Break Into Another World

Chapter 998: apprenticeship

"What! He actually blocked it!?" Feng Ming trembled heavily, and his eyes even showed despair.

"What a strong defense!" Yun Ning naturally also saw the extraordinary point of this gun, "It uses the weak to defend the strong, and it also prevents water from leaking..."

Yun Ning was fascinated by the three-style marksmanship of "Taking a Photo", "Tian Beng", and "Mopan".

"It's weird and unpredictable in fast time, it's as violent as the sky and the ground cracks, and the defense doesn't leak... This kind of marksmanship has no loopholes!" Yun Ning couldn't stop exclaiming, "If I can learn this kind of marksmanship, that would be great!"

Although Yun Ning had seen a lot of emperor-level marksmanship secret skills, if those secret skills were practiced by him at the silver moon level, there would be very little power left. Therefore, Xu Ming's marksmanship is undoubtedly the strongest marksmanship for him that Yunning has ever seen!

This makes Yun Ning, how can he not be moved! ?

boom! boom! boom! …

How fast is the fight at the king level? In the blink of an eye, the two sides have collided hundreds of times.

Xu Ming's defense was flawless and impeccable. It's just... the gangsters in the Bone Mountains below have suffered!

call out! call out! call out! …

Every sword light of Feng Ming, after being blocked by Xu Ming's long spear grinding disc, will sputter into countless streamers.

These escaping and sputtering streamers naturally pose no threat to Xu Ming and Feng Ming at this level; however, to the gods of the Bone Mountains, this is a complete disaster! - These ordinary gods, as long as they are wiped by the escaping streamer, will instantly die and disappear!



The entire corpse mountain range has become a purgatory of death, screaming constantly.

Xu Ming only cared about defense, and there was no pity in his eyes. Today's Xu Ming has long been accustomed to the law of the weak and the strong; moreover, the gangsters in the Bone Mountains have committed countless evils, and today's misfortune can be regarded as a calamity!

"Ah ah ah!" Han Nan, the leader of the Bone Mountains, his eyes were splitting, "Why is this... The Bone Mountains that I have painstakingly managed!!"

However, Han Nan didn't dare to "reason" with Xu Ming or Feng Ming at all; because, with only half the strength of the king, he has no right to speak in front of the high-level masters of the king!

In this world, you can only speak with your fists, not your mouth!

"Ah ah ah! If I can rise up one day, I will avenge this!" Han Nan didn't dare to turn his head back and ran away quickly.

at this time…

boom! !

The space blockade created by several "space lock talismans" finally could no longer withstand the space shocks caused by the tyrannical collisions again and again; the golden chains in the void were broken, and the space no longer restricted teleportation!

"At this moment!" Xu Ming's eyes suddenly froze.

call out!

Feng Ming slashed with another sword light.

But this time, Xu Ming didn't carry it hard, but teleported behind the opponent.

"Residual blood!"


A poignant shot passed by.

"No!!" Feng Ming was directly blown away by a gun; moreover, the spear was still in his chest, blasting a huge watermelon-like hole! - If Feng Ming hadn't taken the Black and White Life and Death Pill and possessed the strength of the peak of the king; then, under this shot, even if he didn't die, he probably wouldn't have half his life.

Of course, even now, Feng Ming is still uncomfortable: "You..."

He didn't expect that at the moment when the space blockade was broken, Xu Ming showed his ultimate move.

"This type of killing move..." Yun Ning was even more amazed by the poignant "residual blood" of this shot! His heart was itching, "What kind of marksmanship did Xu Ming use... I want to learn it! I must learn it!"

The most unlucky one is Han Nan, the leader of the Bone Mountains.

Han Nan was swearing in his heart: "If I can rise up one day, I will avenge this!"

It happened that at this moment, the sword light that was evaded by Xu Ming's teleportation came straight to Han Nan.


How can the poor half-step Feng Wang stop a sword light at the peak level of Feng Wang? Han Nan didn't even know what was going on, and was obliterated by a sword!

"Kill!" Although the sword "Remnant Blood" failed to kill Feng Ming in an instant, Xu Ming didn't care at all.

One sword is not enough, then two swords!

Two swords do not work, then ten swords!


Xu Ming teleported and was behind Feng Ming again.

Feng Ming hurriedly turned around in defense. However, Xu Ming made another teleportation, which made him dizzy.

"Why is he able to teleport at will? Could it be that, in addition to breaking the law with force on the Heaven of Fire, he also cultivated spatial order? - How is this possible! How can he practice so much?" Feng Ming shouted frantically in his heart. .

Xu Ming did not have the energy to cultivate the order of time and space, but Xu Ming did not need to cultivate! Because, there are functions such as "teleport" in the plug-in!


Another poignant "residual blood" of the gunman.

However, Feng Ming had no intention to appreciate how poignant and beautiful this shot was.

"Xu Ming, stop!" Feng Ming shouted.

"Stop?" Xu Ming sneered, "Is it possible?"

"As long as you stop, I am willing to offer all my treasures!"

"All your treasures? I'm sorry, I don't like it!" Xu Ming smiled disdainfully, "What's more, as long as I kill you, your treasures will still be mine!"

"You..." Feng Ming was really desperate.

The "locking talisman" in his hand has been used up, and the Black and White Life and Death Pill has also been taken; other life-saving treasures are all miscellaneous, and they can't deal with Xu Ming at all! - By this time, Feng Ming has really lost his skills!

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! …

Xu Ming's figure kept flashing in all directions around Feng Ming. Sometimes it is a false shot, sometimes it is the ultimate move "residual blood".

Although Feng Ming took the Black and White Life and Death Pill, in this battle, he had already consumed a lot of divine power, and his divine body was already very weak; in addition, Xu Ming's surprise attack just now caused him a serious injury. Therefore, the strength that Feng Ming can exert now is only the high-ranking king!

Both are high-ranking kings, and Xu Ming's teleportation is no longer Killing Feng Ming is naturally easy!

"I'm not reconciled!!" This was Feng Ming's last thought! - He was a high-level time traveler named King, but he was counter-killed in the mission of hunting the fourth silver moon... It's really shameless!


The shadow of the gun is erratic, and the blood is ruthless!

With the last shot of "residual blood" penetrating Fengming's divine body, this high-level existence of the king was finally killed so that not a single particle remained!

"Huh..." Xu Ming put away his spear, and also picked up Feng Ming's relic, "It's really tiring to kill a high-level existence of a king!"

Yun Ning, who witnessed the whole process, couldn't help but be speechless after hearing Xu Ming's emotion - Big Brother! Are you tired? Even if it is the peak of the king, it is not as easy as you to kill a high-ranking king, right?

Suddenly, Yun Ning seemed to have made a major decision.

He dodged and came to Xu Ming, and bowed his head: "Master, please accept me as your apprentice!!"

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