Break Into Another World

Chapter 1096: Mo Gongzi

Xu Ming came to the third day of Yunshangzong.

In the past few days, Elder Bingjue has found Xu Ming again and told Xu Ming to get out.

However, Xu Ming had already seen through Elder Bing Jue's "trick", so naturally he would not take her disrespect to heart, but revealed her intentions on the spot.

When Elder Bingjue saw that his true thoughts were exposed, he immediately left in anger.

Shi Qing also inquired about Cen Jing from Elder Shuiyue, Jing Rou, Peng Kexin and others.

However, Cen Jing's news seems to have become a "top secret" in Yunshangzong; no matter how Shi Qing inquires, he can't inquire. It is only said that when he sees the sect master, the sect master will tell him in person.

So... Shi Qing waited every day for the summons of the Sect Master of the Yunshang Sect, and was so anxious.

Xu Ming was very calm.

After all, there are still more than ten years before the recruitment begins. And Xu Ming is already very close to the Thunder Continent, so he is not in a hurry; he will stay in the Yunshang Zong area for a while, and he may even consider improving his cultivation first.

And Xu Ming also knew more about Yunshang Sect and Wuhuan Sect.

Yunshangzong belongs to the sphere of influence of Huangquan Temple; however, it is on the edge of this sphere of influence.

The Wuhuan Sect, on the other hand, belongs to the sphere of influence of the dominant force, Manado Island, and is also on the fringes.

If Wuhuan Sect aggressively attacked Yunshang Sect, it would inevitably involve the issue of "crossing the border", which would easily arouse the dissatisfaction of Huangquan Hall. Therefore, Wuhuan Sect needs a reason so that he can attack Yunshang Sect confidently!

And Xu Ming killed the four middle-ranked kings, which just gave Wu Huan Sect a very good reason!

"Fellow Daoist Xu Ming, the sect master has left the customs, please come over!" On the fourth day, Elder Shuiyue informed Xu Ming.

"Oh? Are you going to exit so soon?" Xu Ming originally thought that he wanted to wait for the Sect Master of Yunshang Sect to leave the customs, at least he would have to wait a few years.

Elder Shuiyue said helplessly: "The fact that you killed the four middle-ranked kings of Wuhuan Sect has alarmed the sect master! The sect master knows that Wuhuan Sect will definitely attack quickly, and there is no need to retreat; So, after he hastily collected his work, he left the gate!"

Soon, Xu Ming met the Sect Master Yunshang in the Yunshang Sect Hall.

This is a very perfect nun; she has all the qualities of beauty in her. Even Xu Ming felt a sense of surprise when he saw her for the first time.

"Divine Emperor Elementary!" Xu Ming checked the opponent's strength, "It should be slightly weaker than me! Even if I don't open the 'Soul Possession' or the 'Book of Life and Death', I can still defeat her!"

"Fellow Daoist Xu Ming! I've heard about your business - thank you for saving the two disciples of my Yunshang Sect!" Yunshang Sect Master said, a world ring appeared in his hand, "This is our Yunshang Sect. Thank you!"

Thank you?

Xu Ming smiled, but didn't reach out to pick it up—he didn't think that a first-level **** emperor could give such a precious gift! At most, a few bottles of Heaven and Earth Essence, right?

Heaven and Earth Essence…

To be honest, Xu Ming really didn't take it seriously!

You must know that a drop of "Chaos Primordial Liquid" can at least exchange for thousands of "Chaos Primordial Qi"; and a wisp of "Chaos Primordial Qi" can at least exchange for tens of thousands of bottles of "Heaven and Earth Primordial Liquid"!

In other words, if Xu Ming took out a single drop from his dozens of drops of "Chaos Primordial Liquid", he could at least exchange it for hundreds of millions of bottles of Heaven and Earth Primordial Liquid! - Chaos Primordial Liquid, but a treasure that saints are jealous of; and Heaven and Earth Primordial Liquid, just a treasure used by God Emperor! There is no comparability between the two at all; no one would be willing to exchange their Chaos Primordial Liquid with Heaven and Earth Primordial Liquid!

So, let me ask, will Xu Ming, who has dozens of drops of Chaos Primordial Liquid, like a few bottles of Heaven and Earth Primordial Liquid?

How can it be seen! ?

If Xu Ming accepted the thank-you gift from the Sect Master Yunshang, it would be like a billionaire who took the money from a primary school student to buy a lollipop—Xu Ming couldn't do such a thing!

Sect Master Yunshang couldn't help but be a little surprised when Xu Ming didn't pick it up; she specifically emphasized: "There are three bottles of Heaven and Earth Primordial Liquid in this world ring!"

In the eyes of Sect Master Yunshang, the essence of heaven and earth is an extremely precious treasure; after Xu Ming heard that the treasure in the world ring was the essence of heaven and earth, he would definitely put down Gao Leng immediately and take this generous thank-you gift.

However, Sect Master Yunshang was disappointed! - Xu Ming's expression, there is not even the slightest fluctuation!

"To be able to ignore the temptation of the essence of heaven and earth!" Sect Master Yunshang was shocked by Xu Ming's determination.

It's just that Sect Master Yunshang didn't know that Xu Ming wasn't too strong, but he didn't like these bottles of Heaven and Earth Essence!

"No, take it back!" Xu Ming said directly.

"This..." Sect Master Yunshang didn't like to owe favors to others.

Xu Ming saw the thoughts of Sect Master Yunshang, and smiled: "Well, tell me, my little brother, about Cen Jing; the cause and effect between us, even if it is over! - In the future, you will not owe me to us."

"This..." Sect Master Yunshang thought for a while, "Okay!"

As long as the cause and effect can be resolved!

Moreover, Sect Master Yunshang is indeed a little reluctant to bear the three bottles of Heaven and Earth Essence.

"Thank you, Brother Ming!" Shi Qing couldn't help but get excited and listened with wide ears.

"You are Shi Qing, right?" Sect Master Yunshang looked at Shi Qing, "I know you! I also know some stories between you and Cen Jing!"

Shi Qing's eyes suddenly lit up and became more and more excited! -Sect Master Yunshang knows that it is a good thing!

In Shi Qing's opinion, the story between himself and Cen Jing is quite touching!

"But..." Sect Master Yunshang suddenly changed the conversation, "From today onwards, forget about Cen Jing!"

"What!?" Shi Qing shuddered and looked at Sect Master Yunshang in disbelief - he didn't expect that Sect Master Yunshang would say such decisive words!

Shi Qing's chest heaved violently, and his eyes were splitting: "Why!?"

"I have arranged a marriage for Cen Jing! She is going to marry Young Master Mo of Huangquan Palace!" Sect Master Yunshang said very calmly.

"No!" Shi Qing's expression was a little ferocious and crazy, "Cen Jing will not agree with her!"

Sect Master Yunshang said lightly: "Cen Jing agrees or disagrees, it doesn't matter! The key is that Yunshang Sect needs her to do this; moreover, she can't resist me!"

Sect Master Yunshang shows the domineering of a" Shi Qing was in pain.

Sect Master Yunshang continued: "My Yunshang Sect has been coveted by Wuhuan Sect for too long; and Huangquan Palace, because they don't want to conflict with Wanya Island, has been unwilling to come forward to protect us! - Mr. Mo My father is the very famous Elder Mo in the Huangquan Hall! If I can get through the line of Mr. Mo, in the future, the Yunshang Sect will be blessed by the elders Mo and the Huangquan Hall; in this way, my Yunshang Sect will be able to sail on the Shura Sea. Live in peace."

"It's so..." Shi Qing was extremely bitter, but also very powerless.

"Young Master Mo? Elder Mo?" Xu Ming's attention was on the word "Mo"—he remembered that when he was in Naihe City, he once slapped an "Elder Mo Fang" in the face! I don't know, is he the same person as this "Elder Mo"?

At this moment, a master suddenly came to report from outside the hall: "Sect Master! Young Master Mo is here!"

"Young Master Mo is here!?" Sect Master Yunshang's eyes lit up, the whole person stood up quickly, and walked quickly to the outside of the hall to welcome Young Master Mo.

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