Break Into Another World

Chapter 1001: The Magical Uses of the Heart World

It was not easy for Xu Ming to fool Lu Qing and perfunctory things about his own strength.

Afterwards, Xu Ming went to the branch hall of the Holy Emperor's Hall in the Yanyan Mountain and handed over the task of the Silver Moon Medal. In this way, Xu Ming has the "Silver Moon Medal" and the right to enter the Holy Emperor City.

Yanyan Mountain.

Burning Sky Peak. On the mountainside, in Xu Ming's courtyard.

Xu Ming was not in a hurry to cultivate Qi Luck, but delved into his own inner world.

Qi Yunliu clone, after all, is not Xu Ming's "main battle avatar"; the improvement of Qi Yunliu's cultivation base does not actually affect Xu Ming's strength very much.

However, the flow of mental strength has a huge impact on Xu Ming's strength!

Moreover, the improvement of the mental power flow is not the strength of Xu Ming's single avatar; it is the deity and the three avatars, and the strength is improved at the same time! After all, there is no difference in "heart" whether it is the deity or the clone!

As long as the mental strength of the deity, or any one of the clones, increases, then the mental strength of other bodies will also rise with the tide! - And this is also an advantage that any other school such as Tiandaoliu, ancient cultivator school, etc. can't compare.

Cultivating the mental school is equivalent to improving the combat power of the four major bodies at the same time!

"This world of mind..." Xu Ming suddenly discovered some mysteries of the world of mind, "I seem to be able to put some treasures into the world of mind! And... the mind worlds of my avatars seem to be able to communicate with each other!"

For example, Xu Ming put his long spear into the inner world of Tiandao Liu's avatar; then, he can take out this long spear from the inner world of the ancient cultivator's avatar! It is even possible to take out this long spear from the deity who is far away in the dust world, or the heart world of the avatar of Qi Luck!

Xu Ming was immediately pleasantly surprised: "In this case, wouldn't I be able to transport the treasures of the God's Domain directly to the Endless Continent?"

Originally, if you want to transport treasures from the realm of the gods to the world of dust, you have to pay a huge price to do it through the temple of time and space! For example, if you want to ship a **** stone, the "shipping fee" is likely to be far more than a hundred **** crystals!

And now, after Xu Ming discovered this magical effect of the heart world, it would be fun! He can "free shipping" to deliver all kinds of treasures from the Divine Realm to the endless continent with poor resources!

"With my current financial resources, even if I build the entire Endless Continent into a huge divine weapon, I'm afraid it won't be a problem!" The more Xu Ming thought about it, the more excited he became. Fucheng is much more prosperous than those ordinary divine cities, and even more prosperous than Yanyan Sacred Mountain, so I will go there and do some shopping!"

For Xu Ming, this trip to Chilie Mansion was considered to be something he could do; it was not just a matter of simply following Lu Qing to a banquet.

two months later.

Lv Qing brought Xu Ming and Yuexin to the Chilie Mansion three days earlier than the time agreed at the banquet.

After all, Yanyan Sacred Mountain and Chilie Mansion are far apart; on the way to Chilie Mansion, unexpected situations may be encountered at any time. Arriving three days early is considered to leave some time margin in case of emergencies.

"Let's stay in the palace first and find a place to stay!" Lu Qing said with a smile, "When the time is up, let's go to Palace Master Chilie!"

"Lu Qing!" Xu Ming couldn't help but say, "Is that Palace Master Chilie very powerful? Why do you want to give him such face?"

Lu Qing couldn't help smiling: "Palace Master Chilie, he must be stronger than me! Besides, there are other emperor-level existences in Chilie House; the overall strength of Chilie House is stronger than our Yanyan Mountain! So, As for the face that should be given, we still have to give it a little bit!"

"All right…"

Xu Ming heard that the strength of Yanyan Sacred Mountain should be between Fucheng and the superior divine city; weaker than Fucheng, but stronger than the superior divine city!

"The Yanyan Continent has hundreds of palaces and cities, and there are many forces similar to the Yanyan Sacred Mountain, as well as more hidden powers... It seems that the Yanyan Continent, and even the entire God's Domain, there are quite a few masters. !"

In fact, in the realm of the gods, there are more powers in seclusion than the powers on the bright side!

And it's a lot!

Because the lifespan of the gods is endless!

Many gods are powerful, in the long life, they have to roam, enjoy the enjoyment, and get most of what they want. Therefore, they can focus on their pursuits and seek the Way! -The strength of these reclusive gods and gods is often very terrifying! However, many of them have not asked about the world, and seldom shot!

However, there is one thing Xu Ming doesn't know, that is... In the God's Domain, the two seas are infinitely larger than the seven continents!

Any one of the two seas is much larger than the seven continents combined!

In God's Domain, the sea is the most vast; the number of masters in the sea is far from what the seven continents can match!

Of course, these have nothing to do with Xu Ming for the time being.

After settling down, Xu Ming wandered around the palace alone.

"Chilie Mansion is worthy of being a government city, it commands tens of thousands of divine cities of various levels; it is the center of tens of thousands of divine cities and endless frontiers! Any small place here is more prosperous than the Golden Crow City when I first came to the divine realm. Much more!"

The Golden Crow City is only a low-level divine city; it is naturally incomparable with the Chilie Mansion!

Like the city lord of Golden Crow City, within the jurisdiction of Golden Crow City, there is an existence on the side of Megatron; but if you reach Chilie Mansion, I am afraid that even walking, you have to walk with your head down! - Ten-star gods, in Chilie Mansion, are nothing at all! A silver-moon-level expert can still have a little bit of identity in Chilie Mansion!

Xu Ming watched while watching the flowers.

He has been in God's Domain for decades, but Most of the time, he is either immersed in cultivation or doing things related to cultivation, and he has no time to go to the major cities of God. busy!

Suddenly, Xu Ming stopped in front of a huge palace complex covering an area of ​​one million miles.

The million-mile range of the Divine Realm is naturally a very broad concept for weak star-level gods; but at the level of Xu Ming, a million-mile palace complex is just a very ordinary palace complex.

"Red Lie Square!" Xu Ming raised his head and glanced at the hanging sign, "Yes, I'm looking for such a square market!"

In places such as chambers of commerce and auctions, although the treasures inside are relatively rare, they are also more expensive to sell; while Fangshi is a place to take the "low-end route".

The things Xu Ming wants to buy now is for the gods of the star level, and he has to buy a large amount, so he naturally chooses a cheap and high-quality trading place like Fangshi.

Walking into Chilie Square, Xu Ming quickly found the shop he was looking for the most—Puppet Pavilion!

As the name suggests, the puppet pavilion is naturally a place to sell puppets!

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