Break Into Another World

Chapter 1071: Breakthrough of the ancient cultivator

Gu Hanmo felt as if he was in an endless cloud.

Every cloud contains infinite mysteries of the order of heaven.

Gu Hanmo's expression gradually became very calm.

Time passed silently.

After an unknown amount of time, Gu Hanmo's temperament suddenly changed.

Her fleshly body began to transform towards the divine body! Gu Hanmo...became a god!

Moreover, it can be clearly felt that Gu Hanmo's divine body is much more tyrannical than that of ordinary gods! Obviously, this is the credit of Chaos Primal Liquid.

Suddenly, Gu Hanmo's eyelashes moved, and then he slowly opened his eyes.

In her eyes, the whole world seemed to be reflected.


In Gu Hanmo's eyes, there is a trace of confusion, a trace of joy, and a trace of hatred. However, this trace of hatred was quickly replaced by tenderness.

"God is so kind to me..."

There are countless deep meanings in Gu Hanmo's eyes.

"Chaos Primordial Liquid?" Gu Hanmo shook his head gently, "This is a treasure that even saints would be jealous of... I really don't know how Xu Ming got it! Moreover, he gave me the Primal Chaos Primal Liquid without hesitation. …”


Xu Ming's figure suddenly appeared.

"Han Mo!" Xu Ming was extremely surprised, "You have broken through to a god!?"

Gu Hanmo softly said "um".

"That's great!" Xu Ming's consciousness probed into Gu Hanmo, "This drop of Chaos Primordial Liquid and a lot of essence energy remain on you! You must make good use of it!"

"I know!" Gu Hanmo responded.

At the same time, Gu Hanmo secretly said in his heart: This is the chaotic primordial liquid that can create a **** emperor with just one drop! How could I not know? It's just... For me, this Chaos Primal Liquid is not very useful!

Xu Ming naturally did not notice this subtle change in Gu Hanmo.

He told Gu Hanmo a few more words before leaving the Frozen Kingdom of God.

Holy area.

Yanyan Mountain. Burning Sky Peak.

Xu Ming's ancient cultivator avatar, sitting quietly with his knees crossed.

"Finally see Han Mo becoming a god! In this way, I can also use the primordial energy of chaos with peace of mind!"

Primal Chaos energy can only be used by those above the realm of dominance, or the school of ancient cultivators! Because the power contained in the primordial energy of chaos is too violent and complicated, practitioners of other schools, their divine bodies, can't bear such a mess of power at all!

"The primordial energy of chaos, although it is far inferior to the primordial liquid of chaos, it is also a treasure that even the ruler is jealous of!" Xu Ming said secretly, "I don't know how much this ray of primordial chaotic energy can improve my strength in the ancient cultivator school! "

"Start absorbing refining!"

Xu Ming's attention was immediately devoted to the refining of chaotic vitality.

Xu Ming's ancient cultivator clone, the practice method is "Thunder Tempering Body"; that is, through the power of thunder, the divine body is constantly annihilated, reorganized... broken and then established from the "particle level"!

In fact, the key to "Thunderbolt Forging" is not "thunder", but "energy"!

After all, if you want to annihilate every particle in the body of God, and it is annihilated, reorganized, and repeated countless times, it requires a lot of energy!

And "energy" is divided into "energy generation" and "energy extinction".

Destroying energy is responsible for "annihilation"; generating energy is responsible for "recombination"! - The power of thunder is a kind of energy that contains "birth and death" at the same time; therefore, it can be used to forge the body!

If you use an energy that only has "destruction energy" but no "generation energy" to temper the divine body, then the result is... every particle of the divine body is annihilated and cannot be repaired!

That would be tragic!

And the primordial energy of chaos, like the power of thunder, also contains two kinds of energy of "birth and death". Therefore, chaotic vitality can also replace the power of thunder to practice the exercises of the ancient cultivator school.

Click! Click! Click! …

Xu Ming seemed to have heard the sound of countless particles shattering in his body.

One after another broken sound, extremely slight, but extremely crisp. It's as if the eggshell is cracked.

"It's been a long time since I practiced the ancient cultivator school! It's so **** painful!" Xu Ming gritted his teeth and insisted.

The ancient cultivator genre is really a genre of... masochism!

However, I have to say that the strength of cultivating the ancient cultivator's school will indeed be stronger than that of the Heavenly Dao School, Qi Luck School, and Faith School, and only second to the ethereal and illusory mentality school!

"In order to embark on the road to the top, I have endured such a little pain!"

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! …

The particles of Xu Ming's divine body shattered faster. Of course, the particle plane is constantly reorganizing as it shatters...

At the same time, Xu Ming's strength is also soaring rapidly!

"The raw energy and extinction energy contained in the chaotic primordial energy is really majestic! It's just a wisp of chaotic primordial qi, and the energy in it is probably more powerful than a million and a million gods!"

Therefore, this chaotic vitality can make Xu Ming's ancient cultivator clone and cultivate for a long time!

At the same time, several other bodies of Xu Ming also entered a state of retreat.

"The breaking down at the particle level is going too fast! Just relying on the avatar of the ancient cultivator, it is too late to deduce the process of breaking down and standing up!"

If it is too late to deduce, it means that a lot of "energy of birth and death" will be wasted during cultivation; the pain of many particle annihilations can only be "wasteful".

Fortunately, in addition to the ancient cultivator avatar, Xu Ming also has the deity and the other three avatars! The five bodies are deduced together, but they can keep up with the progress of "breaking and then standing".

Xu Ming's divine body is undergoing earth-shaking changes all the time.

The energy of chaotic primordial energy was also slowly absorbed by Xu Ming.

The cultivation base of the ancient cultivator's clone is even higher.

Silver Moon First Grade!

Silver Moon Second Grade!

Silver Moon Third Grade!

Silver Moon Fourth Grade!

Silver Moon Ninth Grade!

Silver Moon Tenth Grade! !

With just a wisp of chaotic primordial energy, Xu Ming's ancient cultivator's clone soared more than ten levels in a row, reaching the tenth rank of the Silver Moon!

Moreover, Xu Ming can fully feel how tyrannical the divine body after being transformed by the primordial energy of chaos is!

"Even if in the future, my Tiandao Liu clone breaks through to the half-step kingship; I'm afraid, it is not the opponent of the current ancient cultivator clone, right?"

The ancient cultivator has the ability to leapfrog battle!

"However, this chaotic vitality should not be absorbed frequently!" Xu Ming secretly said.

The energy contained in the Primal Chaos Qi is too violent!

Although Xu Ming's ancient cultivator avatar has broken through to the tenth rank of Yinyue, he still needs some time to resolve the negative impact of the primordial chaotic energy on him!

After all the violent aura had been dissolved and eliminated, Xu Ming dared to use the chaotic vitality again. Otherwise, if you use the chaotic vitality one after another and affect your foundation, it will not be worth the loss!

"The strength of the ancient cultivator's avatar is finally stronger than that of Tiandao Liu's avatar!"

Xu Ming has such a feeling: he is his opponent!


Suddenly, Xu Ming was slightly startled: "It's really good things keep going!"

Xu Ming discovered that his natal magic weapon had also moved!

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