’s not too late to turn back. Knowing the specific location of the Tree of Life, we have an advantage over others in terms of time!!!"

After Cang Qiong finished speaking, the fanaticism in everyone's eyes became bright again. Since there is a way out, there is nothing to worry about. The group destruction in the copy only loses part of the experience of the current level. This price is comparable to the various benefits of the first kill. Than, nothing at all.

"Now? Sister An Ran, have you changed your mind? Or do other people have any opinions??? Asuka, Yang Dan, what about you? Do you have any other opinions?" I asked.

An Ran smiled slightly, and said, "I ignored this one, if that's the case, then I'll choose heroic difficulty too!!"

After this little episode, everyone in the studio agreed. After careful consideration of the last two spots, I decided to look for wedding dresses and dresses. After some communication, these two guys heard that we had insider information, so they naturally agreed. After everything was decided, everyone collectively turned on the lights to rest and prepare for the opening of the dungeon at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning.

I had nothing to say all night, and I was woken up by the alarm before 7:30 in the morning. I was busy calling everyone to finish breakfast, and when 8 o'clock arrived, everyone went online on time.

After I went online, I appeared on the edge of Feiyun City. Fortunately, I wrote down the coordinates in advance. After returning to the city to gather with everyone, I was ready to supply and repair equipment.

As soon as he walked out of the gate of the blacksmith shop, the system prompt sounded, Ding! Your friend is requesting a call! !

Huh? Sunset looking for me? Without even thinking about it, I chose to connect.

"What's wrong with the sunset??? Looking for me??"

"Yesterday was a full server announcement and system maintenance. It must have been caused by you kid. The new dungeon updated yesterday was only marked in Feiyun City, and no detailed location was given. Do you have any inside information, kid?" Ah, the people in your studio are the first team, and I will form a second team to attack the hard mode. I know that your team will definitely look down on the hard mode!!!" Xi Yang cut to the point, without ink at all.

I didn't hide from the setting sun, and responded, "Hey, I let you guess, there is indeed information, yesterday's tree of life was refreshed at the coordinates of the Evernight Forest (4527,1155), I guess the copy should be in Surroundings!! Also, please tell the members of the second team, don't let the wind leak, I will lead the team to attack the heroic difficulty first!!"

"I knew you must have information, come to the gate of the guild warehouse, and I'll give you some potion!!!" After Xi Yang finished speaking, she hung up the call.

Damn, I dared to hang up on my brother's call. It seems that this guy must have a bargaining chip in his hand, potion? Could it be something special? ? I greeted the rest of the team, and then walked towards the guild warehouse by myself.

Since I got the territory, I have set up a warehouse in the territory to be used as the guild warehouse. Although the sunset manages the guild on a daily basis, but because I am not a lord, the use of the warehouse in the territory is too restrictive, so our union still retains it. I bought the previously leased system nc warehouse, which is not far from the inn.

He walked over quickly, and sure enough, the setting sun holding a sword in both hands was already waiting there.

"Hey, I'm here, what good things are you looking for???" I patted his shoulder and asked.

Xiyang turned around and handed me a bottle of lavender medicine pot, which contained pills the size of broad beans. Reserved in the warehouse, this time the dungeon is updated, just in time to be used!!"

Strategic materials? When I heard this word, my heart beat faster, and I hurriedly checked the properties of the potion.

Niuhuang Huisheng Pill is a high-grade special medicine.

After the effect is used, 40 health of the total blood will be restored instantly, and the injury will be restored to 70 of the total blood in the next 20 seconds. When the player's blood remaining below 10 is dying, there is a 3 chance to trigger the return effect, the HP value is restored to 100.

Remarks: The cooling time is 30 seconds, and it does not share the cd time of common recovery potions. Manufactured by Pharmacy Master Players!

"I'm sorry, this..." I subconsciously swear, the properties of this pill are too powerful, I don't know what to say for a while.

Xiyang was smiling. Obviously, my expression was as expected. "There are only two cans of this thing, each with two hundred pills. The can for you is unopened. I still have nearly one can in my hand. Gao Quality bezoar is too difficult to find, I have sent people to search for raw materials, but until now, there is no news..."

After Xiyang reminded me, I just remembered that the bezoar used for medicine is the last time I got him from the boss of Manniu!

"You send some people to take life players to try to kill high-level bulls, the last time the bezoar was collected from bulls!!" I said.

"Okay, I'll arrange it later"


With these two hundred pills, I happily returned to the gate of the city. Tudou has complained to me many times, and now he has changed his equipment again. The ninth-level life potion in the store can only restore 5,000 points of blood, which is far from the upper limit of his life. Now that he has Niuhuang Pill, the recovery amount will be restored in proportion. The precious thing is that the cooling time of this elixir and the life potion are calculated separately. When you encounter danger, take a bottle of life potion and then eat another pill, and you can instantly restore 14000+ health. If you encounter an emergency, good luck It can also trigger the rebirth effect, which is equivalent to being possessed by Brother Chun, instantly restoring full vitality.

"Boss, what are you doing so mysteriously, what time is it, do you still have time to meet your little lover?" Cang Qiong saw me approaching, and joked with me in a big or small way.

I gave her a blank look, and took out the medicine jar directly: "This is a cheap thing I just got from Xiyang, ten pills per person, remember to use it at critical times, here, potatoes, this dress is for the two of you, three pills each Ten of them are only available at a critical moment!!!"

"Fuck! These Liuwei Dihuang Pills have sharp attributes!!! Are there any leftovers, the boss will give me some!!!" Tudou Guoguo glanced at the pills, and suddenly exclaimed.

"Pfft!!" Yang Dan, who was also looking at the properties of the pill, didn't catch it in one breath, and burst into laughter in an instant, and the others also laughed when they heard it.

"You idiot, this is Niuhuang Huisheng Pill, not Liuwei Dihuang Pill. It's terrible to be uneducated! Don't say you know me when you go out!!!!" Cang Qiong knocked on Tudou's helmet with his staff without thinking.

After distributing the potions, we went straight out of the city. Since we had specific coordinates, we didn’t plan to take any detours. We found the coordinates of the destination and the city gate on the big map. Two points and one line. This line is our route. .

Not long after leaving the city, Xiao Ke, who was walking behind the team suddenly moved his ears.

"Boss, it seems that someone is following us!!!" I was leading the way at the front, and Xiao Ke's private chat was sent over.

I quietly glanced sideways with the corner of my eye, and found nothing abnormal, but Xiao Ke refused to tease me, so I thought for a while and adjusted the team's forward direction by 20 degrees to one side.

"Tudou, you come to the front and lead the way, I have a break!!" I was afraid that others would not hear me, so I yelled in the field chat, Tudou didn't think much, and changed places with me and walked to the front of the team.

With a thought, I activated the element perception skill that has been upgraded to the master level. An invisible magic ripple spread out from the center of me, and the surrounding elements began to resonate slightly. At the same time, in my thought, two looming Yellow dots emerged.

Seeing that someone was really following me, the corners of my mouth curled up slightly, I caught you! !

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