Break Into Another World

Chapter 1029: Gao Fengliang Festival

More than 20 heaven-defying geniuses, all of them died in the blink of an eye!

In the entire Muxizhen Hall, there were only three living people, Xu Ming, Ku Jianxiu, and Luo Shui, and it suddenly became extremely empty and silent.

"Brother Xu Ming, you..."

Ku Jianxiu and Luo Shui looked at Xu Ming and became extremely shocked and weird! - Just **** into a sword, slashing through the void, and killing more than 20 heaven-defying geniuses; then, how strong Xu Ming's strength must be!

Xu Ming's genius level, what level should it be?

Defying the sky? - It seems that it is far from enough to describe Xu Ming's defiantness!

"I don't know whether to live or die!" Xu Ming patted his sleeve, as if he had done a very trivial thing.

In fact, to Xu Ming, killing more than twenty Silver Moon 4th- and 5th-rank rankers is indeed very trivial—even if they are all so-called heaven-defying geniuses!

"Brother Xu Ming, you killed them... all?" Ku Jianxiu looked extremely strange.

"Yeah!" Xu Ming said confidently, "Didn't the three young masters say that as long as I have the ability to kill, I will kill them anyway? - So I killed all these noisy things, is there any problem?"

"This..." Ku Jianxiu thought for a while, "It seems to be no problem! But... these are more than 20 heaven-defying geniuses!"

To be honest, before this, Ku Jianxiu had never even thought about Xu Ming's ability to kill more than 20 heaven-defying geniuses! And now, Xu Ming not only did it, but also killed it so lightly!

At this time, Ku Jianxiu and Luo Shui suddenly woke up - when Xu Ming dealt with Yanyu and You Heming just now, it was not a sneak attack at all, but just a slight display of his terrifying strength!

In the entire history of the Celestial Sacrifice World, it may not be possible to find a few of the terrifying Fourth Grade Silver Moon like Xu Ming! How could such an incredible genius attack Yan Yu and You Heming—or, to put it another way, are Yan Yu and You Heming qualified to be attacked by Xu Ming?

The answer is obviously opinion!

Not qualified!

Suddenly, Luo Shui was shocked when he remembered one thing: "Xu...Brother Xu Ming! I was on the battlefield just now, when my life and death were on the line, was it you who secretly rescued me?"

Xu Ming said casually, "It's just a little effort!"

Xu Ming's words were a direct admission, and it was Luo Shui that he saved.

And Luo Shui, there is no doubt about this! - After all, with Xu Ming's incredible strength, it was really just a matter of hand to save him.

However, in Luoshui Xinhu, there was a strange feeling that began to ripple.

In fact, Luo Shui's heart is not bad, but his personality is too proud, so he often has a sense of superiority looking down on others. But now, compared with Brother Ming, Luo Shui found that he was simply a scum; his pride was worthless!

"Brother Ming!" Facing Xu Ming, Luo Shui really lowered his once proud head.

At this moment, Luo Shui's gratitude towards Xu Ming was like overturning the river.

"What a splendid brother Ming!"

Luo Shui looked at Xu Ming admiringly, his eyes glowing with moving light.

"I offended him first, but he ignored the previous suspicion and saved me from life and death! Moreover, after saving me, Brother Ming didn't make a statement at all, obviously he didn't expect anything in return! Now, when I ask, Brother Ming is still very Casually speaking, it's just a little effort, obviously I don't want me to take this matter to my heart! - Brother Ming's high style has really illuminated the rest of my life!"

Luo Shui was completely impressed by Xu Ming's high style!

From now on, in Luo Shui's life, I am afraid that Xu Ming's stalwart image will be deeply imprinted in his heart! Even if a sage appeared in front of Luo Shui, it was not as stalwart as Xu Ming's image!

It only takes a moment to worship someone from the heart! - Luo Shui's worship of Xu Ming happened at this moment!

Suddenly, Luo Shui's face suddenly changed: "My strength..."

Today, in this Mu Xizhen Hall, Luo Shui has experienced the ups and downs of life, the great enlightenment - from the front line of life and death, to turning the corner into peace; from arrogance to self-recognition! Luo Shui's mentality has undergone earth-shaking changes; his strength has also risen with the tide.

"My cultivation base is still Silver Moon Rank 5, but... my combat power should be able to compete with one against ten thousand at the same level!"

For Luoshui, this is really a very unexpected harvest.

"Okay, let's go!" Xu Ming patted Ku Jianxiu and Luo Shui, who had been stunned for a long time, and said very casually.



Ku Jianxiu and Luo Shui were obedient like puppets in front of Xu Ming.

However, just as Xu Ming and the others were about to leave...


An incomparably terrifying murderous aura rushed into Mu Xizhen Hall like a tsunami.

"What's the matter?" Xu Ming was slightly startled - of course, this murderous aura would only make Ku Jianxiu and Luo Shui feel like they were facing a tsunami; for Xu Ming, it was like seeing a bed bug. , not much difference!

But even bedbug farts can be unpleasant. Now, before the other party showed up, he was so domineering with murderous aura, which naturally made Xu Ming feel a little uncomfortable.

Immediately, a murderous figure appeared at the gate of Mu Xizhen Hall.

"It's him!"

"Chao Xiang!"

Ku Jianxiu and Luo Shui both changed their expressions suddenly—although they had already seen Xu Ming's invincible strength; however, Chao Xiang was a genius of the tenth rank of Yinyue, with a long-standing reputation and great power !

Therefore, Ku Jianxiu and Luo Shui did not think that Xu Ming would be Chao Xiang's opponent! After all, Chao Xiang is also a heaven-defying genius, and Xu Ming and his cultivation are completely different by rank six!

Of course, in their opinion, as long as you give Xu Ming some time and wait for Xu Ming's cultivation to grow by another grade or two; then, dealing with Chao Xiang will definitely not be a problem!

"Brother Ming, this person is the Heaven-defying genius Chao Xiang of the tenth rank of Yinyue, don't be impulsive, don't go to the battle stage with him!" Luo Shui said quickly with concern - Luo Shui has been convinced by Xu Ming's high style ! Now, in his heart, Xu Ming's safety is even more important than his own life!

Xu Ming did not speak.

Chao Xiang?

A mere 10th Grade Silver Moon, no matter how much you defy the sky, is it possible that you can still defy the sky than Brother Ming?

Xu Ming was sure that he wanted to kill this Chao Xiang, although he couldn't be as light as killing Yanyu, You Heming and others, but he was absolutely crushing him without any pressure!

Chao Xiang still has some eyesight! His murderous aura swept through the Mu Xizhen Hall for a moment, and soon all the murderous aura condensed on Xu Ming.

"What about Yan Yu and the others?" Chao Xiang asked.

It turned out that Chao Xiang suddenly felt that the more than 20 heaven-defying geniuses led by him suddenly lost their causal connection with him; therefore, Chao Xiang hurriedly rushed to Mu Xizhen Temple.

Moreover, because Chao Xiang was originally near the Mu Xizhen Temple, Chao Xiang had already arrived before the third young pavilion master Mu Zifan arrived.

"Hey, you're lying on the battlefield!" Xu Ming glanced at the twenty or so silver-moon geniuses lying on the battlefield—Xu Ming just took their treasures, but he didn't bored to destroy the corpses. Extinction!

"What!?" Chao Xiang stared at the battlefield in horror, "They... are all dead?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ming seemed to be talking about a very trivial You killed it! ? "Chao Xiang turned his eyes back and stared at Xu Ming closely. His monstrous killing intent seemed to have condensed into a thin needle that would pierce Xu Ming's whole body!

"What do you think?" Xu Ming asked back.

"You..." Chao Xiang's murderous aura exploded completely, and he didn't even care that even though it was inside the Mu Xizhen Hall, it wasn't on the battlefield, so he was about to attack Xu Ming directly.

As for the consequences of killing Xu Ming?

Chao Xiang also thought about it a little bit, but he didn't think it was a problem! After all, the position of the second young pavilion master in the Muxiao Pavilion is much higher than that of the third young pavilion owner; the second young pavilion master's ability to "wipe the butt" is also much stronger than that of Mu Zifan!

Therefore, Chao Xiang is very relieved that even if he kills Xu Ming, the second young pavilion master will help him wipe his ass!

"Suffer to death!!"

Chao Xiang's monstrous killing intent has completely turned into a deadly killing move with all his strength!

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