Bow God Invincible Online Games

Chapter 450 Greedy Heart

As long as everyone in our studio has the blessing effect of the Ice and Snow Goddess, none of them will be frozen, but Yang Dan, wedding dresses, dresses, and some of the covered elves who joined temporarily will be miserable, as long as they are within the range, there will be no exception , all frozen in place.

"They curse, they resent, they grow in the breath of life, and they will wither in the energy of death!!"

Death withered! ! The Lich raised the scepter in his hand and began to slowly chant the spell of the ultimate move.

This death and withering effect is very domineering. If it sticks to it, the skin will retreat even if it doesn't die. At the critical moment, I didn't even think about it, and directly activated the soul shock of Xiaohei's skill under the crotch.

Soul shock! !

A tremor from the soul emanated from Xiaohei's forehead, and accurately enveloped the lich who continued to chant the spell. The lich's chanting stagnated, and the spell changed, but this effect didn't seem to be enough to interrupt the casting. After adjusting, he continued to mutter words.

As the last syllable of the incantation was squeezed out from his dry throat, the three-second singing time ended. With a wave of the boss skeleton staff, a cloud of dark purple death energy surged into the air, and then shrouded it again. The control is very good, and almost all the frozen units are covered in it.

The boss is still in the process of guiding the skills, and the heads of the people who are frozen in place start to take a large group of damage, reducing the total blood by 10% every second, even if it is only until the freezing effect ends for six seconds, all the people who have been recruited If I don't die, I will be seriously injured. My fingers are clenched into fists. When I saw the end, my heart was overwhelmed. Regardless of the hatred value, he directly activated the falling star arrow with the most aggressive attribute.

Three seconds later, the Falling Star Arrow succeeded in reaching its intended target with its huge damage as usual. The Lich Boss was hit head-on by the meteorite, causing more than 40,000 damage. Ziyouse's death energy lost control, and began to quickly escape towards the surroundings, disappearing without a trace in a moment.

Dust was flying in the crater, and a pair of withered hands emerged from the depths of the crater's edge. It was the Lich boss.

"Damn it, in this world of the dead, there is such a domineering energy of the starry sky!!!" The Lich Boss cursed and climbed up from the crater in a bit of embarrassment.

After such a back and forth toss, the six-second freezing time has ended, and the wedding dresses and elf ncs have been unfrozen one after another, gradually regaining their freedom.

"Temporarily out of danger, all members continue to output!!!" The boss's hole cards have almost been leaked, and this period of time happens to be the dangerous blank period of the skill cd.

Now the boss hatred is on me, I dare not be careless, after all, I am a leather armor professional, and I will confess if I am not careful.

"Tudou, find a way to bring back the hatred!! This bastard recognizes me now!!!" I quickly activated the escape, dodging the boss's normal attack ice puck.

"Okay!" Tudou responded, then quickly activated the acceleration skill and rushed to the boss.

The combo skill was another greeting, and the boss hatred value was successfully snatched by Tudou. I let out a sigh of relief, Nima, the feeling of risking my life is really uncomfortable.

For a long period of time to come, we will be dealing with near-misses, and the boss will only have a few tricky skills back and forth. As long as we are familiar with it, it is relatively easy to deal with it.

Five million health points is not too much, and everyone had a lot of energy and blood in less than half an hour after setting fire. Tudou had figured out the rules of operation, and the Lich boss could only parry at this time , There is no way to fight back.

When the qi and blood reached the last few hundred thousand, the most worrying accident happened. Seeing that he was invincible, the Lich boss released an ice purgatory to get rid of the entanglement of potatoes, and turned around and ran away.

Seeing this, my heart skipped a beat. What kind of trouble is this? If you can't win, you will run away. You don't play like this.

"I'll go, the boss stopped him, this guy wants to run away!!!" Tudou was unlucky and was frozen in place, so he had no choice but to stare and say in the channel.

Indeed, it is the last moment. If the boss is allowed to run away, then all our efforts will be wasted. I manipulated Xiao Hei to successfully fly into the air, and started to follow and chase.

This intelligent lich boss not only has sharp fighting strength, but also has a unique ability to escape. He seems to be in a hurry, but in fact he chooses the most suitable and concise route every step of the way. The terrain factors have little influence on it. If If it weren't for me riding Xiao Hei, I guess I might not be able to catch up with it.


Seeing that the boss re-entered the range of my skills, I waved my hand and threw the trapping net out. I was lucky and caught this boss with a low power value inside.

"Wipe your uncle, let you run, brother, I will break your three legs!!!" Potato thawed for three seconds, and then chased after him panting, obviously a little short of breath, regardless of the boss's calf The bone position begins to greet.

"Damn it, it looks like we have to use a life-saving trick!!!" The giant potato ax had already swung up, the lich cursed, and there was a black crystal plate in the shape of a skull in the palm of his hand.

"Heretics are trampling on the glory of the past, but the heart is not enough to support the battle to the end, aloof evil god, your servant prays for your coming!!!" The giant ax in Tudou's hand has already been chopped off, but the blade is not as expected. The leg bones were cut off like that, and at the last critical moment, the black crystal plate was crushed by the bone hand, and the abundant death energy instantly enveloped the Lich, and the giant ax hit the energy mask and was directly bounced back.

Looking at the lich at this time, there is still a trace of the distressed look when we were chasing and killing it. There is an icon of a clone coming on the top of the head, the mage robe that was broken into rags disappeared, and there is an extra layer on the outside of the body bones. The armor glowing with metallic gray light, the armor is very thin, and the shape is very unique, it is composed of dozens of longitudinal strips of metal armor pages, and the joints and vitals of the whole body are covered under it. position, the armor pages spread out, forming a shape similar to skirt armor. Under the skirt armor, a thin layer of ice armor can be vaguely seen covering the skinny body. In my opinion, this armor is more decorative than protective. "Damn adventurers, it's time for you to repay your debts!!!" Lich's voice changed immediately, and the sound of metal rubbing penetrated into his ears Riza's eardrums ached.

At this moment, although the Lich's health is empty, the upper limit has been increased a lot, and the exaggeratedly long blood bar has an upper limit of 10 million points of blood.

"Hey! The coward who couldn't beat and ran away dared to flirt with grandpa, see if I don't beat you hard!!" Tudou didn't realize that the boss had become much stronger, because the change of light and shadow effect attracted attention, he didn't It was not found that the ax just now did not cause substantial damage to the boss.

"Eat me with an ax!!" Tudou started attacking again with ease.

The lich didn't dodge this time, but resisted the powerful blow without moving. The two-handed giant ax, which is known for its lethality, slashed fiercely on the seemingly thin metal armor. A layer of transparent ripples quickly appeared on the page, and the huge force was dissipated without a sound. Looking at the surface of the metal armor that looked like a paper shell, there was not even a trace left.

A symbolic damage to 1boss's head jumped out, and Tudou opened his mouth wide in surprise and couldn't believe his eyes.

"Go to hell!!!" Lich scolded without any emotion, shook the skeleton staff in his hand, and shot an ordinary ice hockey bullet, only to see the faint blue light flashing in front of his eyes, and the potatoes burst into flames. The man with the shield was pierced directly, and a huge damage of 24570 jumped out of his forehead, instantly killing him! !

The effect of the talisman on Tudou's neck is still cooling down, so there is no way to save his nickname this time. Tudou kept his eyes wide open in disbelief and slowly fell down. Our main force T was killed cleanly. .

"Huh?? What's going on here!!" Xiao Ke was the closest to Tudou, but because of the different viewing angles, he didn't see how Tudou was killed.


Responding to it is really a super-enhanced version of the Lich's basic attack, the puck.




The second member of the team, Xiao Ke, died in battle.

At this time, I calmed down, pretended to be calm and arranged, "This boss is a big deal for us, the dress and the sky will lead everyone to retreat, and I will be the queen!!!"

Everyone didn't recover from the shock of the first few seconds, but my order was still carried out to the letter. Including the NPC elves, they all turned around swiftly and moved towards the passage behind the hall.

"Unparalleled One Strike!!" With a thought, I quickly activated the pet's combo skill, and the light quality arrow superimposed the effect of the little skull's skill sword energy, under the control of the guiding arrow. Accurately hit the gap in the boss's breastbone armor.

In 1711, a damage of less than 2,000 points jumped out, devastatingly obliterating my last trace of carefulness.

"Despicable guy!!! Let's go to hell together!!" The lich boss's scarlet eyes glanced at me with contempt, and he raised the staff in his hand neatly.

At this moment, a feeling of extreme danger naturally formed in my mind. Like a cat whose tail was stepped on, I activated the ice shield skill on the artifact ring purely by intuition.

brush! !

The ice quickly condensed on my body, and then exploded instantly, and a large group of ice mist wrapped me tightly.

At this time, I came back to my senses, passed by the god of death, and my back was soaked. If it wasn't for my fighting instinct that made me successfully predict the danger, I would really have to confess this time.

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