7. I’ve been invited to join a crew again!?

I was frozen in shock and déjà vu.

It’s not normal to be invited to join a crew twice on the first day in prison, even I understand that.

There must be a reason for it…!

With that thought in mind, I turn to the man who is grinning and asking me how I’ll respond.

“Why do you want companions so badly? I don’t understand your reasons.”

I answered him firmly.

The man glanced around, confirming that everyone else was down, then slowly approached, moving my shoulder toward the corner where he had been sleeping.

From his demeanor, I sensed that there was something confidential to discuss.

At the very least, it was something important that he didn’t want anyone else to overhear.

Looking into my eyes, the man began to speak.

“Actually, we’re planning an escape.”

I almost let out a strange sound in shock, but I managed to stop myself just in time, swallowing hard.

Seeing my reaction, the man didn’t laugh; he was serious about escaping.

I asked the question that had been nagging at me since I heard about the escape.

“Why do you need my strength? If you’re as capable as you seem, can’t you escape without me?”

I inquired about the reason for being invited to join by a man who should be stronger than me, based on the earlier atmosphere.

The man frowned slightly as he began to explain.

“Well, you might not know since you’re new, but there are about two guys in this prison who are stronger than me.”

I was taken aback by his words; the existence of two even stronger individuals spoke volumes about the difficulty of escaping from this place.

He continued speaking while observing my reaction.

“First of all, there’s a guy who reigns at the top of this prison. His name is Warden Gildia. This guy is a monster so powerful that I can’t even lay a finger on him when I try to fight seriously…”

The fact that someone of such overwhelming strength exists gives a glimpse into the seriousness of this prison.

But who comes after the Warden…? As I ponder this, the man answers with a slight smile.

“Heh, this is just a guess, but this prison is a type of massive magical tool powered by magical energy.”

I am both astonished and convinced by his words, realizing that the technology of this prison’s magical tools is on a different level than that of the kingdom.

“And this magical tool has a clear flaw: it lacks sufficient magical energy supply.”

Magical tools are originally operated using magic stones harvested from magical beasts or the magical energy possessed by humans. However, the magical energy that can be supplemented by magic stones is insufficient to operate a magical tool of this scale.

“And when I came to this room, I had a thought: there’s someone with tremendous magical power in this punishment cell!!”

Hearing that, I reflexively ask, not fully understanding.

“Is there some connection between the punishment cell and magical power?”

The man grins as he responds to my question.

“There’s a pillar-like structure in the center of this room, right? That has the ability to absorb magical power. So right now, I’m in a state close to my raw physical abilities.”

I am shocked to hear this; I had never heard of such a thing existing.

The man continues, still grinning.

“And you, you were able to move quite well in this room! And it seems you haven’t had your magical power drained even while using physical enhancement!! That’s another reason I want to recruit you as an ally.”

I am surprised to realize that I haven’t had my magical power drained, but I understand. My divine insight, [Holy Guardian], grants me immense buffs when using physical enhancement or defensive magic. Therefore, I think the buffs from my magical power-enhanced physical abilities are resisting the absorption.

Seeing my understanding, the man returns to the topic at hand.

“So, the magical power absorbed in this punishment cell is directed somewhere within this prison. There’s likely a massive room similar to this one somewhere in the punishment cell, where someone with tremendous magical power is located.”

I listen, maintaining my composure despite my surprise.

“So, are you saying we should rescue that person and render this prison inoperable?”

Upon hearing this, the man nods as if in agreement.

“Exactly,” he replies.

I begin to grasp the content of the plan. In other words, while this man buys time, I will free the one with tremendous magical power in the punishment cell.

As I understand the plan, I take a moment to reflect on the conversation.

Isn’t this the most crucial part of the plan!?

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