Brain Storm

Chapter 1579: Afran's background

Hearing these secrets-obviously the content of these messages is not trivial.

But at the moment, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin are thinking about this issue.

"It's really unexpected. There is nothing strange in the world. Actually, using a magnetic field to push a human soul away from one body and then transfer it to another body, this Afran is just a genius."

"The deity is not that genius cannot be a scientist, and he is also a top scientist."

"In fact, this also belongs to the same-frequency resonance principle. It can only be said that the energy buffered in the electromagnetic pulser is the energy of the soul frequency, so it can be transferred."

"And this step first uses the on-screen resonance for addition processing, and uses the magnetic field to squeeze, so that the soul's electric field is separated from the body's magnetic field. This part takes place after the soul's power overflows."

"Then the electric field information with memory in the human body can be captured by the device outside the body, and then by strengthening the gravity, the soul information can be completely transferred away. There must be a certain balance between the two, that is, While the information is being transferred, the center of the soul must be maintained during the movement of the soul's electric field. It is like a lightning ball, but it does not have such a high frequency, but if this center cannot be maintained, it will A slam, completely dissipated into pieces of memory. "

"Isn't there still a soul magnetic field in the body that was originally transferred out of the soul electric field?" Xiao Yi asked with some confusion.

"Yes, deity, if you want to completely erase a person's memory information, you must replace the information in the magnetic field of the soul."

"Ming Lei, doesn't it mean that only the information of the soul's electric field is copied, but it is not the information of the soul's magnetic field, so once the energy of the soul's electric field is used, will it not cause the incompleteness of the soul and the lack of intelligence?"

"The deity, the human body's recording mode of memory is a mixed mode of magnetic field and electric field. The birth of a large part of memory is actually based on the soul electric field rather than the soul magnetic field."

"The soul magnetic field is more supplemented with energy based on the soul electric field, and the soul magnetic field is more driven. Although some information is also recorded in it, it is still completed under the action of the soul electric field."

"So transferring the electric field of the soul also means transferring the soul, but it is not easy to get a soul electric field to adapt to the magnetic field of the soul, so Afulan uses his pulser to create a virtual magnetic field of the soul. Device. "

"To make up for the excessive energy consumption of the soul electric field that may be encountered during this process."

"In fact, from Gaia's point of view, I prefer to make a human body directly, wrap this part of energy in it, and then repair the magnetic field of the soul to accomplish this."

"But from Afran's perspective, this kind of put-up is relatively rough, after all, it has less control over the microworld than our Gaia element."

"Minglei, I have some doubts. If the electric field of the soul is transferred away, what will happen to the magnetic field of the soul?"

"The deity, the soul magnetic field will still work, and even a new soul is born. There is a soul inspection mechanism in the human body. When human consciousness enters a coma and unconscious state, the human instinct consciousness, that is, the soul magnetic field consciousness, or the cell magnetic field A new soul electric field will be released. "

"If the main soul's electric field is still in the brain, it will merge with the soul's electric field as a supplement to the soul's electric field, and then wake up the mind."

"The frequency of the exchange between the soul's magnetic field and the soul's electric field and the strength of the soul electrons that are exchanged determine the strength of the soul."

"In general, the source of the power of the soul's magnetic field comes from the heart, and every beat of the heart will give power to these soul's magnetic fields."

"From the perspective of the human energy cycle, the beating of the heart provides energy for cell operations, and the frequency of the heart can indirectly affect the frequency of the soul's electric field through the cells."

"Because the speed of recharging is how fast you press."

"Doesn't this mean that with a strong heart, its soul is bound to be strong?" Lu Xuexin said thoughtfully.

"Yue Xuexin, judging from the evolutionary trend of human beings, for example, infants generally develop heads earlier, and their hearts supply energy faster, but as the age increases, the human body is adapting to nature's In the process, it will gradually grow in the direction of specific force coordination. At this time, the energy of the heart will have more places to go. At this time, the rate of energy retention will slow down, and the frequency of the heart will decrease. "

"When humans are nervous, don't they still beat faster?"

"Yes, when humans are nervous, muscles become tense, causing blood vessels to be compressed, which in turn accelerates blood flow, and the natural heart receives more blood."

"Doesn't that mean that when human beings are nervous, there will be more energy in the soul?" Lu Xuexin asked doubtfully.

"Yes, Xuexin, when humans are nervous, there is a kind of wisdom called anxiety, and that's what this state is."

"The frequency of blood circulation will have a certain impact on the speed of thinking, but this is mainly based on the subconscious call. Of course, human memory is stored in the subconscious. It is because of this that you can quickly read the information and find it. Means of response. "

"The human body is a circulatory system. If the heartbeat stops for five minutes, the energy of the entire circulatory system will gradually dry up. The cells that support the existence of the soul's magnetic field will be the hardest hit. Its energy will dry up and even make the soul's magnetic field disappear, and then let The soul electric field is floating. "

"That is to say, the soul magnetic field and the soul electric field are closely connected. Once broken, the frequency will be different. If you want to connect again, it will become very difficult. It needs a certain magnetic field to coordinate, and even if connected, its position It may also have changed, and from a body instinct perspective, its feelings will change. "

"And the most important thing is that once the soul magnetic field is destroyed, it is generally caused by the damage of brain cells. The soul electric field is very strong. As long as it has a resonance relationship with the soul magnetic field, it can obtain energy, even as long as the frequency of the soul magnetic field is not so sharp, the soul ’s Instinct can obtain energy from the void, and there are still a lot of free electrons in the void. "

"This is also the problem of individual brain cells in the human body. The entire human body does not collapse at once. Once the human body collapses, it is already a problem of large facial cell collapse, which has affected the overall operation of the soul's magnetic field. The result is a frequency split between the soul's magnetic field and the soul's electric field. "

"What should I do if I enter this state?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"As much as possible, reduce the body's expenditure on energy and put the body into a low-frequency instinct induction state, which can reduce energy consumption and then enter the state of human repair."

"Just as human beings have memories, the establishment of some functions is actually based on memories, and the soul that cannot be completed by the body may not be completed."

"After the body enters a collapsed state, the first and most serious thing is the energy loss. This part of the energy itself even contains information energy. Because the magnetic field collapses, it can no longer manage this energy. If there is a substitute magnetic field around it, it will naturally short circuit. It will still restart, but if there is no suitable magnetic field, the human body will enter a long sleep state. "

"Once entering this state, without sufficient energy supply, the human body will enter a state of death."

"In the process, if the energy of information is lost, the memory will also be lost."

"Comparatively, information loss is good for babies. As long as the core information is still there, it will not cause too serious consequences, but for an adult, its information may be accumulated for decades, which is very scary. "

"Then how does Afran perform the transfer of the electric field of the soul, and the problems of mismatch of information seem to be serious."

"Our deity, the magnetic field of the soul can be detected, and the electric field of the soul can also be detected."

"And a source that matches such a magnetic field can be detected."

"What is the energy source?" Xiao Yi asked in amazement.

"The deity, naturally, is the heart. For a soul, a strong heart can make the soul grow better."

"For the soul electric field, the heart is a sun that illuminates the conscious space. When the heart cannot charge brain cells, the soul electric field is disconnected from the soul magnetic field."

"But it's not possible that the soul electric field is related to a single cell. Only when many, many cells have problems, it will collapse."

"In a sense, the number of brain cells determines that the damage of individual brain cells will not cause the collapse of soul space."

"Soul space is the collective name of soul magnetic field and soul electric field, carrying instinct and intelligence."

"But the damage of individual brain cells may cause the loss of individual information, because the damaged brain cells must be long-term brain cells."

"I heard that the cell is damaged and I can't repair it?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"The deity, gravitation, everything has a magnetic field, but this magnetic field is a strong or a weak one."

"The ability of cells to release energy is because the heart has been supplying them with energy, not how powerful the cells themselves are."

"But once the cell collapses, it must be a problem with the source of energy supply. For example, too much energy causes the brain cells to fail to carry, and then the brain cells burn down."

"Can the brain cells be burned and still be used?" Xiao Yi frowned.

"My dear, how do you look at it, in fact, the operation of the human body is similar to the operation of the planet."

"For our superplane with stars as its core, it also has North-South and North-level two, and will still have rotation, and humans on a planet will still have North and South poles."

"Just relative to humans, this Antarctic and Arctic should actually correspond to sky and earth."

"The south is the sky and the north is the earth."

"Compared to our superplanet, what we see from the outside is the outer space of this planet.’

"And it also encloses inner space. Compared to other worlds, our superplane has a real star inside."

"This also means that the sky is inside the crust, and the sky is outside the crust."

"It can also be said that the inside of the crust is the universe and the outside is also the universe."

"As long as the energy density is maintained at a certain level, there will be no difference between the inner universe and the outer universe, and our inner universe can be said to be a matter generator that constantly has energy converted into Gaia elements."

"It is for this reason that this inner universe is also a real universe, not an ordinary planet that has been materialized."

"In an ordinary planet, there may be only energy and no matter."

"For the human body, the human body is actually more similar to an ordinary planet, and the soul within it is in a sense an energy world."

"The maintenance of the planet's energy realm, that is, the temperature and metal, oxygen and combustibles, friction and vibration, produces the energy realm."

"And for a permanent existence of the energy world, it is necessary to be able to store energy within it, and to maintain such a medium capable of storing energy not to be lost or even replenished."

"And in the natural world, the energy world often disappears, so there is no permanent energy world. Once the surrounding energy is used up, the energy will disappear, but it will be born again in other places periodically. . "

"In a sense, this is the reincarnation of the soul. It is just the energy used to form the magnetic field during the reincarnation process. Many practical fields are memory magnetic fields, but because the ordering is not standardized and cannot be read, it is simply Energy information. "

"That is why in many cases reincarnation has no memory."

"Afran's device changes all of this. It can provide magnetic field development energy and can even replace body supply for a long time."

"Ming Lei heard you say that, I suddenly thought of Buxi."

"Respect, as you now think, this Afran is actually under Bussy."

"These so-called deserted planets are actually what they gave. More than thirty mutant planets have undergone various doomsday catastrophes."

"But fortunately we have changed Buchy ~ ~ otherwise this situation will be more serious in the future."

At that moment, Ming Lei seemed to have received some general information.

"My dear, then William asked Gulliver to help rescue his son."

"Oh? What happened?" Xiao Yi was somewhat surprised.

"His son doesn't recognize this man as his father."

"William hoped that Eliza could get his son to recognize him." Xiao Yi had a weird expression on hearing this.

"It's all young." Lu Xuexin laughed when she heard this.

"Minglei, if you want to help him, how can you help him and change his memory?"

"Yes, this can only be done by modifying the memory." Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded.

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